Sonarqube gradle plugin coverage with Lombok - java

I have a class annotated with Lombok's #Data, in a gradle project, using the Sonarqube and Jacoco plugins.
The source code is available here on github
I have a locally running sonarqube server running as a docker container, started like this:
docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 -p 9092:9092 sonarqube
I have added a "lombok.config" file, asking it to add #Lombok.Generated annotations to its generated code, as per the Global Config keys section here in the docs.
lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true
And I have the following Sonar condition configuration.
When I run the sonarqube target for the very first time, it reports that the project passes.
If I then switch the lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation to be false, and rerun the sonarqube target, it reports that there is a failure:
If I then switch the lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation back to true, and rerun again, sonarqube reports that the project is still failed. And I can't get the project to pass again.
I then changed the group name in the build.gradle file, to force the sonarqube gradle plugin to create a new project within the Sonarqube server. When I do this, the project passes again.
I've never changed any of the source code during this process.
Please does anyone have an idea why Sonarqube is behaving this way?

I've never changed any of the source code during this process.
Oh, but you have. Or rather, Lombok has by inserting (or not) annotations in your code.
You're using a Quality Gate that looks only at "New Code". On your first analysis, no code is new, so none of it is up for consideration. Then you twiddle your Lombok settings, regenerate and reanalyze. Lombok apparently makes some changes in your code. I've never used Lombok so I can't expand on exactly what's happening here, but you can click through on the New Coverage-related metrics on the project homepage to get to a list of files. Drill into a file to see what's being considered "new" in it (yellow highlight). Look to the marginal markings (red, green, yellow striped) to see what's considered covered.
N.B. Your quality gate currently demands 99% coverage on conditions in new code. This is unrealistic and past the point of diminishing returns. You should reconsider this value. IMO 85-95% is more realistic depending on your team.

For future reference, we found that the problem was solved by updating the SonarJava plugin to the newest 5.1.1 release.
I think this ticket in release 5.1, to upgrade to Jacoco 0.8.0 may be the thing that started to honour the #Lombok.Generated annotation.


Coverage view shows 0.0% in Intellij when using Jacoco

As discussed in Open JaCoCo report in Intellij IDEA, when I gather code coverage statistics using Jacoco (rather than native IntelliJ tracing) 0.0% (i.e. "no" coverage) is always shown in the coverage window.
This is after I have done the whole "Analyze -> Show coverage data..." and selected my generated "jacoco.exec" file.
The same "jacoco.exec" file works fine with other tools such as the Jacoco native report generation task, and with Sonar, and these produce the expected coverage report content.
Also native IntelliJ instrumentation works fine.
Can anybody advise me if there is some essential step I must perform to get IntelliJ to accept my Jacoco coverage?
When you add the class to PowerMockito annotation #PrepareForTest for the test classes, the corresponding class will not be showing the code coverage.
Buid source code through IntelliJ before importing jacoco.exec might be solved this showing 0% coverage problem.
For me the solution was to simply add the root package (in my case "de" in your case probably "com") to the "Packages and classes to include in coverage data".
Now i see a reasonable Code Coverage.
I may guess you are trying to see test coverage in same way as it is show by the TeamCity(jaCoCo).
If Yes there are simple workaround how to check all missed branches(just general statistic which branches was visited and how many times) :
That's all my advices , folks
"intellij idea" seems to have no way of showing correct coverage value of jacoco report created. It is indeed misleading and unfair when it shows coverage as 0.0 instead of giving an unsupport format error.
However, as an alternative, we can push jacoco report (created as part of maven build) to the sonar(qube) server using maven-sonar-plugin's target, sonar:sonar
mvn clean install sonar:sonar<sonar-host>:9000 -Dsonar.projectKey=<sonar project key> -Dsonar.branch=<sonar project branch> -Dsonar.login=<sonar user> -Dsonar.password=<sonar pwd>
sonar.projectKey and sonar.branch properties value can be retrieved from corresponding project created in sonarqube.

SonarQube 5.1 Adding Custom Rule for java

I have implemented Sonar Java Plug-in(Maven) following the example here : Copied the generated sonar-plugin in /extensions/plugins directory. Restarted the SonarQube server and ran the analysis using the mvn sonar:sonar.
I can see the new Rules being added in Rules tab but no issues are being logged and also the status of Rule is active. Looks like the Rules are not considered at the time of analysis. Is there anything i am missing?
You have to enable your new rules on a quality profile.

Continuous testing with IntelliJ Idea

I'm looking for an IntelliJ IDEA plugin that would run my tests each time I change my code. I looked for such a solution and I found:
Infinitest, which works, but is inconvenient because I need to add the facet to each module, and it opens a new tool window for each module (which means 15 tool windows for me).
Fireworks - didn't work for me, maybe it just doesn't work with IDEA 14 (in its repo I can see that last changes were made in 2009). IntelliJ also reports that it throws exceptions.
There are lots of ways I could run all my tests (including writing a simple script for this), but I'm looking for a tool that would be smart enough to rerun failed tests first, and that would understand module dependencies (so after a change in some module it would run only tests of dependent modules).
I prefer free options, but if there's something paid for a reasonable price, I would accept it as well.
IntelliJ now actually has a Toggle auto-testin the run dialog. Just run a run-configuration and then select Toggle auto-testin the run dialog.
It's not as intelligent as you would have hoped. It just reruns when it detects changes.
I know this is a 3-year-old question but I think it will help people who face the similar problem in future. So I found out a way to enable SBT style auto test execution in IntelliJ studio.
We need to do 2 things to enable auto test execution.
Enabling auto project build - This can be done in settings by going into File -> Settings -> Build, Execution... -> Compiler and selecting "Build Project automatically".
Enabling "Toggle auto-test" in run dialog box
This will start auto testing. Although this works fine, it takes time to build the project even when my project is tiny so for larger projects it will certainly take very long time to complete the build and execute tests.
Reference: Original article which explains these steps
If you are OK running tests which cover a single method chosen by you, you can try this plugin (it is continuos in the sense that you make changes to a method, then click on the method and the plugin will run all the unit tests automatically which cover that method):
You can use the Intellij Teamcity plugin. Teamcity is a paid product but there is a free version which gives you 20 projects and 3 agents for free .
It has a remote run feature using which you can send in unchecked code to run tests before committing.
It also has options to run failed tests first
Usage instructions for Remote Run

New Sonar IntelliJ plugin incremental analysis and detection not working

I’d like to ask for help. I installed the plugin and successfully added the SonarQube server. I upgraded to version 4.1.2. I use IntelliJ IDEA 13.0.2.
I also successfully associated the project and inspection warnings appeared. But when I fix the issue the status is not updated.
How to synchronize ?
I also run inspection by name ‘SonarQube issues’.
Nevertheless after running the inspection the warnings are also there, where the code was fixed. It seems to me the synchronization somehow fails.
Any idea, what todo, please?
What I had done in my situation.
Installed SonarQube 4.4.
Installed IntelliJ 13.1.4b (the same history was with 13.0.4).
Configured SonarQube intelliJ plugin (not community provided one but plugin from SonarSource). All instructions are under the link on Wiki.
Attached to Sonar project. Every step just as SonarSource recommends.
This gave me mapping from Sonar onto source code. But it does not update when I simply fix the issue. But if I fix issues I then re-post project onto Sonar through mvn sonar:sonar and this gives me updated picture next time I run inspection through sonarqube plugin.
But this is not 100% what is wanted. But definitely better than nothing. Also I have imported Sonar rules through QAPlug - this is far less useful. But notable faster.
Overall this configuration allows me to make what is needed but I'd like to receive real incremental processing without publishing local changes onto Sonar server.
Give a try to the SonarQube IntelliJ Community Plugin, it is made for fixing issues detected by jenkins on the local dev machine. Different then the official plugin you will need to do more configuration by yourself, but it gives you also the freedom to specify your local analysis script like you need.
What you need to do:
configure the plugin
setup sonar server
setup local analysis script
Afterwards you can run SonarQube (new issues) inspection, this will run the script and show the results in the Intellij. If you are fixing issues, you can just rerun the inspection from inside the inspections results tool window. This will rerun the script and show new results.
see also:

Prompt SONAR to analyse code

Actually in our project, we are planning to start developing code (with SONAR to analyze from beginning only) , So we are making use of sonar plugin in eclipse. We know how to analyze code by configuring project to SONARQUEBE and making use of maven build tool as well as using sonarrunner. Instead of building maven for every code changes and analysing , is there any way that prompts (as well as show error lines ) sonar to immediately analyze just after saving the java file ?
Help will be appreciated..... Thanks in advance
There is currently no way to tie an sonar analysis to a save action.
However, you do not need to run the maven based analysis. Assuming you use a recent version of SonarQube and SonarQube ide (4+ and 3.3), you can simply run the analysis using the shortcut (ALT-Ctrl-Q, by default).
Using incremental mode with SonarQube 4+, this is actually really fast, because it analyzes only the changed files as compared to the last successful SonarQube run.
Of course, you need make sure that your buildserver regularily runs your full SonarQube builds as well.

