How to apply map function in Spark DataFrame using Java? - java

I am trying to use map function on DataFrame in Spark using Java. I am following the documentation which says
map(scala.Function1 f, scala.reflect.ClassTag evidence$4)
Returns a new RDD by applying a function to all rows of this DataFrame.
While using the Function1 in map , I need to implement all the functions. I have seen some questions related to this , but the solution provided converts the DataFrame into RDD.
How can I use the map function in DataFrame without converting it into a RDD also what is the second parameter of map ie scala.reflect.ClassTag<R> evidence$4
I am using Java 7 and Spark 1.6.

I know your question is about Java 7 and Spark 1.6, but in Spark 2 (and obviously Java 8), you can have a map function as part of a class, so you do not need to manipulate Java lambdas.
The call would look like:
Dataset<String> dfMap =
new CountyFipsExtractorUsingMap(),
The class would look like:
* Returns a substring of the values in the id2 column.
* #author jgp
private final class CountyFipsExtractorUsingMap
implements MapFunction<Row, String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 26547L;
public String call(Row r) throws Exception {
String s = r.getAs("id2").toString().substring(2);
return s;
You can find more details in this example on GitHub.

I think map is not the right way to use on a DataFrame. Maybe you should have a look at the examples in the API
There they show how to operate on DataFrames

You can use the dataset directly, need not convert the read data to RDD, its unnecessary consumption of resource.{...}, encoder); this should suffice your needs.

Because you don't give any specific problems, there're some common alternatives to map in DataFrame like select, selectExpr, withColumn. If the spark sql builtin functions can't fit your task, you can use UTF.


How to create PCollection<Row> from PCollection<String> for performing beam SQL Trasforms

I am trying to implement a Data Pipeline which joins multiple unbounded sources from Kafka topics. I am able to connect to topic and get the data as PCollection<String> and i need to convert it into PCollection<Row>. I am splitting the comma delimited string to an array and use schema to convert it as Row. But, How to implement/build schema & bind values to it dynamically?
Even if I create a separate class for schema building, is there a way to bind the string array directly to schema?
Below is my current working code which is static and needs to be rewritten every time i build a pipeline and it elongates based on the number of fields as well.
final Schema sch1 =
PCollection<KafkaRecord<Long, String>> kafkaDataIn1 = pipeline
KafkaIO.<Long, String>read()
ImmutableMap.of("", (Object)"test1")));
PCollection<Row> Input1 = kafkaDataIn1.apply(
ParDo.of(new DoFn<KafkaRecord<Long, String>, Row>() {
public void processElement(
ProcessContext processContext,
final OutputReceiver<Row> emitter) {
KafkaRecord<Long, String> record = processContext.element();
final String input = record.getKV().getValue();
final String[] parts = input.split(",");
My Expectation is to achieve the same thing as above code dynamically/reusable way.
The schema is set on a pcollection so it is not dynamic, if you want to build it lazily, then you need to use a format/coder supporting it. Java serialization or json are examples.
That said to benefit from sql feature you can also use a static schema with querying fields and other fields, this way the static part enables to do you sql and you dont loose additionnal data.

Filter by array in Spark [duplicate]

I'm trying to filter a Spark DataFrame using a list in Java.
java.util.List<Long> selected = ....;
DataFrame result = df.filter(df.col("something").isin(????));
The problem is that isin(...) method accepts Scala Seq or varargs.
Passing in JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(selected) doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
Use stream method as follows:
A bit shorter version would be:

Converting Linq queries to Java 8

Im traslating a old enterprise App who uses C# with Linq queries to Java 8. I have some of those queries who I'm not able to reproduce using Lambdas as I dont know how C# works with those.
For example, in this Linq:
from register in registers
group register by register.muleID into groups
select new Petition
Data = new PetitionData
UUID = groups.Key
Registers = groups.ToList<AuditRegister>()
I undestand this as a GroupingBy on Java 8 Lambda, but what's the "select new PetitionData" inside of the query? I don't know how to code it in Java.
I have this at this moment:
Map<String, List<AuditRegister>> groupByMuleId =;
Thank you and regards!
The select LINQ operation is similar to the map method of Stream in Java. They both transform each element of the sequence into something else.
collect(Collectors.groupingBy(AuditRegister::getMuleID)) returns a Map<String, List<AuditRegister>> as you know. But the groups variable in the C# version is an IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, AuditRegister>>. They are quite different data structures.
What you need is the entrySet method of Map. It turns the map into a Set<Map.Entry<String, List<AuditRegister>>>. Now, this data structure is more similar to IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, AuditRegister>>. This means that you can create a stream from the return value of entry, call map, and transform each element into a Petition.
groups.Key is simply x.getKey(), groups.ToList() is simply x.getValue(). It should be easy.
I suggest you to create a separate method to pass into the map method:
// you can probably came up with a more meaningful name
public static Petition mapEntryToPetition(Map.Entry<String, List<AuditRegister>> entry) {
Petition petition = new Petition();
PetitionData data = new PetitionData();
return petition;

Loading json data into Pair RDD in Spark using java

I am very new to Spark.
I have a very basic question. I read a file in Spark RDD in which each line is a JSON. I want to make apply groupBy like transformations. So I want to transform each JSON line into a PairRDD. Is there a straight forward way to do it in Java?
My json is like this:
"tmpl": "p",
"bw": "874",
"aver": {"cnac": "US","t1": "2"},
Currently, the way I am trying is the to split by , first and then by :. Is there any straight forward way to do this?
My current code:
val pairs = setECrecords.flatMap(x => (x.split(",")))
val pairsastuple = => if(x.split("=").length>1) (x.split("=")(0), x.split("=")(1)) else (x.split("=")(0), x))
You can try mapToPair(), but using the Spark SQL & DataFrames API will enable you to group things much more easily. The data frames API allows you to load JSON data directly.

How to get Spark MLlib RandomForestModel.predict response as text value YES/NO?

I am trying to implement RandomForest algorithm using Apache Spark MLLib. I have the dataset in the CSV format with the following features:
0,Network1,App1,Router1,Not reachable,YES
0,Network1,App2,Router5,Not reachable,NO
I want to use RandomForest MLlib and do prediction on last field Action and I want response as YES/NO.
I am following code from GitHub to create RandomForest model. Since I have all categorical features except one int feature I have used the following code to convert them into JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> - is any of that wrong?
// Load and parse the data file.
JavaRDD<String> data = jsc.textFile("/tmp/xyz/data/training-dataset.csv");
// I have 14 features so giving 14 as arg to the following
final HashingTF tf = new HashingTF(14);
// Create LabeledPoint datasets for Actionable and nonactionable
JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> labledData = Function<String, LabeledPoint>() {
#Override public LabeledPoint call(String alert) {
List<String> featureList = Arrays.asList(alert.trim().split(","));
String actionType = featureList.get(featureList.size() - 1).toLowerCase();
return new LabeledPoint(actionType.equals("YES")? 1 : 0, tf.transform(featureList));
Similarly above I create testdata and use in the following code to do prediction
JavaPairRDD<Double, Double> predictionAndLabel =
testData.mapToPair(new PairFunction<LabeledPoint, Double, Double>() {
public Tuple2<Double, Double> call(LabeledPoint p) {
return new Tuple2<Double, Double>(model.predict(p.features()), p.label());
How do I get prediction based on my last field Action and prediction should come as YES/NO? Current predict method returns double not able to understand how do I implement it? Also am I following the correct approach of categorical feature into LabledPoint? I am new to machine learning and Spark MLlib.
I am more familiar with the scala version but I'll try to help.
You need to map the target variable (Action) and all categorical features into levels starting in 0 like 0,1,2,3... For example router1, router2, ... router5 into 0,1,2...4. The same with your target variable which I think was the only one you actually mapped, yes/no to 1/0 (I am not sure what your tf.transform(featureList) is actually doing).
Once you have done this you can train your Randomforest classifier specifying the map for categorical features. Basically it needs you to tell which features are categorical and how many levels do they have, this is the scala version but you can easily translate it into java:
val categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map[Int, Int]((2,2),(3,5))
this is basically saying that in your list of features the 3rd one (2) has 2 levels (2,2) and the 4th one (3) has 5 levels (3,5). The rest are considered Doubles.
Now you pass the categoricalFeaturesInfo when training the classifier together with the other parameters as:
val modelRF = RandomForest.trainClassifier(trainingData, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo,numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins)
Now when you need to evaluate it, the predict function will return a double 0,1 and you can use that to compute accuracy, precision or any metric needed.
This is the example (sorry scala again) if you have a testData where you did the same transformations as before:
val predictionAndLabels = { point =>
val prediction = modelRF.predict(point.features)
(point.label, prediction)
Here your results are clear, the label as 1/0 and the predicted value is also 1/0, any computation of Accuracy, Precision and Recall is straightforward.
I hope it helps!!
You're heading in the correct direction, and you've already managed to train a model which is great.
For binary clasification it will return either a 0.0 or a 1.0, and its up to you to map this back to your string values.

