Can I use testng groups read from a file? - java

I tried using testng groups read from external file. It is giving a compile time error stating that it can only take string constants. It looks like below:
#Test(dataProvider="myData", DataProviderClass=MyDataProvider.class, groups=MyGroups.getGroups())
public void test()
I cannot do the above with TestNG as of now. So is there way of doing this?

Maybe you can try building an implementation around org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer interface that TestNG provides to you as a listener, and within its org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer#transform method you can inject the group information dynamically. Your transform() implementation could be enriched such that it reads the group information from an external data source. That should solve your problem.


Apache Beam How to use TestStream with files

I have a simple pipeline that just copies files from source to destination. Im trying to write tests for the windowing I had set up.
Is there a way to use the TestStream class for files?
For example:
public void elementsAreInCorrectWindows() {
TestStream<FileIO.ReadableFile> testStream = TestStream.create(ReadableFileCoder.of())
However the constructor for ReadableFile is packaged protected so I wouldn't be able to create those objects.
I think it would be a reasonable feature/pull request to make this Coder public. In the meantime, you could have a TestStream that produces elements of another type that you then transform with a DoFn into ReadableFiles.

Is there any way auto generate graphql schema from protobuf?

I am developing springboot with GraphQL. Since the data structure is already declared within Protobuf, I tried to use it. This is example of my code.
public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
public MyProto getMyProto() {
I want make code like upper structure. To to this, I divided job into 2 sections.
Since ".proto file" can be converted to java class, I will use this class as return type.
And The second section is a main matter.
Also Schema is required. At first, I tried to code schema with my hand. But, the real size of proto is about 1000 lines. So, I want to know Is there any way to convert ".proto file" to ".graphqls file".
There is a way. I am using the a protoc plugin for that purpose: go-proto-gql
It is fairly simple to be used, for example:
protoc --gql_out=paths=source_relative:. -I=. ./*.proto
Hope this is working for you as well.

Create custom gradle plugin to analyze java source code and generate codes

I am trying to create a plugin to generate some java code and write back to the main source module. I was able to create a some simple pojo class using JavaPoet and write to the src/main/java.
To make this useful, it should read the code from src/maim/java folder and analyze the classes using reflection. Look for some annotation then generate some codes. Do I use the SourceTask for this case. Looked like I can only access the classes by the files. Is that possible to read the java classes as the class and using reflection analyze the class?
Since you specified what you want to do:
You'll need to implement an annotation processor. This has absolutely nothing to do with gradle, and a gradle plugin is actually the wrong way to go about this. Please look into Java Annotation Processor and come back with more questions if any come up.
With JavaForger you can read input classes and generate sourcecode based on that. It also provides an API to insert it into existing classes or create new classes based on the input file. In contrast to JavaPoet, JavaForger has a clear separation between code to be generated and settings on where and how to insert it. An example of a template for a pojo can look like this:
public class ${}Data {
<#list fields as field>
private ${field.type} ${};
<#list fields as field>
public ${field.type} ${field.getter}() {
return ${};
public void ${field.setter}(${field.type} ${}) {
this.${} = ${};
The example below uses a template called "myTemplate.javat" and adds some extra settings like creating the file if it does not exist and changing the path where the file will be created from */path/* to */pathToDto/*. The the path to the input class is given to read the class name and fields and more.
JavaForgerConfiguration config = JavaForgerConfiguration.builder()
.withMergeClassProvider(ClassProvider.fromInputClass(s -> s.replace("path", "pathToPojo")))
JavaForger.execute(config, "MyProject/path/");
If you are looking for a framework that allows changing the code more programatticaly you can also look at JavaParser. With this framework you can construct an abstract syntax tree from a java class and make changes to it.

I want to provide dynamic values to the paramaters of Citrus annotation(#CitrusXmlTest)

The values I want to provide dynamically is TestCase Name and Package name. How can I do this. If I am providing values through variable then it is giving the following error "The value for annotation attribute must be a constant". Now I am giving like this
I want above statement to be
#CitrusXmlTest(name=variable name,packageName=variable name)
or in some other way to insert values dynamically please help me...
pom image 1,image 2,image 3
What you are trying to do is against Java annotation specification and is not possible due to these language limitations. Not sure what you are trying to achieve here.
In case you need to load test cases in a dynamic way you can use packageScan option in #CitrusXmlTest annotation:
#CitrusXmlTest(packageScan = "")
public void citrusPackageScanIT() {}
This will load and execute all XML test case definitions in package The XML test definitions are free to use different test names then.
If you want to pass some dynamic data to your test case you should use a TestNG data provider (example given here:

JUnit 5, pass information from test class to extension

I am trying to write an extension for Junit5 similar to what I had for Junit4 but I am failing to grasp how to do that in the new (stateless) extension system.
The idea in the previous version was that user could pass information into extension class and hence change the way it behaved. Here is a pseudo snippet showing approximately what is used to do:
public void MyTest {
// here I can define different behaviour for my extension
#Rule MyCustomRule rule = MyCustomRule.of(Foo.class).withPackage(Bar.class.getPackage).alsoUse(Cookies.class);
public void someTest() {
// some test code already affected by the #Rule
// plus, user has access to that class and can use it, say, retrieve additional information
Now, I know how to operate JUnit 5 extension, what lifecycles to use etc. But I don't know how to give the test-writer the power to modify my extension's behaviour with JUnit5. Any pointers appreciated.
As of JUnit Jupiter 5.0.1, it is unfortunately not possible to pass parameters to an Extension programmatically like you could for rules in JUnit 4.
However, I am working on adding such support in JUnit Jupiter 5.1. You can follow the following issue if you like:
In the interim, the only way to pass information to an extension is for the extension to support custom annotations and extract the user-supplied information from there. For example, I allow users to provide a custom SpEL expression in the #EnabledIf annotation in the Spring Framework, and my ExecutionCondition extension pulls the expression from the annotation using reflection.
followup on the (accepted) answer from Sam as in the meantime the referred bug has been implemented with junit 5.1
use #RegisterExtension

