TEA encryption and decryption implementation - java

I have written both encryption and decryption methods to be able to encrypt plain text or decrypt cipher text. I am unsure how to successfully implement this, however, due to taking in the HEX and text as a STRING and unsure how to convert them to int arrays, and then how to successfully print the result out without it being a bunch of jumbled letters. What am I doing incorrectly?
The following code is the two TEA methods for either encryption or decryption:
public void encrypt (int[] block, int[] key) {
int i = block[0];
int j = block[1];
int sum = 0;
int delta = 0x9e3779b9;
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) {
sum += delta;
i += (j << 4 & 0xffffff0) + key[0] ^ j + sum ^ (j >> 5 & 0x7fffffff)
+ key[1];
j += (i << 4 & 0xfffffff0) + key[2] ^ i + sum ^ (i >> 5 & 0x7ffffff)
+ key[3];
block[0] = i;
block[1] = j;
public void decrypt (int[] block, int[] key) {
int i = block[0];
int j = block[1];
int sum = 0;
int delta = 0x9e3779b9;
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) {
i -= (i << 4 & 0xfffffff0) + key[2] ^ i + sum ^ (i >> 5 & 0x7ffffff)
+ key[3];
j -= (j << 4 & 0xfffffff0) + key[0] ^ j + sum ^ (j >> 5 & 0x7ffffff)
+ key[1];
sum -= delta;
block[0] = i;
block[1] = j;
and this is the user interface code:
public void encryptionT() {
String pText = input.next();
String hexNum = input.next();
byte hex[] = hexNum.getBytes();
byte pTextBytes[] = pText.getBytes();
byte[] encryptedPlainBase = Base64.getEncoder().encode(pTextBytes);
public void decryptionT() {
String cText = input.next();
String hexNum = input.next();
byte hex[] = hexNum.getBytes();
byte cTextBytes[] = cText.getBytes();
BigInteger hexBigInt = new BigInteger(1, hex);
BigInteger plainBigInt = new BigInteger(1, cTextBytes);
BigInteger cTextHexResult = hexBigInt.multiply(plainBigInt);
byte[] decryptedCipherText = cTextHexResult.toByteArray();
byte[] decryptedCipherBase = Base64.getDecoder().decode(decryptedCipherText);
I attempted to do the suggested edits but I get the following error. I'm not sure if I just didn't understand.enter image description here

Wow, this is the first time I've seen an implementation of encryption / decryption where the actual encryption / decryption is forgotten entirely.
I'll explain about the key first - usually you start with the key, not the plaintext as the key can commonly be reused for other messages. TEA however only accepts a key, not an IV or nonce, so encrypting multiple messages with the same key will break the cipher.
The hexadecimal key must first be decoded to binary. However, you need a hexadecimal decoder for that. This is however not included in the normal Java package java.util - use e.g. the Apache codec library instead. This should leave you with the binary key of half the size you are obtaining now (the binary encoding of the hexadecimal characters).
Now you need to encode the plaintext message to binary - i.e. a byte array in Java, which you are doing in pText.getBytes().
Now you need to create the ciphertext from the plaintext message by encrypting the binary obtained above.
You are correct in seeing that the ciphertext must be encoded if you want to treat it as text. So using a base64 encoding on the result is good practice - unless binary ciphertext would also suffice (Java I/O streams and files are fine with binary values) in which case the encoding is simply not necessary.
Decryption goes the other way except for the key. You first create the key as explained above. Then you decode the base 64, decrypt the binary result and then use the String constructor that takes a byte array to retrieve the plaintext.
Note that String#getBytes and new String(byte[]) use the platform decoding by default. You may want to specify an exact encoding such as UTF-8 to be compatible between platforms.


How to convert byte array to Base 64 string in unsigned way in java?

I am struggling to get the same Base64 string in both C# and Java
I want Java to treat bytes as unsigned ones when converting to Base64.
Here's my C# code
private static void Main(string[] args)
long baseTimeStamp = 1501492600;
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(baseTimeStamp * 114);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
bytes[i] = (byte)(bytes[i] >> 2);
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
In Java, I want to get the same Base64 for the same long value
Here's the code
public static void main(String[] args) {
long myLong = 1501492600;
byte[] bytes = longToBytes(myLong);
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length / 2; i++)
int temp = bytes[i];
bytes[i] = bytes[bytes.length - i - 1];
bytes[bytes.length - i - 1] = (byte) temp;
bytes[i] = (byte)((bytes[i] >> 2));
private static byte[] longToBytes(long x) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
return buffer.array();
I tried both the commented way, and the DatatypeConverter way, but I get different String values. Is there a standard JDK way, or should I write my own base64 method to treat bytes as unsigned ones?
Base64 converts bits. It doesn't know or care about whether you think of the bytes as signed or unsigned. If you're getting different values, the problem is somewhere else.
However, since you're doing bit shifting, you need to use the zero-fill version >>> instead of the sign extend >>. That may be the source of your problem.
DatatypeConverter is still the easiest way to go.

Calculate checksum fails when strings are differently encoded

I have a routine for checksum calculation and it fails for string which have accented characters, to handle accented characters I convert the string to a byte array using the encoding which the string is actually from, for ex: a string will contains accented characters appearing as François^Frédérique^ and the encoding it uses is 'CP437', and if after doing such the checksum calculation fails, thus can you let me know if there is something more I need to be doing.
byte[] frameArray = frame.getBytes(m_fileEncoding);
int frameLength = frameArray.length;
int idx =0;
while (idx < frameLength )
int c = frameArray[idx];
sum1 += c;
if (sum1 >= 256)
sum1 -= 256;
sum1 = 256 - sum1;
calculatedChecksum = Integer.toHexString(sum1 & 0xff).toUpperCase();

Java 16bit CRC packet validation

I have an Avl Packet that I'm recieving through GPRS from a Device.
The protocol manual says the packet has a 16bit CRC on the last 4 bytes and a source code for CRC calculation is given:
public static int getCrc16(Byte[] buffer) {
return getCrc16(buffer, 0, buffer.length, 0xA001, 0);
public synchronized static int getCrc16(Byte[] buffer, int offset, int bufLen, int polynom, int preset) {
preset &= 0xFFFF;
polynom &= 0xFFFF;
int crc = preset;
for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++) {
int data = buffer[i + offset] & 0xFF;
crc ^= data;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if ((crc & 0x0001) != 0) {
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ polynom;
} else {
crc = crc >> 1;
return crc & 0xFFFF;
So I get the CRC number the packet sends me,then I call getCrc16 for the Byte array in which I have stored the packet and then compare the two numbers right??
Here is the code I use inside my program:
public static String toBinaryString(byte n) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("00000000");
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
if (((n >> bit) & 1) > 0) {
sb.setCharAt(7 - bit, '1');
return sb.toString();
int CalculatedCRC = getCrc16(AvlPacket);
System.out.println("Calculated CRC= " + CalculatedCRC);
int index = (AvlPacket.length)-4;
String BinaryRecievedCRC = "";
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
BinaryRecievedCRC+= toBinaryString(AvlPacket[index]);
int RecievedCRC = Integer.parseInt(BinaryRecievedCRC, 2);
System.out.println("Recieved CRC= " + RecievedCRC);
toBinaryString() converts a byte to it's binary from and puts it into a string!
So I calculate the CRC through getCrc16() given to me from the manual.Then take an index 4 bytes before the end of the packet so I can read the last 4 bytes and get the CRC sent with the packet!
The for loop takes each of the last bytes and with toBinaryString() combines all them in binary form and into a String!So I got something like 0000000000000000101011011101001 (The manual states that first two bytes are always zeroes because its a 16bit CRC)
So I just parse the Binary String into a signed int and Compare the two CRCs...!
Yet I get Results like :
Calculated CRC= 21395
-----Recieved CRC= 30416
Calculated CRC= 56084
-----Recieved CRC= 10504
I've tested with many packets and they can't all have loss of data..And I'm parsing the data too so I know that the data I get is correct!
What am I missing in all this??
There is probably something wrong with the documentation wording (or your understanding of it). If there is a 16-Bit CRC in a packet, its most likely occupying two bytes, not four (in binary form). If it were a decimal, even four bytes wouldn't suffice (you would need 5 didgts to store it as unsigned decimal string).
Your code shows you do conversions (but I can't see what kind of conversion its supposed to do):
BinaryRecievedCRC+= toBinaryString(AvlPacket[index]);
I would expect the CRC to be store in the data in binary form, so I assume the only thing you need to figure out are which endianess is used and where the CRC is stored in the data.
Edit: Judging from your comment you would need to extract the CRC like this:
public int getCRC(byte[] data, int index) {
return ((data[index] & 0xFF) << 8)) | (data[index + 1] & 0xFF);
So I get the CRC number the packet sends me,then I call getCrc16 for
the Byte array in which I have stored the packet and then compare the
two numbers right??
Wrong. You calculate the CRC over the entire message, including the CRC bytes, and the result should be zero.
Problem Solved!
The problem was that the Packet had 8 other bytes before getting into the Data part!
So I had to exclude those first 8 bytes along with the last 4 bytes of the sent CRC before calculating the CRC!
Now the numbers agree and the above code is correct with the exception that the for loop in the getCrc16 function starts from i=8 (so as to skip the first 8 bytes of the packet which do no belong to the Data part!)
Thank you all for your time!

How do I convert a large string into hex and then into byte?

I work with cellphones and deal with MEID numbers on a daily basis. So instead of searching online for a MEID (a hex number of length 14) to pseudo ESN (a hex number of length 8) calculator, I figured I can make my own program. The way to obtain a pESN from MEID is fairly simple in theory. For example, given MEID 0xA0000000002329, to make a pESN, SHA-1 needs to be applied to the MEID. SHA-1 on A0000000002329 gives e3be267a2cd5c861f3c7ea4224df829a3551f1ab. Take the last 6 hex numbers of this result, and append it to 0x80 - the result is 0x8051F1AB.
Now here is the code I have so far:
public void sha1() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
String hexMEID = "A0000000002329";
MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
byte[] result = mDigest.digest(hexMEID.getBytes());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
sb.append(Integer.toString((result[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
The problem is that using this method, SHA-1 on A0000000002329 gives a89b611b421f57705bd013297ce3fc835f706ab0 instead of e3be267a2cd5c861f3c7ea4224df829a3551f1ab. What am I doing wrong here??
Someone gave me a hint that "the trick is to apply SHA-1 to the number representing the MEID, not the string representing the MEID. You'll need to process it byte-by-byte, so you must give it two hex numbers at a time (since two hex numbers make a byte) and make sure they are interpreted as numbers and not ASCII characters". If this is true then how do I change my string into hex and then into byte so that SHA1 can give me the correct result???
Without libraries, you can follow the example here:
In Java, how do you convert a hex string to a byte[]?
byte[] b = new BigInteger(s,16).toByteArray();
One library (I'm sure there are many) that also provides this is POJava:
byte[] hexMEIDBytes=EncodingTool.hexDecode(hexMEID);
[EDIT] ==============
Here's a more complete example per your followup question:
byte[] hexMEIDBytes = EncodingTool.hexDecode(hexMEID);
byte[] hash = HashingTool.hash(hexMEIDBytes, HashingAlgorithm.SHA);
String pESN="0x80" + EncodingTool.hexEncode(hash).substring(34).toUpperCase();
// a hexMEID value of "A0000000002329" results in a pESN value of "0x8051F1AB"
For String to Hex:
public String StrToHex(String arg) {
return String.format("%040x", new BigInteger(arg.getBytes(//Your Charset//)));
For Hex to byte:
This below code wont work for "0".
public byte[] hexStrToByteArray(String s) {
int leng = s.length();
byte[] data = new byte[leng / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < leng; i += 2) {
data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
+ Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));
return data;
You can use the following two methods
public static synchronized String bytesToHex(byte [] buf){
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer(buf.length * 2);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
if (((int) buf[i] & 0xff) < 0x10){
strbuf.append(Long.toString((int) buf[i] & 0xff, 16));
return strbuf.toString();
public synchronized static byte[] hexToBytes(String hexString) {
byte[] b = new BigInteger(hexString,16).toByteArray();
return b;

Java BigInteger vs Mono .net BigInteger

I use in .Net project mono implementation of BigInteger (link) In Java I use java.math.BigInteger.
The same code produces different results in Java.
.Net code
String inputBytes = "8E5BD77F0DCC30864634C134E28BFB42A149675A320786B616F4530708350D270353C30A40450325801B7AFED12BCCA274B8187072A89CC0CC3F95A24A8251243C1835898246F4D64CA3AC61DB841518F0E8FBC8996A40EB626153AE7F0BB87FD713FAC522719431428DE178E780A3FA45788A72C431926AED990E6DA268D2CC";
String modulus = "00e6b4b4511e0bd1b3d9c82ee189ba6d0c70b1466d94126f99a741af99a92701a789451742a357ddb61a4dea409965ec58dcaa5e30826de871b04700ed0fd46b1693446049734e8f95faba2bf9301347e63ba1771650e71982adef0cca6890b6f7baa7f5421a6533652f4b70c3c4270c480cf54cc06635f22901a42716d1dadf4f";
String exp = "010001";
BigInteger mModulus = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(modulus));
BigInteger mExponent = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(exp));
BigInteger input = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(inputBytes));
BigInteger output = input.ModPow(mExponent, mModulus);
Console.WriteLine("==RESULT==" + byteArray2Hex(output.GetBytes()));
public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(string hexString)
if (hexString.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The binary key cannot have an odd number of digits: {0}", hexString));
byte[] HexAsBytes = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
for (int index = 0; index < HexAsBytes.Length; index++)
string byteValue = hexString.Substring(index * 2, 2);
HexAsBytes[index] = byte.Parse(byteValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return HexAsBytes;
Java code.
The same inputBytes array, the same exponent and modulus, but different result.
String inputBytes = "8E5BD77F0DCC30864634C134E28BFB42A149675A320786B616F4530708350D270353C30A40450325801B7AFED12BCCA274B8187072A89CC0CC3F95A24A8251243C1835898246F4D64CA3AC61DB841518F0E8FBC8996A40EB626153AE7F0BB87FD713FAC522719431428DE178E780A3FA45788A72C431926AED990E6DA268D2CC";
String modulus = "00e6b4b4511e0bd1b3d9c82ee189ba6d0c70b1466d94126f99a741af99a92701a789451742a357ddb61a4dea409965ec58dcaa5e30826de871b04700ed0fd46b1693446049734e8f95faba2bf9301347e63ba1771650e71982adef0cca6890b6f7baa7f5421a6533652f4b70c3c4270c480cf54cc06635f22901a42716d1dadf4f";
String exp = "010001";
BigInteger mModulus = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(modulus));
BigInteger mExponent = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(exp));
BigInteger input = new BigInteger(hexStringToByteArray(inputBytes));
BigInteger output = input.modPow(mExponent, mModulus);
System.out.println("==RESULT==" + Utils.byteArray2Hex(output.getBytes()));
public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
int len = s.length();
byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
+ Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));
return data;
I do not understand why the results are different.
e.g. if I use InputBytes
String inputBytes = "242e35241b85fcfd75a53441ef9fc0941064c16f8e4555dabef5ce8ebc91400c6961b6b607e5dd762dbcabce51b11c8594e7d7183786c8e3c5300c7583c1871fc6f350b817682150b5cd0430ca9a2c3f8315b425c8fea0e7cc18187237ed47d29b082e7e7154888d5fb09f092a6dd5e2d3dac9df8de45837b708b5ae17f03e7f";
the the results in Java and .Net are the same
Where is the magic?
From the docs for java.math.BigInteger(byte[]):
Translates a byte array containing the two's-complement binary representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger. The input array is assumed to be in big-endian byte-order: the most significant byte is in the zeroth element.
From the docs for System.Numerics.BigInteger(byte[]):
The individual bytes in the value array should be in little-endian order, from lowest-order byte to highest-order byte.
So you might want to just try reversing the input bytes for one of the values you've got - it's not clear which set you should reverse, as we don't know what values you're trying to represent. I would suggest adding diagnostics of just printing out the normal decimal representation immediately after construction in each case - if those aren't the same, the rest of the code is irrelevant.
I solved my problem by adding 0 bit at the begining of inputBytes.

