I have an application that (I want to) uses Java to start and stop Docker containers. It seems that the way to do this is using docker-machine create, which works fine when I test from the command line.
However, when running using Commons-Exec from Java I get the error:
(aa4567c1-058f-46ae-9e97-56fb8b45211c) Creating SSH key...
Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage modifyvm aa4567c1-058f-46ae-9e97-56fb8b45211c --firmware bios --bioslogofadein off --bioslogofadeout off --bioslogodisplaytime 0 --biosbootmenu disabled --ostype Linux26_64 --cpus 1 --memory 1024 --acpi on --ioapic on --rtcuseutc on --natdnshostresolver1 off --natdnsproxy1 on --cpuhotplug off --pae on --hpet on --hwvirtex on --nestedpaging on --largepages on --vtxvpid on --accelerate3d off --boot1 dvd failed:
VBoxManage: error: Could not find a registered machine with UUID {aa4567c1-058f-46ae-9e97-56fb8b45211c}
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component VirtualBoxWrap, interface IVirtualBox, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: "FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]).raw(), machine.asOutParam())" at line 500 of file VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp
I have set my VBOX_USER_HOME variable in an initializationScript that I'm using to start the machine:
export WORKERID=$1
export VBOX_USER_HOME=/Users/me/Library/VirtualBox
# create the machine
docker-machine create $WORKERID && \ # create the worker using docker-machine
eval $(docker-machine env $WORKERID) && \ # load the env of the newly created machine
docker run -d myimage
And I'm executing this from Java via the Commons Exec CommandLine class:
CommandLine cmdline = new CommandLine("/bin/sh");
Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
If there is another library that can interface with docker-machine from Java I'm happy to use that, or to change out Commons Exec if that's the issue (though I don't understand why). The basic requirement is that I have some way to get docker-machine to create a machine using Java and then later to be able to use docker-machine to stop that machine.
As it turns out the example that I posted should work, the issue that I was having is that I was provisioning machines with a UUID name. That name contained dash (-) characters which apparently break VBoxManage. This might be because of some kind of path problem but I'm just speculating. When I changed my UUID to have dot (.) instead of dash it loaded and started the machine just fine.
I'm happy to remove this post if the moderators want, but will leave it up here in case people are looking for solutions to problems with docker-machine create naming issues.
I am trying to deploy a Quarkus based application to a Raspberry Pi using some fancy technologies, my goal is to figure out an easy way to develop an application with Quarkus framework, subsequently deploy as native executable to a raspberry device with full GPIO pins access. Below I will provide you will see requirements that I set for myself and my environment settings to have a better picture of the problem that I faced.
Acceptance Criteria
Java 17
Build native executable using GraalVM
Execute native executable in a micro image on raspberry's docker
Target platform can vary
Be able to use GPIO, SPI, I2C and etc. interfaces of the raspberry
Development PC
Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+
os: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
os: DietPy
platform: x86_64, linux/amd64
platform: aarch64, linux/arm64/v8
Java: diozero a device I/O library
Docker: working with buildx
Quarkus: build a native executable
How I built ARM based Docker Images for Raspberry Pi using buildx CLI Plugin on Docker Desktop?
Building Multi-Architecture Docker Images With Buildx
source code on github
As for project base I used getting-started application from
Adding diozero library to pom.xml
Creating a simple resource to test GPIO pinspackage org.acme.getting.started;
import com.diozero.devices.LED;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
public class LedResource {
public String turnOn(final #QueryParam("gpio") Integer gpio) {
try (final LED led = new LED(gpio)) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
return e.getMessage();
return "turn on led on gpio " + gpio;
public String turnOff(final #QueryParam("gpio") Integer gpio) {
try (final LED led = new LED(gpio)) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
return e.getMessage();
return "turn off led on gpio " + gpio;
# Stage 1 : build with maven builder image with native capabilities
FROM quay.io/quarkus/ubi-quarkus-native-image:22.0.0-java17-arm64 AS build
COPY --chown=quarkus:quarkus mvnw /code/mvnw
COPY --chown=quarkus:quarkus .mvn /code/.mvn
COPY --chown=quarkus:quarkus pom.xml /code/
USER quarkus
RUN ./mvnw -B org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.2:go-offline
COPY src /code/src
RUN ./mvnw package -Pnative
# Stage 2 : create the docker final image
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.6-902
WORKDIR /work/
COPY --from=build /code/target/*-runner /work/application
# set up permissions for user 1001
RUN chmod 775 /work /work/application \
&& chown -R 1001 /work \
&& chmod -R "g+rwX" /work \
&& chown -R 1001:root /work
USER 1001
CMD ["./application", "-Dquarkus.http.host="]
Building image with native executable
Dockerfile based on quarkus docs, I changed image of the build container to quay.io/quarkus/ubi-quarkus-native-image:22.0.0-java17-arm64 and executor container to registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.6-902, both of these are linux/arm64* compliant.
Since I am developing and building in linux/amd64 and I want to target linux/arm64/v8 my executable must be created in a target like environment. I can achieve that with buildx feature which enables cross-arch builds for docker images.
Installing QEMU
sudo apt-get install -y qemu-user-static
sudo apt-get install -y binfmt-support
Initializing buildx for linux/arm64/v8 builds
sudo docker buildx create --platform linux/arm64/v8 --name arm64-v8
Use new driver
sudo docker buildx use arm64-v8
Bootstrap driver
sudo docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
sudo docker buildx inspect
Name: arm64-v8
Driver: docker-container
Name: arm64-v80
Endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Status: running
Platforms: linux/arm64*, linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
Now looks like we're ready to run the build. I ended up with the following command
sudo docker buildx build --push --progress plain --platform linux/arm64/v8 -f Dockerfile -t nanobreaker/agus:arm64 .
--push - since I need to deploy a final image somewhere
--platform linux/arm64/v8 - docker requires to define target platform
-t nanobreaker/agus:arm64 - my target repository for final image
It took ~16 minutes to complete the build and push the image
target platform is linux/arm64 as needed
59.75 MB image size, good enough already (with micro image I could achieve ~10 MB)
After I connected to raspberry, downloaded image and run it
docker run -p 8080:8080 nanobreaker/agus:arm64
Pretty nice, let's try to execute a http request to test out gpio pins
Okey, so I see here that there are permission problems and diozero library is not in java.library.path
We can fix permission problems by adding additional parameter to docker run command
docker run --privileged -p 8080:8080 nanobreaker/agus:arm64
From this point I do not know how to resolve library load error in a native executable.
I've tried:
Pulled out native executable from final container, executed on raspberry host os and had same result, this makes me think that library was not included at GraalVM compile time?
Learning how library gets loaded https://github.com/mattjlewis/diozero/blob/main/diozero-core/src/main/java/com/diozero/util/LibraryLoader.java
It looks like I have two options here
Figure out a way to create configuration for the diozero library so it is properly resolved by GraalVM during native image compilation.
Add library to the native image and pass it to the native executable.
Further reading of quarkus docs landed me here https://quarkus.io/guides/writing-native-applications-tips
By default, when building a native executable, GraalVM will not include any of the resources that are on the classpath into the native executable it creates. Resources that are meant to be part of the native executable need to be configured explicitly. Quarkus automatically includes the resources present in META-INF/resources (the web resources) but, outside this directory, you are on your own.
I reached out #Matt Lewis (creator of diozero) and he was kind to share his configs, which he used to compile into GraalVM. Thank you Matt!
Here’s the documentation on my initial tests: https://www.diozero.com/performance/graalvm.html
I stashed the GraalVM config here: https://github.com/mattjlewis/diozero/tree/main/src/main/graalvm/config
So combining the knowledge we can enrich pom.xml with additional setting to tell GraalVM how to process our library
Also added resource-config.json, reflection-config.json, jni-config.json to the resource folder of the project (src/main/resources)
First, I will try to create a native executable in my native os ./mvnw package -Dnative
Fatal error: org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError: com.oracle.graal.pointsto.constraints.UnsupportedFeatureException: No instances of java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl are allowed in the image heap as this class should be initialized at image runtime. To see how this object got instantiated use --trace-object-instantiation=java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.
Okey, so it failed, but let's trace object instantiation as recommended, maybe we can do something in configs to get around this. I added --trace-object-instantiation=java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl to the additional build args.
Fatal error: org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError: com.oracle.graal.pointsto.constraints.UnsupportedFeatureException: No instances of java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl are allowed in the image heap as this class should be initialized at image runtime. Object has been initialized by the java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl class initializer with a trace:
at java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.<init>(ProcessHandleImpl.java:227)
at java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.<clinit>(ProcessHandleImpl.java:77)
. To fix the issue mark java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl for build-time initialization with --initialize-at-build-time=java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl or use the the information from the trace to find the culprit and --initialize-at-run-time=<culprit> to prevent its instantiation.
something new at least, let's try to initialize it first at build time with --initialize-at-build-time=java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl
Error: Incompatible change of initialization policy for java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl: trying to change BUILD_TIME from command line with 'java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl' to RERUN for JDK native code support via JNI
com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError$UserException: Incompatible change of initialization policy for java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl: trying to change BUILD_TIME from command line with 'java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl' to RERUN for JDK native code support via JNI
Okey, we're not able to change the initialization kind and looks like it won't give us any effect.
I found out that with -H:+PrintClassInitialization we can generate a csv file with class initialization info
here we have two lines for java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl
java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl, RERUN, for JDK native code support via JNI
java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl$Info, RERUN, for JDK native code support via JNI
So it says that class is marked as RERUN, but isn't this the thing we're looking for? Makes no sense for me right now.
With the configs for graalvm provided by #Matt I was able to compile a native image, but it fails anyways during runtime due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError, makes me feel like the library was not injected properly.
So looks like we just need to build a proper configuration file, in order to do this let's build our application without native for now, just run it on raspberry, trigger the code related to diozero, get output configs.
./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
Deploying to raspberry, will run with graalvm agent for configs generation (https://www.graalvm.org/22.1/reference-manual/native-image/Agent/)
/$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=config -jar ags-gateway-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
Running simple requests to trigger diozero code (I've connected a led to raspberry on gpio 4, and was actually seeing it turn off/on)
curl -X POST
curl -X POST
I've published project with output configs
One thing I noticed that "pattern":"\\Qlib/linux-aarch64/libdiozero-system-utils.so\\E" aarch64 library gets pulled while running on py which is correct, but when I build on native OS I should specify 'amd64' platform.
Let's try to build a native with new configs
./mvnw package -Dnative
Successfully compiled, let's run and test
curl -X POST localhost:8080/led/on?gpio=4
And here we have error again
ERROR [io.qua.ver.htt.run.QuarkusErrorHandler] (executor-thread-0) HTTP Request to /led/on?gpio=4 failed, error id: b0ef3f8a-6813-4ea8-886f-83f626eea3b5-1: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.NativeGpioDevice.openChip(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/diozero/internal/provider/builtin/gpio/GpioChip; [symbol: Java_com_diozero_internal_provider_builtin_gpio_NativeGpioDevice_openChip or Java_com_diozero_internal_provider_builtin_gpio_NativeGpioDevice_openChip__Ljava_lang_String_2]
So I finally managed to build native image, but for some reason it didn't resolve JNI for native library.
Any thoughts on how to properly inject diozero library into native executable?
With help of #matthew-lewis we managed to build aarch64 native executable on amd64 os. I updated the source project with final configurations, but I must inform you that this is not a final solution and it doesn't cover all the library code, also according to the Matt's comments this might not be the only way to configure the graalvm build.
I've created a very simple Quarkus app that exposes a single REST API to list the available GPIOs. Note that it currently uses the mock provider that will be introduced in v1.3.4 so that I can test and run locally without deploying to a Raspberry Pi.
Running on a Pi would be as simple as removing the dependency to diozero-provider-mock in the pom.xml - you would also currently need to change the dependency to 1.3.3 until 1.3.4 is released.
Basically you need to add this to the application.properties file:
These files were generated by running com.diozero.sampleapps.LEDTest with the GraalVM Java executable (with a few minor tweaks), i.e.:
$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=config \
-cp diozero-sampleapps-1.3.4.jar:diozero-core-1.3.4.jar:tinylog-api-2.4.1.jar:tinylog-impl-2.4.1.jar \
com.diozero.sampleapps.LEDTest 18
Note a lot of this was based my prior experiments with GraalVM as documented here and here.
The ProcessHandlerImpl error appear to be related to the tinylog reflect config that I have edited out.
Update 1
In making life easy for users of diozero, the library does a bit of static initialisation for things like detecting the local board. This causes issues when loading the most appropriate native library at most once (see LibraryLoader - you will notice it has a static Map of libraries that have been loaded which prevents it being loaded at runtime). To get around this I recommend adding this build property:
Next, I have been unable to resolve the java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl issue, which prevents reenabling the service loader (diozero uses service loader quite a bit to enable flexibility and extensibility). It would be nice to be able to add this flag:
Instead I have specified relevant classes in resource-config.json.
I'm integrating Weka into a plug-in I'm writing for another application. I included weka.jar in my class path and for the most part, things seem to be working well. Unfortunately, when I get to the point of changing the options for some classifiers, I run into problems specific to being unable to find certain classes. For example, when I try to change the name of the classifier in the AdaBoost options, I get an error that ends like so:
java.lang.Exception: Can't find a permissible class called: weka.classifiers.bayes.BayesNet
Model options set to: -P 50 -S 1 -I 10 -W weka.classifiers.bayes.BayesNet
at weka.core.ResourceUtils.forName(ResourceUtils.java:84)
at weka.core.Utils.forName(Utils.java:1080)
at weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier.forName(AbstractClassifier.java:91)
at weka.classifiers.SingleClassifierEnhancer.setOptions(SingleClassifierEnhancer.java:108)
at weka.classifiers.IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.setOptions(IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.java:115)
at weka.classifiers.RandomizableIteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.setOptions(RandomizableIteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.java:93)
at weka.classifiers.meta.AdaBoostM1.setOptions(AdaBoostM1.java:375)
I'm thinking that this might have something to do with me using the JAR in an OSGi bundle, but I'm not sure. Any ideas? Other than this issue, I'm able to train these classifiers just fine using the default options for them.
Solve this problem via set all parameters via setters.
This problem when you use like this
BayesNet processes = new BayesNet();
String options = "-D -Q weka.classifiers.bayes.net.search.local.K2 -- -P 1 -S BAYES -E weka.classifiers.bayes.net.estimate.SimpleEstimator -- -A 0.5";
Change set all param like this.(Here not all option, small example)
BayesNet processes = new BayesNet();
SimpleEstimator newBayesNetEstimator = new SimpleEstimator();
So, I am trying to create a Spark session in Python 2.7 using the following:
#Initialize SparkSession and SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkContext
#Create a Spark Session
SpSession = SparkSession \
.builder \
.master("local[2]") \
.appName("V2 Maestros") \
.config("spark.executor.memory", "1g") \
.config("spark.cores.max","2") \
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:///c:/temp/spark-warehouse")\
#Get the Spark Context from Spark Session
SpContext = SpSession.sparkContext
I get the following error pointing to the python\lib\pyspark.zip\pyspark\java_gateway.pypath`
Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number
Tried to look into the java_gateway.py file, with the following contents:
import atexit
import os
import sys
import select
import signal
import shlex
import socket
import platform
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
if sys.version >= '3':
xrange = range
from py4j.java_gateway import java_import, JavaGateway, GatewayClient
from py4j.java_collections import ListConverter
from pyspark.serializers import read_int
# patching ListConverter, or it will convert bytearray into Java ArrayList
def can_convert_list(self, obj):
return isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, xrange))
ListConverter.can_convert = can_convert_list
def launch_gateway():
if "PYSPARK_GATEWAY_PORT" in os.environ:
gateway_port = int(os.environ["PYSPARK_GATEWAY_PORT"])
SPARK_HOME = os.environ["SPARK_HOME"]
# Launch the Py4j gateway using Spark's run command so that we pick up the
# proper classpath and settings from spark-env.sh
on_windows = platform.system() == "Windows"
script = "./bin/spark-submit.cmd" if on_windows else "./bin/spark-submit"
submit_args = os.environ.get("PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS", "pyspark-shell")
if os.environ.get("SPARK_TESTING"):
submit_args = ' '.join([
"--conf spark.ui.enabled=false",
command = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, script)] + shlex.split(submit_args)
# Start a socket that will be used by PythonGatewayServer to communicate its port to us
callback_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
callback_socket.bind(('', 0))
callback_host, callback_port = callback_socket.getsockname()
env = dict(os.environ)
env['_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_HOST'] = callback_host
env['_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_PORT'] = str(callback_port)
# Launch the Java gateway.
# We open a pipe to stdin so that the Java gateway can die when the pipe is broken
if not on_windows:
# Don't send ctrl-c / SIGINT to the Java gateway:
def preexec_func():
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_func, env=env)
# preexec_fn not supported on Windows
proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, env=env)
gateway_port = None
# We use select() here in order to avoid blocking indefinitely if the subprocess dies
# before connecting
while gateway_port is None and proc.poll() is None:
timeout = 1 # (seconds)
readable, _, _ = select.select([callback_socket], [], [], timeout)
if callback_socket in readable:
gateway_connection = callback_socket.accept()[0]
# Determine which ephemeral port the server started on:
gateway_port = read_int(gateway_connection.makefile(mode="rb"))
if gateway_port is None:
raise Exception("Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number")
# In Windows, ensure the Java child processes do not linger after Python has exited.
# In UNIX-based systems, the child process can kill itself on broken pipe (i.e. when
# the parent process' stdin sends an EOF). In Windows, however, this is not possible
# because java.lang.Process reads directly from the parent process' stdin, contending
# with any opportunity to read an EOF from the parent. Note that this is only best
# effort and will not take effect if the python process is violently terminated.
if on_windows:
# In Windows, the child process here is "spark-submit.cmd", not the JVM itself
# (because the UNIX "exec" command is not available). This means we cannot simply
# call proc.kill(), which kills only the "spark-submit.cmd" process but not the
# JVMs. Instead, we use "taskkill" with the tree-kill option "/t" to terminate all
# child processes in the tree (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491009.aspx)
def killChild():
Popen(["cmd", "/c", "taskkill", "/f", "/t", "/pid", str(proc.pid)])
# Connect to the gateway
gateway = JavaGateway(GatewayClient(port=gateway_port), auto_convert=True)
# Import the classes used by PySpark
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.SparkConf")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.api.java.*")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.api.python.*")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.ml.python.*")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.mllib.api.python.*")
# TODO(davies): move into sql
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.sql.*")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.sql.hive.*")
java_import(gateway.jvm, "scala.Tuple2")
return gateway
I am pretty new to Spark and Pyspark, hence unable to debug the issue here. I also tried to look at some other suggestions:
Spark + Python - Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number?
Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number
but unable to resolve this so far. Please help!
Here is how the spark environment looks like:
# This script loads spark-env.sh if it exists, and ensures it is only loaded once.
# spark-env.sh is loaded from SPARK_CONF_DIR if set, or within the current directory's
# conf/ subdirectory.
# Figure out where Spark is installed
if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
export SPARK_HOME="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)"
if [ -z "$SPARK_ENV_LOADED" ]; then
# Returns the parent of the directory this script lives in.
if [ -f "${user_conf_dir}/spark-env.sh" ]; then
# Promote all variable declarations to environment (exported) variables
set -a
. "${user_conf_dir}/spark-env.sh"
set +a
# Setting SPARK_SCALA_VERSION if not already set.
if [ -z "$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION" ]; then
if [[ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" && -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR1" ]]; then
echo -e "Presence of build for both scala versions(SCALA 2.10 and SCALA 2.11) detected." 1>&2
echo -e 'Either clean one of them or, export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in spark-env.sh.' 1>&2
exit 1
if [ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" ]; then
Here is how my Spark environment is set up in Python:
import os
import sys
# NOTE: Please change the folder paths to your current setup.
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
#Where you downloaded the resource bundle
os.chdir("E:/Udemy - Spark/SparkPythonDoBigDataAnalytics-Resources")
#Where you installed spark.
os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = 'E:/Udemy - Spark/Apache Spark/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'
#other platforms - linux/mac
os.chdir("/Users/kponnambalam/Dropbox/V2Maestros/Modules/Apache Spark/Python")
os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = '/users/kponnambalam/products/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'
# Create a variable for our root path
SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']
# Create a variable for our root path
SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']
#Add the following paths to the system path. Please check your installation
#to make sure that these zip files actually exist. The names might change
#as versions change.
#Initialize SparkSession and SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkContext
After reading many posts I finally made Spark work on my Windows laptop. I use Anaconda Python, but I am sure this will work with standard distibution too.
So, you need to make sure you can run Spark independently. My assumptions are that you have valid python path and Java installed. For Java I had "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath" defined in my Path which redirects to my Java8 bin folder.
Download pre-built Hadoop version of Spark from https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html and extract it, e.g. to C:\spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7
Create Environmental variable SPARK_HOME which you will need later for pyspark to pick up your local Spark installation.
Go to %SPARK_HOME%\bin and try to run pyspark which is Python Spark shell. If your environment is like mine you will see exeption about inability to find winutils and hadoop. Second exception will be about missing Hive:
pyspark.sql.utils.IllegalArgumentException: u"Error while instantiating 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveSessionStateBuilder':"
I then found and simply followed https://jaceklaskowski.gitbooks.io/mastering-apache-spark/spark-tips-and-tricks-running-spark-windows.html
Download winutils, put it to c:\hadoop\bin . Create HADOOP_HOME env and add %HADOOP_HOME%\bin to PATH.
Create directory for Hive, e.g. c:\tmp\hive and run winutils.exe chmod -R 777 C:\tmp\hive in cmd in admin mode.
Then go to %SPARK_HOME%\bin and make sure when you run pyspark you see a nice following Spark logo in ASCII:
Note that sc spark context variable needs to be defined already.
Well, my main purpose was to have pyspark with auto completion in my IDE, and that's when SPARK_HOME (Step 2) comes into play. If everything is setup correctly, you should see the following lines working:
Hope that helps and you can enjoy running Spark code locally.
I have the same problem.
Luckily I found the reason.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Check Pyspark').master("local").getOrCreate()
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('CheckPyspark').master("local").getOrCreate()
print spark.sparkContext.parallelize(range(6), 3).collect()
Notice the difference between the second line and the third line.
If the parameter after the AppName like this 'Check Pyspark',you will get error(Exception: Java gateway process...).
The parameter after the AppName can not has blank space. Should chagne 'Check Pyspark' to 'CheckPyspark'.
From my "guess" this is a problem with your java version. Maybe you have two different java version installed. Also it looks like you are using code that you copy and paste from somewhere for setting the SPARK_HOMEetc.. There are many simple examples how to set up Spark. Also it looks like that you are using Windows. I would suggest to take a *NIX environment to test things as this is much easier e.g. you could use brew to install Spark. Windows is not really made for this...
I had the exact same issue after playing around with my JAVA_HOME system environmental variables on Windows 10 using python 2.7: I tried to run the same configuration script for Pyspark (Based on the V2-Maestros Udemy course) with the same error message "Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number".
After several attempts to fix the problem, the only solution that ended up working was to uninstall all versions of java (had three of them) from my machine, and deleting the JAVA_HOME system variable as well as the record from the PATH system variable related to JAVA_HOME; after that I performed a clean installation of Java jre V1.8.0_141, reconfigured both the JAVA_HOME and PATH entries in the system environment for Windows and restarted my machine and finally got the script to work.
Hope this helps.
Spark will not work fine with java version greater than 11, downgrade java to version 8 or 11 and set JAVA_HOME.
I don't find my answer on any post.
I use a container with a project under PHP on a container which works fine. I want to link Java which is launch on another container.
I use the "java:8" image configure like this :
build: ./docker/engine/
- ".:/home/docker:rw"
- "./docker/engine/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/custom.ini:ro"
- "db:db"
- "java:java"
working_dir: "/home/docker"
image: java:8
tty: true
- "999:999"
On my docker PHP container (call "engine"), I have this environment variable.
Ping command works fine. But how can I use java with that? I try to use that command
root#639144f7c95f:/home/docker# echo $JAVA_1_PORT$RECETTEETUDIANT_JAVA_1_ENV_JAVA_HOME
root#639144f7c95f:/home/docker# /recetteetudiant_engine_1/java_1
bash: /recetteetudiant_engine_1/java_1: No such file or directory
root#639144f7c95f:/home/docker# $JAVA_1_PORT$RECETTEETUDIANT_JAVA_1_ENV_JAVA_HOME
bash: tcp:// No such file or directory
Maybe I have to share a volume ? Can I use Java through TCP protocol?
You have 2 containers in your compose file. The one which seems to host a php application and one which has java installed.
From "inside" the containers, it behaves as if you had 2 different machines (they are not machines, but containers): one "machine" with a hostname called "engine" and one "machine" with a hostname called "java".
You somehow what to connect to the "machine" called "engine" and run java there. Java application is installed on the other "machine".
What you are trying to do does not seem to make sense.
You can't (or at the very least should not) use java over TCP - not in the way you want to, which seems to be to somehow invoke java executable which is basically on another machine (or docker container in this case). Maybe there is some way to achieve this with some remote call, but even if possible it would still be wrong. Simply add JRE to your php container. Or make your jar work like a WS.
Docker containers are not meant to be used in a way that container1 has java executable so call it from there, container2 has vi, container3 grep etc...
Some ways "interacting" between containers(with one common volume):
Orchestrate in host.
docker exec -t php command-prepare
docker exec -t java-app-jdk java -jar yuicompressor.jar bla-bla
docker exec -t php command-post
Create simple app who listen port and start command in JavaContainer (IMHO best way)
Create "cron" who look volume in JavaContainer, for example,
a) phpContainer put files to volume and put "indicator" file
b) javaContainer look "indicator" file, and start work. Post complete remove "indicator" file and put "work log" file.
c) phpContainer wait some time, and get "work log" file. Work depending on the result parse "work log" file.
Also you can do something similar to docker.spotter https://github.com/discordianfish/docker-spotter.
I was trying to run AppScale in a Single-instance node installed in a Vmware box and running the appscale-tools in the same server virtual machine and got this error:
root#appscale:~appscale-tools-bin# ./appscale-run-instances --ips ips.yaml
About to start AppScale over a non-cloud environment.
Head node successfully created at It is now starting up cassandra via the command line arguments given.
Generating certificate and private key
Starting server at
Please wait for the controller to finish pre-processing tasks.
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) t othe list of known host.
Error: Couldn't find me in the node map
The solution I was advised was to change a code in this source:
And look for self.local_ip() and change to:
def self.local_ip()
return ""
But when I run
./appscale-run-instances --ips ips.yaml
I am not sure, but it just keep on saying:
"Please wait for the controller to finish pre-processing tasks." for several minutes already.
So I decided to terminate it, and here is what I get:
"...common_functions.rb:399:in 'sleep_unti_port_is_open"
In this case, it seems I need to open a port, I am running AppScale from within Ubuntu, what port should I open in my server?
Here's the complete command line:
./appscale-run-instances --ips ips.yaml
About to start AppScale over a non-cloud environment.
Head node successfully created at
It is now starting up cassandra via the command line arguments given.
Generating certificate and private key.
Starting server at
Please wait for the controller to finish pre-processing tasks.
^C./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:399:in sleep': Interrupt
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:399:in 'sleep_until_port_is_open'
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:397:in 'loop'
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:397:in 'sleep_until_port_is_open'
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:1359:in 'start_appcontroller'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:62:in ttimeout.
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:1351:in 'start_appcontroller'
from ./../lib/../lib/common_functions.rb:548:in 'start_head_node'
from ./../lib/appscale_tools.rb:284:in trun_instances'
from ./appscale-run-instances:14
Using the pre-build Appscale images here or following the steps listed here https://github.com/AppScale/appscale/wiki/Virtualized-Cluster will solve this problem.
Also it has the build script:
$ sudo su
# cd /root
# wget -O - http://bootstrap.appscale.com | sh