Gradle create different distributions - java

i am new to gradle and i am trying to create several applications/distributions of a java application, to be used in different operating systems.
I need one application/distro for each: Windows64,Windows32,Linux64,Linux32.
The difference between these are that there are different dependencies (jar files from external projects) for each distro, and also some dll files must be included in some distros.
Finally, windows distros do not need unix build scripts and vice versa.
I've tried reading the gradle user guide and searching for answers online, but i do not have any experience in this and i don't know what to look for. Any help?

You can use different build script (windows64.gradle, windows32.gradle, linux64.gradle, linux32.gradle etc...) and load them thanks to a specific project property
def defaultPlatform = 'windows64'
ext.platform = project.hasProperty('pf') ? pf : defaultPlatform
apply from: "${ext.platform}.gradle"
And then just run gradle -Ppf=linux64 build or gradle -Ppf=linux64 yourCustomTask
In each .gradle file, add specific dependencies etc...

You could likely use my java-flavours plugin
ext {
someApiVersion = '1.0'
plugins {
id "com.lazan.javaflavours" version "1.2"
javaFlavours {
flavour 'windows32'
flavour 'windows64'
flavour 'linux32'
flavour 'linux64'
dependencies {
compile "log4j:log4j:1.2.17"
compile "foo:xxx-interfaces:$someApiVersion"
compileWindows32 "foo:xxx-windows32:$someApiVersion"
compileWindows64 "foo:xxx-windows64:$someApiVersion"
// etc
Each flavour will produce a separate jar by joining common sources (src/main/java and src/main/resources) with flavour specific sources (src/$flavour/java and src/$flavour/resources). There's also support for flavour specific tests.


How to change the working directory using JavaFX with Gradle?

The title says all. How do I change the working/runtime directory when using JavaFX with Gradle in Eclipse?
Basically, I have a project that requires log4j and initiates a basic logger which uses the "logs/" directory from the place the jar is run. This directory is being made in the home of the source, but I want it to be made in the "run/" directory. I'm assuming for other files that will be created, they will also have this same issue.
My build.gradle is this:
// Plugins
plugins {
id 'application'
id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.7'
// Repositories
repositories {
// Dependencies
dependencies {
implementation ''
implementation 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.12.0'
// JavaFX
javafx {
version = '12'
modules = ['javafx.controls']
mainClassName = 'net.protolauncher.backtest2.ProtoLauncher'
I am using Eclipse to run it, but this issue also occurs when just running the run task. I tried changing the Working Directory in the "Gradle Project" run configuration, but it didn't work at all (it just loaded forever).
To give an example, here's the directory of my source code: DirectoryX. Now, I made a folder in here called "run", like so: DirectoryX/run. When I run the program, I want my logs to go into DirectoryX/run/logs and similar files to go into the run directory. However, when running with Gradle my log files are being created in DirectoryX/logs.
This probably made no sense, but if it did, I really appreciate any help I can get.
After hours of searching online to no avail, I finally found a StackOverflow answer that solves the question. Turns out, JavaExec is a complicated thing, and what I was doing was specific to that, NOT JavaFx.

In Buildship: how can I substitute a Gradle project with a built jar?

I would like to be a able to get Eclipse to ignore one Gradle project, and instead use a pre-built version of it.
I have a project "parser" written in Scala, and a dozen others written in Java. The weakest link in my tool-set is Scala IDE. I use this plugin to edit & compile Scala code, but unfortunately it breaks the Java (JDT) tooling quite badly in mixed-language projects*.
Specifically: Call-hierarchy is missing results, searches crash and so on. Also Scala IDE appears to have lost funding and the issues sound fairly fundamental, so I'm not holding my breath for these issues to be fixed.
With Maven (m2e) I had a workaround I was quite happy with:
Build as a .jar put into my local .m2 repository:
cd parser; mvn install
In Eclipse, close the "parser" project
"Like magic", m2e simply picked up the most recent 'installed' .jar and used it in place of the closed project.
An awesome answer would be how to get Gradle to do that!
However all I wish for is any solution that meets these...
That I can open Project parser when necessary (which is seldom),
to edit and build changes via the Gradle command-line.
I will close it when done.
Other projects use the built .jar from my local .m2 repo.
(It's fine if they always do so.)
The change must not affect others who don't use Eclipse
(ideally) the change can be used by other Eclipse users
A similar question had this good answer by #lance-java with a number of general suggestions. I think I can rule out these ideas:
composite build support / multiple repos. Other team members wouldn't think it makes sense to build this project separately, as it is quite closely integrated with the others.
dependency substitution rules - doesn't appear to meet requirement 3.
Something along the lines of lance-java's idea #4 sounds viable. Paraphrasing...
"use the eclipse plugin [in conjunction with] Buildship, e.g. using the whenMerged hook to tweak the generated .classpath [of all the Java projects]."
UPDATE: [18 Apr]: I had hit a brick wall in this approach. Buildship was not putting the built .jar onto the runtime classpath. (UPDATE 2: Now resolved - see my answer.)
The main question: How can I structure a solution to this, that will actually work & avoid any major pitfalls?
Note that the project itself has a few dependencies, specifically:
dependencies {
compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.4'
compileOnly ''
antlr 'org.antlr:antlr4:4.5.3'
So a sub-question may be: How to pull these in into the other projects without duplicating the definition? (If that doesn't work automatically.)
So the solution was a bit involved. After adding 'maven-publish' to create the library, I then implemented the following to force Eclipse to use the prebuilt library:
subprojects {
// Additional configuration to manipulate the Eclipse classpaths
configurations {
dependencies {
parserSubstitution module("com.example:parser:${project.version}")
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
classpath {
plusConfigurations += [ configurations.pseLangSubstitution ]
file {
whenMerged { cp ->
// Get Gradle to add the depedency upon
// parser-xxx.jar via 'plusConfigurations' above.
// Then this here if we have a dependency on Project(':parser')
// - If so, remove it (completing the project -> jar substitution).
// - If not, remove the .jar dependency: it wasn't needed.
def usesParser = entries.removeAll {
it instanceof ProjectDependency && it.path.startsWith('/parser')
def parserJar =
cp.entries.find { it instanceof Library && it.path.contains('parser-') }
if (usesParser) {
// This trick stops Buildship deleting it from the runtime classpath
parserJar ?. entryAttributes ?. remove("gradle_used_by_scope")
} else {
cp.entries.remove { parserJar }
So there are 2 parts to this:
Using 'plusConfigurations' felt a bit round-about. I ended up doing this because I could not see how to construct class Library classpath entries directly. However it could well be that this is required to implement the 'transient dependencies' correctly anyway. (See the end of the question.)
The trick to stop Buildship removing the .jar from the runtime classpath (thus deviating from a Gradle command-line launch) was provided to me by a Gradle developer in this discussion.
The solution works just as I hoped. Every time some code in this library is modified, I execute the following task of mine on the command line (which also does some other code & resource generation steps, in addition to building the parser jar):
./gradlew generateEclipse
Then in Eclipse I press keyboard shortcuts for "Gradle -> Refresh Gradle Projects", Build.
And harmony is restored. :-)
Navigating to the (prebuilt) source of parser works.
If I need to edit the source, I can open the parser project and edit it. Scala-IDE still does a good job for this.
When I'm done I execute the command, close the project and my Java tools are happy.
In parser project
You shoud use the maven-publish plugin with the publishToMavenLocal task
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
group = ''
version = '1.0.0'
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
pom.withXml {
def root = asNode()
root.appendNode('name', 'Your parser project name')
root.appendNode('description', 'Your parser project description')
Everytime you make a modification, just change the version number if necessary and go with gradle publishToMavenLocal
In other java project using parser
Just use parser as a regular dependency :
repositories {
compile ''
If my understanding of your situation is good, it should do the trick.

Gradle: multiple JARs without multiple projects

I have a library which is used to build a number of CLI tools using Gradle. Each CLI tool is a separate JAR. At the moment every tool requires a separate Gradle project, with an associated set of directories, like this:
Having all of this structure is resulting in the whole collection of tools becoming very unwieldy and difficult to work with. Is there any way to collect all of the different Mains into a single folder (suitably renamed) and configure Gradle to turn each one into a separate JAR?
FWIW, the JARs are currently created using . JAR size doesn't matter.
Thanks in advance.
Jars are just zip files with META-INF folder inside. Use Zip tasks to create them and dependsOn to run tasks as part of your build sequence.
I had the code like below for changing jar files:
task changeJar (type: Zip) {
extension 'jar'
destinationDir new File('build')
entryCompression ZipEntryCompression.STORED
from { zipTree(new File(core.libsDir, + '.jar')) }
from ( <somewhere else> ) {
exclude 'META-INF/'
I'm not sure if it's a good fit but you might be interested in my gradle-java-flavours plugin.
apply plugin: 'com.lazan.javaflavours'
javaFlavours {
flavour 'tool1'
flavour 'tool2'
dependencies {
compile 'a:a:1.0' // common to all tools
compileTool1 'b:b:2.0' // compile deps for tool1 only
runtimeTool2 'c:c:2.0' // runtime deps for tool2 only
src/main/java, src/test/java, src/main/resources, src/test/resources - common code & tests
src/tool1/java, src/testTool1/java, src/tool1/resources, src/testTool1/resources - tool1 only sources
src/tool2/java, src/testTool2/java, src/tool2/resources, src/testTool2/resources - tool2 only sources

Gradle exclude java class from lib replaced by own class to avoid duplicate

In Android Studio, there is a specific file (src/org/luaj/vm2/lib/jse/ that I need to overwrite from a package that is pulled in via Gradle (dependencies {compile 'org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1'}).
I copied the file into my source directory with the exact same path and made my changes to it. This was working fine for an individual JUnit test case that was using it. It also looks like it is working for a normal compile of my project (unable to easily confirm at the moment).
However, when I try to run all my tests at once via a configuration of ProjectType="Android Tests", I get Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Multiple dex files define Lorg/luaj/vm2/lib/jse/JavaMethod$Overload;.
Is there a specific task or command that I need to add to my Gradle file to make sure the project selects the file in my local source directory? I tried the Copy task and the sourceSets->main->java->exclude command, but neither seemed to work (I may have done them wrong). I also tried the "exclude module/group" directive under "compile" from this post.
The non-default settings for the Run/Debug Confirmation:
Type=Android Tests
Module=My module
Test: All in package
Package: "test"
All my JUnit test cases are in the "test" package.
Any answer that gets this to work is fine. If not Gradle, perhaps something in the android manifest or the local source file itself.
[Edit on 2016-07-24]
The error is also happening on a normal compile when my android emulator is running lower APIs. API 16 and 19 error out, but API 23 does not.
issue: when linking your app the linker finds two versions
org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1:org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JavaMethod and
howto fix: tell gradle to exclude org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1:org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JavaMethod from building
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude '**/JavaMethod.class'
I have not tried this with "exclude class" but it works for removing duplicate gpl license files a la "COPYING".
If this "exclude" does not work you can
download the lib org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1 to the local libs folder,
open jar/aar with a zip-app and manually remove the duplicate class.
remove org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1 from dependencies since this is now loaded from lib folder
I am not completely sure I understand your problem; however, it sounds like a classpath ordering issue, not really a file overwrite one.
AFAIK, gradle does not make a 'guarantee' on the ordering from a 'dependencies' section, save for that it will be repeatable. As you are compiling a version of file that you want to customize, to make your test/system use that file, it must come earlier in the classpath than the jar file it is duplicated from.
Fortunately, gradle does allow a fairly easy method of 'prepending' to the classpath:
sourceSets.main.compileClasspath = file("path/to/builddir/named/classes") + sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
I don't know enough about your system to define that better. However, you should be able to easily customize to your needs. That is, you can change the 'compile' to one of the other classpath (runtime, testRuntime, etc) if needed. Also, you can specify the jarfile you build rather than the classes directory if that is better solution. Just remember, it may not be optimal, but it is fairly harmless to have something specified twice in the classpath definition.
This is rather convoluted but it is technically feasible. However it's not a single task as asked by the poster:
Exclude said dependency from build.gradle and make sure it's not indirectly included by another jar (hint: use ./gradlew dependencies to check it)
create a gradle task that downloads said dependency in a known folder
unpack such jar, remove offending .class file
include folder as compile dependency
If it's safe to assume that you're using Linux/Mac you can run a simple command line on item 3, it's only using widely available commands:
mkdir newFolder ; cd newFolder ; jar xf $filename ; rm $offendingFilePath
If you don't care about automatic dependency management you can download the jar file with curl, which I believe to be widely available on both linux and mac.
curl -o some.jar
For a more robust implementation you can substitute such simple command lines with groovy/java code. It's interesting to know that gradle can be seen as a superset of groovy, which is arguable a superset of java in most ways. That means you can put java/groovy code pretty much anywhere into a file. It's not clean but it's effective, and it's just another option.
For 4 you can have something along either += ["newFolder/class"]
at the root level of build.gradle, or
dependencies {
. . .
compile fileTree(dir: 'newFolder', include: ['*.class'])
. . .
This is what I ended up adding after Fabio's suggestion:
//Get LUAJ
buildscript { dependencies { classpath 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:3.1.1' }}
apply plugin: ''
task GetLuaJ {
def JARDownloadURL='' //compile 'org.luaj:luaj-jse:3.0.1'
def BaseDir="$projectDir/luaj"
def ExtractToDir='class'
def ConfirmAlreadyDownloadedFile="$BaseDir/$ExtractToDir/lua.class"
def JarFileName=JARDownloadURL.substring(JARDownloadURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
def ClassesToDeleteDir="$BaseDir/$ExtractToDir/org/luaj/vm2/lib/jse"
def ClassNamesToDelete=["JavaMethod", "LuajavaLib"]
//Only run if LuaJ does not already exist
if (!file(ConfirmAlreadyDownloadedFile).exists()) {
//Download and extract the source files to /luaj
println 'Setting up LuaJ' //TODO: For some reason, print statements are not working when the "copy" directive is included below
mkdir BaseDir
download {
src JARDownloadURL
dest BaseDir
copy {
//Remove the unneeded class files
file(ClassesToDeleteDir).listFiles().each {
if(it.getPath().replace('\\', '/').matches('^.*?/(?:'+ClassNamesToDelete+')[^/]*\\.class$')) {
println "Deleting: $it"
I'll upload a version that works directly with the jar later.
Another solution if we got then source jar:
task downloadAndCopy {
def downloadDir = "${buildDir}/downloads"
def generatedSrcDir = "${buildDir}/depSrc"
copy {
from(configurations.detachedConfiguration(dependencies.add('implementation', 'xxx:source')))
println("downloading file into ${downloadDir}")
fileTree(downloadDir).visit { FileVisitDetails details ->
if (!"jar")) {
println("ignore ${}")
println("downloaded ${}")
def srcFiles = zipTree(details.file).matching {
include "**/*.java"
exclude "**/NeedEclude*java"
srcFiles.visit {FileVisitDetails sourceFile ->
println("include ${sourceFile}")
copy {
and remember to add depSrc to srcDirs
android {
sourceSets {
` = ['src/main/java', "${buildDir}/depSrc"]

Maven or Gradle build types/variants

The Android Gradle plugin adds support for build types and build variants, which let you select which version of your application you want to build at the build step (ex, debug or release).
This is a very useful feature for Gradle projects, as you can have 2 versions of your application that may behave differently in some situations, or have different configuration files or properties depending on the type of build.
Now, my question is: is there a similar feature/implementation for non-Android Java projects from Maven or Gradle? I am looking specifically for Java web apps, but I presume the question may have a larger target as well.
Cutting it to the chase without vague answers, here is the official response from Luke Daley (Gradleware Engineer) on this matter:
It is something we are actively working on. We are working to support
the notion of variants in a general way, so that there will be a
consistent approach across domains. It's a deep, deep, change though
so there is a lot involved.
You can expect to see aspects of this rolling out in Gradle 2.5 and
Later Edit: I've finally been able to get this working on a JavaEE webapp project by using SourceSets instead of Build Types & Variants. Considering that SourceSets have been around for a very very long time, apparently you could've done this ages ago... But not even gradle engineers were able to properly explain how to do so...
Anyhow, check out the build.gradle code below, where we use the same output directory for both SourceSets, then specify the location for the WAR plugin to build from:
apply plugin: 'war'
sourceSets {
main {
output.resourcesDir = 'build/resources'
output.classesDir = 'build/classes'
debug {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
output.resourcesDir = 'build/resources'
output.classesDir = 'build/classes'
task assembleDebugWar(type: War) {
from sourceSets.debug.output
archiveName "ROOT.war"
task assembleReleaseWar(type: War) {
from sourceSets.main.output
archiveName "ROOT.war"

