Twitter Android SDK not executing Callback - java

I'm running this code with a Twitter handle I'm pretty sure doesn't exist in order to test error handling. The breakpoints on the Callback are never hit, neither for success nor failure.
Any pointers on why this is?
Just as a note, this code works fine with a valid Twitter handle, but doesn't call the Callback either.
final Callback<Tweet> actionCallback = new Callback<Tweet>() {
public void success(Result<Tweet> result) {
int x = 1;
x++; // This code is just so I can put a breakpoint here
public void failure(TwitterException exception) {
DialogManager.showOkDialog(context, R.string.twitter_feed_not_found);
final UserTimeline userTimeline = new UserTimeline.Builder().screenName(handleStr + "dfdfddfdfdfasdf") // Handle that doesn't exist
final TweetTimelineListAdapter adapter = new TweetTimelineListAdapter.Builder(context)

I think you misundestood the purpose of the actionCallback. From the source code of the TweetTimelineListAdapter you can see that this callback is for the actions on tweet view,ie, when you click on favorite icon for example. I've test with the favorite icon and the callback gets called.
Take a look at this comment at the getView method of the source code.
* Returns a CompactTweetView by default. May be overridden to provide another view for the
* Tweet item. If Tweet actions are enabled, be sure to call setOnActionCallback(actionCallback)
* on each new subclass of BaseTweetView to ensure proper success and failure handling
* for Tweet actions (favorite, unfavorite).
The callback is not intended to handle a screenname that does not exist and indeed the actions/buttons of a specific tweet.
Hope this helps.
UPDATED: You don't need to detect any erros on UserTimeLine, since the builder does not throw any exception and the adapter will be empty, with no rows/views showing on the screen. But if you still need to detect some "error" in the loading you have to rely on the "next" method of the UserTimeLine.
Take a look, new Callback<TimelineResult<Tweet>>() {
public void success(Result<TimelineResult<Tweet>> result) {
public void failure(TwitterException exception) {
This method shows the next tweet for the user, if the failure callback get called you will know for sure that this user does not have any tweet or the user does not exist.


Google ad click is not opening the external web browser

I am trying to implement the ad in my app with Custom Native Ad Format -
So, according to the documentation I am going with the approach described there and creating the ad
private void setListeners() {
imageView.setOnClickListener(v -> {
private NativeCustomFormatAd nativeCustomFormatAd;
AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(context, "/6499/example/native")
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomFormatAdLoadedListener() {
public void onCustomFormatAdLoaded(NativeCustomFormatAd ad) {
// Show the custom format and record an impression.
nativeCustomFormatAd = ad;
Drawable drawable = vm.nativeCustomFormatAd.getImage("IMAGE").getDrawable();
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomClickListener() {
public void onCustomClick(NativeCustomFormatAd ad, String s) {
// Handle the click action
.withAdListener( ... )
.withNativeAdOptions( ... )
AdManagerAdRequest adManagerAdRequest = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder().build();
So, it looks pretty simple I try to make a request for the ad then I got (in a callback) NativeCustomFormatAd, save it as a class member, and along with it get drawable and set it to the imageView (to present it in the UI). Once a user clicks on the imageView I get an event in the click listener and invoke nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE");.
The problem is that I expect that once I transfer the ad click to the SDK (by nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE");) SDK is supposed to open the external browser, but instead nothing happens.
P.S. I am sure that nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE"); getting invoked and also I see that SDK gets the click as I got a callback event here:
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomClickListener() {
public void onCustomClick(NativeCustomFormatAd ad, String s) {
// Handle the click action
What am I missing here?
According to the docs you linked:
When a click is performed on a custom format ad, there are three possible responses from the SDK, attempted in this order:
Invoke the OnCustomClickListener from AdLoader, if one was provided.
For each of the ad's deep link URLs, attempt to locate a content resolver and start the first one that resolves.
Open a browser and navigate to the ad's traditional Destination URL.
If you pass a listener object in, the SDK instead invokes its onCustomClick method and takes no further action.
Therefore, it seems you have to pass a null OnCustomClickListener.

GDPR consent dialog not showing

I followed the guide on the Android docs but for some reason nothing is showing when i start my app.
I even tried logging the listeners but nothing is showing up in logcat.
I also changed the ad technology in admob setting to Custom set of ad technology providers, but still not working.
My code
ConsentInformation consentInformation = ConsentInformation.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
String[] publisherIds = {""};
consentInformation.requestConsentInfoUpdate(publisherIds, new ConsentInfoUpdateListener() {
public void onConsentInfoUpdated(ConsentStatus consentStatus) {
// User's consent status successfully updated.
public void onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(String errorDescription) {
// User's consent status failed to update.
form = new ConsentForm.Builder(this, privacyUrl)
.withListener(new ConsentFormListener() {
public void onConsentFormLoaded() {
// Consent form loaded successfully.
Log.d(TAG,"form loaded!");;
public void onConsentFormOpened() {
// Consent form was displayed.
public void onConsentFormClosed(
ConsentStatus consentStatus, Boolean userPrefersAdFree) {
// Consent form was closed.
public void onConsentFormError(String errorDescription) {
// Consent form error.
Log.d(TAG,"form error!");
dependencies {
classpath ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
I tried it on a project which was pre android x and now it calls the listener onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo.
With following error message:
onFailedToUpdateConsentInfoCould not parse Event FE preflight response.
Searched a bit and found this could be because of an invalid pub id, but i'm certain i'm using the right one.
1) I think you forget to check isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown() method.
It will return true If user already agreed to the consent. In this case, you don't need to ask it again. I think you already agreed to consent.
wrap your code with
//setup admob
//Ask for consent
2) You have to call; to present the form to the user, check Google Doc
I was still using test app id and test ad ids, remove them and change it with your id's and make sure you use it as a testdevice so you don't violate admob policies.
Like this
adLoader.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR).build());

Android - Retrofit web service value problems

I have phone contact numbers list stored in an array and called contactsString[]
and in an online database registered users numbers
I want to count how many registered users are there
and there is my code
for (i=0;i<contactsString.length-1;i++){
Phone phone=new Phone();[i]
WebService.getInstance().getApi().checkNumber(phone).enqueue(new Callback<MainResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<MainResponse> call, Response<MainResponse> response) {
if (response.body().status==1){
public void onFailure(Call<MainResponse> call, Throwable t) {
my problem is the web service response is delayed so it don't count and availableUsers is printed it's initial value which is 0
I would try better sending an array of Phone objects. In this way you would get the correct answer in 1 call.
I would never do this in the way you implemented: imagine you have 500 contacts: you will be doing 500 calls to your server. Now imagine you have 100000 users with 500 contacts each
Try to customize your api call in this format. Which uses async task class.
private void phoneContact() {
new AsyncTask<String,Void,String>() {
protected String doInBackground(String ... params) {
try {
Platform http = Url_Contacts;
JSONObject resp =,where);
Log.d(TAG, "Response: " + resp.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return "";
Make sure that your service works well and the format of json with value status in there.
In onResponse, run on UIThread to update your View with the availableUsers.
The enqueue method is asynchronous. So your code should respect the multithreaded nature of it.
There are many approaches you can take:
Replace enqueue() method with execute(). But that makes all the calls synchronous. If you call it in UI Thread then whole app can stutter. Probably you will get NetworkOnMainThreadException. Not a good approach anyway.
Use RxAndroid or RxJava with Observer pattern.
Simple solution. Create a variable int callsFinished = 0;. In onResponse increment that variable. Then if that callsFinished == contactsString.length that means all calls have been done.
In your activity add a listener
void onAllCallsFinished(int availableUsers) {
//do what you want with availableUsers information
Call onAllCallsFinished(availableUsers) when callsFinished == contactsString.length.
There you can do what you want with that data. Update a view, call another service.

Should there be any logic on the activity class?

I was recently reading about design patterns and especially about low coupling and delegation.
I was wondering, whether there should be any logic on the Activity class or if it only serves the view.
E.g. I have an activity called BattleActivity and that is supposed to work as some kind of session between two players. A lot of Push Notifications happen there, also the class works as an Observer, so there is a lot of comminication going on there.
Right now I am trying to figure out what logic could I move to a separated object(and whether I should) and then just work with the activity.
Example of one of my methods on the activity:
private void postCastedSpell(final int spellId) {
Call call = StaticGlobalContainer.api.postSpellToBattle(Integer.parseInt(battleId), Integer.parseInt(MainActivity.CURRENT_USER_ID), spellId, 100);
call.enqueue(new Callback<User>() {
public void onResponse(Response<User> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
User user = response.body();
if (response.code() == 202) {
// 200
Log.i("Posting spell to battle", "Success");
Boolean affectedUserIsOpponent = isUserOpponent(user);
if (affectedUserIsOpponent && user.currentHp<1){
StaticGlobalContainer.battleOnResult(Constants.WON, getApplicationContext());
}else {
updateBattleLog(affectedUserIsOpponent, user, spellId);
// TODO: do something here
} else {
// 404 or the response cannot be converted to User.
Log.e("Posting spell to battle", "Error:" + response.errorBody());
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Log.i("HttpRequest-Post spell", "Failure");
It's not specifically bad to put a lot of logic in Activities, but you're right to try to keep it only view related things. If the app is relatively small, it might not be worth moving the logic out. Also, there is some overhead to using abstractions.
if your abstractions aren't supplying a significant benefit, you should avoid them
I try to keep any big data objects in a manager class, so given your example, it might worthwhile to create a Battle manager class to hold all the logic involved in it, like this postCastedSpell function. This way all the Battle information is self contained, and also can be used elsewhere in other activities.
Just keep in mind if you're use data manager classes and you want them to prompt some sort of interation with the UI, you'll have to use Callbacks or the Bus pattern since the Battle manager won't have access to your UI. For example, to call the postCastedSpell the call would look like:
BattleManager bm = BattleManager.getInstance(user1, user2);
onSpellClicked() {
bm.castSpell(spellId, user1, callback)
BasicCallback callback = new BasicCallback() {
onComplete() {
if (MyInfoFragment.this.isVisible()) {
[Update UI]
NOTE: When using callbacks like my example, when it finally gets called the activity may have already gone out of view and have been already garbage collected. So in the callback function you need to first make sure it is still visible before trying to modify the UI that possibly no longer exists.

GWT - Methods in onModuleLoad() called multiple times

I'm trying to write a simple application to display chart data. I want to display some data as soon as the user loads the page, so I'm getting data & drawing tables inside of the Runnable as described in the gwt-visualization Getting Started.
Things seem to work alright, except charts tend to get loaded more than once. Below is my onModuleLoad().
private final StatisticsServiceAsync statisticsService = GWT.create(StatisticsService.class);
GWTBeanFactory factory = GWT.create(GWTBeanFactory.class);
DataTable locationData;
AnnotatedTimeLine atl;
GeoMap usMap;
TextBox storeField;
Button log10Button;
DateRange durationChartRange;
String eusrJson = null;
Button b;
HTML last1000Html;
public void onModuleLoad() {
storeField = new TextBox();
storeField.setText("Enter a store");
storeField.addKeyDownHandler(new MyKeyHandler());
b = new Button("Get Stats!");
log10Button = new Button("Show Log10 Scale");
log10Button.addClickHandler(new Log10ClickHandler());
b.addClickHandler(new MyClickHandler());
last1000Html = new HTML();
Runnable onLoadCallback = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
storeDurationData = DataTable.create();
storeDurationDataLog10 = DataTable.create();
// Get initial Data
Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() {
public boolean execute() {
return true;
}, 5000);
// Load the visualization api, passing the onLoadCallback to be called
// when loading is done.
VisualizationUtils.loadVisualizationApi(onLoadCallback, AnnotatedTimeLine.PACKAGE);
VisualizationUtils.loadVisualizationApi(onLoadCallback, GeoMap.PACKAGE);
All of the "simple" elements seem to get populated correctly, as the Button, HTML, and TextBox all get placed appropriately (which used to be inside of run, they're where they are now as a result of debugging previous errors). However, the GeoMap gets placed twice, and looking at the logging you can tell that the Runnable's run is being executed at least twice, which seems reasonable, but I don't know how to keep it from adding twice.
I'm probably screwing up something with the Async stuff, but I'm new and confused. Below is my getAvgByRegion() method:
private void getAvgByRegion() {
statisticsService.getEusrForRegion(new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
DataTable dt = parseEusrLocations(result);
usMap = new GeoMap(dt, createGeoMapOptions());
usMap.setSize("800px", "600px");
Any advice on how best to work with GWT is welcome.
So, you call VisualizationUtils.loadVisualizationApi twice, so the onLoadCallback will be run twice (I don't know GWT Google Apis, this is a supposition).
onLoadCallback calls getAvgByRegion, so that one will get called twice too; and it gets data and in the callback creates a new GeoMap and adds it to the RootPanel.get("storeDurationDiv"), so you get two GeoMaps on the screen.
The other widgets(storeField, etc.) are created only once, so adding them repeatedly is not a problem (except performance-wise), as they'll first be removed from their current parent before being added to the new one (which in this case is the same)

