How to add functionality of Java implementation which changing existing code? - java

Let's say I've an implementation of fund transfer. Now I want to add authentication functionality which should be done before fund transfer (considering we are already receiving username and password in existing request). Which pattern should we use and how we can achieve this without modifying calling class and existing implementation?
What I can think of at this moment is using decorator pattern after extending implementation class, but I believe still we will be required to modify the calling class.
Please find existing Interface and classes.
package sb.test.demo.fundtransfer;
public interface FundTransferService {
public boolean makeTransfer(TransferRequest request) throws Exception;
package sb.test.demo.fundtransfer;
public class FundTransferServiceImpl implements FundTransferService {
public boolean makeTransfer(TransferRequest request) throws Exception {
//Dummy Code
return true;
package sb.test.demo.fundtransfer;
public class TestTransfer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TransferRequest request = new TransferRequest();
FundTransferService fts = new FundTransferServiceImpl();
Now, I want want extend FundTransferServiceImpl to createFundTransferServiceNEWImpl which will add authentication.
package sb.test.demo.fundtransfer;
public class FundTransferServiceNEWImpl extends FundTransferServiceImpl {
public boolean makeTransfer(TransferRequest request) throws Exception {
//Dummy Code
System.out.println("TransferDone from NEW..");
return true;
Now, without changing and how can I invoke makeTransfer of FundTransferServiceNEWImpl to add authentication? Or, is there any other way to achieve the same?
Please can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance!

you can make "FundTransferServiceNEWImpl" also implement the interface "FundTransferService" and provide the implementation that you wish in this only, if this was what you asked for!!

Now, without changing and how can I invoke makeTransfer of FundTransferServiceNEWImpl to add authentication?
You can't without changing the bytecode of either TestTransfer (the caller) or FundTransferServiceImpl (the callee).
There are two ways to change the bytecode.
You can
edit the source file and compile
edit the bytecode before the class is loaded
Edit the source file
I would suggest to edit the TestTransfer class. The problematic line is
FundTransferService fts = new FundTransferServiceImpl();
because this line introduces the dependency from TestTransfer to FundTransferServiceImpl.
I would also suggest to implement the decorator by composition and not inheritence. E.g.
public class AuthenticationFundTransferServiceWrapper implements FundTransferService {
private FundTransferService fundTransferService;
public AuthenticationFundTransferServiceWrapper(FundTransferService fundTransferService){
this.fundTransferService = fundTransferService;
public boolean makeTransfer(TransferRequest request) throws Exception {
//Dummy Code
System.out.println("TransferDone from NEW..");
return true;
The advantage is that the AuthenticationFundTransferServiceWrapper does only depend on the interface FundTransferService and not the implementation. This reduces dependencies and makes the class more flexible.
Editing the byte code
Editing the bytecode before the class is loaded is possible.
Take a look at
AOP (aspect oriented programming)
ASM (bytecode manipulation)

So you've identified decorator pattern and this answer implemented decorator correctly, but as this is a SOLID principles question I'm going to point out the flaw in that option.
To see the flaw in either inheritance or decorator, consider what happens when the authorization fails. If it throws a new exception type, that is a Liskov Substitution Principle Violation. If it changes the behavior by silently not transferring the funds, that is also an LSP violation. If you're going to rely on the boolean returned, you're not going to get a useful failure message back to the user or system admin.
As I see it, there is no way the client code can avoid knowing that the new implementation is checking authorized as it needs to handle either a new exception, or different return values.
Given that, I would recommend you add a new class, like this:
public final class TransactionAuthorizationService {
private final FundTransferService fundTransferService;
public AuthenticationFundTransferServiceWrapper(FundTransferService fundTransferService){
this.fundTransferService = fundTransferService;
public boolean authorizeAndMakeAndTransfer(TransferRequest request) throws Exception {
//Dummy Code
System.out.println("TransferDone from NEW..");
return true;
Where before client code dealt with the interface FundTransferService you would have no idea until runtime which implementation they had and whether they would be authorizing transactions, now the client code now deals with the TransactionAuthorizationService and they call authorizeAndMakeAndTransfer so it is very clear.
As our new class is not implementing an existing interface, there is no Liskov Substitution Violation and is free to return different values or throw different exceptions.
Other tips:
Stop decorating methods with throw alls: throws Exception
Don't use InterfaceImpl as class names, look for what makes them concrete over the abstract interface.


Identification of a service

Service interface:
public interface UserInterface {
void present();
void onStart();
void onStop();
I have two implementations: TextUserInterface and GraphicalUserInterface.
How can I identify the one I want to use when I launch my program? Source
private static void main(String[] args) {
ServiceLoader<UserInterface> uiLoader = ServiceLoader.load(UserInterface.class);
UserInterface ui = uiLoader.? //what to do to identify the one I want to use?
I was thinking of introducing an enum with the type of UI, so I could just iterate through all services and pick the one I'd like to, but isn't this approach just a misuse of services? In this case when I want to pick GraphicalUserInterface I could just skip the ServiceLoader part and just instantiate one. The only difference I see is fact that without services, I'd have to require the GraphicalUserInterface module, which "kind of" breaks the encapsulation.
I don't actually think that it would be a misuse of it. As a matter of fact, what you get from ServiceLoader.load(...) method is an Iteratable object, and if you need for a specific service, you will have to iterate through all the available instances.
The idea of the enum is not that bad, but I suggest that you take advantage of the Java stream and filter for the instance you need. For example, you might have something like that:
enum UserInterfaceType {
public interface UserInterface {
UserInterfaceType getTypeUI();
// In your main method
ServiceLoader<UserInterface> uiLoader = ServiceLoader.load(UserInterface.class);
UserInterface ui = uiLoader.steam()
.filter(p -> p->getTypeUI() == <TypeUIyouNeed> )
That is open to a number of possibilities, for example you can put this is a separated method, which receives in input a UserInterfaceType value, and it can retrieve the service implementation based on the type enum value you passed.
As I said, that is just the main idea, but definitely you are not doing any misuse of the ServiceLoader.

Separating UI event listening from a Part in Eclipse RCP: how to do it properly?

I have a huge Part source code I have to touch at 1 place. It is violating a lot of principles so I would like to extract at least the function I had to modify which is a #UIEventTopic handler. There are no tests and I would like to add them here so I know I do not break existing functionality.
I would like to move away from this:
public class MyPart {
public void event(#UIEventTopic(EVENT) EventParam p) {
To something like this:
public class MyPart {
public class MyEventHandler {
public void event(#UIEventTopic(EVENT) EventParam p, MyPart part) {
With the Eclipse DI I see no easy way of creating an instance of the handler class. It cannot be a #Singleton because it is a Part which can have multiple instances, and adding the handler to the IEclipseContext in the #PostConstruct is ugly because it adds a circular dependency between the part and the handler. Is there a magic how I can enforce the instantiation through the e4xmi files, or some alternative way?
My current solution is to extract purely the functionality to a utility bean and return the data and set it on the part, but this is also something not too nice (requires a lot of additional null-checks, ifs, etc.).
I am not entirely sure that I understand your question, however, this is how I would proceed:
Extract Delegate
Move the code in event() to the MyEventHandler so that MyClass fully delegates the event handling
public class MyPart {
public void event( #UIEventTopic(EVENT) EventParam param ) {
new MyEventHandler().handleEvent( this, param );
class MyEventHandler {
void handleEvent(MyPart part, EventParam param) {
// all code from event() goes here
This should be a safe-enough refactoring to do without having tests - and in the end, you don't have a choice as there are no tests.
Ensure the Status Quo
Now I would write tests for handleEvent(), mocking the required methods of MyPart and thus make sure that I won't break existing behavior.
Implement new Feature
After that I would be able to make the desired changes to MyEventHandler::handleEvent in a test driven manner.
Clean Up
Then I would extract an interface from MyPart that has only those methods required for MyEventHandler to do its work. If said interface gets too big, it would indicate that there is more refactoring left to do.

Call() is not public in android.telecom.Call, Cannot be accessed from outside package

I have the next class within SDK23 which should support playDtmfTone() :
import android.telecom.Call;
public class myDtmf {
public void myPlayDtmfTone() {
Call mytone = new Call(); // error here for Call()
The Call() in the line 'Call mytone = new Call()' shows the error:
Call() is not public in android.telecom.Call, Cannot be accessed from outside package.
How can I make Call() public or make it accessible ?
Thank you very much.
In this specific case, referring to the Javadoc of Call:
[Call] Represents an ongoing phone call that the in-call app should present to the user.
So it doesn't really make sense to "create" an instance of it, since that requires you actually to create an actual phone call to some endpoint.
In general, if a method is not accessible outside the package, you aren't supposed to access it - it is not part of the API that the class developer has provided. There are ways to access it - specifically, reflection - but this is hacky and it is massively unlikely to be the way that you are meant to use the class.
The class may provide you with some other means to create an instance, like a static factory method (or an external factory) - but, for the reasons outlined above, that doesn't make sense in this case either.

Java - How to restrict method calling from a specific method

I have a peculiar requirement where I need ensure that only a particular method from one class is allowed to call a public (non-static) method from a second class. Inheritance cannot be used.
One option is to use StackTrace as follows:
package org.rnd.stack;
public class ClassA {
public void methodA() throws IllegalAccessException {
Exception fake = new Exception("FAKE-IGNORE");
StackTraceElement[] stack = fake.getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement st = stack[1];
if ("org.rnd.stack.ClassB".equals(st.getClassName())
&& "methodB".equals(st.getMethodName())) {
System.out.println("You are allowed to call");
} else {
throw new IllegalAccessException("You are not allowed to call");
package org.rnd.stack;
public class ClassB {
public void methodB() throws IllegalAccessException {
new ClassA().methodA();
public void illegalMethod() throws IllegalAccessException {
new ClassA().methodA();
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new ClassB().methodB();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Now the above solution works fine, but due to quality control in code audit I need to come up with another (or rather) better solution. Is there a better way to achieve this?
The right thing to do would be to revisit your requirement. A method that can only be called by certain other code paths is not compatible with public. The general best practice is to use package-private to prevent external callers, and accept that any code in the package could call the method, but won't because you or your team is auditing it.
Method visibility is ultimately not a secure solution to preventing execution; someone has your .class files and the ability to execute them on a machine, they can do just about anything they want. You shouldn't spend too much time trying to lock down method calls. Instead, document the intent of the method clearly (e.g. "Helper function for methodB(), please do not use elsewhere.") and trust the people developing with you know what they're doing. You can even give the method a clear name, like dangerousMethodBForInternalUseOnly() if you really want to beat people over the head about it.
You may also be interested in dependency-injection, which is a design pattern that uses the type system to protect (not prevent) people from executing dangerous code. Here's a couple of talks on Guice, a popular DI framework, that goes into more detail about the concept:
Google I/O 2009 - Big Modular Java with Guice
Java on Guice: Dependency Injection, the Java Way
All of that said, as an academic exercise here's one option for restricting method invocation to a fixed number of codepaths - rely on a shared secret. Add an Object secret field to your locked-down method, and cause the method to fail if the passed secret does not match a hard-coded value (private static final Object SECRET = new Object()). You can then use other mechanisms to share the secret only to code paths you allow (e.g. have a static initializer in your locked-down class publish it to classes you explicitly trust).
Obviously this can still be worked-around by a malicious developer, and it's pretty gross, but it would provide some sort of locking behavior assuming you can trust your locked-down class won't be changed without your knowledge.
A way to improve you method is that you don't need to create an exception to get the stacktrace, you can use the thread methods.
StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
Also maybe you want to use the class instead of handwriting the package. For example:
if (ClassB.class.getName().equals(st.getClassName())
&& "methodB".equals(st.getMethodName())) {
System.out.println("You are allowed to call");
} else {
throw new IllegalAccessException("You are not allowed to call");
Apart from that I don't know how you can do it better without changing your logic or using inheritance.
Pass caller as an argument and check if the caller is instanceof required class - multithreaded solution, cannot bypass by reflecion.
Get thread stack dump and check top entry - weird, heavy but possible
Create proxy - but that will be overheaded variation of solution 1.
You may be able to satisfy this requirement by using the class Class method getEnclosingMethod(). This is how it works (docs here):
If this Class object represents a local or anonymous class within a method, returns a Method object representing the immediately enclosing method of the underlying class.
The signature for methodA() should be changed to accept a Class object as parameter.
public void methodA(Class c) { }
The legal method from ClassB should create an anonymous class object, and pass its class as argument to methodA().
public void methodB() throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException {
new ClassA().methodA(new Object(){}.getClass());
Then methodA() should check if the class enclosing method is indeed methodB() from ClassB.
public void methodA(Class c) throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException {
if (c.getEnclosingMethod().equals(ClassB.class.getMethod("methodB"))) {
System.out.println("You are allowed to call");
} else {
throw new IllegalAccessException("You are not allowed to call");
You must instantiate a new object every time you call methodB(). This may get expensive depending on how many times you do it. Instead, you could create a local class inside methodB() so there is no object creation overhead:
public void methodB() throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException {
class Local {};
new ClassA().methodA(Local.class);
You need to handle NoSuchMethodException and change the code if methodB() name changes;
Someone with access to the code could still modify methodB() to return the anonymous object class to another method, and use it to call methodA() from there. So this is not a perfect solution, but may be enough for your use case.

Is there a way to export java functions to other packages within a library, but not to users of the library?

So, here's an example. I have a library in the package HTTP. I define sub-sections of the library in e.g. the package HTTP.TCPProtocol. Now I want to use TCPProtocol from the HTTP package, which means I have to make the TCPProtocol functionality public. At the same time, this functionality should not be exported to users of the library.
How do I do this? I don't want to shove my whole library into one package, as I feel the separate sub-packages really make the code more structured and navigation easier in eclipse. But browsing around, I couldn't find a method to expose functions within my project, but not export them outside my project.
EDIT: In light of me being able to come up with a better example, I'm updating the OP.
One simplistic approach is to whitelist your 'utility' methods so they take a caller instance of a certain type only.
package gameengine;
interface Whitelisted {} // marker
Then your method:
public void myMethod(Whitelisted caller, String arg)
And to invoke:
class Foo implements Whitelisted {
Someclass.myMethod(this, "foo");
Check the caller's class to lock out all unwanted callers. The caller's class can be obtained from the stacktrace. In the example below, only instances of Bar will trigger the system.out.println, all all other will get an exception. You can even do package-level checks this way. Make sure that all allowed caller classes methods are not public, or they can call the doSomething method indirectly. You can even do deeper checks, by inspecting the stacktrace further.
Be aware though, that a skilled develper can circumvent anything you try do do in this matter. No solution is really "secure".
package one.two;
import one.Bar;
public class Foo {
public void doSomething() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = stackTrace[2];
String className = stackTraceElement.getClassName();
if (Bar.class.getName().equals(className)) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("not allowed");
package one;
import one.two.Foo;
public class Bar {
void makeCall() {
new Foo().doSomething();
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Bar().makeCall();
Without seeing your dependencies, the only real advice the community can give you is to refactor your code. If something in your networking package needs to know about your game engine, it seems like you have a leaky abstraction. Hard to say without seeing your code.

