I have encountered a rather unusual scenario in my coding. I have developed this app and it has been utilised for the past 6 months with no errors.
To simplify my problem.. I am using a decimalFormat to round up numbers and ensure that they are to 2 decimal places and this has been working perfectly.
However, a problem came up that was sent back to me and it was said that every other case works except for this specific one and it seems to be in particular just the number 4?
Total = 44.75
Mean = 4.475
MBW (2 decimal places) = 4.47 NOT 4.48
This led me to wonder is DecimalFormat always correct when rounding? the weird thing is this works when it is 1.475 it rounds to .48 and every number except for 4??
Anyone any ideas?
Java example:
final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
weight2 = 4.475
MBW = df.format(weight2);
The result above is still getting 4.47.. any normal rounding should be 4.48?
This is working for any other whole number such as 1.475 is 1.48, 2.275 is 2.48... why is the whole number 4 not working???
These numbers cannot be represented exactly as a double. Looking at the bit pattern of the numbers represented as a double:
1.475 -> 3ff799999999999a
4.475 -> 4011e66666666666
you see that the first is slightly larger than the exact value, while the other is slightly smaller than the exact value. So it is rounded down to 4.47.
You can also try the following experiment:
System.out.println(1.475 - 1);
System.out.println(4.475 - 4);
System.out.println(5.475 - 5);
The result is
I used BigDecimal.setScale(7, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) to round the number to 7 decimal places, however now if I get a number without any decimal places or with them being fewer then 7 I get useless 0's in the number, for example after rounding 40 that way I'll get 40.0000000.
Is it possible to round numbers a certain number of decimal places using SetScale and get rid of pointless 0's at the same time?
Providing you have already performed your rounding, you can simply use DecimalFormat("0.#").
final double value = 5.1000;
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.#");
The result here will be 5.1 without the trailing zeroes.
So the other way to work this problem out is using BigDecimals methods such as .stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString()
It is quite lesser code to write, than the other solution, but as said iт the solution could be less comfortable to change level of precision in the future, if you'll need to
I'm wondering what the best way to fix precision errors is in Java. As you can see in the following example, there are precision errors:
class FloatTest
public static void main(String[] args)
Float number1 = 1.89f;
for(int i = 11; i < 800; i*=2)
System.out.println("loop value: " + i);
The result displayed is:
loop value: 11
loop value: 22
loop value: 44
loop value: 88
loop value: 176
loop value: 352
loop value: 704
Also, if someone can explain why it only does it starting at 11 and doubling the value every time. I think all other values (or many of them at least) displayed the correct result.
Problems like this have caused me headache in the past and I usually use number formatters or put them into a String.
Edit: As people have mentioned, I could use a double, but after trying it, it seems that 1.89 as a double times 792 still outputs an error (the output is 1496.8799999999999).
I guess I'll try the other solutions such as BigDecimal
If you really care about precision, you should use BigDecimal
The problem is not with Java but with the good standard float's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating-point_standard).
You can either:
use Double and have a bit more precision (but not perfect of course, it also has limited precision)
use a arbitrary-precision-library
use numerically stable algorithms and truncate/round digits of which you are not sure they are correct (you can calculate numeric precision of operations)
When you print the result of a double operation you need to use appropriate rounding.
System.out.printf("%.2f%n", 1.89 * 792);
If you want to round the result to a precision, you can use rounding.
double d = 1.89 * 792;
d = Math.round(d * 100) / 100.0;
However if you see below, this prints as expected, as there is a small amount of implied rounding.
It worth nothing that (double) 1.89 is not exactly 1.89 It is a close approximation.
new BigDecimal(double) converts the exact value of double without any implied rounding. It can be useful in finding the exact value of a double.
System.out.println(new BigDecimal(1.89));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal(1496.88));
Most of your question has been pretty well covered, though you might still benefit from reading the [floating-point] tag wiki to understand why the other answers work.
However, nobody has addressed "why it only does it starting at 11 and doubling the value every time," so here's the answer to that:
for(int i = 11; i < 800; i*=2)
╚═══╤════╝ ╚╤═╝
│ └───── "double the value every time"
└───── "start at 11"
You could use doubles instead of floats
If you really need arbitrary precision, use BigDecimal.
first of Float is the wrapper class for the primitive float
and doubles have more precision
but if you only want to calculate down to the second digit (for monetary purposes for example) use an integer (as if you are using cents as unit) and add some scaling logic when you are multiplying/dividing
or if you need arbitrary precision use BigDecimal
If precision is vital, you should use BigDecimal to make sure that the required precision remains. When you instantiate the calculation, remember to use strings to instantiate the values instead of doubles.
I never had a problem with simple arithmetic precision in either Basic, Visual Basic, FORTRAN, ALGOL or other "primitive" languages. It is beyond comprehension that JAVA can't do simple arithmetic without introducing errors. I need just two digits to the right of the decimal point for doing some accounting. Using Float subtracting 1000 from 1355.65 I get 355.650002! In order to get around this ridiculous error I have implemented a simple solution. I process my input by separating the values on each side of the decimal point as character, convert each to integers, multiply each by 1000 and add the two back together as integers. Ridiculous but there are no errors introduced by the poor JAVA algorithms.
I want to format lengthy double numbers in my android calculator app
2 problems ...
First is that I want to enable Grouping by 3 so 1200 would be shown 1,200
. But for numbers like 1000 what I get is 1,
How can I get 1,000 for result ?
also another problem is that I want Results with up to 25 integer digits and 4 decimal fraction digits ... but even though I set Decimalformat maximum to 25, after number of integers surpasses 18, Digits turn to be zeros. for example what I want is
but I get
Here's the code
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
String formatted = df.format(mResultBeforeFormatting);
what pattern should I use ?
Ok so for others who face this problem like me
for first part best pattern was
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,##0.####");
for second problem as "x-code" noted it apears there's no hope using double . should try using BigDecimal
I found answers to both parts of the question right here on StackOverflow.
First is that I want to enable Grouping by 3
Here are several solutions to the grouping problem.
another problem is that I want Results with up to 25 integer digits
In this case what's really happening is that Java doubles can't represent 25 decimal digits.
For this problem you might want to look at the BigDecimal class, which can represent the numbers in your example.
I'm trying to format a double to just 2 decimal places in Java.
I've read the following post:
How to round a number to n decimal places in Java
For some reason, every one of those methods fails to work on certain numbers I have..
For example:
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
normalizedValue = Double.valueOf(df.format(normalizedValue));
If I print normalizedValue I get result similar to the following:
(Note: some are formatted correctly... some aren't)
So, these methods seem to round, but I need something that will remove all decimals after 2 decimal places... Any suggestions?
Thank you.
The string representation given by DecimalFormat.format(...) does indeed have only 2 digits in your example. But as soon as you reconvert it into a double those accuracy issues occur. A binary base format like double will always show such effects when you try to represent "exakt" decimal fractions. You may change to BigDecimal to get rid of such effects.
Recently I tried understanding the use of java.math.MathContext but failed to understand properly. Is it used for rounding in java.math.BigDecimal. If yes why does not it round the decimal digits but even mantissa part.
From API docs, I came to know that it follows the standard specified in ANSI X3.274-1996 and ANSI X3.274-1996/AM 1-2000 specifications but I did not get them to read online.
Please let me know if you have any idea on this.
For rounding just the fractional part of a BigDecimal, check out the BigDecimal.setScale(int newScale, int roundingMode) method.
E.g. to change a number with three digits after the decimal point to one with two digits, and rounding up:
BigDecimal original = new BigDecimal("1.235");
BigDecimal scaled = original.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
The result of this is a BigDecimal with the value 1.24 (because of the rounding up rule)
Thanks for you answer. It makes sense. Can you please explain me MathContext in the context of BigDecimal#round method.
There's nothing special about BigDecimal.round() vs. any other BigDecimal method. In all cases, the MathContext specifies the number of significant digits and the rounding technique. Basically, there are two parts of every MathContext. There's a precision, and there's also a RoundingMode.
The precision again specifies the number of significant digits. So if you specify 123 as a number, and ask for 2 significant digits, you're going to get 120. It might be clearer if you think in terms of scientific notation.
123 would be 1.23e2 in scientific notation. If you only keep 2 significant digits, then you get 1.2e2, or 120. By reducing the number of significant digits, we reduce the precision with which we can specify a number.
The RoundingMode part specifies how we should handle the loss of precision. To reuse the example, if you use 123 as the number, and ask for 2 significant digits, you've reduced your precision. With a RoundingMode of HALF_UP (the default mode), 123 will become 120. With a RoundingMode of CEILING, you'll get 130.
For example:
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("123.4",
new MathContext(4,RoundingMode.HALF_UP)));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("123.4",
new MathContext(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP)));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("123.4",
new MathContext(2,RoundingMode.CEILING)));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("123.4",
new MathContext(1,RoundingMode.CEILING)));
You can see that both the precision and the rounding mode affect the output.
I would add here, a few examples. I haven't found them in previous answers, but I find them useful for those who maybe mislead significant digits with number of decimal places. Let's assume, we have such context:
MathContext MATH_CTX = new MathContext(3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
For this code:
BigDecimal d1 = new BigDecimal(1234.4, MATH_CTX);
it's perfectly clear, that your result is 1.23E+3 as guys said above. First significant digits are 123...
But what in this case:
BigDecimal d2 = new BigDecimal(0.000000454770054, MATH_CTX);
your number will not be rounded to 3 places after comma - for someone it can be not intuitive and worth to emphasize. Instead it will be rounded to the first 3 significant digits, which in this case are "4 5 4". So above code results in 4.55E-7 and not in 0.000 as someone could expect.
Similar examples:
BigDecimal d3 = new BigDecimal(0.001000045477, MATH_CTX);
System.out.println(d3); // 0.00100
BigDecimal d4 = new BigDecimal(0.200000477, MATH_CTX);
System.out.println(d4); // 0.200
BigDecimal d5 = new BigDecimal(0.000000004, MATH_CTX);
System.out.println(d5); //4.00E-9
I hope this obvious, but relevant example would be helpful...
If I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like you're expecting the MathContext to control how many digits should be kept after the decimal point. That's not what it's for. It specifies how many digits to keep, total. So if you specify that you want 3 significant digits, that's all you're going to get.
For example, this:
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("1234567890.123456789",
new MathContext(20)));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("1234567890.123456789",
new MathContext(10)));
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("1234567890.123456789",
new MathContext(5)));
will output:
It's not for fun. Actually I found some online example, which stated the use of MathContext to round the amounts/numbers stored in BigDecimal.
For example,
If MathContext is configured to have precision = 2 and rounding mode = ROUND_HALF_EVEN
BigDecimal Number = 0.5294, is rounded to 0.53
So I thought it is a newer technique and used it for rounding purpose. However it turned into nightmare because it started rounding even mentissa part of number.
For example,
Number = 1.5294 is rounded to 1.5
Number = 10.5294 is rounded to 10
Number = 101.5294 is rounded to 100
.... and so on
So this is not the behavior I expected for rounding (as precision = 2).
It seems to be having some logic because from patter I can say that it takes first two digits (as precision is 2) of number and then appends 0's till the no. of digits become same as unrounded amount (checkout the example of 101.5294 ...)