I have some issues with running Eclipse memory analyzer on my laptop.
This happen when i have just downloaded(from the place) and executed application:
And i can't figure out what is the cause of problem. Can someone help me???
Move mat.app to ./Applications solve my problems
This is a bug, you can run command:
1. cd mat.app/Contents/MacOS
2. ./MemoryAnalyzer
It looks like a permission problem with the default directory.
From this discussion : Memory Analyzer ยป Setting up workspace directory?.
It is indicated that you should edit your MemoryAnalyzer.ini file, and add those lines (on two separate lines, and before the vm arguments), replacing the second with the path where you want the MemoryAnalyzer to write its content:
<desired path of your working directory>
Find the MemoryAnalyzer.ini file .
Add the following content:
<your Java1.7 path>
Does the latest Eclipse Memory Analyzer snapshot build work better for you? This is a signed and notarized dmg not a zip so might be easier to install.
I was having issue running MAT(Eclipse memory analyzer) on Mac. So I have tried installing "Eclipse Memory Analyzer" plugin in Sts that I use, it worked.
You can also install MAT as plugin in Eclipse/STS that you use already.
One more solution is to
open mat.app --args -data ~/<your-folder>
I have intellij-idea installed. Although I have set JAVA_HOME environment variable referring to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45" but when I try to run it, I end up with the following error:
failed to create JVM: error code -1. JVM path: "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.2\jre64\" if you have a 64-bit jdk installed, define a JAVA_HOME variable in Computer> system variables> system settings> environment variables.
Windows 7_ 64-bit
My workaround was to go to C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020.3\idea64.exe vmoptions file and delete the whole content. The error disappeared and IntelliJ started normally.
Note that there are 2 .vmoptions files. There is the one in the bin directory and an override in
For me the answer was to remove -Xmx and -Xms options from the override file.
Please check your phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions file located at bin folder and remove option
it is not a JAVA_HOME issue, you no doubt have touched the *.vmoptions files in bin folder. if you have entered the licence sever in the *.vmpotions file, notice that it should be like this "-javaagent:C:\Program Files....." don't forget to include "-javaagent:" at the beginning of the license server ;)
The file may be corrupted after a bad manipulation.
Just copy and paste the idea{64}.exe.vmoptions from
%IntelliJ installation path%/bin to %User IntelliJ data path%/config.
For example :
Copy "C:/Program Files/JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.3/bin/idea64.exe.vmoptions" and paste into "C:/Users/HP/.IntelliJIdea2019.2/config"
I've been using IntelliJ for some time and this issue popped up sometime ago for me too. The issue is with a "VMOPTIONS" file. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans Go to this location and inside you'll find a VMOPTIONS file. Delete it. Now run the Application and it should work. This VMOPTIONS file is infact a copy of the original VMOPTION file located else where but which can also override the default VMOPTIONS. So deleting this copy with some invalid options inside fixes the problem.
If a VMOPTIONS file doesn't exist in the above path, Go to this location C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition xxxx.x.x\bin and run the idea.bat file. Not the exe file. This should fix any and all other problems and let you open the application with out getting that error.
You might have the JRE_HOME environment variable set in your system. Remove that and try again. It generally overwrites the JAVA_HOME variable.
I am just copy file "phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions" from C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2019.3.1\bin and paste it(replace) in C:\Users\{{your username}}\.PhpStorm2019.3\config
It works fine for me..
I got such error when adding JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in environment variables. Try to rename this variable to JAVA_OPTS restart IDE and rename again to JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS. Or simply delete JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS if it is not required
You can find default vmoptions file of windows 64bit version of it in :
You can reinstall phpstorm as well ,it's quick.
I simply removed JAVA_HOME from system variable then again added and saved.
Restart IntelliJ again. Worked fine for me.
It works fine with Webstorm
JAVA_HOME. Watch this tutorial
Delete .vmoptions file. It contains in:
C:\Program Files\WebStorm 2021.3\bin
C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\WebStorm2021.3 OR C:\Users\%USER%\.somewhere
I had added
-T 6C clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true lines. Then I removed them, program is working now.
try to launch idea64.exe from the cmd and see if it works
I am using Grails 2.5.1 and Java 8 with IntelliJ 14.1.4. Whenever I run any grails command (eg: clean) using the Grails Run Target (Ctrl+Alt+g), IntelliJ executes the below command:
C:\iDocs\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java -Dgrails.home=C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1 -Dbase.dir=C:\iDocs\xxxx -Dtools.jar=C:\iDocs\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\lib\tools.jar -Dgroovy.starter.conf=C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1/conf/groovy-starter.conf -Xmx768M -Xms768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m -Djline.WindowsTerminal.directConsole=false -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -classpath C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1\lib\org.codehaus.groovy\groovy-all\jars\groovy-all-2.4.4.jar;C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1\dist\grails-bootstrap-2.5.1.jar org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli.support.GrailsStarter --main org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli.GrailsScriptRunner --conf C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1/conf/groovy-starter.conf "clean -plain-output"
Can anyone give me the location for this VM configuration (highlighted above) that I can edit, especially the PermSize and MaxPermSize?
a) Adding it to VM options on Run Target window doesnt modify it.
b) Adding it to the VM options of IntelliJ executeable (idea64.exe.vmoptions) also doesnt work.
Go to (IntelliJ installation bin directory):
<Installation Dir>/JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA <version>/bin
This is in context to a windows setup. You can find the corresponding in OSX.
For Grails application, setting up GRAILS_OPTS as environment variables is also an option.
I contacted the IntelliJ support and unfortunately, it is not supported by the IDE. An issue has been created to track the same:
If anyone is facing the same issue, please upvote the issue created (IDEA-145433) and comment in there.
When I open Intellij 14 , it starts the initial loading and then following is shown in the screen.After that it is vanished and program does not start.
But when I open the task manager it is shown in the Processes as per the below figure.
Sometimes the program starts after about 10 minutes .Sometimes it won't start at all.Can someone give me a solution on how to overcome this problem ?
Just like Tom, I too have increased the memory when IntelliJ asked and regretted it. This is the screen that asked for it:
However, in my case, instead of editing the .vmoptions files in the bin folder, IntelliJ created a new one in my home directory which I can only assume overrides the ones in the bin folder. I would assume this is typical of the new versions - I am using IntelliJ 2016.1 right now.
So, in order to fix this issue, go to C:\Users\<your_username>\.IntelliJIdea<version>\config (or your OS' equivalent) and delete the idea.exe.vmoptions and/or idea64.exe.vmoptions file from there. This should remove the override and have IntelliJ use the settings in the bin folder.
It might be worth checking the files in the bin folder as well, in case IntelliJ changes how it handles these settings.
Here are the default .vmoptions files in the installation's bin folder; you can't delete these as it will prevent IntelliJ from starting:
I got an out-of-memory dialog on intellij 15 and took an option on that dialog to increase max memory. Thereafter I could not start intellij. So, I looked in the intellij /bin folder for a pid file (per another stack overflow question) to see what was happening, but I could not find one. There was however a file (idea.exe.vmoptions) that had changed (to hold my new memory setting). So I edited that file to set max memory back to what I had before, and now it works.
You can try to open Intellij on CLI.
cd C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1\bin
later then execute this command
Probably Intellij will open. If it will not open then you can see the error message why it will not open on CLI.
Just updated IntelliJ to a newer version, and I followed the 'configure' link to double the memory used for IntelliJ which I later regret. IntelliJ could not restart. Open the system.log (e.g. Use CMD+SPACE_BAR and search 'console' on MacOs, then go to system.log), I can see IntelliJ aborted a few times with an abnormal code 1. Here the lines related to the launch,
Processing VMOptions file at
com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.jetbrains.intellij.22016[2971]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
I can see the path from where IntelliJ loads vm options during the launch.
Checking the bin/ of my IntelliJ application, I can see another version of the idea.vmoptions file that has a slightly older timestamp. By comparing the content of the two files, I now realized that IntelliJ created another vm option file that has only a sub set of options in a newer location which broke the restart. Deleting or just safely renaming the newer file in the [User] sub directory fixed my problem.
if you are a Windows user, remove this directory. It helped me
Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.6\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions the Xmx to Xmx512
Following steps helped me to overcome the Java heap size related issues on InteliJ IDEA.
Go to the location where you have installed the IDEA IDE and search for the following file:
Change it accordingly.
Also be aware of the 32-bit address space limit on Windows which makes it hard to use heap sizes higher than 750m. Should you need to use larger heap, make sure to switch to the 64-bit JVM first, otherwise IDE may crash on start or start to crash randomly during work.
For me, the cause was a bad plugin.
I moved all plugins in below directory to a backup directory, and started IDEA, and it started without an issue.
Then, copied plugins back to the above directory one by one, to identify the broken plugin.
You might also check your IDEA_JDK_64, JAVA_HOME and JDK_HOME environmental variables. In my case I updated Java version and deleted previous directory containing JDK. Then IntelliJ started to dissapear from processes just a few seconds after launch. I changed all paths to point proper JDK directory and then it started to work as it should.
Check the logs for error or issue in the path C:\Users\.IntelliJIdea14\system\log\idea.log.
If that report HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
Go to VM options files in the path C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.6\bin
Increase the -Xms750m to greater value say -Xms900m .
That solve the issue for me
Had a similar issue.
idea64.exe just didn't start silently.
idea.bat printed just IDE is being shut down and didn't start either.
In my case there was no effect of manipulations with idea64.exe.vmoptions, but it helped to find and kill from Task Manager an invisible orphan idea64.exe process.
This solution was hinted by the first comment by #CrazyCoder at https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360009511720--Solved-Idea-Community-doesn-t-start-after-update-to-2020-1-4.
I can't get VisualVM working with eclipse, i was following these instructions
and also these
The problem is that it cant see JDK location which is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05", this happens when i try to run the application
Here is the original content of visualvm.conf file
Unfortunately my command line is somehow broken too(or I'm the one who dont know how to do it)
First I tryed to install JProbe but it wasnt working, then I tryed VisualVM and it also isn't working. How can i resolve this please? I wasted 5 hours and its driving me crazy.
Uncomment line 72 of your visualvm.conf file, and set the value:
For MAC users, add below line to visualvm.conf file which can be located at /Applications/VisualVM.app/Contents/Resources/visualvm/etc
visualvm_jdkhome="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<jdk version>/Contents/Home"
Add the JDK bin directory to the PATH environmental variable
PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin;%PATH%
For windowss its as simple as this:
<YourVisualVMUnzippedDir>\visualvm.exe --jdkhome "C:\YourPathToJDKDirForExample\Java\jdk1.6.0"
Source: https://visualvm.github.io/gettingstarted.html
I have installed jdk1.6 in E: drive of windows 7.I developed a simple .java file and try to run it through the command prompt using "javac" but it says javac is not recognized as internal or external command.So i checked just by running java it runs fine .so I thought that i should uninstall that jdk and reinstallit but i am getting windows 1723 error
opened a control panel and tried to remove jdk from there but got this "Error 1723.There is problem with this Windows Installer package.A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run.Contact your support personnel or package vendor"
to be able to run javac from the command line, you need to add the path to javac to the PATH environment variable.
It looks like the 1723 error describes a problem with the installer itself. I would follow the advice from Microsoft Answers and Oracle to fix the installation. A correct install of Java should add the necessary entry on the Windows PATH. Make sure you open a new DOS (or Command) window after installation otherwise the amended PATH might not be picked up.
Probably,you are facing the below issue: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2213081. You can use ccleaner to uninstall all the instance of jdk/jre.The issue is happening due to interrupting in installing/uninstalling.If ccleaer is not solving your problem registry cleaning is the only option as shown on the above link.
You probably have java.exe on your \windows\system32 folder... And since this folder is on the path env var it got confused. Try to delete this/these java*.exe files from \windows\system32 folder.
If you encountered a problem with Java error 1723 when you try to reinstall Java.
It may occur when you delete the Java directory by error
_ Go to your Microsoft Event Viewer you'll see one error line like this
Event viewer
_ Then copy an Java bin directory from an other server to have back the lost dlls in the directory mentioned in the events viewer
_ finally reinstall Java
Hope it helps
I have used Microsoft utility(fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed) to resolve this error it saved me doing manual work and it is safe also :