I am using Hibernate 4.13 and Spring 4
If I try to store timestamp values on Oracle, it fails. But surprisingly, it works on OracleXE. Only difference in schema is, On Oracle I have partition on that table. On OracleXE, I dont.
On Oracle,
While printing entity it shows value correctly.
2018-03-19 11:25:59.456 DEBUG
[org.hibernate.internal.util.EntityPrinter : qtp771935287-17] -
receivedOn=2018-03-19T11:25:59.277+01:00[Arctic/Longyearbyen], errorCode=null,
lastUpdatedOn=2018-03-19T11:25:59.274+01:00[Arctic/Longyearbyen], id=42001, status=RECEIVED}
In Insert it just removed those values
2018-03-19 11:25:59.470 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] -
binding parameter [3] as [TIMESTAMP] - [null]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.470 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] -
binding parameter [4] as [TIMESTAMP] - [null]
Complete logs
2018-03-19 11:25:59.278 DEBUG [org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager : qtp771935287-17] - Initiating transaction commit
2018-03-19 11:25:59.278 DEBUG [org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.HibernateTransactionManager : qtp771935287-17] - Committing Hibernate transaction on Session [SessionImpl(PersistenceContext[entityKeys=[EntityKey[net.jigarshah.domain.MyEntity#42001]],collectionKeys=[]];ActionQueue[insertions=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#425f14f6 updates=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#390223c9 deletions=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#611117d9 orphanRemovals=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#1bb9208a collectionCreations=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#21fb6faf collectionRemovals=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#94f1c32 collectionUpdates=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#60897d1d collectionQueuedOps=org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecutableList#3266acf6 unresolvedInsertDependencies=UnresolvedEntityInsertActions[]])]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.278 DEBUG [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl : qtp771935287-17] - committing
2018-03-19 11:25:59.278 DEBUG [org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener : qtp771935287-17] - Processing flush-time cascades
2018-03-19 11:25:59.278 DEBUG [org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener : qtp771935287-17] - Dirty checking collections
2018-03-19 11:25:59.455 DEBUG [org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener : qtp771935287-17] - Flushed: 1 insertions, 1 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
2018-03-19 11:25:59.455 DEBUG [org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener : qtp771935287-17] - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2018-03-19 11:25:59.455 DEBUG [org.hibernate.internal.util.EntityPrinter : qtp771935287-17] - Listing entities:
2018-03-19 11:25:59.456 DEBUG [org.hibernate.internal.util.EntityPrinter : qtp771935287-17] - net.jigarshah.domain.MyEntity{myId=123123, myUuid=ef5c5159-1e91-4a8e-a3bb-8f583fb3cce2, receivedOn=2018-03-19T11:25:59.277+01:00[Arctic/Longyearbyen], errorCode=null, lastUpdatedOn=2018-03-19T11:25:59.274+01:00[Arctic/Longyearbyen], id=42001, status=RECEIVED}
2018-03-19 11:25:59.468 DEBUG [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlStatementLogger : qtp771935287-17] -
(my_id, error_code, last_updated_on, received_on, my_uuid, status, id)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2018-03-19 11:25:59.469 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [1] as [VARCHAR] - [123123]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.469 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [2] as [VARCHAR] - [null]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.470 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [3] as [TIMESTAMP] - [null]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.470 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [4] as [TIMESTAMP] - [null]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.470 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [5] as [BINARY] - [ef5c5159-1e91-4a8e-a3bb-8f583fb3cce2]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.471 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.EnumType$EnumValueMapperSupport : qtp771935287-17] - Binding [RECEIVED] to parameter: [6]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.472 TRACE [org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : qtp771935287-17] - binding parameter [7] as [BIGINT] - [42001]
2018-03-19 11:25:59.472 DEBUG [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal.BatchingBatch : qtp771935287-17] - Executing batch size: 1
Type conversion
LocalSessionFactoryBuilder builder = new LocalSessionFactoryBuilder(dataSource());
new **StandardTypeOverrideApplier**(builder).apply();
SessionFactory sessionFactory = builder.buildSessionFactory();
return sessionFactory;
Type converter
private Configuration configuration;
public StandardTypeOverrideApplier(Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
public void apply() {
configuration.registerTypeOverride(jvm(new org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime()), new String[]{"jodaDateTime", DateTime.class.getName()});
configuration.registerTypeOverride(new org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentLocalDate(), new String[]{"jodaLocalDate", org.joda.time.LocalDate.class.getName()});
**configuration.registerTypeOverride(new PersistentZonedDateTime(), new String[]{"zonedDateTime", ZonedDateTime.class.getName()});**
configuration.registerTypeOverride(new PersistentLocalDate(), new String[]{"localDate", LocalDate.class.getName()});
This had nothing to do with Type conversion. Issue was with SavOrUpdateEvent Listner.
I was updating receivedOn value in saveOrUpdate event Listner. Unfortunately, hibernate first creates insert query which does not have timestamp. and Then update query to update receivedOn. And since I had index on receivedOn, if never created update query. It was always failing on insert itself. I would really appriciate if anyone knows alter native to #PreCreate and #PreUpdate in case of hibernate saveOrUpdate. (unfortunately we cant get rid of saveOrUpdate due to some historical reasons in code base)
I'm currently working with Springboot. now I want to query data by Java.util.date via JpaRepository and I have the following code in my interface.
List<MyEnity> findByDate(Date date);
I use Java.util.date and I have a personal reason that I couldn't change to java.time. I've ensured that
MyEntity Class in date field has TemporalType.DATE like this
#Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) private Date date;
and also the date field in MySQL is also date type
enter image description here
I tried to use the findByDate(Date date) method above and the date paramter in the method is obviously exist in my database but I always get an Empty List...
The other methods like findByName(String name) or findAll() work just fine.
I've tried to log the SQL statement from hibernate and I found that the binding parameter [DATE] might be in a different format? in my db is 'yyyy-mm-dd'
here is a log where I query with id and date. and at the bottom of the log I notice that the Id is binded with query statement, but date won't
2563-04-10 12:18:54.649 [restartedMain] INFO o.s.b.d.a.ConditionEvaluationDeltaLoggingListener - Condition evaluation unchanged
2563-04-10 12:19:03.241 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/api/productionplan] - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2563-04-10 12:19:03.282 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2563-04-10 12:19:03.307 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Completed initialization in 8 ms
2563-04-10 12:19:03.346 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL -
planibtout0_.planibtoutid as planibto1_23_,
planibtout0_.ibtqty as ibtqty2_23_,
planibtout0_.finisheddate as finished3_23_,
planibtout0_.finishedshiftid as finished4_23_,
planibtout0_.itemid as itemid6_23_,
planibtout0_.itemclassid as itemclas5_23_,
planibtout0_.planfinishedgoodid as planfini7_23_,
planibtout0_.planibtoutlotid as planibto8_23_,
planibtout0_.planqty as planqty9_23_,
planibtout0_.producerstoreid as produce10_23_,
planibtout0_.sellerstoreid as sellers11_23_,
planibtout0_.updateat as updatea12_23_,
planibtout0_.updateby as updateb13_23_
planibtout planibtout0_
and planibtout0_.finisheddate=?
2563-04-10 12:19:03.359 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] TRACE o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder - binding parameter [1] as [DATE] - [Tue Apr 15 00:00:00 ICT 1477]
2563-04-10 12:19:03.363 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO c.n.t.t.s.c.SellerStoreController - -Data Not Found- No record found in database
here is my .yml properties
port: 8080
context-path: /api/xxx/
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/xxx?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC
driverClassName: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
username: xxx
continueOnError: false
maximum-pool-size: 20
minimum-idle: 0
idle-timeout: 10000
connection-timeout: 10000
max-lifetime: 10000
auto-commit: true
show-sql: false
ddlAuto: none
dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
format_sql: true
startDayInWeek: 2
com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig: DEBUG
com.ntt.th: DEBUG
console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"
Actually, there is no problem with Date binding that why query executed perfectly.
May be problem is Application Timezone and Database timezone is not matching.
You are sending DATE with IndoChina Timezone(ICT) Tue Apr 15 00:00:00 ICT 1477 but you are using serverTimezone=UTC(In JDBC Url) for database which means you are using UTC Timezone for Database.
So, you can change the timezone for database using serverTimezone=ICT to use IndoChina Timezone(ICT)
I am trying to generate Jooq code to use with in memory SQLite.
The problem is, that each new Connection creates a fresh SQLite instance which makes the code creation rely on sql scripts. But when I try to fit my code generation to the documentation the code wont be generated. I believe it still tries to access the database which is empty.
I am also not sure if jooq will work with a non persistent database. The database is intented to only exist during the program run. When the program shuts down the database should be gone. If jooq fetches new connections all troughout the runtime, I have to switch anyway.
Jooq generation:
public static void runJooqCodeGen() throws Exception {
String url = "jdbc:sqlite:";
String driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC";
Configuration configuration = new Configuration().withJdbc(new Jdbc().withDriver(driver).withUrl(url))
.withGenerator(new Generator()
.withDatabase(new Database()
.withProperties(new Property()
.withGenerate(new Generate()
.withTarget(new Target()
current_health INTEGER NOT NULL,
max_health INTEGER NOT NULL,
normal_speed DOUBLE NOT NULL,
street_speed DOUBLE NOT NULL,
difficult_terrain_speed DOUBLE NOT NULL,
close_combat_range DOUBLE NOT NULL,
ranged_combat_range DOUBLE NOT NULL,
normal_view_distance DOUBLE NOT NULL,
disadvantaged_view_distance DOUBLE NOT NULL,
advantaged_view_distance DOUBLE NOT NULL
troop INTEGER,
UNIQUE(hq, troop),
PRIMARY KEY (id, hq, troop)
The generation does not finish with an error, but this is the console output.
19:02:57.342 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool - Input configuration : <onError>FAIL</onError><jdbc><driver>org.sqlite.JDBC</driver><url>jdbc:sqlite:</url></jdbc><generator><name>org.jooq.codegen.DefaultGenerator</name><database><regexMatchesPartialQualification>true</regexMatchesPartialQualification><sqlMatchesPartialQualification>true</sqlMatchesPartialQualification><includes>.*</includes><excludes></excludes><includeExcludeColumns>false</includeExcludeColumns><includeTables>true</includeTables><includeEmbeddables>true</includeEmbeddables><includeRoutines>true</includeRoutines><includeTriggerRoutines>false</includeTriggerRoutines><includePackages>true</includePackages><includePackageRoutines>true</includePackageRoutines><includePackageUDTs>true</includePackageUDTs><includePackageConstants>true</includePackageConstants><includeUDTs>true</includeUDTs><includeSequences>true</includeSequences><includeIndexes>true</includeIndexes><includePrimaryKeys>true</includePrimaryKeys><includeUniqueKeys>true</includeUniqueKeys><includeForeignKeys>true</includeForeignKeys><includeCheckConstraints>true</includeCheckConstraints><includeInvisibleColumns>true</includeInvisibleColumns><recordVersionFields></recordVersionFields><recordTimestampFields></recordTimestampFields><syntheticIdentities></syntheticIdentities><syntheticPrimaryKeys></syntheticPrimaryKeys><overridePrimaryKeys></overridePrimaryKeys><dateAsTimestamp>false</dateAsTimestamp><ignoreProcedureReturnValues>false</ignoreProcedureReturnValues><unsignedTypes>true</unsignedTypes><integerDisplayWidths>true</integerDisplayWidths><inputCatalog></inputCatalog><outputCatalogToDefault>false</outputCatalogToDefault><inputSchema></inputSchema><outputSchemaToDefault>false</outputSchemaToDefault><schemaVersionProvider></schemaVersionProvider><catalogVersionProvider></catalogVersionProvider><orderProvider></orderProvider><forceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals>true</forceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals><logSlowQueriesAfterSeconds>5</logSlowQueriesAfterSeconds><logSlowResultsAfterSeconds>5</logSlowResultsAfterSeconds><properties><property><key>scripts</key><value>src/main/resources/db/Schema.sql</value></property></properties></database><generate><indexes>true</indexes><relations>true</relations><implicitJoinPathsToOne>true</implicitJoinPathsToOne><deprecated>true</deprecated><deprecationOnUnknownTypes>false</deprecationOnUnknownTypes><instanceFields>true</instanceFields><generatedAnnotation>true</generatedAnnotation><generatedAnnotationType>DETECT_FROM_JDK</generatedAnnotationType><routines>true</routines><sequences>true</sequences><udts>true</udts><queues>true</queues><links>true</links><keys>true</keys><tables>true</tables><embeddables>true</embeddables><records>true</records><recordsImplementingRecordN>true</recordsImplementingRecordN><pojos>true</pojos><pojosEqualsAndHashCode>false</pojosEqualsAndHashCode><pojosToString>true</pojosToString><immutablePojos>false</immutablePojos><serializablePojos>true</serializablePojos><interfaces>false</interfaces><immutableInterfaces>false</immutableInterfaces><serializableInterfaces>true</serializableInterfaces><daos>false</daos><jpaAnnotations>false</jpaAnnotations><validationAnnotations>false</validationAnnotations><springAnnotations>false</springAnnotations><globalObjectReferences>true</globalObjectReferences><globalCatalogReferences>true</globalCatalogReferences><globalSchemaReferences>true</globalSchemaReferences><globalTableReferences>true</globalTableReferences><globalSequenceReferences>true</globalSequenceReferences><globalUDTReferences>true</globalUDTReferences><globalRoutineReferences>true</globalRoutineReferences><globalQueueReferences>true</globalQueueReferences><globalLinkReferences>true</globalLinkReferences><globalKeyReferences>true</globalKeyReferences><javadoc>true</javadoc><comments>true</comments><commentsOnCatalogs>true</commentsOnCatalogs><commentsOnSchemas>true</commentsOnSchemas><commentsOnTables>true</commentsOnTables><commentsOnColumns>true</commentsOnColumns><commentsOnUDTs>true</commentsOnUDTs><commentsOnAttributes>true</commentsOnAttributes><commentsOnPackages>true</commentsOnPackages><commentsOnRoutines>true</commentsOnRoutines><commentsOnParameters>true</commentsOnParameters><commentsOnSequences>true</commentsOnSequences><commentsOnLinks>true</commentsOnLinks><commentsOnQueues>true</commentsOnQueues><commentsOnKeys>true</commentsOnKeys><fluentSetters>false</fluentSetters><javaBeansGettersAndSetters>false</javaBeansGettersAndSetters><varargSetters>true</varargSetters><fullyQualifiedTypes></fullyQualifiedTypes><emptyCatalogs>false</emptyCatalogs><emptySchemas>false</emptySchemas><javaTimeTypes>false</javaTimeTypes><primaryKeyTypes>false</primaryKeyTypes><newline>\n</newline></generate><target><packageName>me.leslie.generals.server.persistence.jooq</packageName><directory>Generals-Server/src/main/java</directory><encoding>UTF-8</encoding><clean>true</clean></target></generator>
19:02:57.424 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool - Database : Inferring database org.jooq.meta.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase from URL jdbc:sqlite:
19:02:57.426 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool - No <inputCatalog/> was provided. Generating ALL available catalogs instead.
19:02:57.426 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool - No <inputSchema/> was provided. Generating ALL available schemata instead.
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - License parameters
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - Thank you for using jOOQ and jOOQ's code generator
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator -
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - Database parameters
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - dialect : SQLITE
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - URL : jdbc:sqlite:
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - target dir : Generals-Server/src/main/java
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - target package : me.leslie.generals.server.persistence.jooq
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - includes : [.*]
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - excludes : []
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - includeExcludeColumns : false
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator -
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - JavaGenerator parameters
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - annotations (generated): true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - annotations (JPA: any) : false
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - annotations (JPA: version):
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - annotations (validation): false
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on attributes : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on catalogs : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on columns : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on keys : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on links : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on packages : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on parameters : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on queues : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on routines : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on schemas : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on sequences : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on tables : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - comments on udts : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - daos : false
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - deprecated code : true
19:02:57.524 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (any): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (catalogs): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (keys): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (links): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (queues): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (routines): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (schemas): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (sequences): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (tables): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - global references (udts): true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - indexes : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - instance fields : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - interfaces : false
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - interfaces (immutable) : false
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - javadoc : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - keys : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - links : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - pojos : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - pojos (immutable) : false
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - queues : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - records : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - routines : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - sequences : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - table-valued functions : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - tables : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - udts : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - relations : true
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator -
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - Generation remarks
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.AbstractGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator -
19:02:57.525 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - ----------------------------------------------------------
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - Generating catalogs : Total: 1
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - ARRAYs fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - Enums fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - Packages fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - Routines fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.526 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - Sequences fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jooq.tools.reflect.Reflect (file:/home/leslie/.m2/repository/org/jooq/jooq/3.12.1/jooq-3.12.1.jar) to constructor java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup(java.lang.Class)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.jooq.tools.reflect.Reflect
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
19:02:57.725 [main] INFO org.jooq.Constants -
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###################################### Thank you for using jOOQ 3.12.1
19:02:57.732 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Executing query : select 1 one
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Fetched result : +----+
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : | one|
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : +----+
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : | 1|
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : +----+
19:02:57.788 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Fetched row(s) : 1
19:02:57.791 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Executing query : select sqlite_master.name from sqlite_master where sqlite_master.type in (?, ?) order by sqlite_master.name
19:02:57.792 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - -> with bind values : select sqlite_master.name from sqlite_master where sqlite_master.type in ('table', 'view') order by sqlite_master.name
19:02:57.793 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Fetched result : +----+
19:02:57.793 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : |name|
19:02:57.793 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - : +----+
19:02:57.793 [main] DEBUG org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener - Fetched row(s) : 0
19:02:57.793 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - Tables fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.793 [main] INFO org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase - UDTs fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
19:02:57.793 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - Excluding empty catalog :
19:02:57.793 [main] INFO org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator - Removing excess files
Process finished with exit code 0
If you want to use the DDLDatabase as documented in the link you've posted, you should:
remove the JDBC connection parameters
add the DDLDatabase as a database implementation, to replace the default SQLiteDatabase (which is derived from your JDBC connection parameters).
In other words, try this:
public static void runJooqCodeGen() throws Exception {
// Removed this
/* String url = "jdbc:sqlite:";
String driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC"; */
Configuration configuration = new Configuration()/*.withJdbc(new Jdbc()
.withGenerator(new Generator()
.withDatabase(new Database()
// Added this
.withProperties(new Property()
.withGenerate(new Generate()
.withTarget(new Target()
I am trying to persist data to an embedded Derby DB using hibernate. But data not getting persisted at all.
hibernate configuration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
<property name="hibernate.dialect">
<property name="connection.username"/>
<property name="connection.password"/>
<!-- DB schema will be updated if needed -->
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">create</property>
<mapping class="org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean">
This is the DAO class
package org.wso2.esbMonitor.network;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.Date;
#Table(name = "HTTP_LOG")
public class PassThruHTTPBean {
#Column(name = "id")
private int id;
#Column(name = "activeThreadCount")
private int activeThreadCount;
#Column(name = "avgSizeRecieved")
private double avgSizeRecieved;
#Column(name ="avgSizeSent")
private double avgSizeSent;
#Column(name ="faultsRecieving")
private long faultsRecieving;
#Column(name ="faultSending")
private long faultSending;
#Column(name ="messagesRecieved")
private long messagesRecieved;
#Column(name ="messageSent")
private long messageSent;
#Column(name ="queueSize")
private int queueSize;
#Column(name = "time")
private Date date;
This is the method use to commit to DB
public synchronized static void addNetworkTrafficDetailsToDB(){
try {
if (scheduledList.size() > 0){
logger.info("Started persisting");
Session session = HibernateSessionCreator.getSession();
for(PassThruHTTPBean passThruHTTPBean : scheduledList){
Transaction tx;
tx = session.beginTransaction();
Stack trace
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractTransactionImpl:158 - begin
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:212 - Obtaining JDBC
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:175 - Total
checked-out connections: 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:181 - Using
pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:218 - Obtained JDBC
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:69 - initial autocommit status: false
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractServiceRegistryImpl:146 - Initializing service [role=org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerRegistry]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener:177 - Saving transient instance
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractSaveEventListener:167 - Saving [org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean#<null>]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE ActionQueue:177 - Adding an EntityIdentityInsertAction for [org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean] object
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE ActionQueue:185 - Executing inserts before finding non-nullable transient entities for early insert: [EntityIdentityInsertAction[org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean#<null>]]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE ActionQueue:193 - Adding insert with no non-nullable, transient entities: [EntityIdentityInsertAction[org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean#<null>]]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE ActionQueue:211 - Executing insertions before resolved early-insert
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG ActionQueue:213 - Executing identity-insert immediately
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:2960 - Inserting entity: org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean (native id)
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG SQL:104 - insert into HTTP_LOG (id, activeThreadCount, avgSizeRecieved, avgSizeSent, time, faultSending, faultsRecieving, messageSent, messagesRecieved, queueSize) values (default, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:319 - Registering statement [c065801d-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:2780 - Dehydrating entity: [org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean#<null>]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [1] as [INTEGER] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [2] as [DOUBLE] - 0.0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [3] as [DOUBLE] - 0.0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:72 - binding parameter [4] as [TIMESTAMP] - <null>
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [5] as [BIGINT] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [6] as [BIGINT] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [7] as [BIGINT] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [8] as [BIGINT] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE BasicBinder:84 - binding parameter [9] as [INTEGER] - 0
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:358 - Releasing statement [c065801d-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:472 - Closing prepared statement [c065801d-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:249 - Starting after statement execution processing [ON_CLOSE]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG SQL:104 - values identity_val_local()
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:319 - Registering statement [787c0020-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:374 - Registering result set [org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet42#1718dbaa]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG IdentifierGeneratorHelper:93 - Natively generated identity: 1
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:401 - Releasing result set [org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet42#1718dbaa]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:515 - Closing result set [org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet42#1718dbaa]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:358 - Releasing statement [787c0020-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:472 - Closing prepared statement [787c0020-0155-0a1f-282f-000004235ae8]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:249 - Starting after statement execution processing [ON_CLOSE]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE UnresolvedEntityInsertActions:214 - No unresolved entity inserts that depended on [[org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean#1]]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE UnresolvedEntityInsertActions:121 - No entity insert actions have non-nullable, transient entity dependencies.
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractTransactionImpl:173 - committing
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE SessionImpl:403 - Automatically flushing session
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:82 - Flushing session
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:144 - Processing flush-time cascades
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:185 - Dirty checking collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:200 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:242 - Processing unreferenced collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:254 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:118 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:125 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG EntityPrinter:114 - Listing entities:
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG EntityPrinter:121 - org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean{date=null, faultsRecieving=0, queueSize=0, activeThreadCount=0, avgSizeRecieved=0.0, messagesRecieved=0, id=1, avgSizeSent=0.0, faultSending=0, messageSent=0}
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:327 - Executing flush
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:249 - Starting after statement execution processing [ON_CLOSE]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:359 - Post flush
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE SessionImpl:612 - before transaction completion
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:113 - committed JDBC Connection
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE TransactionCoordinatorImpl:136 - after transaction completion
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE SessionImpl:624 - after transaction completion
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:82 - Flushing session
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:144 - Processing flush-time cascades
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:185 - Dirty checking collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:200 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:242 - Processing unreferenced collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:254 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:118 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:125 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG EntityPrinter:114 - Listing entities:
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG EntityPrinter:121 - org.wso2.esbMonitor.network.PassThruHTTPBean{date=null, faultsRecieving=0, queueSize=0, activeThreadCount=0, avgSizeRecieved=0.0, messagesRecieved=0, id=1, avgSizeSent=0.0, faultSending=0, messageSent=0}
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:327 - Executing flush
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:249 - Starting after statement execution processing [ON_CLOSE]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:359 - Post flush
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE SessionImpl:342 - Closing session
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE JdbcCoordinatorImpl:171 - Closing JDBC container [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl#4e6454a]
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE LogicalConnectionImpl:164 - Closing logical connection
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:232 - Releasing JDBC connection
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:233 - Returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
2016-06-01 09:31:08 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:250 - Released JDBC connection
2016-06-01 09:31:08 TRACE LogicalConnectionImpl:176 - Logical connection closed
Session factory
public class HibernateSessionCreator {
private static SessionFactory ourSessionFactory;
private static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
public static void init() {
try {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).buildServiceRegistry();
ourSessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration()
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
public static Session getSession() throws HibernateException {
return ourSessionFactory.openSession();
Please help me solve the problem :) Thank you in advance
need your help, I have log4j.properties like this
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=stdout, file
# Redirect log messages to console
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Redirect log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
and this is my Controller
#RequestMapping(value="/addedc", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", headers = "content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public #ResponseBody Status_new addedc(#RequestBody installasimodel edc){
log.info("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< START ADDEDC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
List<installasimodel>mapusr = null;
log.info(new Status_new(1, "Sukses!"));
return new Status_new(1, "Sukses!");
}catch(Exception mapi){
log.info(new Status_new(0, mapi.getMessage()));
log.info("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STOP ADDEDC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
return new Status_new(0, mapi.getMessage());
I want to show "INFO" in the file .log, but why DEBUG also appear? thus fulfilling the page.This example logs generated
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG FilterSecurityInterceptor:185 - Public object - authentication not attempted
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG FilterChainProxy:323 - /ins-server-insta/ins-list-all-insta-installasi reached end of additional filter chain; proceeding with original chain
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG DispatcherServlet:838 - DispatcherServlet with name 'mvc-dispatcher' processing GET request for [/admin-teknikal/ins-server-insta/ins-list-all-insta-installasi]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG RequestMappingHandlerMapping:246 - Looking up handler method for path /ins-server-insta/ins-list-all-insta-installasi
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG RequestMappingHandlerMapping:251 - Returning handler method [public java.util.List<com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel> com.bni.edc.controller.instaController.getInsta()]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG DefaultListableBeanFactory:249 - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'instaController'
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG DispatcherServlet:925 - Last-Modified value for [/admin-teknikal/ins-server-insta/ins-list-all-insta-installasi] is: -1
2016-02-05 15:14:58 INFO nanda:63 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< START ALL INSTALLASI LIST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractTransactionImpl:160 - begin
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:226 - Obtaining JDBC connection
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG DriverManagerDataSource:142 - Creating new JDBC DriverManager Connection to [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bni]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:232 - Obtained JDBC connection
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:69 - initial autocommit status: true
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:71 - disabling autocommit
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG SQL:109 - SELECT * FROM istlsi_edc_tkn_tebel WHERE sts!='1' ORDER BY id_istlsi_tkn DESC
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG Loader:951 - Result set row: 0
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG Loader:1485 - Result row: EntityKey[com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#22344444]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG Loader:951 - Result set row: 1
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG Loader:1485 - Result row: EntityKey[com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#232323]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:160 - Resolving associations for [com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#22344444]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:286 - Done materializing entity [com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#22344444]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:160 - Resolving associations for [com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#232323]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:286 - Done materializing entity [com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel#232323]
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractTransactionImpl:175 - committing
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:149 - Processing flush-time cascades
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:189 - Dirty checking collections
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:123 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 2 objects
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:130 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG EntityPrinter:114 - Listing entities:
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG EntityPrinter:121 - com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel{tngl_qrcode=null, tngl_sbm_istlsi=null, tngl_sbmit=2016-02-04, ttd_mrchn=null, kde_pos_sls=0, own=BN, mid=23232323, hp_penerima=null, id_istlsi_tkn=48, id_wlyh=1, tid=232323, id_spv=0, foto_istlsi=null, sc=1, ttd_istlsi=null, alamat_mrchn=asasa, jam=null, kde_pos=0, sn=null, ket_istlsi=sdsddsdsdsdsd, kde_pos_tkn=null, ntf_adm=0, ttd=null, ms=null, id_tkn=28, koor_lat=null, gprs_id=null, tngl_chck_adm=null, version=null, koor_long=null, sts=0, foto=null, phone=23232, nm_penerima=daa, sts_edc=0, id_usr_adm_sls=0, own_mrchn=null, nm_mrchn=dsds, id_usr_sls=0}
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG EntityPrinter:121 - com.bni.edc.model.installasimodel{tngl_qrcode=null, tngl_sbm_istlsi=null, tngl_sbmit=2016-02-04, ttd_mrchn=null, kde_pos_sls=0, own=BN, mid=20397878789, hp_penerima=null, id_istlsi_tkn=49, id_wlyh=3, tid=22344444, id_spv=0, foto_istlsi=null, sc=1, ttd_istlsi=null, alamat_mrchn=jl.soedirman kav.04, jam=null, kde_pos=0, sn=null, ket_istlsi=butuh cepat dan segera, kde_pos_tkn=null, ntf_adm=0, ttd=null, ms=null, id_tkn=27, koor_lat=null, gprs_id=null, tngl_chck_adm=null, version=null, koor_long=null, sts=0, foto=null, phone=09787879, nm_penerima=yuyun, sts_edc=0, id_usr_adm_sls=0, own_mrchn=null, nm_mrchn=laksana baru, id_usr_sls=0}
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:113 - committed JDBC Connection
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG JdbcTransaction:126 - re-enabling autocommit
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:246 - Releasing JDBC connection
2016-02-05 15:14:58 DEBUG LogicalConnectionImpl:264 - Released JDBC connection
2016-02-05 15:14:58 INFO nanda:71 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STOP ALL INSTALLASI LIST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
how can I disable DEBUG ?
Change DEBUG to INFO
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout, file
I'm assuming that you are using Log4j v1.x...
In your configuration properties you're only configuring appenders (root logger output will be sent to stdout end file):
log4j.rootLogger=stdout, file
but you aren't specifying logging level (default level is DEBUG), so everything is logged on your appenders.
To set a specific logging level you need to configure it properly. In particular, if you need to log only from INFO level to FATAL level, you have to set this:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, file
Take a look: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html
If you need to log Hibernate activities (only INFO level) you also need to set these configurations:
log4j.logger.org.hibernate=INFO, stdout, file
You are not setting the Logging Level in your log4j.xml.
Set your Logger level to INFO like this:
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, file
Change this log4j.rootLogger=stdout, file to log4j.rootLogger= INFO, stdout, file
Solution A: Initialize root logger with level INFO for stdout and file
Solution B: Set the log level for specified components
This program does tens of thousands of consecutive inserts one after the other. I've never used Hibernate before. I'm getting extremely slow performance (if I just connect and execute the SQL manually I am 10-12x quicker. My batch_size is set to 50 as per many hibernate tutorials.
Here is a log from a single insert - perhaps you could help me understand exactly what is happening:
11:02:56.121 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - opened session at timestamp: 13106053761
11:02:56.121 [main] DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction - begin
11:02:56.121 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - opening JDBC connection
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE o.h.c.DriverManagerConnectionProvider - total checked-out connections: 0
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE o.h.c.DriverManagerConnectionProvider - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
11:02:56.121 [main] DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction - current autocommit status: false
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.JDBCContext - after transaction begin
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - setting flush mode to: MANUAL
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE o.h.e.def.DefaultLoadEventListener - loading entity: [com.xyzcompany.foo.edoi.ejb.msw000.MSW000Rec#component[keyW000]{keyW000=F000 ADSUFC}]
11:02:56.121 [main] TRACE o.h.e.def.DefaultLoadEventListener - creating new proxy for entity
11:02:56.122 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener - saving transient instance
11:02:56.122 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.def.AbstractSaveEventListener - generated identifier: component[keyW000]{keyW000=F000 ADSUFC}, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator
11:02:56.122 [main] TRACE o.h.e.def.AbstractSaveEventListener - saving [com.xyzcompany.foo.edoi.ejb.msw000.MSW000Rec#component[keyW000]{keyW000=F000 ADSUFC}]
11:02:56.123 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - flushing session
11:02:56.123 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - processing flush-time cascades
11:02:56.123 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - dirty checking collections
11:02:56.123 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
11:02:56.125 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing unreferenced collections
11:02:56.125 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
11:02:56.126 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 1 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 62 objects
11:02:56.126 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - executing flush
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - registering flush begin
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister - Inserting entity: [com.xyzcompany.foo.edoi.ejb.msw000.MSW000Rec#component[keyW000]{keyW000=F000 ADSUFC}]
11:02:56.132 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
11:02:56.132 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into MSW000 (W000_DATA_REC, W000_FILE_FLAGS, KEY_W000) values (?, ?, ?)
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - preparing statement
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister - Dehydrating entity: [com.xyzcompany.foo.edoi.ejb.msw000.MSW000Rec#component[keyW000]{keyW000=F000 ADSUFC}]
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.type.StringType - binding ' ADSUFCA ' to parameter: 1
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.type.StringType - binding ' ' to parameter: 2
11:02:56.132 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.type.StringType - binding 'F000 ADSUFC' to parameter: 3
11:02:56.132 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - Executing batch size: 1
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - closing statement
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - registering flush end
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener - post flush
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction - commit
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - automatically flushing session
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.JDBCContext - before transaction completion
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - before transaction completion
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction - committed JDBC Connection
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.JDBCContext - after transaction completion
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - transaction completed on session with on_close connection release mode; be sure to close the session to release JDBC resources!
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - after transaction completion
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - closing session
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - performing cleanup
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - releasing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE o.h.c.DriverManagerConnectionProvider - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
11:02:56.133 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.JDBCContext - after transaction completion
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager - transaction completed on session with on_close connection release mode; be sure to close the session to release JDBC resources!
11:02:56.134 [main] TRACE org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - after transaction completion
When you call session.save(), hibernate will generate an INSERT SQL. This INSERT SQL will be appended to be issued to the DB during flushing (i.e session.flush()) .
During flushing, if hibernate.jdbc.batch_size is set to some non-zero value, Hibernate will use the batching feature introduced in the JDBC2 API to issue the batch insert SQL to the DB .
For example , if you save() 100 records and your hibernate.jdbc.batch_size is set to 50. During flushing, instead of issue the following SQL 100 times :
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (1, 'val1');
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (2, 'val2');
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (3, 'val3');
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (100, 'val100');
Hiberate will group them in batches of 50 , and only issue 2 SQL to the DB, like this:
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (1, 'val1') , (2, 'val2') ,(3, 'val3') ,(4, 'val4') ,......,(50, 'val50')
insert into TableA (id , fields) values (51, 'val51') , (52, 'val52') ,(53, 'val53') ,(54, 'val54'),...... ,(100, 'val100')
Please note that Hibernate would disable insert batching at the JDBC level transparently if the primary key of the inserting table isGenerationType.Identity.
From your log: you save() only one record and then flush(), so there is only one appending INSERT SQL to be processed for every flush. That's why Hibernate cannot help you to batch inserting as there is only one INSERT SQL to be processed. You should save() up to the certain amount of records before calling flush() instead of calling flush() for every save().
The best practise of batch inserting is something like this:
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
for ( int i=0; i<888888; i++ ) {
TableA record = new TableA();
if ( i % 50 == 0 ) { //50, same as the JDBC batch size
//flush a batch of inserts and release memory:
You save and flush the records batch by batch. In the end of each batch you should clear the persistence context to release some memory to prevent memory exhaustion as every persistent object is placed into the first level cache (your JVM's memory). You could also disable the second-level cache to reduce the unnecessary overhead.
Official Hibernate Documentation : Chapter 14. Batch processing
Hibernate Batch Processing – Why you may not be using it. (Even if you think you are)
If you must use hibernate for huge batch jobs StatelessSession is the way to go. It strips things down to the most basic converting-objects-to-SQL-statements mapping and eliminates all of the overhead of the ORM features you're not using when just cramming rows into the DB wholesale.
It would also be much easier to make suggestions on your actual code than the log :)
11:02:56.133 [main] DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction - commit
This is saying that the database is committing after every insert. Ensure you are not committing your transaction / closing your session inside the insert loop. Do this once at the end instead.