I want to write/read millions of numbers from 0-15 from/to a file. Precision is not an issue, as long as the read values are within +-0.1 of the written one, everything is fine.
Previous Ideas
My first, premature idea was to convert a float to a String like this and write them space-separated:
String.format("%.1f%s", float)
This, of course, is very inefficient, as it uses 4-5 bytes for every float.
Then I came to the idea to just write the bytes of each float, that would be faster but not sufficiently reduce the size.
Current issue
My current idea is to reduce the float to one byte. Looking at the ranges and precision I need, I would allocate the first 4 bits to represent the decimals before the floating point and the last 4 bits to the tail.
But how can I obtain these bits fast, since it has to be done millions of times?
Since your tail is single digit, it can be implicit - i.e. 14.3 is converted to 143. To convert back, it would simply be 143 / 10 to get whole part, and 143 % 10 to get the fraction. Here is how an implementation could look like.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
float floatValue = 14.1f;
Test test = new Test();
byte b = test.toByteStorage(floatValue);
byte toByteStorage(float f) {
return (byte) (f * 10);
String fromByteStorage(byte b) {
int intValue = Byte.toUnsignedInt(b);
return intValue / 10 + "." + intValue % 10;
You might use something like this:
// conversion factor to map 15.0 to 0xF0
float m = (float) (0xF0 / 15.0);
for (float x = 0.0f; x <= 15.0f; x += 0.25f) {
// obtain byte corresponding to float
byte b = (byte) (m * x);
// recover float from byte to check conversion
// mask off sign bit to convert signed to unsigned byte
float r = (b & 0x0FF) / m;
// what is the difference between original float and
// recovered float?
float error = Math.abs(x - r);
// show all values for testing
String s = " b=0x" + Integer.toHexString(b & 0x0FF) +
" r=" + Float.toString(r) +
" err=" + Float.toString(error);
This question already has answers here:
Packing two shorts into one int, dealing with negative and positive
(1 answer)
(Java) Put negative short's bits to an interger
(1 answer)
Java storing two ints in a long
(3 answers)
Split Unsigned 32-bit Integer into Two 16-bit numbers that can be rebuilt
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
In java, Integer is 32bit and Short is 16bit.
I was trying to combine 2 Short into a signle Integer, and want to restore them some time.
one Short value stores at the higher 16bit, and another stored at the lower 16bit.
For example, I want 2 Short value (99, 100) be stored in one Integer x, and extract them out sometime.
At first I tried the bit operation (<< 16), but cannot restore the two numbers.
If the values can be negative, it takes a little more effort to deal with the sign of the low half:
int combined = (high << 16) | (low & 0xFFFF);
No casts are needed, they happen implicitly. But the & 0xFFFF part is necessarily to avoid overwriting the high half with ones if low is negative.
Split is still equally simple like this:
short high = (short)(combined >> 16);
short low = (short)combined;
You can split the first and second half of 16 bit to store the short values in a int. And then extract the shorts from that int to two short. Here is an example:
public class ShotToInt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
short x, y;
x = 101;
y = 500;
// creating the int by storing x in first half and y in last half.
int xy = ((int) x << 16) | y;
System.out.println("x=" + x + " y=" + y);
System.out.println("in bit: " + Integer.toBinaryString(x) + ":" + Integer.toBinaryString(y));
System.out.println("in bit: " + Integer.toBinaryString(xy));
// shifting bits to 16 digit to restore the x
short xx = (short) (xy >> 16);
// directly casting to short to extract y
short yy = (short) xy;
System.out.println("x=" + xx + " y=" + yy);
System.out.println("in bit: " + Integer.toBinaryString(xx) + ":" + Integer.toBinaryString(y));
assert x == xx;
assert y == yy;
How do I map numbers, linearly, between a and b to go between c and d.
That is, I want numbers between 2 and 6 to map to numbers between 10 and 20... but I need the generalized case.
My brain is fried.
If your number X falls between A and B, and you would like Y to fall between C and D, you can apply the following linear transform:
Y = (X-A)/(B-A) * (D-C) + C
That should give you what you want, although your question is a little ambiguous, since you could also map the interval in the reverse direction. Just watch out for division by zero and you should be OK.
Divide to get the ratio between the sizes of the two ranges, then subtract the starting value of your inital range, multiply by the ratio and add the starting value of your second range. In other words,
R = (20 - 10) / (6 - 2)
y = (x - 2) * R + 10
This evenly spreads the numbers from the first range in the second range.
It would be nice to have this functionality in the java.lang.Math class, as this is such a widely required function and is available in other languages.
Here is a simple implementation:
final static double EPSILON = 1e-12;
public static double map(double valueCoord1,
double startCoord1, double endCoord1,
double startCoord2, double endCoord2) {
if (Math.abs(endCoord1 - startCoord1) < EPSILON) {
throw new ArithmeticException("/ 0");
double offset = startCoord2;
double ratio = (endCoord2 - startCoord2) / (endCoord1 - startCoord1);
return ratio * (valueCoord1 - startCoord1) + offset;
I am putting this code here as a reference for future myself and may be it will help someone.
As an aside, this is the same problem as the classic convert celcius to farenheit where you want to map a number range that equates 0 - 100 (C) to 32 - 212 (F).
[a1, a2] => [b1, b2]
if s in range of [a1, a2]
then t which will be in range of [b1, b2]
t= b1 + ((s- a1) * (b2-b1))/ (a2-a1)
In addition to #PeterAllenWebb answer, if you would like to reverse back the result use the following:
reverseX = (B-A)*(Y-C)/(D-C) + A
Each unit interval on the first range takes up (d-c)/(b-a) "space" on the second range.
var interval = (d-c)/(b-a)
for n = 0 to (b - a)
print c + n*interval
How you handle the rounding is up to you.
if your range from [a to b] and you want to map it in [c to d] where x is the value you want to map
use this formula (linear mapping)
double R = (d-c)/(b-a)
double y = c+(x*R)+R
Where X is the number to map from A-B to C-D, and Y is the result:
Take the linear interpolation formula, lerp(a,b,m)=a+(m*(b-a)), and put C and D in place of a and b to get Y=C+(m*(D-C)). Then, in place of m, put (X-A)/(B-A) to get Y=C+(((X-A)/(B-A))*(D-C)). This is an okay map function, but it can be simplified. Take the (D-C) piece, and put it inside the dividend to get Y=C+(((X-A)*(D-C))/(B-A)). This gives us another piece we can simplify, (X-A)*(D-C), which equates to (X*D)-(X*C)-(A*D)+(A*C). Pop that in, and you get Y=C+(((X*D)-(X*C)-(A*D)+(A*C))/(B-A)). The next thing you need to do is add in the +C bit. To do that, you multiply C by (B-A) to get ((B*C)-(A*C)), and move it into the dividend to get Y=(((X*D)-(X*C)-(A*D)+(A*C)+(B*C)-(A*C))/(B-A)). This is redundant, containing both a +(A*C) and a -(A*C), which cancel each other out. Remove them, and you get a final result of: Y=((X*D)-(X*C)-(A*D)+(B*C))/(B-A)
TL;DR: The standard map function, Y=C+(((X-A)/(B-A))*(D-C)), can be simplified down to Y=((X*D)-(X*C)-(A*D)+(B*C))/(B-A)
int srcMin = 2, srcMax = 6;
int tgtMin = 10, tgtMax = 20;
int nb = srcMax - srcMin;
int range = tgtMax - tgtMin;
float rate = (float) range / (float) nb;
println(srcMin + " > " + tgtMin);
float stepF = tgtMin;
for (int i = 1; i < nb; i++)
stepF += rate;
println((srcMin + i) + " > " + (int) (stepF + 0.5) + " (" + stepF + ")");
println(srcMax + " > " + tgtMax);
With checks on divide by zero, of course.
I've been using java's SplittableRandom ever since I heard about it, due to its speed, and not being in need of multithreading. However, although it has almost every method from Random class, it doesn't come with nextFloat(). Why's that?
Now, the real question is, how would I then go about creating that nextFloat method? Seeing the double is generated as follows: (from JDK 8)
final double internalNextDouble(final double n, final double n2) {
double longBitsToDouble = (this.nextLong() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16;
if (n < n2) {
longBitsToDouble = longBitsToDouble * (n2 - n) + n;
if (longBitsToDouble >= n2) {
longBitsToDouble = Double.longBitsToDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(n2) - 1L);
return longBitsToDouble;
.. I was hoping that I could just turn it to a 32-bit number generation with the following;
final float internalNextFloat(final float min, final float max) {
float intBitsToFloat = (this.nextInt() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16f;
if (min < max) {
intBitsToFloat = intBitsToFloat * (max - min) + min;
if (intBitsToFloat >= max) {
intBitsToFloat = Float.intBitsToFloat(Float.floatToIntBits(max) - 1);
return intBitsToFloat;
However, this returns 0.000000. I can only assume it overflows somewhere, in which case I'm pretty sure the problem lies at the following line:
(this.nextInt() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16f;
So, not being experienced with shifting (and using epsilon I guess), how could I achieve what I want?
Without having thought about the mathematics of this too deeply, it seems to me that you could just use the nextDouble method to generate a double within the desired range and then cast the result to float.
You need to first understand the meaning behind this line:
double longBitsToDouble = (this.nextLong() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16;
this.nextLong() returns a 64 long.
>>> 11 turn the long to unsigned and removes the last 11 bits, so now we get a 53-bit random value. This is also the precision of double.
* 1.1102230246251565E-16. This is equivalent to 1 / 9007199254740992.0, or 2-53.
So longBitsToDouble is a randomly uniform double from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive).
Compared with a float, its precision is 24 bits, while this.nextInt() generates a 32-bit random value, so the corresponding line should be written as
float intBitsToFloat = (this.nextInt() >>> 8) * 5.960464477539063E-8f;
(Instead of the decimal representation 5.960464477539063E-8f you could also use hexadecimal float, which may be clearer to readers:
float intBitsToFloat = (this.nextInt() >>> 8) * 0x1.0p-24;
This is IEEE 754 standard question. I don't completely understand the mechanics behind it.
public class Gray {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println( (float) (2000000000) == (float) (2000000000 + 50));
Because a float can only hold about 7 to 8 significant digits. That is, it doesn't have enough bits to represent the number 2000000050 exactly, so it gets rounded to 2000000000.
Specifically speaking, a float consists of three parts:
the sign bit (1 bit)
the exponent (8 bits)
the significand (24 bits, but only 23 bits are stored since the MSB of the significand is always 1)
You can think of floating point as the computer's way doing scientific notation, but in binary.
The precision is equal to log(2 ^ number of significand bits). That means a float can hold log(2 ^ 24) = 7.225 significant digits.
The number 2,000,000,050 has 9 significant digits. The calculation above tells us that a 24-bit significand can't hold that many significant digits. The reason why 2,000,000,000 works because there's only 1 significant digit, so it fits in the significand.
To solve the problem, you would use a double since it has a 52-bit significand, which is more than enough to represent every possible 32-bit number.
Plainly said - 50 is a rounding error when a float has a value of two-billion.
You might find this trick to find the next representable value interesting.
float f = 2000000000;
int binaryValue = Float.floatToRawIntBits(f);
int nextBinaryValue = binaryValue+1;
float nextFloat = Float.intBitsToFloat(nextBinaryValue);
System.out.printf("The next float value after %.0f is %.0f%n", f, nextFloat);
double d = 2000000000;
long binaryValue2 = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d);
long nextBinaryValue2 = binaryValue2+1;
double nextDouble = Double.longBitsToDouble(nextBinaryValue2);
System.out.printf("The next double value after %.7f is %.7f%n", d, nextDouble);
The next float value after 2000000000 is 2000000128
The next double value after 2000000000.0000000 is 2000000000.0000002
It might help you understand the situation if you consider a program (C++) as below. It displays the groups of successive integers that get rounded to the same float value:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main()
float prev = 0;
int count = 0;
double from;
for (double to = 2000000000 - 150; count < 10; to += 1.0)
float now = to;
if (now != prev)
if (count)
std::cout << std::setprecision(20) << from << ".." << to - 1 << " ==> " << prev << '\n';
prev = now;
from = to;
1999999850..1999999935 ==> 1999999872
1999999936..2000000064 ==> 2000000000
2000000065..2000000191 ==> 2000000128
2000000192..2000000320 ==> 2000000256
2000000321..2000000447 ==> 2000000384
2000000448..2000000576 ==> 2000000512
2000000577..2000000703 ==> 2000000640
2000000704..2000000832 ==> 2000000768
2000000833..2000000959 ==> 2000000896
This indicates that floating point is only precise enough to represent all integers from 1999999850 to 1999999935, wrongly recording their value as 1999999872. So on for other values. This is the tangible consequence of the limited storage space mentioned above.
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a library that will convert a Double to a String with the whole number, followed by a fraction?
For example
1.125 = 1 1/8
I am only looking for fractions to a 64th of an inch.
Your problem is pretty simple, because you're assured the denominator will always divide 64. in C# (someone feel free to translate a Java version):
string ToMixedFraction(decimal x)
int whole = (int) x;
int denominator = 64;
int numerator = (int)( (x - whole) * denominator );
if (numerator == 0)
return whole.ToString();
while ( numerator % 2 == 0 ) // simplify fraction
numerator /= 2;
denominator /=2;
return string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", whole, numerator, denominator);
Bonus: Code Golf
public static string ToMixedFraction(decimal x) {
int w = (int)x,
n = (int)(x * 64) % 64,
a = n & -n;
return w + (n == 0 ? "" : " " + n / a + "/" + 64 / a);
One problem you might run into is that not all fractional values can be represented by doubles. Even some values that look simple, like 0.1. Now on with the pseudocode algorithm. You would probably be best off determining the number of 64ths of an inch, but dividing the decimal portion by 0.015625. After that, you can reduce your fraction to the lowest common denominator. However, since you state inches, you may not want to use the smallest common denominator, but rather only values for which inches are usually represented, 2,4,8,16,32,64.
One thing to point out however, is that since you are using inches, if the values are all proper fractions of an inch, with a denominator of 2,4,8,16,32,64 then the value should never contain floating point errors, because the denominator is always a power of 2. However if your dataset had a value of .1 inch in there, then you would start to run into problems.
How about org.apache.commons.math ? They have a Fraction class that takes a double.
You should be able to extend it and give it functionality for the 64th. And you can also add a toString that will easily print out the whole number part of the fraction for you.
Fraction(double value, int
maxDenominator) Create a fraction
given the double value and maximum
I don't necessarily agree, base on the fact that Milhous wants to cover inches up to 1/64"
Suppose that the program demands 1/64" precision at all times, that should take up 6 bits of the mantissa. In a float, there's 24-6 = 18, which (if my math is right), should mean that he's got a range of +/- 262144 + 63/64"
That might be enough precision in the float to convert properly into the faction without loss.
And since most people working on inches uses denominator of powers of 2, it should be fine.
But back to the original question, I don't know any libraries that would do that.
Function for this in a C-variant called LPC follows. Some notes:
Addition to input value at beginning is to try to cope with precision issues that otherwise love to wind up telling you that 5 is 4 999999/1000000.
The to_int() function truncates to integer.
Language has a to_string() that will turn some floats into exponential notation.
string strfrac(float frac) {
int main = to_int(frac + frac / 1000000.0);
string out = to_string(main);
float rem = frac - to_float(main);
string rep;
if(rem > 0 && (to_int(rep = to_string(rem)) || member(rep, 'e') == Null)) {
int array primes = ({ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 });
string base;
int exp;
int num;
int div;
if(sscanf(rep, "%se%d", base, exp) == 2) {
num = to_int(replace(base, ".", ""));
div = to_int(pow(10, abs(exp)));
} else {
rep = rep[2..];
num = to_int(rep);
div = to_int(pow(10, strlen(rep)));
foreach(int prime : primes) {
if(prime > num)
while((num / prime) * prime == num && (div / prime) * prime == div) {
num /= prime;
div /= prime;
out += " " + num + "/" + div;
return out;
i wrote this for my project i hope it could be usefull:
//How to "Convert" double to fraction("a/b") - kevinlopez#unitec.edu
private boolean isInt(double number){
if(number%2==0 ||(number+1)%2==0){
return true;
return false;
private String doubleToFraction(double doub){
//we get the whole part
int whole = (int)doub;
//we get the rest
double rest = doub - (double)whole;
int numerator=1,denominator=1;
//if the whole part of the number is greater than 0
//we'll try to transform the rest of the number to an Integer
//by multiplying the number until it become an integer
if(whole >=1){
for(int i = 2; ; i++){
/*when we find the "Integer" number(it'll be the numerator)
* we also found the denominator(i,which is the number that transforms the number to integer)
* For example if we have the number = 2.5 when it is multiplied by 2
* now it's 5 and it's integer, now we have the numerator(the number (2.5)*i(2) = 5)
* and the denominator i = 2
numerator = (int)(rest*(double)i);
denominator = i;
//if i is greater than 10000 it's posible that the number is irrational
//and it can't be represented as a fractional number
return doub+"";
//if we have the number 3.5 the whole part is 3 then we have the rest represented in fraction 0.5 = 1/2
//so we have a mixed fraction 3+1/2 = 7/2
numerator = (whole*denominator)+numerator;
//If not we'll try to transform the original number to an integer
//with the same process
for(int i = 2; ; i++){
numerator = (int)(doub*(double)i);
denominator = i;
return doub+"";
return numerator+"/"+denominator;
My code looks like this.
public static int gcd(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
return a;
return gcd(b, a % b);
public static String doubleToStringFraction(Double d)
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(" " + ((int) Math.floor(d)));
int whole = (int) ((d - Math.floor(d)) * 10000);
int gcd = gcd(whole, 10000);
result.append(" " + (whole / gcd) + "/" + 10000 / gcd + " ");
return result.toString();
As several others have poited out, fractions of 64 can be precicely represented by IEEE-floats. This means we can also convert to a fraction by moving and masking bits.
This is not the place to explain all details of floating point representations, please refer to wikipedia for details.
Briefly: a floating point number is stored as (sign)(exp)(frac) where sign is 1 bit, exp is 11 bits and frac is the fraction part (after 1.) and is 52 bits. This is enterpreted as the number:
(sign == 1 ? -1 : 1) * 1.(frac) * 2^(exp-1023)
Thus, we can get the 64th by moving the point accoring to the exponent and masking out the 6 bits after the point. In Java:
private static final long MANTISSA_FRAC_BITMAP = 0xfffffffffffffl;
private static final long MANTISSA_IMPLICIT_PREFIX = 0x10000000000000l;
private static final long DENOM_BITMAP = 0x3f; // 1/64
private static final long DENOM_LEN = 6;
private static final int FRAC_LEN = 52;
public String floatAsFrac64(double d) {
long bitmap = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
long exponent = ((bitmap >> FRAC_LEN) & 0x7ff) - 1023;
boolean negative = (bitmap & (1l << 63)) > 0;
// algorithm:
// d is stored as SE(11)F(52), implicit "1." before F
// move point to the right <exponent> bits to the right:
if(exponent > FRAC_LEN) System.out.println("warning: loosing precision, too high exponent");
int pointPlace = FRAC_LEN-(int)exponent;
// get the whole part as the number left of the point:
long whole = mantissa >> pointPlace;
// get the frac part as the 6 first bits right of the point:
long frac = (mantissa >> (pointPlace-DENOM_LEN)) & DENOM_BITMAP;
// if the last operation shifted 1s out to the right, we lost precision, check with
// if any of these bits are set:
if((mantissa & ((MANTISSA_FRAC_BITMAP | MANTISSA_IMPLICIT_PREFIX) >> (pointPlace - DENOM_LEN))) > 0) {
System.out.println("warning: precision of input is smaller than 1/64");
if(frac == 0) return String.format("%d", whole);
int denom = 64;
// test last bit, divide nom and demon by 1 if not 1
while((frac & 1) == 0) {
frac = frac >> 1;
denom = denom >> 1;
return String.format("%d %d/%d", whole, frac, denom);
(this code can probably be made shorter, but reading bit-flipping-code like this is hard enough as it is...)
I create simply Fraction library.
The library is available here: https://github.com/adamjak/Fractions
String s = "1.125";
Fraction f1 = Fraction.tryParse(s);
f1.toString(); // return 9/8
Double d = 2.58;
Fraction f2 = Fraction.createFraction(d);
f2.divide(f1).toString() // return 172/75 (2.29)
To solve this problem (in one of my projects), I took the following steps:
Built a dictionary of decimal/fraction strings.
Wrote a function to search the dictionary for the closest matching fraction depending on the "decimal" part of the number and the matching criteria.