etoken unaccessible after reading - java

I´m trying to read out the certificate of an etoken. I´ve followed the answer from Keystore from digital signature e-token using java. It´s giving me the certificates installed in the token but after that the token isn´t reachable anymore. Did somebody got something similar while accessing a token?
// Create instance of SunPKCS11 provider
String pkcs11Config = "name=eToken\nlibrary=C:\\path\\to\\your\\pkcs11.dll"; pkcs11ConfigStream = new; providerPKCS11 = new;; // Get provider KeyStore and login with PIN String pin = "11111111"; keyStore ="PKCS11", providerPKCS11);
keyStore.load(null, pin.toCharArray()); // Enumerate items (certificates and private keys) in the KeyStore
java.util.Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases();
while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
String alias = aliases.nextElement();
The problem persists, after plugging out/in the token is reachable again, but after running the code, the token seems to be locked again. OS Win2k8 Server.

Finally got this clear. After disconnecting other USB devices the Token responds as usual.
The Token should be plugged in to a fully powered port. Best on a separate Host- Bus.


Create decryption key from .pem for Azure AD SAML assertion

I'm implementing an integration that needs to authenticate with the SAML protocol.
Everything works fine without the Azure AD Token encryption but when it's active i'm unable to authenticate to the IdP.
I've got the .pem file used for the Token encryption but I can't find documentation on how to use this certificate.
I've tried to import the "encryption.pem" in my keystore that already contains the signing certificate and key that I use to sign the request and response (the certificates are different).
I think it does not work because the .pem file I have is a certificate and I think I need to generate a key pair from that cert.
Can someone point out how to do this with OpenSSL or also Java Keytool?
For more infos I'm posting my code that handles the keystore and the ExtendedMetadata bean where I'm trying to link the .pem certificate i got.
Resource storeFile = loader.getResource(keyStoreLocation);
String storePass = samlKeyStorePassword;
Map<String, String> passwords = new HashMap<>();
passwords.put(samlPrivateKeyAlias, samlPrivateKeyPassword);
String defaultKey = samlPrivateKeyAlias;
return new JKSKeyManager(storeFile, storePass, passwords, defaultKey);
// Setup advanced info about metadata
public ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata() {
ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata = new ExtendedMetadata();
extendedMetadata.setEncryptionKey("enc"); //THIS IS WHERE I'M TRYING TO PUT MY ENCRYPTION KEY
return extendedMetadata;
} ```

java.lang.NullPointerException Error during the SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams() OpenSAML call [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?
(12 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have hit a dead end using the OpenSAML support for preparing a SAML Payload to accomplish a SSO transaction with another service that I am working with. I receive a NullPointerException that is thrown after I use the SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams() routine. I have a Stacktrace, but it wold be pretty ugly to append.
Let me first say what I was able to do...
For the purposes of learning the technology and to make sure it would work, I was able to successfully build a SAML payload, sign it using a Certificate and a Private Key that was stored in a Java Key Store file that I created locally on my workstation using the Keytool program with the -genkeypair option.
As I understand things, my JKS file contains a Self Signed Certificate and a Private Key. I was able to open the JKS file, gather the Certificate and the Private Key to build a Signing Certificate. The Signing Certificate was used to sign the SAML Payload that I created You'll see how I did this if you look at the code samples that I'll append.
What isn't working...
I want to use the same SAML support to sign my SAML Payload using a Trusted Certificate that I have for my website that I received from GoDaddy. To do this, I installed the Trusted Certificate into my webserver's keystore at: '\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_102\lib\security\cacerts'. I understand that the cacerts file is the KeyStore for our webserver. I installed the Trusted Certificate using the Keytool -importcert command. One big difference is that the Trusted Certificate DOESN'T have a Private Key. So when preparing the Signing Certificate using the Open SAML support, I am not able to add a Private Key to the Credential object (because I don't have one).
When attempting the above for the Trusted Certificate, I am able to get to the part where I am preparing the Signature Parms (SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams()). That's where I get the Null Pointer.
If you could take a look at the code that I am using. I am including the code (that signs my payload successfully) that reads from the local JKS file and also the code (that gets the Null Pointer Exception) when I try to using the Trusted Certificate on the server (both cases). There's not much different between the two cases:
// Signing process using OpenSAML
// Get instance of an OpenSAML 'KeyStore' object...
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
// Read KeyStore as File Input Stream. This is either the local JKS
// file or the server's cacerts file.
File ksFile = new File(keyStoreFileName);
// Open an Input Stream with the Key Store File
FileInputStream ksfInputStream = new FileInputStream(ksFile);
// Load KeyStore. The keyStorePassord is the password assigned to the keystore, Usually 'changeit'
// before being changed.
keyStore.load(ksfInputStream, keyStorePassword);
// Close InputFileStream. No longer needed.
// Used to get Entry objects from the Key Store
KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry pkEntry = null;
KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry tcEntry = null;
PrivateKey pk = null;
X509Certificate x509Certificate = null;
BasicX509Credential credential = null;
// The Java Key Store specific code...
// Get Key Entry From the Key Store. CertificateAliasName identifies the
// Entry in the KeyStore. KeyPassword is assigned to the Private Key.
pkEntry = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) keyStore.getEntry(certificateAliasName, new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(keyPassword));
// Get the Private Key from the Entry
pk = pkEntry.getPrivateKey();
// Get the Certificate from the Entry
x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) pkEntry.getCertificate();
// Create the Credential. Assign the X509Certificate and the Privatekey
credential = new BasicX509Credential();
// The Trusted Certificate specific code...
// Accessing a Certificate that was issued from a trusted source - like
// Get Certificate Entry From the Key Store. CertificateAliasName identifies the Entry in the KeyStore.
// There is NO password as there is no Private Key associate with this Certificate
tcEntry = (TrustedCertificateEntry) keyStore.getEntry(certificateAliasName, null);
// Get the Certificate from the Entry
x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) tcEntry.getTrustedCertificate();
// Create the Credential. There is no Provate Ley to assign into the Credential
credential = new BasicX509Credential();
// Back to code that is not specific to either method...
// Assign the X509Credential object into a Credential Object. The BasicX509Credential object
// that has a Certificate and a Private Key OR just a Certificate added to it is now saved as a
// Cendential object.
Credential signingCredential = credential;
// Use the OpenSAML builder to create a signature object.
Signature signingSignature = (Signature) Configuration.getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(Signature.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME).build Object(Signature.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
// Set the previously created signing credential
// Get a Global Security Configuration object.
SecurityConfiguration secConfig = Configuration.getGlobalSecurityConfiguration();
// KeyInfoGenerator. Not sure what this is, but the example I am working from shows
// this being passed as null.
String keyInfoGeneratorProfile = "XMLSignature";
// Prepare the Signature Parameters.
// This works fine for the JKS version of the KeyStore, but gets a Null Pointer exception when I run to the cacerts file.
SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams(signingSignature, signingCredential, secConfig, keyInfoGeneratorProfile <or null>);
// I need to set into the SigningSignature object the signing algorithm. This is required when using the TrustedCertificate
// This is my code that builds a SAML Response. The SAML Payload contains data
// about the SSO session that I will be creating...
Response samlResponse = createSamlResponse.buildSamlResponseMessage();
// Sign the Response using the Certificate that was created earlier
// Get the marshaller factory to marshall the SamlResponse
MarshallerFactory marshallerFactory = Configuration.getMarshallerFactory();
Marshaller responseMarshaller = marshallerFactory.getMarshaller(samlResponse);
// Marshall the Response
Element responseElement = responseElement = responseMarshaller.marshall(samlResponse);
// Sign the Object...
NOTE: My attempt to sign a SAML Payload was modeled after an OPENSAML example that I found here:
Hoping that someone can show me the error of my ways or what I am missing.
Thanks for any suggestions.
EDIT (01/26/2016)
I was able to get past the NULL pointer I was receiving while preparing the Signature Params (SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams()). Code changes included updating my xmlsec.jar file to version 2.0.8 (xmlsec-2.0.8.jar) and I explicitly setting the signature algorithm to SHA256 when using the Trusted Certificate (from GoDaddy). See my code example for the use of:
The above changes allows the SAML payload to be built and sent to the connection endpoint.
However, I am still not establishing the SSO connection to my endpoint.
Here's what I see happening:
During processing while the SAML payload is being constructed and specifically, the SAML payload's Signature is being signed:
I get an an error message from SAML:
ERROR: org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signer - An error occured computing the digital signature
The stack trace (just the ending portion): Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a null but a is needed.
at org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signer.signObject(
I searched the error messages, but I am not coming up with much.
I don't understand the root of the error message - That the wrong key type was supplied (null) and that OpenSAML seems to be expecting a java.Security.PrivateKey.
When using the Trusted Certificate, I don't have a Private Key, Correct? How would I be able to provide a Private Key? In the case of the Trusted Certificate I read a Trusted Certificate (TrustedCertificateEntry) from the KeyStore. The TrustedCertificateEntry object allows me to access the Certificate, but there's no method for obtaining a Private Key (as well there shouldn't be).
However, when I use my Self Signed Certificate to perform the signing operation, I understand that I do have both the Certificate (the Public Key) and the Private Key contained in the JKS file (the KeyStore). I think that's why when I read from the JKS file, I am able to read a Private Key Entry (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) that has methods for accessing both the Public Key (the Certificate) and the Private Key.
What am I missing about the Trusted Certificate case? The OpenSAML support seems to be expecting a Private key to be able to compute the Signature.
In the case of the Trusted Certificate, is there a way to package the original Private Key into my Key Store (along with the Trusted Certificate)? I am not sure if this is what is normally done or even possible.
Hopefully some guidance as to what I am doing here, Please!
EDIT (01/26/2017) - 2 to provide additional detail.
I'll share a portion of the SAML payload that gets sent...
In the case of the Self Signed Certificate, I see a SignatureValue tag and a X509Certificate tag. Both have binary data included within the begin and end of the tag.
In the case of the Trusted Certificate, I've got an empty Signature Value tag that looks like:
The Certificate tag is still present and contains the certificate bytes.
So, looking at the error I see from OpenSAML, it is more obvious that it can't compute a Signature using the data that is available in the Trusted Certificate.
Ok, this quite a long question. As I understand the root of the problem is the message "Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a null but a is needed." You are trying to sign a message using a public key. This is not possible. Just looking logically on it, signing using a public key would not provide any proof that the signer is intended as it is available to everyone.
What you need to do is sign using a private key. in your case you have generated a public and private key on you computer, then sent CSR to the CA and recieved a certificate signed by the CA.
You should use the privat key from you local computer to sign the message and send the CA signed certificate to the recipient so they can use it to confirm your signature.
In this blog post of mine I explain how to obtain credentials, including the private key from a Java keystore.

adal4j : certificate based authentication error : invalid JWT token

I am using adal4j v1.1.2 to get token based on client certificate.
Snippet referred: Why does AcquireToken with ClientCredential fail with invalid_client (ACS50012)?
String AAD_HOST_NAME = "";
String AAD_TENANT_ENDPOINT = "https://" + AAD_HOST_NAME + "/" + AAD_TENANT_ID + "/";
String AAD_RESOURCE_ID = "";
ExecutorService service = ExecutorServiceHelper.createThreadPool(1, "azureHSMClientExecutorService-");
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "SunJSSE");
keystore.load(new FileInputStream(AAD_CERTIFICATE_PATH),AAD_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
String alias = keystore.aliases().nextElement();
PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(alias, AAD_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keystore.getCertificate(alias);
AsymmetricKeyCredential asymmetricKeyCredential = AsymmetricKeyCredential.create(AAD_CLIENT_ID,key, cert);
AuthenticationContext ctx = new AuthenticationContext(AAD_TENANT_ENDPOINT, false, service);
Future<AuthenticationResult> result = ctx.acquireToken(AAD_RESOURCE_ID, asymmetricKeyCredential, null);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = result.get();
String token = authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
This results in following auth exception
AuthenticationException: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50027: Invalid JWT token. No certificate thumbprint specified in token header.\r\nTrace ID: 9719e621-d8ef-4194-93cd-a78103d5df6b\r\nCorrelation ID: f0300795-fb99-44b2-bd95-8df3975290be\r\nTimestamp: 2016-08-29 13:51:26Z"}
I'm not sure how to pass thumbprint while calling acquireToken. Is anything missing here?
According to your code, it seems that you want to authenticate with Azure Service Management API using certificate, but the code for getting access token seems to authenticate using Azure AD. You can refer to the article Authenticating Service Management Requests to know their differences.
As reference, there is a blog which introduce how to consume Windows Azure Service Management API with certificate in Java.
However, per my experience, according to the code String AAD_RESOURCE_ID = ""; , it also seems that you want to do some management operations for Azure Key Vault. Withing the REST API reference for Azure Key Vault Management, you should get the access token with Azure Resource Manager to do those operations. So if you want to manage Key Vault, please refer to the other blog to know how to authenticate with ARM in Java.
Hope it helps.
The AAD_RESOURCE_ID for Key Vault should be like /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vault-name}, please refer to the article and search the keyword resource id and see as the figure below.
And you can get the resource id via Azure CLI command azure keyvault show --vault-name <your-keyvault-name>.

Extracting private key in Java from a [Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Local Computer] key store

I would appreciate your assistance with a problem am facing while extracting a private key from a Windows [Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Local Computer] key store. I have this piece of code:
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-ROOT");
keyStore.load(null, null);
String alias = "MyAlias";
// Extract key associated with the specified alias
Key key = keyStore.getKey(alias, null);
Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
if (key instanceOf PrivateKey) {
// Do stuff ...
Here is the problem. The key gets extracted successfully when I am remotely logged in to production PC as <Computer IP>\Administrator BUT fails (i.e. Key key = keyStore.getKey(alias, null); returns null) when am remotely logged in as <Domain>\MyUserName. However, the certificate gets extracted successfully in both cases.
It gets even more interesting. On my development PC, the key is extracted successfully BOTH when am logged in as local Administrator as well as when am logged in as <Domain>\MyUserName.
On both production PC and development PC, certificate was installed with Administrator logged in. <Domain>\MyUserName is in the Administrators group on both development PC and production server. When the certificates were being installed, Enable strong private key protection. option was not checked.

how to retrieve certificate from personal my store

I want to retrieve certificate with password from personal my store by java programming.
I found some code of retrieving certificate but it shows all certificates. These certificates shown data didn't need to open with these related password.
I do not want to these style of showing certificate. I want to write the code format type is- choose certificate I want and I add password of this certificate on the browser and then show of this certificate information.
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY");
ks.load(null, null) ;
Enumeration en = ks.aliases() ;
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
String aliasKey = (String)en.nextElement() ;
Certificate c = ks.getCertificate(aliasKey) ;
System.out.println("---> alias : " + aliasKey) ;
if (ks.isKeyEntry(aliasKey)) {
Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);
System.out.println("---> chain length: " + chain.length);
X509Certificate Cert = null;
for (Certificate cert: chain) {
How to repair this code? And I found some C# code for accessing certificate. I wanna also use just like this by java program. How to convert the following C# code to java code?
Access certificate by C#
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
X509Certificate2Collection col = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySerialNumber, "{serial number no space}", true);
//service is the webservice that need to //be authenticated using X509 certificate
TestWebService service = new TestWebService();
//Note, we should find the certificate from the the
//root certificate store on local machine if the
//certificate is imported correctly and the serial
//number is correct
if (col.Count == 1)
//all we need to do is to add the certificate
//after that we can use the webservice as usual
The password is not certificate specific. The password is for the keyestore. Its similar to the database where in the password is for a schema and not individual tables.
To answer other question of retrieving on a single certificate, for that you would need to know the alias beforehand and use that alias to retrieve the certificate.
in your code it would be ks.getCertifcate("alias")

