I have refer to Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview to play video on full screen.
But I didn't use the native webview, I used the Crosswalk webview to play the live flv video, which is not a HTML video format. I use flv.js and xwalkwebview, the live flv video plays well, but I want to play it fullscreen.
And I have refer to Is there a XWalkView webviewclient?. WebChromeClient of webview is corresponding to XWalkUIClient of crosswalk webview. While XWalkUIClient doesn't have somemethod like onShowCustomView() and onHideCustomView().
So how to make it.
I am using webview to create an Android app that navigates to my website but some of the content of the website is in flash. Is there anyway to make webview show flash videos?
I have tried adding the line myWebView.getSettings().setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(true); to my MainActivity.java , and adding android:hardwareAccelerated="true" to my AndroidManifest.xml file.
I was expecting to have my app with webview to play flash videos.
Can't be done. Adobe Flash Player hasn't been supported on Android since version 11.1.
I used this example to play embed videos from youtube, with youtube it works perfectly. When I try to use it with Vimeo embed video, Play button works like Fullscreen and Play button at the same time.
How can I change code, to make the Play button work correctly?
Currently the Vimeo Player will always go fullscreen on mobile devices - inline playback is not yet enabled.
Vimeo will be enabling inline playback on mobile in the near future, but there's no ETA for that development.
I want to play video on my android app with a player like YouTube.
My webapp is using videojs for playing different video formats.
I dont wish to use the native media player on android as i want to show portrait version of it and show the likes and comments beneath the video.
Currently am using a webview on the half of the layout and below that am using the layout for likes, comments etc.
So, What should i go for ? I want to use the player like YouTube. Is it even possible ?
Thanks !
I have a requirement of render a HTML5 page in my web view. This HTML5 page plays a video with the help of JW Player.
While running, web view can not display that video.
This is the URL of the web page.
How to display this html5 page in android.
Thanks in advance.
Actually am not sure either of this flash Video playback option. Check out this
JW Player does not support Flash on Android anymore
But am eager to know, did you tried HTML5 Video support option in WebView? It supports MP4/WebM(HTML5 supported videos). Look at this
WebView and HTML5
JW Player does not support Flash on Android anymore, as a response to Adobe also dropping Android Flash support. Only HTML5 (and therefore only MP4/WebM) are supported, as of Android 2.3.
So, I'm using this code to play some video after a button click:
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYqhW2YFN7k")));
But it just opens the whole youtube web page in the browser with suggested videos and stuff. Is there a way to directly play the video in landscape mode in fullscreen?
If You are using Youtubeplayer APi to view video than you can use this line in onInitializationSuccess Method
Set your screen orientation landscape in android manifestfile.
You can use the new YouTube Data API by Google.
There, you have a lot of control of how to show the video. This includes even putting the view that shows the video into your activity, so you can set whatever orientation you wish for it.