This is in reference to Using vals from scala package object in java
The example shows that the package object has a package declaration at the top of the file. My question is how to access it when it does not.
package object sbt {
def config(s: String): Configuration = Configurations.config(s)
This is found in the sbt source code. How can I access the function config from Java?
figured it out :)
i wanted to write a bit for Android ebay client.
but im struggeling with the first probleme.
first i start a new Java Android Project with IntelliJ
I want to use this Library ebay-oauth-android-client
like described on Git:
Obtaining Library
This library is distributed via maven central repository. To use this
library, include the below as dependency in your project
dependencies {
compile 'com.ebay.auth:ebay-oauth-android-client:1.0.1'
i put this snippet in my and replace compile with implementation since compile is depricated.
so far so good. gradle import this library.
but the next step not working for me:
Application Setup
Before performing OAuth, the library should be initialized with details about your application from eBay developer portal. The library uses
Client ID. For details see Getting your OAuth credentials
Redirect Uri. for details see Getting your Redirect_Uri
Url encoded list of scopes. for details see Specifying OAuth scopes
Use these details in ApiSessionConfiguration.initialize() as shown below:
apiEnvironment = ApiEnvironment.PRODUCTION,
apiConfiguration = ApiConfiguration(
<Client ID>,
<Redirect Uri>,
<space separated scopes>
So i try to call initialze:
my Code with error
But when i try that the Compiler tells me that:
cannot find symbol method initialize(<null>)
When i Jump to the Class Declaration of ApiSessionConfiguration is written that:
// IntelliJ API Decompiler stub source generated from a class file
// Implementation of methods is not available
package com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model
public final class ApiSessionConfiguration private constructor() {
public companion object {
private final val instance: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration /* compiled code */
public final fun getInstance(): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final fun initialize(apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment, apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final var apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration? /* compiled code */
public final var apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment? /* compiled code */
i dont really understand what im doing wrong. in the sample file on Git ApiSessionConfiguration.initalize() is called without any errors.
i already tried to Invalidate Cache, Clean Build, and start over again.
when i try to import the library from Project Structure Librarys New from Maven repo it says:
no files were downloaded...
Doesn't it can resolve initialize method with single argument?
Did you tried initialize method with two arguments?
Their sample app takes 2 arguments:
But to access to Kotlin companion object function from java you need to call ApiSessionConfiguration.Companion.initialize method
I need to import custom classes defined outside of my jenkinsfile. These classes have constructors which require parameters. I've already tried using load() for each of the class files, but it seems this only works for script files that just define static methods. When I tried using this to load my class files, it threw an error that it could not find an <init> method.
I currently have a way of importing these classes that works, but it requires re-cloning the repository as a library (code below). I'd like to move away from this since it's inefficient and seems like it should be unnecessary.
current working (but not great) implementation:
lib = library(identifier: "<libraryName>#${env.currentBranch}",
retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource',
credentialsId: <credentialsId>,
id: '<id>',
remote: env.projectRemote,
traits: [[$class: 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.BranchDiscoveryTrait']]]))
def git =, currentStage, currentStep)
class Git implements Serializable {
def script
def stage
def step
Git(script, stage, step){
I'd like to get rid of that library command and replace it with a simpler way of importing these classes.
I am writing a Gradle plugin that needs to scan Kotlin files and find if there is a certain interface included in the class. For example, with this snippet of code:
class MyClass {
interface MyInterface {
fun doSomething()
my plugin would print on the console that the interface MyInterface was found, and for this snippet:
class MySecondClass {}
would not print anything.
I have successfully created the plugin structure and a DefaultTask like this, where I get the file that needs to be inspected from the user input (written in Kotlin):
open class MyGradleTas : DefaultTask() {
#InputFile lateinit var inputFile: File
#OutputDirectory lateinit var outputDirectory: File
fun run() {
// How can I inspect the Java/Kotlin code inside the inputFile object
How can I inspect the inputFile File object? Is there a way to transform it to UAST or PSI? If so, how?
So I found this project: that I believe it will put me in the right direction, but any suggestions are welcome, since I do not know if this is the preferred/right approach
I agree with your thought that using a parser is the correct way to approach this. I found a discussion of parsing Kotlin that has pointers to 2 projects on GitHub that use antlr4 grammars to parse Kotlin. The second project appears to be basically a copy of the first, but provides slightly more useful examples of how to use it.
I have built a jar from my Scala project.
I have the following structure for what I want to use from this jar
package aaa.bbb.ccc
case class FooResult(...)
trait Foo(...) {
def bar(): FooResult
object Foo {
private class FooImpl(...) extends Foo {
def apply(...): Foo
First question: Maybe I have misunderstood something in what Py4J offers,
but do I have to write a java/scala class to start the Py4J gateway if I want to use my own classes? Or is it enough to add it to the gateway's jvm's classpath?
Second question (which I guess doesn't apply depending on the answer to above): How do I add my jar when starting the java gateway in order to make it available? To solve this temporarily, I just started the jvm manually with my jar along with the Py4J jar with this command
java -classpath "path/to/py4j.jar:path/to/my.jar" py4j.GatewayServer 0
and then connected to it manually from the Python code. Then I tried to import my classes via
java_import(gateway.jvm, "aaa.bbb.ccc.*")
which didn't throw any error but I'm not sure it worked because it doesn't throw any error if I input some fake classpath.
Third question (which applies if the answer to the first is that I have to write the entry point to access my classes): How does this work when using scala?
object Main extends App {
val gw = new GatewayServer(// TODO: how to expose my classes here?
I've got some class with property marked as internal.
Then I try to set that property from test code which is in java.
How can I access those properties? test code and class code are in the same package.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interal var someProperty = "test"
test code:
public void firstStartTest() {
val activity = MainActivity()
activity.setSomeProperty("something") //does not compile
Android Studio is suggesting activity.setSomeProperty$production_sources_for_module_app();
but this also does not compile.
Both classes (MainActivity and test class) must be in one module. This is a module definition:
More specifically, a module is a set of Kotlin files compiled together:
an IntelliJ IDEA module;
a Maven or Gradle project;
a set of files
compiled with one invocation of the Ant task.
It means, check your project structure.
add #JvmField annotation.
It treats variable as java protected
There are two ways of doing this:
Make the property protected. Note on how Java & Kotlin treat protected differently. In Java it's possible that other classes in the same package access protected members. Thus your test class (in Java) can access it.
Access the property via its ugly name. It should be sort of like activity.setSomeProperty$production_.... Make use the autocomplete. From the documentation:
Members of internal classes go through name mangling, to make it
harder to accidentally use them from Java and to allow overloading for
members with the same signature that don't see each other according to
Kotlin rules;