Cannot find Method inside Stream.generate().forEach() - java

Stream.generate(() -> {
try {
return GraphController.GRAPHPOOL.take();
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
return "Interrupted!";
.forEach(g -> {System.out.println(g.getEdge());}
I am able to print the object Edge returned by getEdge out of Stream.generate().forEach(), however, within forEach I can access only object g.
When trying to access g.getEdge() I get an error as follows:
error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getEdge()
location: variable g of type Object
How can I access g.getEdge()?

due to the call GraphController.GRAPHPOOL.take(); returning a different type to the statement return "Interrupted!", the elements returned by the generate intermediate method will all be of type Object and there is no such method called getEdge() within the Object class. To overcome the problem you can do something like:
.forEach(g -> {
if(g instanceof TheType){
// "interrupted"
Also, note that the method generate(Supplier<T> s) returns an infinite sequential stream, usually in cases like this you'll want to utilize limit to truncate the stream.

You have to cast your g to the wished datatype. As you can read, the variable g is currently an Object. Simply cast it with (neededObjectforGetEdge(g)).getEdge()


How check if an Attribute(object) is null in Java

I need specific data for a report, then I gettin all information from a parent object
It has many attributes, object attributes
Object11, Object12, Object13, attr1, attr2...
The attributes has many attributes too
Object111, Object131, Object132,..
by now I got 5 level data attributes.
When I send information to my report it says, Error: cause:null
It trows error because Object111 is null
I tried using
but it only verify if description is null, and throws the same error
Then I tried to verify Object
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111() == null) {
var = object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getDescription;
} else {
var = "";
But when Object11 is null, it throws same error.
I don't think its a good way doing this for each attribute (have to get like 30 attributes)
if(object1.getIdObject11()!=null) {
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111()!=null) {
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getIdObject1111()!=null) {
I want to verify if is there a null object and set '' (blank) if it is, with no such a large code(because the gotten params are set inside a report, mixed with letter).
reportline1 = "Area: "+object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getName;
You code breaks Demeter's law. That's why it's better to refactor the design itself.
As a workaround, you can use Optional
var = Optional.ofNullable(object1)
.map(o -> o.getIdObject11())
.map(o -> o.getIdObject111())
.map(o -> o.getDescription())
The way I would probably do this to extend the functionality of the code easily in the future might take a bit of writing in the beginning but will be easily usable forever.
I would create a new method in your parent class called hasNull that returns a boolean like so:
public boolean hasNull()
boolean hasANull = false;
//Call another hasNull() inside of object11 which in turns calls hasNull() in object111 etc.
//If any of the calls return with a true/null value set hasANull to true
return hasANull;
This in turn checks to see if the current objects it contains are null. If one of the class variables is another custom class you created you can then add another hasNull into that one and keep going until you get to the lowest level where you can do a specific operation when the value is null such as set it to "".
After implementing this you will be able to just be able to use it like this any time you need it:
if (!object1.hasNull())
//Do whatever you want if there are no null values
//Do whatever you want if there is a null value
You can also make this a void method if you only want it to toggle the values on the lowest level, and do not need to do anything in either case.
I prefer the solution that gave dehasi.
But you can also do something like that:
getOrElse(() -> object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getDescription(), "")
Where getOrElse is:
public static <T> T getOrElse(Supplier<T> getter, T elseValue) {
try {
return getter.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
// log or do something with it
return elseValue;
It may be controversial becaouse you use Exception to do this.
You can use this code to check if your object has a null attribute, the object is myclass;
for (Field f : myclass.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
try {
if (Objects.isNull(f.get(myclass))) {
isLineContainsNull = true;
} catch (Exception e) {

Use java lambda expressions

I'm beginning with Java 8 and I was wondering if I can convert a loop with a try-catch clause, into a lambda function?
Below is the method code I would like to convert into:
for (File f: files) {
JSONOject obj;
try (FileWriter fw= new FileWriter("path.csv")) {
obj= (JSONObject) parser.parse(new FileWriter(f));
results.put(day, new JobClass(day,work, time,description));
Date d= results.keySet();
Calendar c= Calendar.getinstance();
Map<Date, JobClass> daysList= new HashMap<>();
} catch (IOException ex) {
return resDaysList;
Assuming it's the files iteration you want to convert to a Stream, that can easily be done. At the moment, your loop contents don't even throw uncaught exceptions, so there's no difficulty here (though I would suggest refactoring it into its own method first).
As lambda expressions in Java are just a means to conveniently provide implementations of single-abstract-method (SAM) interfaces as anonymous objects and the standard Stream interface offers the forEach() method for internal iteration, you can encapsulate pretty much everything you want to within your expression.
forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) expects you to provide it with an object of the Consumer interface, which need only have one method implementation consuming an object of any kind and returning no value.
So you simply put the code within your loop into the expression (or, as already proposed, transfer it into it's own method first) and you're done. The only thing you'll need to think about is how to treat your return statement, as it's not possible to return values from within the forEach() method (due to it being a so called "terminal" method of return type void). But you'll be able to pass your list into the lambda expression, modify your values in any way you see fit and keep working with it after the lambda is done, without any problem.
The try-catch-block does not affect the lambda expression itself. After all, the following two segments of code are equivalent:
List<String> someList = Arrays.asList("example", "of", "lambda", "code");
// lambda style item -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// anonymous object style Consumer<String>() {
public void accept(String s) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

Breaking a method before having a return value

Is there any solution i can break a running method which is supposed to return an int[] or whatever but !without! any return value.
I thought that might work with some exception but i didn't find a propper way. To be more specific i want something which tries to find out if a certain field of an object was set and if yes return it and if no returns a message which tells me that the input wasn't made so far.
something like this:
public int[] returnArray(){
if(array_was_set==true) return the array;
else show message that it wasnt set and quit the method without any return value;
One way of doing that, return null and make the caller decide , if the caller gets a nun-null (or maybe a non-empty) array it will process it in some way and if the caller get an empty or null array it could print a message.
I would recommend against using exceptions as a substitute for return values see this question to know more about when to throw an exception.
There are three options to choose from, depending on your scenario:
Use return value of null (and document it)
Throw an exception with a detailed message. I would use this version only for exceptional cases such as illegal API usage or a logical error situation(bug).
Return a wrapper class, containing both a return value and some other message, when relevant
Edit: Another 2 options:
Use polymorphism - Return type can be Result, and concrete subclasses can be NoResult and DataResult.
Instead of returning null, return a constant value defined as:
static final NO_RESULT = new int[0];
Later you can check the returned value against it (using == condition).
You should be able to do it by raising an exception. Just use the message in the exception's constructor.
However, exceptions are relatively expensive and if this isn't really an error condition you should consider doing something else, such as returning null to indicate there is nothing to return.
Yes better way is use Exception
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new Result().returnArray(false) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
public int[] returnArray(boolean input) throws Exception {
if(input) {
return new int[]{1};
else {
System.out.println("Not match");
throw new Exception();
When you declare in the method signature that it is returning a data type then it must have a return statement which returns that specific type value. Otherwise you will get compile-time error.
The only exception when a method can avoid return statement even though it has return type is when there is an infinite loop or an exception is thrown. Otherwise return statement is compulsory.
Coming to your question, you can easily achieve what you are doing. If you want to terminate at a particular point as per your requirement just say,
return null;
It will work for all the data types except for primitive types in which case you need to do type casting to Wrapper class types appropriately.
public int[] returnArr() {
if(some condition)
return SomeIntArray;
return null;
public int returnInt() {
if(some condition)
return 2;
return (Integer)null;

Check if last getter in method chain is not null

In code we have got a lot of chain methods, for example obj.getA().getB().getC().getD(). I want to create helper class which will check if method getD() isn't null, but before that I need to check all previous getters. I can do it in this way:
try {
catch (NullPointerException e) {
// some getter is null
or (which is "silly")
if (obj!null && obj.getA()!=null && obj.getA().getB()!=null && ...) {
else {
// some getter is null
I don't want to check it every time using try{} catch() in my code. What is the best solution for this purpose?
I think that the best will be:
obj.getA().getB().getC().getD().isNull() - for this purpose I will need to change all of my getters, for example implement some interface which contains isNull() method.
NullObjectHelper.isNull(obj.getA().getB().getC().getD()); - this will be the best (I think so) but how to implement this?
As of Java 8 you can use methods like Optional.isPresent and Optional.orElse to handle null in getter chains:
boolean dNotNull = Optional.ofNullable(obj)
While this is preferable to catching NullPointerException the downside of this approach is the object allocations for Optional instances.
It is possible to write your own static methods that perform similar operations without this overhead:
boolean dNotNull = Nulls.isNotNull(obj, Obj::getA, A::getB, B::getC, C::getD);
For a sample implementation, see the Nullifier type here.
No approach is likely to have greater runtime efficiency than nested if-not-null checks.
You can achieve the desired result with Option pattern. This enforces you to change a method signature, but basically if your method returns some type T, it guarantees it has some non-null value, and if it returnsOption<T> it means it either has value T, or null.
Java 7 had some feature called null safety, but it was removed from the final release. You could do:
Moreover, Java 8 will add a feature called Optional so you would do it safely.
In fact, if you really want to use that now, try Null Object pattern. It means that instead of returning plain null you can return some sort of default value, which won't trigger NullPointerException. Though, you need add some changes to your getters
class Object {
A getA() {
// ...
return a == null ? A.NULL : a;
class A {
static A NULL = new A(); // some default behaviour
B getB() {
if (this == NULL) return B.NULL;
// ...
return b == null ? B.NULL : b;
EDIT: If you want utility to do it you can wrap it in some functional interface and then call it.
static boolean isNullResult(Callable call) throws Exception {
try {
return == null;
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
return true;
Usage will be the following:
isNullResult(new Callable<Integer>() {
public Integer call() throws Exception {
return new A().getB().getC().getInt();
It won't require you to change existing functionality
As already stated, the true solution is refactoring.
In the meantime, you could just wrap your first workaround in a function:
static D getD(MyClass obj) {
try {
return obj.getA().getB().getC().getD();
catch (NullPointerException e) {
return null; // Or even better, some default D
At the caller site:
D d = getD(obj);
At least you don't have to trash the caller with try-catch blocks. You still need to handle the errors somehow, when some of the intermediate getX() call returns a null and so d becomes null. The best would be to return some default D in the wrapper function.
I don't see how the two options you list at the end of your question would help if any of the intermediate getX() returns a null; you will get a NullPointerException.

if statement with a void method

Is it possible to make a boolean if statement, that says if (a method that has a void data type) = true { then do the following?
or would the method need to be a boolean as well?
The if-expression has to have boolean type. If it is just a call, you need to call a method that returns boolean. If you are comparing to true, generally a waste of time, you also need a boolean expression.
What are you trying to test? If you just want to find out if it completes without an exception, you can use:
method call
code to execute if it does not throw an exception
} catch(ExceptionYouExpectItToThrow e) {
code to execute if it does throw the exception
If you are trying to test something else about the method's execution, you need to specify what you are testing.
In JS a function that doesn't return any value will be undefined which is a falsy value, that is it is equivalent to false:
function foo() {
if (foo()) {
console.log("TRUE:" + foo());
else {
console.log("FALSE:" + foo()); // outputs: FALSE: undefined
​obviously testing the value of such a function is redundant

