For reasons outside my control, I am not allowed to edit the Jre and add the two jce jars to it. Is there anyway I can tell my config server when it starts up that the location of those two jar files is in a custom location?
I have tried the following option-
Added it in the root of application directory.
But. Spring is not able to pick it up.
Thank you in advance.
Not that I know of. This is not a config server problem, but a JRE problem. Later version of the JRE ship with JCE policy files and later even still it's enabled by default
It's not a JRE problem (you need to copy the two jce jars to JRE security library. The Oracle website already described the procedure. However, I guess the question was asking, how to do so to the embedded tomcat within a spring boot application.
Read this post for further informations.
I am trying to install a jar library in the default server in Web Sphere liberty IBM, I already tried putting it in the folder: ..\wlp\lib but the server doesn't recognize it.
I donĀ“t knoe if I need a xml configuration or some thing like this.
any idea that I may be doing wrong?
the library that i wanna put in the server is:
The wlp/lib directory is intended for Liberty feature bundles. If you want to install a JAR file that can be loaded by multiple applications, you will need to create a shared library. Instructions for creating shared libraries are available here:
It is also possible to install a JAR file that can be loaded without needing to make any configuration changes - this is called the global shared library. To make that work, you would need to copy the JAR file to the wlp/usr/servers//lib/global or wlp/usr/shared/lib/global directories. More info here:
There are other ways to add JARs to make them available to applications and/or the Liberty runtime called user features and product extensions, but that probably goes beyond what you are looking for. If you want more information on these approaches, you can find them here:
I was working with some encryption and SSL handshake errors and I found that the fix was to place new UnlimitedJCEPolicy files in my java7. Two files namely local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar needs to be replaced. I don't have write permissions for java folder in my local machine. How can I refer them externally? I would like to add them in eclipse run configuration in arguments tab.
You can refer this link for some more ideas: How to avoid installing "Unlimited Strength" JCE policy files when deploying an application?
But I think the easiest way should be get write permission in your local machine, it will save you lots of time
I'm running a JBoss server (inside Eclipse), with some Hibernate mixed in. I installed Oracle's ojdbc drivers from here:
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 JDBC Drivers
I specifically downloaded the file: ojdbc6dms_g.jar, which according to the site contains instrumentation to support DMS. However when I startup my AS server, I get the following:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.dms.console.DMSConsole from [Module
"" from local module loader #485fcf29 (roots: /usr/local/jboss-7.1.1-
when the server is trying to get a new hibernate ejb exception.
I checked Oracle's jar file and sure enough it doesn't contain the class oracle.dms.console.DMSConsole, although from the notes on Oracle's site about the jar file, it seems like the jar file should contain the DMS classes.
Can anyone point me to the correct jar file? And when I do get the right file, where should this file be installed to, particularly with regards to Eclipse and JBoss?
Update: Just found another question asking the same thing here on SO.
The missing classes are indeed in dms.jar. But as I've seen asked elsewhere finding the dms.jar file is not easy. You won't find dms.jar at Oracle Database 11g Release 2 JDBC Drivers because as noted by Oracle: dms.jar is not shipped as part of the RDBMS product. It is only available as part of the Oracle Application Server product.
I hopped onto our server and grabbed the jar file from our Oracle installation directory. We have 11g installed. With 11g you should be able to find the file here:
I got the same error for different reason and yes it was due to missing dms.jar file. I just had to find where dms.jar file was on our Oracle Application server (Release 12.2.3) and assigned it to the CLASSPATH. And it worked. Thanks for the pointing to the missing .jar file.
Out .jar file was in $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ folder. Changed the path value as :
CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib/dms.jar and it started working.
Fyi..if it helps anyone i was trying to load BI/XML publisher DATA TEMPLATE using XDOLoader utility when i got this error.
i too face this problem but when i removed all database related jars and added ojdbc6 (or ojdbc7) jar then application working fine. more details please see below link.
I am using weblogic 10.3.4, I am trying to write log with log4j. but at runtime my application is not getting any even this is not generating any warning as "initialization of log4j has error".
I have tried my properties file to put in src folder, classes folder and then I created one jar and put it in domain lib. still its not picking. even when I am writing log with same jar in standalone application, its working fine.
please help me with valuable suggestions.
I tried the solution proposed at Oracle forums.
Excerpt from that link at Oracle forums:
I've only modified the scritp startWebLogic.cmd:
set LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE=log4j.xml
set SAVE_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\domain\config
In this way I've put all the config folder inside the classpath, and I can use it in future to hold other libraries configuration files (for example oracle coherence config).
I tried this approach on a different properties file as well and that worked well!
You need to either specify where the application should find its, or put it onto the classpath of the application. Where the classpath is varies, but in general WEB-INF/classes should work. Other options depend upon how you're deploying the application.
A better long term strategy is to configure your system so that you can change the depending upon the environment. When you're in production, you won't want all of the debug information to appear. Look at the answer to this question or this question for more ideas. One strategy is to define a variable on the command line which gets picked up and defines a directory which contains your configuration files. This works for Tomcat, but there may be other, better, strategies for Weblogic.
It is not a good idea to change the configuration of your server, in particular, don't replace the log4j.jar or in your server directories. The server will depend upon the version that it was designed to use, which may or may not be the same as your version. You can do everything you need to do by changing the war that you're deploying.
I have used this code:
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
URL log4jCfg = cl.getResource(configFile);
if (log4jCfg != null) {
}"log4j is now working on Web App.");
In my case, we used XML configuration:
log4jCfg = "mylog4j.xml";
In WebLogic, we were able to place such file (mylog4j.xml), equivalent to your file, at WebLogic's domain path (specific to the domain were we deploy). This means that domain folder belongs to your application's path. I just tested it with Web applications, I'm not sure if with SOA or EJB projects it works the same way.
When you deploy any application on any server that application should use servers log4j jar.
So if you have added any log4j jar in your application jar/tar/ear, remove it and copy file in the conf folder of the server from where server is picking its configuration files. Or just copy your log4j property content in servers log4j property file.
I've been developing a java application with the eclipse RCP which requires the Java Communications API. Now as the javax.comm has to be setup first (install, win32comm.dll and comm.jar) my question ist: How should I deploy my application to make sure javax.comm will be setup on the user's machine? Should I provide an installer which does the setup or should I let the application itself export the files in their respective directories?
I have never before done such a thing, so I'd appreciate any help.
I'm using RXTX instead of Java Comm, but the problem is the same, i think. The RXTX site has a documentation about it, please see the Wiki. The description is for Eclipse 3.3, but works for 3.5 too.
How would you like to distribute your application? As a JAR, I assume? In this case you need to setup the JAR's file with a Class-Path entry which contains semicolonseparated relative paths to the desired resources (relative from the JAR file itself on). You can distribute your application with the javax.comm stuff included and if necessary write a readme.txt with installation instructions.