Spring Kafka- When is exactly Consumer.poll() called behind the hood? - java

I have a spring boot application in which I have single Kafka Consumer.
I am using a DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory with default Consumer Configurations. I have a ConcurrentListenerContainerFactory with concurrency set to 1, and I have a method annotated with #KafkaListener.
I am listening to a topic with 3 partitions and I have 3 of such consumers deployed each in different applications. Hence, each consumer is listening to one partition.
Lets say poll on the consumer is called under the hood and 40 records are fetched. Then is each record, provided to the method annotated with #KafkaListener serially i.e. record 1 provided, wait till method finishes processing, record 2 provided , wait till method finishes processing and so on.
Does the above happen, or for every record obtained , a separate thread is created and the method invocation happens on a separate thread, so the main thread does not block and it can poll for records more quickly.
I would also like more clarity on what a message listener container is and the eventual message listener.
Thank you in advance.

In 1.3 and above there is a single thread per consumer; the next poll() is performed after the last message from the previous poll has been processed by the listener.
In earlier versions, there were two threads and a second (and possibly third) poll was performed while the listener thread is processing the first batch. This was required to avoid a rebalance due to a slow listener. The threading model was very complicated and we had to pause/resume the consumer when necessary. KIP-62 fixed the rebalance problem so we were able to use the much simpler threading model in use today.

Well, that is exactly an Apache Kafka position - guarantee an order processing records from the same partition in the same thread. Therefore when you distribute your topic with 3 partitions between 3 instances, each of them will get its own partition and does the polling in a single thread.
The KafkaMessageListenerContainer is an event-driven, self-controlling wrapper around KafkaConsumer. It really calls poll() in a while (isRunning()) { loop, which is scheduled in a TaskExecutor:
this.listenerConsumerFuture = containerProperties
And it processes ConsumerRecords calling listener:
private void invokeListener(final ConsumerRecords<K, V> records) {
if (this.isBatchListener) {
else {


Spring Kafka acknowledgment settings

I have a spring boot application where we are using spring Kafka in consumer section i have made enable.auto.commit to false and set my listener ack-mode to manual_immediate
I have concurrent consumers so after consuming the record I call acknowledgment.acknowledge() but here i still face the duplicate issue problem whenever rebalance happens other consumer start consuming the same message which is already consumed by one consumer. Any idea what magic is happening behind the scene.
Anyone know when using manual_immediate does it commit message by commitSync or commitAsync ? is there way we can change the behaviour to avoid duplicates record message reading. Is there a way we can use hybrid model in Spring Kafka
In spring boot Kafka is there a way we can see whenever a rebalance happen i can log it.
How to create rebalance if we want to do it for some testing purpose?
As long as you call acknowledge on the listener thread, it will use commitSync() by default; use the syncCommits container property to use async commits.
If you call it on a different thread, the commit is queued to be processed by the consumer thread as soon as possible.
Duplicates cannot be avoided if a forced rebalance takes place because your listener took too long to process the records received by the poll().
You can increase max.poll.interval.ms and/or reduce max.poll.records to ensure you can process the records in time.
You can add a ConsumerRebalanceListener to the container properties to log rebalances.
Reduce max.poll.interval.ms to a small value to reproduce in a test.
Firstly, irrespective of ack-mode it is never guaranteed that a message is consumed just once. For instance, A rebalance can happen between the time a message is consumed and the time offset is committed, resulting in Kafka delivering the message again to the newly assigned consumer. It is the applications responsibility to be idempotent to duplicated messages.
In order to listen for rebalance events an implementation of ConsumerRebalanceListener is needed. You can plug this implementation to Spring's auto configured ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory instance. A more detailed description of how this can be done has already been answered here.
If you wish to create a forced rebalance for testing you can do so by killing one of hopefully more than 1 existing consumers. If using spring-kafka you can do this by using an #Autowired instance of KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry and kill/rest/(re)start any consumer. Something on this should do:
KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry registry;
public void myTest() {
Collection<MessageListenerContainer> containers = registry.getAllListenerContainers()

How to execute manual offset acknowledge from spring ListenerContainerIdleEvent

I have a Kafka listener that implements the acknowledgment message listener interface with the following properties:
idleEventInterval - 3 Min
While consuming message on the listener it decides if to ack the specific record via acknowledgment.acknowledge() and it works as expected.
In addition, I have a scenario to ack last offset number(keeping it in memory) after X Minutes(also if no messages arrived).
to overcome this requirement I decide to use ListenerContainerIdleEvent that fire each 3 min according to my configuration.
My Questions are:
is there any way to acknowledge Kafka offset as a trigger to an idle event? the idle event contains a reference to KafkaMessageListenerContainer but it encapsulates the ListenerConsumer that hold KafkaConsumer.
is the idle message event send sync(with the same thread of the KafkaListenerConsumer)? From the code, the default implementation is SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster that initialize without TaskExecutor so it invokes the listener on the same thread. can u approve it?
I am using spring-kafka 1.3.9.
Yes, just keep a reference to the last Acknowledgment and call acknowledge() again.
Yes, the event is published on the consumer thread by default.
Even if the event is published on a different thread (executor in the multicaster) it should still work because, instead of committing directly, the commit will be queued and processed by the consumer when it wakes from the poll.
See the logic in processAck().
In newer versions (starting with 2.0), the event has a reference to the consumer so you can interact with it directly (obtain the current position and commit it again), as long as the event is published on the consumer thread.

How to pause a kafka consumer?

I am using a Kafka producer - consumer model in my framework. The record consumed at the consumer end is later indexed onto the elasticsearch. Here i have a use case where if the ES is down, I will have to pause the kafka consumer until the ES is up, Once it is up, I need to resume the consumer and consume the record from where I last left.
I don't think this can be achieved with #KafkaListener. Can anyone please give me a solution for this? I figured out that I need to write my own KafkaListenerContainer for this, but I am not able to implement it correctly. Any help would be much appreciated.
There are sevaral solutions possible, one simple way would be to use the KafkaConsumer API. In KafkaConsumer implementation keeps track of the position on the topic which will be retrieved with the next call to poll(...). Your problem is after you get the record from Kafka, you may be unable to insert it into Elastic Search. In this case, you have to write a routine to reset the position of the consumer, which in your case will be consumer.seek(partition, consumer.position(partition)-1). This will reset the position to the earlier position. At this point a good approach would be to pause the partition (this will enable the server to do some resource clean up) and then poll the ES (by whatever mechanism you desire). Once ES is available, call resume on the consumer and continue with your usual poll-insert cycle.
Create a spring bean with the lifecycle methods specified. In the initialization method of the bean instantiate your KafkaConsumer (retrieve the configuration of consumer from any source). From the method start a thread to interact with consumer and update ES, rest of the design is as per above. This is a single thred model. For higher throughput consider keeping the data retrieved from Kafka in small in memory queue and a dispatcher thread to take the message and give it to a pooled thread for updating ES.
I would suggest rather pausing consumer , why can't you retry the same message again and again and commit offset once message is consumed successfully.
For Example:
Annotate your method with #Retryable
And block your method with try/catch and throw new exception in catch block.
For ListenerFactory configuration add property:
There are a couple of ways you can achieve this.
Method #1
Create your KafkaConsumer object inside a Thread and run an infinite while loop to consume events.
Once you have this setup you can interrupt the thread and in the while loop, have check if Thread.interrupt() is true. If yes, break out of the loop and close the consumer.
Once you are done with your recovery activity, recreate the consumer with the same group ID. Do note, this may rebalance the consumer.
If you are using python same thing can be achieved using threads stop_event.
Method #2
Use KafkaConumer APIs pause(partitions_list) function. It accepts Kafka partitions as input. So, extract all the portions assigned to the consumer and pass these portions to the pause(partitions_list) function. The consumer will stop pulling data from these partitions.
After a certain time, you can use the resume(partitions_list) function to resume the consumer. This method will not rebalance consumers.
Note: If you are using the Spring Kafka client. This becomes a lot easier. You can start/stop the Message Listener Container.
You can find a detailed explanation here.
private KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry registry;
KafkaListener(id = "dltGroup", topics = "actualTopicNAme.DLT", autoStartup = "false")
public void dltListen(String in) {
logger.info("Received from DLT: " + in);
public void startKafka() {
// TODO if not running
public void resumeKafka() {
if (registry.getListenerContainer("dltGroup").isContainerPaused() ||
registry.getListenerContainer("dltGroup").isPauseRequested()) {
public void pauseKafka() {
if (registry.getListenerContainer("dltGroup").isRunning()) {

Producer - consumer using MySQL DB

My requirement is as follows
Maintain a pool of records in a table (MySQL DB).
A job acts as a producer and fills up this pool if the number of entries goes below a certain threshold. The job runs every 15 mins.
There can be multiple consumers with each consumer picking up just one record each. Two consumers coming in at the same time should get two different records.
The producer should not block the consumer. So while the producer job is running consumers should be able to pick up any available rows.
The producer / consumer is a part of the application code which is turn is a JBoss application.
In order to ensure that each consumer picks a distinct record (in case of concurrency) we do the following
We use an integer column as an index.
A consumer will first update the record with the lowest index value with its own name.
It will then select and pick up that record and proceed with that.
This approach ensures that two consumers do not end up with the same record.
One problem we are seeing is that when the producer is filling up the pool, consumers get blocked. Since the producer can take some time to complete, all consumers in that period are blocked as the update by the consumer waits for the insert by the producer to complete.
Is there any way to resolve this scenario? Any other approach to design this is also welcome.
Is it a hard requirement that you use a relational database as a queue? This seems like a bad approach to the problem, especially since the problems been addressed by message queues. You could use MySQL to persist the state of your queue, but it won't make a good queue itself.
Take a look at ActiveMQ or JBoss Messaging (given that you are using JBoss)

lmax disruptor is too slow in multi-producer mode compared to single-producer mode

Previously, when I use single-producer mode of disruptor, e.g.
new Disruptor<ValueEvent>(ValueEvent.EVENT_FACTORY,
2048, moranContext.getThreadPoolExecutor(), ProducerType.Single,
new BlockingWaitStrategy())
the performance is good. Now I am in a situation that multiple threads would write to a single ring buffer. What I found is that ProducerType.Multi make the code several times slower than single producer mode. That poor performance is not going to be accepted by me. So should I use single producer mode while multiple threads invoke the same event publish method with locks, is that OK? Thanks.
I'm somewhat new to the Disruptor, but after extensive testing and experimenting, I can say that ProducerType.MULTI is more accurate and faster for 2 or more producer threads.
With 14 producer threads on a MacBook, ProducerType.SINGLE shows more events published than consumed, even though my test code is waiting for all producers to end (which they do after a 10s run), and then waiting for the disruptor to end. Not very accurate: Where do those additional published events go?
Driver start: PID=38619 Processors=8 RingBufferSize=1024 Connections=Reuse Publishers=14[SINGLE] Handlers=1[BLOCK] HandlerType=EventHandler<Event>
Done: elpased=10s eventsPublished=6956894 eventsProcessed=4954645
Stats: events/sec=494883.36 sec/event=0.0000 CPU=82.4%
Using ProducerType.MULTI, fewer events are published than with SINGLE, but more events are actually consumed in the same 10 seconds than with SINGLE. And with MULTI, all of the published events are consumed, just what I would expect due to the careful way the driver shuts itself down after the elapsed time expires:
Driver start: PID=38625 Processors=8 RingBufferSize=1024 Connections=Reuse Publishers=14[MULTI] Handlers=1[BLOCK] HandlerType=EventHandler<Event>
Done: elpased=10s eventsPublished=6397109 eventsProcessed=6397109
Stats: events/sec=638906.33 sec/event=0.0000 CPU=30.1%
Again: 2 or more producers: Use ProducerType.MULTI.
By the way, each Producer publishes directly to the ring buffer by getting the next slot, updating the event, and then publishing the slot. And the handler gets the event whenever its onEvent method is called. No extra queues. Very simple.
IMHO, single producer accessed by multi threads with lock won't resolve your problem, because it simply shift the locking from the disruptor side to your own program.
The solution to your problem varies from the type of event model you need. I.e. do you need the events to be consumed chronologically; merged; or any special requirement. Since you are dealing with disruptor and multi producers, that sounds to me very much like FX trading systems :-) Anyway, based on my experience, assuming you need chronological order per producer but don't care about mixing events between producers, I would recommend you to do a queue merging thread. The structure is
Each producer produces data and put them into its own named queue
A worker thread constantly examine the queues. For each queue it remove one or several items and put it to the single producer of your single producer disruptor.
Note that in the above scenario,
Each producer queue is a single producer single consumer queue.
The disruptor is a single producer multi consumer disruptor.
Depends on your need, to avoid a forever running thread, if the thread examine for, say, 100 runs and all queues are empty, it can set some variable and go wait() and the event producers can yield() it when seeing it's waiting.
I think this resolve your problem. If not please post your need of event processing pattern and let's see.

