I want to check a string to see if it contains $wildcard$, and ONLY if it does I want to extract the value between the "$ $", which I'll use to retrieve a replacement. Then replace the full new string (removing the $ $ as well)
Edit: managed to get this working demo
String subject = "test/$name$/something";
String replace = "foo_bar";
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("(\\$).*?(\\$)");
Matcher m = regex.matcher(subject);
StringBuffer b= new StringBuffer();
while (m.find()) {
String something = m.group(0);
m.appendReplacement(b, replace);
String replaced = b.toString();
Gives me the output of
I could substring to remove the lead/trailing $ but is there a way to split these into groups so I can just get what is between $ $. But also ensuring that the initial check ensures it has a start and end $
Add another matching group for the content of the tag:
Remove unnecessary capturing groups from both \\$, set the capturing group on the pattern that matches what is between two $ chars (and the most efficient construct to use here is a negated character class [^$]), and then just grab the value of .group(1):
String subject = "test/$name$/something";
String replace = "foo_bar";
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\\$([^$]*)\\$"); // ONLY 1 GROUP ROUND [^$]*
Matcher m = regex.matcher(subject);
StringBuffer b= new StringBuffer();
while (m.find()) {
String something = m.group(1); // ACCESS GROUP 1
m.appendReplacement(b, replace);
String replaced = b.toString();
See the Java demo
Pattern details
\\$ - a $ char
([^$]*) - Capturing group 1 matching zero or more chars other than $ char
\\$ - a $ char.
It has slightly different syntax that you're asking for, but check out Apache Commons Text: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-text/javadocs/api-release/org/apache/commons/text/StrSubstitutor.html
This will let you do things like:
Map<String,String> substitutions = ImmutableMap.of("name", "foo_bar");
String template = "/test/${name}/something";
StrSubstitutor substitutor = new StrSubstitutor(substitutions);
You could build your own Map to populate with your substitution values.
Hi I have a csv file with an error in it.so i want it to correct with regular expression, some of the fields contain line break, Example as below
"AHLR150","CDS","-1","MDCPBusinessRelationshipID",,,"Investigating","1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
California",,"Mountain View",,"United States",,"California",,,"94043-1351","9958"
the above two lines should be in one line
"AHLR150","CDS","-1","MDCPBusinessRelationshipID",,,"Investigating","1600 Amphitheatre PkwyCalifornia",,"Mountain View",,"United States",,"California",,,"94043-1351","9958"
I tried to use the below regex but it didnt help me
Try this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "\"AHLR150\",\"CDS\",\"-1\",\"MDCPBusinessRelationshipID\","
+ ",,\"Investigating\",\"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy\n"
+ "California\",,\"Mountain View\",,\"United\n"
+ "States\",,\"California\",,,\"94043-1351\",\"9958\"\n";
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\"([^\"]*[\n\r].*?)\"").matcher(input);
Pattern patternRemoveLineBreak = Pattern.compile("[\n\r]");
String result = input;
while(matcher.find()) {
String quoteWithLineBreak = matcher.group(1);
String quoteNoLineBreaks = patternRemoveLineBreak.matcher(quoteWithLineBreak).replaceAll(" ");
result = result.replaceFirst(quoteWithLineBreak, quoteNoLineBreaks);
"AHLR150","CDS","-1","MDCPBusinessRelationshipID",,,"Investigating","1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy California",,"Mountain View",,"United States",,"California",,,"94043-1351","9958"
Create a RegEx surrounding the text you want to keep by parentheses and that will create a group of matched characters. Then replace the string using the group index to compose as you wish.
String test = "\"AHLR150\",\"CDS\",\"-1\",\"MDCPBusinessRelationshipID\","
+ ",,\"Investigating\",\"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy\n"
+ "California\",,\"Mountain View\",,\"United\n"
+ "States\",,\"California\",,,\"94043-1351\",\"9958\"\n";
System.out.println(test.replaceAll("(\"[^\"]*)\n([^\"]*\")", "$1$2"));
So when we replace the matching string ("United\nStates") by $1$2 we are removing the line break because it not belongs to any group:
$1 => the first group (\"[^\"]*) that will match "United
$2 => the second group ([^\"]*\")" that will match States"
Based on this you can try with:
I checked it here and seems to be fine
Input String
The text inside the curly brackets are keys to my properties. I want to replace those properties with run time values.
I can do the following to get the regex match but what should i put in the replace logic to change the ${..} matched with the respective run time value in the input string.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{([^}]*)\\}");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
// replace logic comes here
An alternative may be using a third-party lib such as Apache Commons Text.
They have StringSubstitutor class looks very promising.
Map valuesMap = HashMap();
valuesMap.put("abc.xzy", "World");
valuesMap.put("ttt.bbb", "Hello");
valuesMap.put("kkk.mmm", "System");
String templateString = "${abc.xzy}/demo/${ttt.bbb} test${kkk.mmm}"
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(valuesMap);
String resolvedString = sub.replace(templateString);
For more info check out Javadoc https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-text/javadocs/api-release/org/apache/commons/text/StringSubstitutor.html
You may use the following solution:
String s = "${abc.xzy}/demo/${ttt.bbb}\ntest${kkk.mmm}";
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("abc.xzy", "World");
map.put("ttt.bbb", "Hello");
map.put("kkk.mmm", "System");
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^{}]+)\\}").matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
String value = map.get(m.group(1));
m.appendReplacement(result, value != null ? value : m.group());
See the Java demo online, output:
The regex is
See the regex demo. It matches a ${ string, then captures any 1+ chars other than { and } into Group 1 and then matches }. If Group 1 value is present in the Map as a key, the replacement is the key value, else, the matched text is pasted back where it was in the input string.
Your regex needs to include the dollar. Also making the inner group lazy is sufficient to not include any } in the resulting key String.
String regex = "\\$\\{(.+?)\\}";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
String key = m.group(1); // This is your matching group (the one in braces).
String value = someMap.get(key);
s.replaceFirst(regex, value != null ? value : "missingKey");
m = p.matcher(s); // you could alternatively reset the existing Matcher, but just create a new one, for simplicity's sake.
You could streamline this, by extracting the cursor position, and doing the replacement yourself, for the string. But either way, you need to reset your matcher, because otherwise it will parse on the old String.
The_Cute_Hedgehog's answer is good, but includes a dependency.
Wiktor Stribiżew's answer is missing a special case.
My answer aim to using java build-in regex and try to improve from Wiktor Stribiżew's answer. (Improve in Java code only, the regex is Ok)
Using StringBuilder is faster than StringBuffer
Initial StringBuilder capable to (int)(s.length()*1.2), avoid relocating memory many times in case of large input template s.
Avoid the case of regex special characters make wrong result by appendReplacement (like "cost: $100"). You can fix this problem in Wiktor Stribiżew's code by escape $ character in the replacement String like this value.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$")
Here is the improved code:
String s = "khj${abc.xzy}/demo/${ttt.bbb}\ntest${kkk.mmm}{kkk.missing}string";
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("abc.xzy", "World");
map.put("ttt.bbb", "cost: $100");
map.put("kkk.mmm", "System");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder((int)(s.length()*1.2));
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}").matcher(s);
int nonCaptureIndex = 0;
while (m.find()) {
String value = map.get(m.group(1));
if (value != null) {
int index = m.start();
if (index > nonCaptureIndex) {
result.append(s.substring(nonCaptureIndex, index));
nonCaptureIndex = m.end();
result.append(s.substring(nonCaptureIndex, s.length()));
I would like to know i wish to remove appended strings previously how can i do that.
Example getValue() value is
-------------------------- ------------------------
information1.getValue() Test A </n>abc = 1234
information2.getValue() Test A </n>def = Test B
information3.getValue() 123 </n>jkl = Test B
information4.getValue() 123 </n>abc = Test A
Expected output i should get is
whereby i should ignore characters before < /n> and characters after =
Use Below link to see example
Using StringBuffer
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(information1.getValue());
I'd use Regex.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*<\\n>([^ ]*). =. *");
String replaced = p.matcher(s.getValue()).group(1));
You should use regex to capture words, lookahead (?<=) and lookbehind (?=) tokens can capture words
String regx="(?<=</n>)(.*)(?==)";
Pattern datePatt = Pattern.compile(regx);
Matcher m = datePatt.matcher("Test A </n>abc = 1234");
I have a string email = John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com
How can I write a java code using regex to bring just the r2d2?
I used this but got an error on eclipse
String email = John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".(.*)\#");
Matcher matcher = patter.matcher
for (Strimatcher.find()){
To match after the last dot in a potential sequence of multiple dots request that the sequence that you capture does not contain a dot:
(?<=[.]) means "preceded by a single dot"
(?=#) means "followed by # sign"
Note that since dot . is a metacharacter, it needs to be escaped either with \ (doubled for Java string literal) or with square brackets around it.
Not sure if your posting the right code. I'll rewrite it based on what it should look like though:
String email = John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".(.*)\#");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
int count = 0;
while(matcher.find()) {
but I think you just want something like this:
String email = John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".(.*)\#");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
No need to Pattern you just need replaceAll with this regex .*\.([^\.]+)#.* which mean get the group ([^\.]+) (match one or more character except a dot) which is between dot \. and #
email = email.replaceAll(".*\\.([^\\.]+)#.*", "$1");
regex demo
If you want to go with Pattern then you have to use this regex \\.([^\\.]+)# :
String email = "John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\.([^\\.]+)#");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
if (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println(matcher.group(1));// Output : r2d2
Another solution you can use split :
String[] split = email.replaceAll("#.*", "").split("\\.");
email = split[split.length - 1];// Output : r2d2
Note :
Strings in java should be between double quotes "John.Mcgee.r2d2#hitachi.com"
You don't need to escape # in Java, but you have to escape the dot with double slash \\.
There are no syntax for a for loop like you do for (Strimatcher.find()){, maybe you mean while
I have a string which is in following format:
I am extracting this Hello:A;B;C, also Hello:D;E;F
How do I extract the strings A;B;C and D;E;F?
I have written below code snippet to extract but not able to extract the last matching character D;E;F
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=Hello:).*?(?=,)");
The $ means end-of-line.
Thus this should work:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=Hello:).*?(?=,|$)");
So you look-ahead for a comma or the end-of-line.
Try this:
String test = "I am extracting this Hello:Word;AnotherWord;YetAnotherWord, also Hello:D;E;F";
// any word optionally followed by ";" three times, the whole thing followed by either two non-word characters or EOL
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+;?){3}(?=\\W{2,}|$)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(test);
while (matcher.find()) {
Assuming you mean omitting certain patterns in a string:
String s = "I am extracting this Hello:A;B;C, also Hello:D;E;F" ;
ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
tokens.add( "A;B;C" );
tokens.add( "D;E;F" );
for( String tok : tokens )
if( s.contains( tok ) )
s = s.replace( tok, "");
System.out.println( s );