How to mock local RestTemplate in Spring boot to solve connection refused? - java

Here is my code.What I want to do is to test three kinds of exceptions.But I don't know how to mock local variable restTemplate.
my code:
private void setJobInstanceInfo(JobInstance jobInstance, String uri, String group, String jobName) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>> type = new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>() {
try {
String resultStr = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
HashMap<String, Object> resultMap = JsonUtil.toEntity(resultStr, type);
setJobInstanceIdAndUri(jobInstance, resultMap);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
LOGGER.error("spark session {} has overdue, set state as unknown!\n {}", jobInstance.getSessionId(), e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("jobInstance jsonStr convert to map failed. {}", e.getMessage());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Livy status is illegal. {}", group, jobName, e.getMessage());
When call restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class),it always throws exception as below:
"I/O error on GET request for url: Connection refused: connect".
I know it's url problem.That's what I want to mock and return anything I expect.
So,can you give methods to test this three kinds of exception of RestClientException and IOException and IllegalArgumentException?

At first do not instantiate the RestTemplate in your methods! Let Spring create it for you, e.g. add this to a spring configuration
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
Then you can start writing a rest client test like described here:


Unable to catch error when using RestTemplate getForObject

I'm using RestTemplate to call my webservice's health actuator endpoint from another webservice of mine to see if the webservice is up. If the webservice is up, all works fine, but when it's down, I get an error 500, "Internal Server Error". If my webservice is down, I'm trying to catch that error to be able to handle it, but the problem I'm having is that I can't seem to be able to catch the error.
I've tried the following and it never enters either of my catch sections
public class DepositService {
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder
private static void getBankAccountConnectorHealth() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:9996/health";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String result = null;
try {
result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException exception) {
System.out.println("callToRestService Error :" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
} catch (HttpStatusCodeException exception) {
System.out.println( "callToRestService Error :" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
I've also tried doing it this way, but same results. It never seems to enter my error handler class.
public class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public class RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler implements ResponseErrorHandler {
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
return (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == CLIENT_ERROR || httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == SERVER_ERROR);
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == HttpStatus.Series.SERVER_ERROR) {
// handle SERVER_ERROR
System.out.println("Server error!");
} else if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == HttpStatus.Series.CLIENT_ERROR) {
// handle CLIENT_ERROR
System.out.println("Client error!");
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
throw new NotFoundException();
public class DepositService {
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder
private static void getAccountHealth() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:9996/health";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler());
String result = null;
result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
Any suggestions as to how I can call my webservice's health actuator from another webservice and catch if that webservice is down?
It looks like the getForObject doesn't throw either of the exceptions you are catching. From the documentation, it throws RestClientException. The best method I have found for identifying thrown exceptions is to catch Exception in the debugger and inspect it to find out if it's useful.
With the second method, I'm not sure why you would create a bean method for the RestTemplate and then create one with new. You probably should inject your RestTemplate and initialise the ResponseErrorHandler with the RestTemplateBuilder::errorHandler method.
Internal serve error throw HttpServerErrorException You should catch this exception if you want to handle it However the better way to do that is using error handler you can see the following posts to see how to do that:

Mockito "thenThrow" doesn't throw the exception when expected

I have an issue when trying to test a class that represents a Rest Client. I'm using RestTemplate in Spring Boot.
This is the abstract RestClient class:
public abstract class RestClient {
public RestResponse sendPostRequest(URI baseUri, String resource, IRestRequest restRequest, ClassresponseClass)
throws ServerException, ClientException {
try {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
response =, HttpMethod.POST, getEntity(restRequest), responseClass);
result = response.getBody();
getLogger().debug("[{}] received", result);
return result;
} catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
throw new ClientException(e.getCause());
} catch (HttpServerErrorException e) {
throw new ServerException(e.getCause());
} catch (Exception e) {
getLogger().error("Error with cause: {}.", e.getMessage());
This is the actual implementation:
public class ActualRestClient extends RestClient {
public RestResponse sendFetchFileRequest(URI baseUri, FetchFileRequest request) throws ServerException, ClientException {
return sendPostRequest(baseUri, "FETCH_FILE", request, RestResponse.class);
An this is the test:
#PrepareForTest({ActualRestClient.class, RestClient.class})
public class ActualResRestClientTest {
private static final String REQUEST_URI = "something";
public ActualRestClient testee;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
#Test(expected = ServerException.class)
public void sendPostRequestWithResponseBody_throwsServerException() throws Exception {
HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException = new HttpServerErrorException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
when(, eq(HttpMethod.POST), Mockito.any(), eq(FetchFileRequest.class))).thenThrow(httpServerErrorException);
testee.sendFetchFileRequest(new URI(REQUEST_URI), new FetchFileRequest());
ClientException and ServerException are exceptions created by me by extending Exception class.
My problem is that in the RestClient class another Exception is catched(message:"URI is not absolute") instead of HttpServerErrorException and I can't understand why. Thank you!
As the commenter already expressed: doing new URI("something") already throws at you. But even when you pass a "valid" URI, your code will not work, as there is a misconception on your end. You see:
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
response =, HttpMethod.POST, getEntity(restRequest), responseClass);
That code lives within a method of your class under test. But #InjectMocks works only for fields of classes.
In other words: when your production code gets executed, a new (completely different** ResponseTemplate instance is created. And therefore your mocking spec is irrelevant, because the method isn't invoked on your mock in the first place.
Two choices:
turn that local variable into a field of your class under test (then injecting should work)
or, as you are already using PowerMock(ito), you could use that mocking framework to intercept that call to new().
I suggest you rather use option one, and avoid to use the PowerMock(ito) extension altogether!

How to get the response body after RestClientException is thrown after a 401 Error [duplicate]

The methods of RestTemplate such as postForEntity() throw RestClientException. I would like to extract the HTTP status code and response body from that exception object in the catch block. How can I do that?
Instead of catching RestClientException, catch the special HttpClientErrorException.
Here's an example:
try {
Link dataCenterLink = serviceInstance.getLink("dataCenter");
String dataCenterUrl = dataCenterLink.getHref();
DataCenterResource dataCenter =
restTemplate.getForObject(dataCenterUrl, DataCenterResource.class);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
HttpStatus status = e.getStatusCode();
if (status != HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) { throw e; }
HttpClientErrorException provides getStatusCode and getResponseBodyAsByteArray to get the status code and body, respectively.
Catch RestClientResponseException instead. It's more generic.
From the docs: Common base class for exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
In some cases, HttpClientErrorException is not thrown. For example the following method call:
ResponseEntity<Employee[]> employees =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, Employee[].class);
Gets the http body and marshalls it to an Entity. If remote resource returns a rare error, internal marshall does not work and just a RestClientException is thrown.
In this case or if you want to handle any error in restTemplate operations, you could use setErrorHandler. This method receives a basic ResponseErrorHandler with helpful methods.
This method hasError allowed me to get the remote http body text and helped me to detect the error of the invocation or in the remote http remote resource:
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new ResponseErrorHandler() {
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {
System.out.println("StatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("RawStatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getRawStatusCode());
System.out.println("StatusText from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusText());
String body = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(arg0.getBody()))
System.out.println("Error body from remote http resource:"+body);
return false;
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {
// do something
Also, you can manually evaluate the body or status and return true or false in order to flag as error or not.
private void sendActivity(StatsActivity statsActivity) throws InterruptedException
LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView = (LibraryConnectorXapiEditView) workerBundle.getConnector();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
Statement statement = libraryConnectorConverter.convertActivityToStatement(statsActivity, workerBundle);
HttpEntity<Statement> request = new HttpEntity<>(statement, headers);
String lrsEndPoint = libraryConnectorXapiEditView.getLrsEndPoint() + "/statements";
ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.POST, request, String.class);, response.getBody(), response.getStatusCodeValue()));
catch (HttpClientErrorException ex)
{, ex.getResponseBodyAsString(), ex.getStatusCode().value()));
checkResponse(ex, libraryConnectorXapiEditView);
private void checkResponse(HttpClientErrorException ex, LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView) throws InterruptedException
int statusCode = ex.getStatusCode().value();
int retryAfterSeconds = retryAfter(ex.getResponseHeaders());
switch (statusCode)
case 401:
headers = xApiAuthorizationUtils.getHeaders(libraryConnectorXapiEditView);
case 429:
case 422:

SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory vs HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory for Http Request timeout with RestTemplate?

I am working on a project in which I need to make a HTTP URL call to my server which is running Restful Service which returns back the response as a JSON String.
Below is my main code which is using the future and callables:
public class TimeoutThreadExample {
private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
public String getData() {
Future<String> future = executor.submit(new Task(restTemplate));
String response = null;
try {
response = future.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
return response;
Below is my Task class which implements the Callable interface and uses the RestTemplate:
class Task implements Callable<String> {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public Task(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
public String call() throws Exception {
String url = "some_url";
String response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return response;
Problem Statement:
As you can see above, I am using default way of executing the URL using RestTemplate which doesn't use any Http Request timeout so that means internally it is using -1 as the read and connection timeout.
Now what I am looking to do is, I want to set up Http Request timeout using RestTemplate in my above code efficiently. And I am not sure which class I need to use for that, I can see HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory and SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory so not sure which one I need to use?
Any simple example basis on my above code will help me understand better on how to set the Http Request timeout using RestTemplate.
And also does my Http Request timeout value should be less than future timeout value?
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory vs SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory. Which one to use?
Does my Http Request timeout value should be less than future timeout value?
By default RestTemplate uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection.
You can configure them by using below attributes:
If you want to use HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory - it has a connection pooling configuration which SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory does not have.
A sample code for using HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory:
public class TimeoutThreadExample {
private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
private static final RestTemplate restTemplate = createRestTemplate();
private static RestTemplate createRestTemplate(){
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
return new RestTemplate(requestFactory);
public String getData() {
Future<String> future = executor.submit(new Task(restTemplate));
String response = null;
try {
response = future.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
return response;
SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory uses the standard JDK's HTTP library, and hence does not support methods like HttpMethod.PATCH. So it's better to use HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory now than change it later when you have to.

How do I retrieve HTTP status code and response body when an RestClientException is thrown?

The methods of RestTemplate such as postForEntity() throw RestClientException. I would like to extract the HTTP status code and response body from that exception object in the catch block. How can I do that?
Instead of catching RestClientException, catch the special HttpClientErrorException.
Here's an example:
try {
Link dataCenterLink = serviceInstance.getLink("dataCenter");
String dataCenterUrl = dataCenterLink.getHref();
DataCenterResource dataCenter =
restTemplate.getForObject(dataCenterUrl, DataCenterResource.class);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
HttpStatus status = e.getStatusCode();
if (status != HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) { throw e; }
HttpClientErrorException provides getStatusCode and getResponseBodyAsByteArray to get the status code and body, respectively.
Catch RestClientResponseException instead. It's more generic.
From the docs: Common base class for exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
In some cases, HttpClientErrorException is not thrown. For example the following method call:
ResponseEntity<Employee[]> employees =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, Employee[].class);
Gets the http body and marshalls it to an Entity. If remote resource returns a rare error, internal marshall does not work and just a RestClientException is thrown.
In this case or if you want to handle any error in restTemplate operations, you could use setErrorHandler. This method receives a basic ResponseErrorHandler with helpful methods.
This method hasError allowed me to get the remote http body text and helped me to detect the error of the invocation or in the remote http remote resource:
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new ResponseErrorHandler() {
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {
System.out.println("StatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("RawStatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getRawStatusCode());
System.out.println("StatusText from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusText());
String body = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(arg0.getBody()))
System.out.println("Error body from remote http resource:"+body);
return false;
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {
// do something
Also, you can manually evaluate the body or status and return true or false in order to flag as error or not.
private void sendActivity(StatsActivity statsActivity) throws InterruptedException
LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView = (LibraryConnectorXapiEditView) workerBundle.getConnector();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
Statement statement = libraryConnectorConverter.convertActivityToStatement(statsActivity, workerBundle);
HttpEntity<Statement> request = new HttpEntity<>(statement, headers);
String lrsEndPoint = libraryConnectorXapiEditView.getLrsEndPoint() + "/statements";
ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.POST, request, String.class);, response.getBody(), response.getStatusCodeValue()));
catch (HttpClientErrorException ex)
{, ex.getResponseBodyAsString(), ex.getStatusCode().value()));
checkResponse(ex, libraryConnectorXapiEditView);
private void checkResponse(HttpClientErrorException ex, LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView) throws InterruptedException
int statusCode = ex.getStatusCode().value();
int retryAfterSeconds = retryAfter(ex.getResponseHeaders());
switch (statusCode)
case 401:
headers = xApiAuthorizationUtils.getHeaders(libraryConnectorXapiEditView);
case 429:
case 422:

