I use safari driver in my tests automation. When I try to use driver.close() to close safari, there is always a popup "Are you sure you want to quit this site"?
How can I ignore the popup or disable the popup? I want the browser to close directly when I do driver.close.
I use selenium 3.4 and safari 11.0, and Java.
Here's my code:
SafariOptions options = new SafariOptions();
WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver(option);
While automating through Selenium as per the best practices you should invoke the quit() method within the tearDown() {}. Invoking quit() DELETEs the current browsing session through sending "quit" command with {"flags":["eForceQuit"]} and finally sends the GET request on /shutdown EndPoint.
So instead of :
Use :
You will find a detailed discussion in Selenium : How to stop geckodriver process impacting PC memory, without calling driver.quit()?
The website that I am trying to automate has a authentication popup that appears when someone visits it. I tried the following code but Chrome immediately throws no alert present exception on the switchTo() line.
Firefox does not seem to be working. I am currently using Selenium 3.6.0 with the latest binaries of these browsers. Can someone please help me out?
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
alert.authenticateUsing(new UserAndPassword(username, password));
Selenium do not handle it by switchto command because this is something that is browser specific instead of website.
Solution 1:
But problem with this method is that as you traverse to multiple pages the popup will appear again and again which is again difficult to handle.
Solution 2: (Recommended)
AutoIt script, Download AutoIt here
And Find the Script for Authentication PopUp here
Do you need check it or pass it?
If you need to pass, put login and password in URL.
I am using selenium web driver 2.48 and safari driver 2.48 and safari version 8.0.8
I am facing a problem on running my test execution in safari driver.The problem is
"In parallel execution, if in one safari window,login is successfull, than in other
safari windows, this login page is not shown,
that means safri navigate to url with
out login as one safari window already complete login."
and for this reason, i am facing below issue in parallel execution:
"CSRF verification failed.Request aborted"
I want like that for parallel execution:
if five safari browser window open, in each window, login page will be appeared.
In a sense, each safari driver instance will not share other safari driver
instances resources or any other thing
I have changed safari preferences settings but its not helping.
Is there any best way to declare safari driver or i need to add any desired capabilities or
any other things in safari preferences or any any good suggestion.
please and thanks.
i am using the following code:
SafariOptions safariOptions = new SafariOptions();
DesiredCapabilities dc = DesiredCapabilities.safari();
dc.setCapability(SafariOptions.CAPABILITY, safariOptions);
currentDriver = new SafariDriver(dc);
Set<Cookie> cookies = currentDriver.manage().getCookies();
Iterator<Cookie> iter= currentDriver.manage().getCookies().iterator();
Cookie C = iter.next();
I personally have not used safari before. And as you said that the behavior in all other browsers are as you expect it to be. I would like you to try the following.
There is a way by which you can specify the profile of the driver instance to be used. I would suggest you to create separate profiles for each instance and try out . How to do that is explained in this answer. This answer explains how to use same profile each time . You need to use a different profile each time. ( Which happens by default in chrome not sure why it wouldn't for safari )
I'm running an automation on mac and on ubunto (using cucumber, selenium web driver, junit)
during the automation I click a link with non http protocol
an "External protocol request" popup appears.
It blocks my test from testing the rest of the webpage.
How can disable this popup for all chrome profiles? even incognito\anonymous chrome?
I have tried to add "" to the /Users/eladb/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Local State file.
and also tried:
but even after a restart and running the test, the popup appears.
Create you driver instance with chrome options as follows:
ChromeOptions cChromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
WebDriver _driver=new ChromeDriver("path_to_your_Chrom_Driver", cChromeOptions);
I tried the 'Local State' file also not working. Someone pointed out the folder Default/Preferences file. Make your change there and it will work.
I have been using Java Selenium WebDriver along with Appium to perform tests on Mobile environment be it Emulator(Genymotion) or Physical devices (Android). I am using chromedriver, which I am using to perform tests on Web App in Chrome browser. I am looping my cases for multiple sets of data but the application requires a full browser Cookie and all Session data to be deleted before each loop starts.
I tried using driver.Manage().Deleteallcookies(), but it did not work out for me. I read in some threads to try creating a new session of the browser before each loop. So I tried driver.quit() but it ends the chromedriver session and ends the test. I also tried driver.close() but got the same results as driver.quit().
Can any one suggest a way to delete the browser cookies and session data in chrome browser??
My Appium version:
Chromedriver version:2.3
Device/Emulator i am trying to test on : Nexus5/Samsung Note 3 Android:4.4.4/5.0
You can try using the following to ensure a clear session. Note I never tested that myself. My understanding is that selenium by default create a new session unless you specified something different or load a profile.
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.ForSeleniumServer.ENSURING_CLEAN_SESSION, true);
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);
I have a set of classes written in Java using Selenium WebDriver for automating various tasks on a number of different websites such as logging in and fetching data.
From time to time we would need to access the page ourselves to find something, and the process of logging in manually is pretty...well, boring and a waste of time.
I figured since we already have the login macro, why don't we just let selenium handle it.
I would like to open a new browser, do the login procedures, and then shut down selenium. The user would then resume whatever tasks they wanted to do on the site.
I've noticed that if I don't properly shut down Selenium, it leaves an anonymous profile in the temp folder. Overtime, I've accumulated about a gig's worth of profiles before I realized this was happening. Turns out it was because I wasn't properly shutting down selenium using close and quit
However, if I use those methods, the browser is closed with it. Just now I have tested as follows
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.close() // shuts down the browser
Then I tried
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.quit() // shuts down the browser
Is there a way for me to shut down Selenium without closing the browser while cleaning up all these anonymous profiles? I'm basically using it as a macro, except I launch it programmatically through our Java application that manages all the different macros.
After your code is done, kill the executable process and then exit the program without driver.quit()
/*kill the process*/
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /im chromedriver.exe /f");
}catch(Exception e){
You could just quit the program while leaving the browser intact. Assuming you have a console application:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();