TFS JAVA SDK - How to run shared query - java

I have a application which useds TFS JAVA SDK 14.0.3 .
I have a shared query  on my tfs , how can i run the shared query and get the response back using TFS SDK 14.0.3
Also I could see that the query url will expire in every 90 days , so any better way to execute the shared query?
Now I  have a method to run a query , i want method  to  run shared query also.
public void getWorkItem(TFSTeamProjectCollection tpc, Project project){
WorkItemClient workItemClient = project.getWorkItemClient();
// Define the WIQL query.
String wiqlQuery = "Select ID, Title,Assigned from WorkItems where (State = 'Active') order by Title";
// Run the query and get the results.
WorkItemCollection workItems = workItemClient.query(wiqlQuery);
System.out.println("Found " + workItems.size() + " work items.");
// Write out the heading.
// Output the first 20 results of the query, allowing the TFS SDK to
// page
// in data as required
final int maxToPrint = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < workItems.size(); i++) {
if (i >= maxToPrint) {
WorkItem workItem = workItems.getWorkItem(i);
System.out.println(workItem.getID() + "\t" + workItem.getTitle());

Shared query is a query which has been run and saved, so what you need should be getting a a shared query, not run a shared query. You could refer to case Access TFS Team Query from Client Object API:
///Handles nested query folders
private static Guid FindQuery(QueryFolder folder, string queryName)
foreach (var item in folder)
if (item.Name.Equals(queryName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return item.Id;
var itemFolder = item as QueryFolder;
if (itemFolder != null)
var result = FindQuery(itemFolder, queryName);
if (!result.Equals(Guid.Empty))
return result;
return Guid.Empty;
static void Main(string[] args)
var collectionUri = new Uri("http://TFS/tfs/DefaultCollection");
var server = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(collectionUri);
var workItemStore = server.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
var teamProject = workItemStore.Projects["TeamProjectName"];
var x = teamProject.QueryHierarchy;
var queryId = FindQuery(x, "QueryNameHere");
var queryDefinition = workItemStore.GetQueryDefinition(queryId);
var variables = new Dictionary<string, string>() {{"project", "TeamProjectName"}};
var result = workItemStore.Query(queryDefinition.QueryText,variables);
By the way, you could also check the REST API in the following link:


Using dnsjava to query using java?

I am trying to query using the google public dns server ( to get the IP address of some known URL. However, it seems like I am not able to get that using the following code? I am using the dnsjava java library. This is my current code
The results
Lookup lookup = new Lookup("", Type.NS);
SimpleResolver resolver=new SimpleResolver("");
Record [] records =;
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
Record r = (Record ) records[i];
catch ( Exception ex) {
You don’t need a DNS library just to look up an IP address. You can simply use JNDI:
Properties env = new Properties();
env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "dns://");
DirContext context = new InitialDirContext(env);
Attributes list = context.getAttributes("",
new String[] { "A" });
NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> records = list.getAll();
while (records.hasMore()) {
Attribute record =;
String name = record.get().toString();
If you insist on using the dnsjava library, you need to use Type.A (as your code was originally doing, before your edit).
Looking at the documentation for the Record class, notice the long list under Direct Known Subclasses. You need to cast each Record to the appropriate subclass, which in this case is ARecord.
Once you’ve done that cast, you have an additional method available, getAddress:
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
ARecord r = (ARecord) records[i];
System.out.println(r.getName() + "," + r.getAdditionalName()
+ " => " + r.getAddress());

Fetching all the document URI's in MarkLogic Using Java Client API

i am trying to fetch all the documents from a database without knowing the exact url's . I got one query
DocumentPage documents;
while (documents.hasNext()) {
DocumentRecord document =;
But i do not have specific urls , i want all the documents
The first step is to enable your uris lexicon on the database.
You could eval some XQuery and run cts:uris() (or server-side JS and run cts.uris()):
ServerEvaluationCall call = client.newServerEval()
for ( EvalResult result : call.eval() ) {
String uri = result.getString();
Two drawbacks are: (1) you'd need a user with privileges and (2) there is no pagination.
If you have a small number of documents, you don't need pagination. But for a large number of documents pagination is recommended. Here's some code using the search API and pagination:
// do the next eight lines just once
String options =
"<options xmlns=''>" +
" <values name='uris'>" +
" <uri/>" +
" </values>" +
QueryOptionsManager optionsMgr = client.newServerConfigManager().newQueryOptionsManager();
optionsMgr.writeOptions("uriOptions", new StringHandle(options));
// run the following each time you need to list all uris
QueryManager queryMgr = client.newQueryManager();
long pageLength = 10000;
ValuesDefinition query = queryMgr.newValuesDefinition("uris", "uriOptions");
// the following "and" query just matches all documents
query.setQueryDefinition(new StructuredQueryBuilder().and());
int start = 1;
boolean hasMore = true;
Transaction transaction = client.openTransaction();
try {
while ( hasMore ) {
CountedDistinctValue[] uriValues =
queryMgr.values(query, new ValuesHandle(), start, transaction).getValues();
for (CountedDistinctValue uriValue : uriValues) {
String uri = uriValue.get("string", String.class);
start += uriValues.length;
// this is the last page if uriValues is smaller than pageLength
hasMore = uriValues.length == pageLength;
} finally {
The transaction is only necessary if you need a guaranteed "snapshot" list isolated from adds/deletes happening concurrently with this process. Since it adds some overhead, feel free to remove it if you don't need such exactness.
find out the page length and in the queryMgr you can specify the starting point to access. Keep on increasing the starting point and loop through all the URL. I was able to fetch all URI. This could be not so good approach but works.
List<String> uriList = new ArrayList<>();
QueryManager queryMgr = client.newQueryManager();
StructuredQueryBuilder qb = new StructuredQueryBuilder();
StructuredQueryDefinition querydef = qb.and(qb.collection("xxxx"), qb.collection("whatever"), qb.collection("whatever"));//outputs 241152
SearchHandle results =, new SearchHandle(), 10);
long pageLength = results.getPageLength();
long totalResults = results.getTotalResults();
System.out.println("Total Reuslts: " + totalResults);
long timesToLoop = totalResults / pageLength;
for (int i = 0; i < timesToLoop; i = (int) (i + pageLength)) {
System.out.println("Printing Results from: " + (i) + " to: " + (i + pageLength));
results =, new SearchHandle(), i);
MatchDocumentSummary[] summaries = results.getMatchResults();//10 results because page length is 10
for (MatchDocumentSummary summary : summaries) {
// System.out.println("Extracted friom URI-> " + summary.getUri());
if (i >= 1000) {//number of URI to store/retreive. plus 10
return uriList;

how to get path of rule (folder structure) using java

i'm trying to get folder structure of a rule using java TEAMSERVER API .
IlrSessionFactory factory = new IlrRemoteSessionFactory();
try {
factory.connect(login, password, serverUrl, datasource);
IlrSession session = factory.getSession();
IlrRuleProject ruleProject = (IlrRuleProject) IlrSessionHelper.getProjectNamed(session, project);
IlrBaseline currentBaseline = IlrSessionHelper.getCurrentBaseline(session, ruleProject);
String query = new String("Find all business rules such that the name of each business rule is \"R105_1_krl\"");
IlrDefaultSearchCriteria criteria = new IlrDefaultSearchCriteria( query.toString());
List summaries = session.findElements(criteria, IlrModelConstants.ELEMENT_SUMMARY);
for (int i = 0; i < summaries.size(); i++) {
IlrElementSummary ruleSummary = (IlrElementSummary) summaries.get(i);
String ruleName = ruleSummary.getName();
System.out.println("\t" + ruleName);
If there is as named R105_1_krl rule , I can reach using java and DECİSİON CENTER API. But i need location of this rule. Such as XYZ package / abc folder / def folder
In addition , when i wrote the following two line in loop , i can reach these properties ;
Expiration Date, Effective Date, Created By, Last Changed On ... But, i can not reach folder information of properties of a rule.
IlrActionRule rule = (IlrActionRule) elementDetails;
String lastChangedBy = String.valueOf(rule.getPropertyValue("lastChangedBy"));
Here is the solution.
public static String getHierarchyPath (IlrElementDetails element) {
try {
if (!(element instanceof IlrRule)) return element.getName();
IlrRule rule = (IlrRule)element;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();
// Get the rule name
String name = rule.getName();
// Get the rule package
IlrRulePackage current = rule.getRulePackage();
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String> ();
while (true) {
if (current==null) break;
// Push the package name onto the stack
stack.push("/" + current.getName());
// Next parent ...
current = current.getParent();
// Pop the stack and build the path
while (!stack.empty()) {
String folder = (String) stack.pop();
// Append the rule name to the path
// Return the built path
return sb.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return element.getName();

How to find the list of user stories under a given iteration and a given project using rally rest api

I am able to get the iterations under the project object. Now how do I get the iteration I need under that project and then drill down to the stories in that iteration using the JAVA toolkit?
Given a project:
String projectRef = "/project/1234";
You may scope your requests as follows:
If you scoped a story request to a project, then you may query on stories by traversing Iteration.Name if you know the iteration already:
storyRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Iteration.Name", "=", "my Iteration 1"));
Here is a more complex example that returns stories assigned to iterations that fall within the timbox of a specific release. If, for example, you have 4 iterations per release, this code will return stories assigned to all four iterations.
If you code against the sandbox, replace the value in the host variable accordingly.
public class FindIterationsByReleaseDateAndStories {
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
String host = "";
String username = "";
String password = "secret";
String projectRef = "/project/12352608219";
String applicationName = "Find Iterations by Release Dates and Stories";
RallyRestApi restApi = null;
try {
restApi = new RallyRestApi(
new URI(host),
QueryRequest releaseRequest = new QueryRequest("Release");
releaseRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("ReleaseStartDate", "ReleaseDate"));
releaseRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Name", "=", "r1"));
QueryResponse releaseQueryResponse = restApi.query(releaseRequest);
int numberOfReleasesInProject = releaseQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount();
JsonObject releaseJsonObject = releaseQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject();
String rsd = releaseJsonObject.get("ReleaseStartDate").getAsString();
String rd = releaseJsonObject.get("ReleaseDate").getAsString();
QueryRequest iterationRequest = new QueryRequest("Iteration");
iterationRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Name","StartDate","EndDate"));
iterationRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("StartDate", ">=", rsd).and(new QueryFilter("EndDate", "<=", rd)));
QueryResponse iterationQueryResponse = restApi.query(iterationRequest);
int numberOfIteraitons = iterationQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount();
System.out.println("numberOfIteraitons " + numberOfIteraitons);
if(numberOfIteraitons >0){
for (int i=0;i<numberOfIteraitons;i++){
JsonObject iterationJsonObject = iterationQueryResponse.getResults().get(i).getAsJsonObject();
String iterationName = iterationJsonObject.get("Name").getAsString();
System.out.println("iteration: " + iterationName);
QueryRequest storyRequest = new QueryRequest("HierarchicalRequirement");
storyRequest.setFetch(new Fetch(new String[] {"Name", "FormattedID","ScheduleState"}));
storyRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Iteration.Name", "=", iterationName));
QueryResponse storyQueryResponse = restApi.query(storyRequest);
System.out.println("Number of stories in " + iterationName + " :" + storyQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount());
for (int j=0; j<storyQueryResponse.getResults().size();j++){
JsonObject storyJsonObject = storyQueryResponse.getResults().get(j).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("Name: " + storyJsonObject.get("Name") + " FormattedID: " + storyJsonObject.get("FormattedID") + " ScheduleState: " + storyJsonObject.get("ScheduleState"));
if (restApi != null) {
UPDATE: as far as your question in the comment, the code above is equivalent of = i1) AND (Project = /project/12352608219))
There are other ways to achive the same result. Iteration name may not be unique, hence the second condition by project ref. In the code the request's project is set first, that's why the query itself uses one condition, but effectively there are two. If you know your iteration's ref, or ObjectID then the same result will be returned from (Iteration = /iteration/123456789), and there is no need to filter by project since a reference or ObjectID are unique.
WS API doc is interactive.Test your queries in WS API and copy the resulting query URLs from the address bar if you want to see how queries are formed:
-Query in the context of the intended object: click on the work item type in the Object Model, e.g. Defect or HierarchicalRequirement before typing your query in the query box.
-Enter a query in a box, e.g (Iteration.Name = i1)
-Click on Query button
-Results are displayed in the window from which you can copy query URL from address bar of your browser.

Alfresco web service get all users under site

I'm new to alfresco.
Using web services with java, I am connecting to Alfresco. Now I want all the users under group.
Please let me know if any.
For getting sub-folder, I am using Lucena query like this:
String luceneQuery = "PATH:\"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:lntlegal/cm:" + strRootFolder + "/*\" AND TYPE:\"cm:folder\"";
Each site of Alfresco Share is linked to a user group. This group contains the user list and their roles.
The main group is named GROUP_site_ + siteUrl. It contains 4 subgroup, one for each role : SiteManager, SiteCollaborator, SiteContributor and SiteConsumer.
Their type is "cm:authorityContainer".
If your site has for URL name "lntlegal", its groups will be:
|- GROUP_site_lntlegal_SiteManager
|- GROUP_site_lntlegal_SiteCollaborator
|- GROUP_site_lntlegal_SiteContributor
|- GROUP_site_lntlegal_SiteConsumer
You can retrieve a group with the following Lucene query:
The users are the children of the association "cm:member".
Here is a sample code to do this using the Web Service API:
final String site = "lntlegal";
for(final String role : Arrays.asList("SiteManager", "SiteCollaborator", "SiteContributor", "SiteConsumer")) {
String luceneQuery = "#cm\\:authorityName:\"GROUP_site_" + site + '_' + role + "\"";
Query query = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, luceneQuery);
QueryResult queryResult = repositoryService.query(store, query, true);
ResultSet resultSet = queryResult.getResultSet();
ResultSetRow[] rows = resultSet.getRows();
ResultSetRowNode node = rows[0].getNode();
Reference reference = new Reference(store, node.getId(), null);
QueryResult associationQueryResult = repositoryService.queryChildren(reference);
ResultSet associationResultSet = associationQueryResult.getResultSet();
ResultSetRow[] associationRows = associationResultSet.getRows();
if(associationRows != null) {
final String userNameQName = createQNameString(NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, "userName");
for(final ResultSetRow row : associationRows) {
String name = null;
for(NamedValue value:row.getColumns()) {
if(value.getName().equals(userNameQName)) {
name = value.getValue();
System.out.println(row.getNode().getId() + " : " + name);
will do the job ...but not 100% sure if the SiteService is available as SOAP WebService
If you'd like to get members of a group, then take a look at

