best way to serialize json android [closed] - java

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm quite new in android development. I have an app and I'm going with retrofit for the network requests. to handle the response there are some good libraries that I found such as gson , jackson , moshi and som much more. I'm abit confused and I can't decide what I should go with in this particular case. Any help is appreciated.m

Probably a duplicate question. But since you're new to Android development this article will explain everything to you.
In short , if your json response is quite small, go with gson otherwise Jackson is better.


How to collect news from different websites [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am starting working on a new app which will show news of different channels. But I am bit confused that how to get data from websites which will update automatically. Am I need their API keys for integration or some other method. please give me some suggestions.
News sites will likely have RSS feeds. You can use classes from System.ServiceModel.Syndication to parse them. In-depth discussion here.

How to make a Speech API with Java [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to know the steps in making a java speech recognizer/API WITHOUT using sphinx or anything else. I want to build from the ground up!!! Also a Text to speech from the ground up. 100% my own. I know it's going to be a lot of work. I just want to know.
First you want your sound-input as bytestream, how to do so is explained by oracle:, you write the logic and algorithms to analyze and process the byte stream.
Good luck.

JSON Parser Project [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm thinking about starting an open source JSON parser library in Java for fun and coding practice. Would this be useful for people? Would this have more adoption than an XML parser?
There has always been a fair amount of backlash against XML, but this has really heated up since JSON became popular. A lot of people want to throw XML out the window and use JSON for everything, and for many problems, this is a reasonable thing to do. JSON and XML have many similar properties, but XML has some tricks up its sleeve that JSON can't yet match. you can find more useful answer in the below JSON and XML comparison and

Best way to parse some HTML code in Android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently developing a small application for my parents' restaurant. The restaurant has a webpage where the clients have a private zone where they can see the status of their account after they log in.
Let's assume I log in succesfully and now I can see that private HTML after login. There, i'd like to parse some data.
My question is, I think, quite simple. I know I can use JSOUP for this task but I can also manage to do it by using Strings and Substrings.
Which method is best and why? I've looking for a while and I can't decide which to use.
Thanks in advance,
Jsoup is a better method, it is a library built for html parsing.
Using strings and substrings can be very error prone and lead you to writing a lot of code for something an html parsing library can already do easily.

Could one write an Android app in pure Go using no Java or XML? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Could you write an android app in 100% Go or would you have to use some Java and XML too?
From Go Blog
When will Go be a first-class language for Android development?
Andrew: This would be great, but we don't have anything to announce.
If you are looking further, there is a good explanation on Quora

