I'm creating a Java program which pushes notifications and I want to remove or edit the line which says "Java(TM) Platform SE binary".
Is this possible? I searched on google but I couldn't see info about this.
Here is the related code. The last line is the line that pushes the notification.
public void mostrarNotificacion(Usuario user) throws AWTException, java.net.MalformedURLException, IOException {
//Obtain only one instance of the SystemTray object
SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
//Get image
BufferedImage trayIconImage = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("favicon.png"));
int trayIconWidth = new TrayIcon(trayIconImage).getSize().width;
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(trayIconImage.getScaledInstance(trayIconWidth, -1, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH));
//Let the system resizes the image if needed
//Set tooltip text and notification text
if(user.getDescargos()>=5 || user.getOtrosPendientes()>=1){
mensaje = "Descargos pendientes: " + user.getDescargos() + "\nSecciones pendientes: "+ user.getOtrosPendientes();
trayIcon.displayMessage("Pendientes EKHI", mensaje, MessageType.WARNING);
"Java(TM) Platform SE binary" doesn't appear if you use TrayIcon.MessageType.NONE
Example Image:
The only way to solve this is to use a java native launcher.
My best choice would be javapackager which allows you to bundle a local copy of the JVM to make your app completely portable.
Other option is launch4j which just creates a launcher but still requires Java installed.
I'd like to customize a notification message in Windows 10 by adding two buttons in order to trigger two different actions. Microsoft toast content tutorial does exactly what I want, but the examples are in C# (which I've never used) and XML which I'm a bit familiar with. Is there a way to achieve the same result in pure java? Or alternatively how can i combine java and xml?
Here is an example of what I want, directly taken from the previously referenced tutorial.
At the moment I have managed to create a simple notification icon but as you can see from the output the are no actions.
public static void notify() throws AWTException{
SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage("");
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(image);
trayIcon.displayMessage("Hello, World", "notification demo", TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO);
public byte[] getThumbnail(byte[] imageBytes) throws Exception {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Thumbnails.of(inputStream).size(50, 50).keepAspectRatio(true)
byte[] picture = outputStream.toByteArray();
return picture;
I am trying to generate a thumbnail from an image in the above code.
When I call the above function, it launches a Java icon, which is shown in my attached screenshot. If I try to close this icon, my application gets closed.
The dock icon appears, because some of the imaging code you use, use awt under the hoods. This triggers the dock icon to appear on OS X. It's possible to suppress the icon, though.
The cross platform way of doing it, is running you application in "headless" mode, that is, with no user interaction using mouse, keyboard or screen feedback (ie. windows). You can specify headless mode at startup, using the system property java.awt.headless on the command line like this:
java -Djava.awt.headless=true
Alternatively, in code like this:
System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");
For OS X (and an Apple JRE) you can alternatively use the system property apple.awt.UIElement, it will suppress the dock icon only, but otherwise let your app use windows etc.:
java -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true
From the documentation:
Suppresses the normal application Dock icon and menu bar from appearing. Only appropriate for background applications which show a tray icon or other alternate user interface for accessing the apps windows. Unlike java.awt.headless=true, this does not suppress windows and dialogs from actually appearing on screen.
The default value is false.
I would like to show some numbers on my tray icon indicating a number of events that happened to the user like what is done in this facebook notifications icons:
Do you think that it is possible ?
Thank you
You can do this using the TaskBar and TaskItem classes although it may not work on all platforms.
TaskBar taskBar = Display.getDefault().getSystemTaskBar();
// TODO may return null if not supported on the platform
// Get application item
TaskItem taskItem = taskBar.getItem(null);
if (taskItem != null)
taskItem.setOverlayText("your text");
Also try:
TaskItem taskItem = taskBar.getItem(shell);
where shell is your main application shell. The TaskItem JavaDoc suggests trying both methods of getting the TaskItem:
For better cross platform support, the application code should first
try to set this feature on the TaskItem for the main shell then on the
TaskItem for the application.
I'm trying to develop a Mac OsX app provided by a system tray icon, so after the first attempt with the simplest code to achieve it I noticed that every apps tray icon's (both system and user apps) on mac osX (10.8) allows to activate the relative popup menu with both left and right click on it but with my project only the left (MouseEvent.BOTTON1) button causes the popup menu to pulldown. Here's my code:
public class SystemTrayDemo
private SystemTray tray;
private TrayIcon tray_icon;
public SystemTrayDemo()
if (!SystemTray.isSupported())
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "System tray not supported!");
tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
final PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu();
MenuItem exit = new MenuItem("Exit");
exit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if (tray != null)
//add tray icon
tray_icon = new TrayIcon(getIcon("images/wifi.png"), "Open documents...", popup);
tray.add(tray_icon); // adds icon
catch (AWTException ex) {}
private Image getIcon(String name)
URL _url = getClass().getResource(name);
return new ImageIcon(_url).getImage();
public static void main(String args[])
new SystemTrayDemo();
but how I already said, only through left mouse button click.
So during a further attempt I've tried to mimic the behavior of the tray icons of every other apps using a MouseListener and firing a left button event on right click event using dispatchEvent() method like so:
public static void fireMouseEvent(Component c)
MouseEvent me = new MouseEvent(c, // which
MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, // what
System.currentTimeMillis(), // when
MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, // no modifiers
0, 0, // where: at (10, 10}
1, // only 1 click
true); // popup trigger
the event will handled by the mouse listener but obviously TrayIcon Class is not a Component subclass and therefore the source of MouseEvent is null and I get a NPE. Here's my MouseListener:
class MouseAdapt extends java.awt.event.MouseAdapter
public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
int button = me.getButton();
if(button == java.awt.event.MouseEvent.BUTTON3)
tray.add(tray_icon); // aggiungi l'icona
tray_icon.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapt());
catch (AWTException ex) {}
Sorry for my english, I hope that someone who have ever had some experience with that kind of projects can help me. I've searched for hours but with no luck. Thank You for your help.
Edit: There's now a library working to fix all of this here: https://github.com/dorkbox/SystemTray
to activate the [TrayIcon] relative popup menu with both left and right click
This is simply not possible on Mac + Java currently. Using reflection to invoke the underlying triggers doesn't seem to help. This is a bug.
only the left (MouseEvent.BOTTON1) button causes the popup menu to pulldown. Here's my code
Even this is broken in some Java versions (7u79), fixed with an upgrade...
Cross-Platform TrayIcon Support:
Albeit slightly off-topic, I wanted to add, some projects use a JXTrayIcon to accomplish some fancy drop-down menus in Linux/Windows, etc. These also cause problems on Mac despite a click-bug it already suffers from today as well as bugs with Gnome3 requiring a completely separate hack. But on Mac, any attempt to use the decorated menus causes the menu to linger and is a very bad experience for the end-user. The solution I settled on was to use AWT for Mac, Swing for everything else. The Java TrayIcon support is in dire need of a rewrite. JavaFX claims to help this initiative, but it's staged for Java 9. In the mean time, I'm sticking to OS-dependent hacks.
Related Tray Issues for Other Platforms
Furthermore, some Linux distributions like Ubuntu have removed the tray icon by default in the Unity desktop, causing further headaches. https://askubuntu.com/a/457212/412004
In addition, the transparency of the icon is replaced with a gray color on Gtk/Gnome or Qt/KDE powered desktops (Both OpenJDK and Oracle JRE suffer this)
In addition, Gnome3 powered desktops may show it in the wrong corner, not at all, or it may show but be unclickable (Both OpenJDK and Oracle JRE suffer this)
In addition to that, high-DPI screens on Windows have a bug that draws the icon incorrectly: Windows 8 Distorts my TrayIcon
So in summary, the state of the System Tray in Java is OK, but due to the combination of factors is quite fragmented and buggy in JDK6, JDK7 and JDK8.
How to/What is a good library, to create a fading indicator message in Java like that of Outlook when you get a message, or Ubuntu/Gnome when you've connected to a network?
Java 1.6 has a TrayIcon class that can be used to display notification messages.
SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("tray.gif");
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(image, "Tray Demo");
trayIcon.displayMessage("Hello, World", "notification demo", MessageType.INFO);
Here's the result:
On Linux you may also have a little program called notify-send. It makes it easy to invokes the standard freedesktop.org notification system from the shell. You can also run it from Java.
String[] notifyCmd = {"notify-send", "Hello, World!"};
I had to apt-get install libnotify-bin to get this on my Ubuntu box.
I've tested these things on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10. In each case the notification disappeared after some time which is I suppose the fading indicator effect that you want.
I would use Trident animation library. Your task would be almost trivial if you use it.
Also you could take a look at Timing Framework, but it wasn't updated for a long time.