I want to validate the PathVariable of an endpoint. Actually, it's not a validation because it's done by the java itself. For example, if the PathVariable type is Integer and I pass String to it, it will throw something like this: Failed to convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Long]... - this it the response message. How can I set custom message (ex: The age must be a number)? I know that I can create a custom validator and use it with annotation but as I have many endpoints, I will have to create a really big amount of validators for every single PathVariable - looks like something is not OK because I know there must be a just easier way. Am I wrong?
You can create a handler for the MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException that is thrown:
public class ExceptionControllerAdvice {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public String handleTypeMismatch(MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException e) {
// Return custom message from messageSource using e.getRequiredType()
I have a java class with uppercase field names and some of them with under scroll, like this:
public class DATADto {
private String UPPERCASE;
private String UNDER_SCROLL;
public String getUPPERCASE() { return UPPERCASE; }
public void setUPPERCASE(String s) { UPPERCASE = s; }
...//setters and getters
and I used this in a rest endpoint that accepts json in a spring rest controller:
public class MyRestController {
#PostMapping(path = {"/Data"}, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> useDATADto(#RequestBody DATADto aDATADto ) {
//do something
what JSON fields do I need to send by default and why?
The story goes like this..
Spring Boot by default uses Jackson ObjectMapper to serialize and deserialize Java objects.
In this context, by serialization we mean the conversion of java objects into json, deserialization is the reverse process.
Regarding the #RequestBody annotation, the following is written in the documentation:
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body
of the web request. The body of the request is passed through an
HttpMessageConverter to resolve the method argument depending on the
content type of the request. Optionally, automatic validation can be
applied by annotating the argument with #Valid.
In short, #RequestBody annotation tells Spring to deserialize an incoming request body into an object passed as a parameter to the handler method. Spring achieves this using MessageConverter
Since Spring Boot uses Jackson by default for serializing and deserializing request and response objects in your REST APIs, and Jackson uses MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, so that will be message converter implementation that spring will use. You can read more about that here.
The important thing is that Jackson uses Java Bean naming conventions to figure out the json properties in a Java class. Acutally it uses default PropertyNamingStrategy . Here is what is written in documentation:
In absence of a registered custom strategy, default Java property
naming strategy is used, which leaves field names as is, and removes
set/get/is prefix from methods (as well as lower-cases initial
sequence of capitalized characters).
So, since you didn't set any naming strategy, it will use default one.
Beacause of that, if you send payload like this :
"uppercase": "YOUR_VALUE",
"under_scroll": "YOUR_VALUE"
That won't work, you will get exception, since there jackson won't find under_scroll property in your class, it will look for under_SCROLL , therefore this payload:
"uppercase": "YOUR_VALUE",
will work.
To change default PropertyNamingStrategy check
this article.
It will depend on the Jackson property naming strategy. The default is LOWER_CAMEL_CASE , so your request body should look like this:
"uppercase": "test",
"under_scroll": "test"
For all possible configurations of the naming strategy for Jackson please refer to the document «Class PropertyNamingStrategy»
If you're using Spring, you may use this property to configure the naming strategy:
Another possible way will be the bean configuration:
public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonBuilder() {
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonMapper = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder();
return jacksonMapper;
Additional note:
Your current naming approach doesn't follow the Java Code Conventions. If you need to process JSON with some specific naming format better to use the #JsonProperty annotation on the fields of your POJO.
Please see the example below:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.Data;
public class DATADto {
private String uppercase;
private String underScroll;
You should send post request to /api/path/data with this request body:
"uppercase": "YOUR_VALUE",
"under_scroll": "YOUR_VALUE"
I am working on an API and need to throw and exception that looks like this
"error": "sortBy parameter is invalid"
if the sort by parameter is not one of my predetermined values,
i have a few parameters to do this for
here is what my controller looks like
public ResponseEntity<List<Post>> getPostResponse(#RequestParam String tag, Optional<String> sortBy,
Optional<String> direction) throws InvalidSortBy {
RestTemplate postResponseTemplate = new RestTemplate();
URI postUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl("urlHere")
.queryParam("tag", tag)
.queryParamIfPresent("sortBy", sortBy)
.queryParamIfPresent("direction", direction)
ResponseEntity<PostResponse> response = postResponseTemplate.getForEntity(postUri, PostResponse.class);
ResponseEntity<List<Post>> newResponse = responseService.createResponse(response, sortBy, direction);
return newResponse;
ive remove the url but it works for sorting the incoming data but i need to validate and throw correct errors, im just really not sure how to do it in the format required, as json, any help appreciated
First you need to handle your exception and resolve it based on error, I would suggest you raise error codes for known application exception and resolve them in your exception handler (either by using #ControllerAdvice or #RestControllerAdvice), once you have translated error code to respective message send them as json you can refer below thread for more details on following SO thread
How to throw an exception back in JSON in Spring Boot
#ExceptionHandler to tell Spring which of our methods should be
invoked for a given exception
Using #RestControllerAdvice which contains #ControllerAdvice to
register the surrounding class as something each #Controller should be
aware of, and #ResponseBody to tell Spring to render that method's
response as JSON
I would like to validate input of following #RequestMapping:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Response getCategory(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
// some logic here
When consumer of the endpoint passes string following error occurs:
Failed to convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Long]; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"
I could change it to string but I believe there is a better way to do it.
The answer from RC is a very good way to make sure your id will be made of digits.
In general if you want to validate incoming requests you could also create and register a custom interceptor by implementing HandlerInterceptor and then add your validation in the overridden preHandle method.
I am working on a Spring REST application.
This application has only REST controllers, no view part.
I want to know how can I validate a #RequestParam
For example
#RequestMapping(value = "", params = "from", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<MealReadingDTO> getAllMealReadingsAfter(#RequestParam(name = "from", required = true) Date fromDate) {
In the above example, my goal is to validate the Date. Suppose someone pass an invalid value, then I should be able to handle that situation.
Now it is giving and exception with 500 status.
My question is not just about Date validation.
Suppose, there is a boolean parameter and someone passes tru instead of true by mistake, I should be able to handle this situation as well.
Thanks in advance :)
Spring will fail with an 500 status code, because it cannot parse the value.
The stages of request handling are:
receive request
identify endpoint
parse request params / body values and bind them to the detected objects
validate values if #Validated is used
enter method call with proper parameters
In your case the flow fails at the parse (3) phase.
Most probably you receive a BindException.
You may handle these cases by providing an exception handler for your controller.
public class ControllerExceptionHandler {
public YourErrorObject handleBindException(BindException e) {
// the details which field binding went wrong are in the
// exception object.
return yourCustomErrorData;
Otherwise when parsing is not functioning as expected (especially a hussle with Dates), you may want to add your custom mappers / serializers.
Most probably you have to configure Jackson, as that package is responsible for serializing / deserializing values.
I am trying to build a Spring MVC controller which will receive a POSTed form with a parameter in JSON format, and have Spring automatically convert it to a Java object.
Request content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The name of the parameter that contains a JSON string is data.json
This is the controller:
public class MyController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/formHandler", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String handleSubscription(
#RequestParam("data.json") MyMessage msg) {
logger.debug("id: " + msg.getId());
return "OK";
And this is what the MyMessage object looks like:
public class MyMessage {
private String id;
// Getter/setter omitted for brevity
Perhaps not surprisingly, posting a form with parameter data.json={"id":"Hello"} results in HTTP error 500 with this exception:
Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'MyMessage'
nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [MyMessage]: no matching editors or conversion strategy found
If I read the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter docs correctly, Jackson JSON conversion is triggered by Content-Type application/json, which I obviously cannot use since this is a form POST (and I don't control the POSTing part).
Is it possible to get Spring to convert the JSON string into an instance of MyMessage, or should I just give up, read it as a String and perform the conversion myself?
Spring invokes your #RequestMapping methods with reflection. To resolve each argument it's going to pass to the invocation, it uses implementations of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. For #RequestParam annotated parameters, it uses RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver. This implementation binds a request parameter to a single object, typically a String or some Number type.
However, your use case is a little more rare. You rarely receive json as a request parameter, which is why I think you should re-think your design, but if you have no other choice, you need to register a custom PropertyEditor that will take care of converting the request parameter's json value into your custom type.
Registration is simple in an #InitBinder annotated method in your #Controller class
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder dataBinder) {
dataBinder.registerCustomEditor(MyMessage.class, new PropertyEditorSupport() {
Object value;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
value = new Gson().fromJson((String) text, MyMessage.class);
In this particular case, we don't need all the methods of the PropertyEditor interface, so we can use PropertyEditorSupport which is a helpful default implementation of PropertyEditor. We simply implement the two methods we care about using whichever flavor of JSON parser we want. I used Gson because it was available.
When Spring sees that it has a request parameter that you requested, it will check the parameter type, find the type MyMessage and look for a registered PropertyEditor for that type. It will find it because we registered it and it it will then use it to convert the value.
You might need to implement other methods of PropertyEditor depending on what you do next.
My recommendation is to never send JSON as a request parameter. Set your request content type to application/json and send the json as the body of the request. Then use #RequestBody to parse it.
You can also use #RequestPart like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/issues", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Content-Type=multipart/form-data")
public String uploadIssue(#RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, #RequestPart("issue") MyMessage issue)