Java Simple Factory with constructors using different parameters - java

I have two ways of saving data in my application: save to database and save to file. Since I don't want client code dealing with construction of objects I created a class that (to my understanding) is simple factory with a factory method. Code below:
public static DataPersister createDataPersister(Boolean saveToDb, Session session, String filename) {
if (saveToDb) {
return new DatabaseDataPersister(session);
} else {
return new FileDataPersister(filename);
With this setup client code doesn't have to deal with constructing anything or deciding whether to save to DB or file - it can just call a save() method on an object returned by the factory like so:
DataPersister dataPersister = DataPersisterSimpleFactory.createDataPersister(this.savetoDb, this.session, this.filename);;
My question is - is this solution breaking SOLID principles? In order to create e.g. a DatabaseDataPersister client code needs to pass on a filename parameter, and this implementation of DataPersister won't have any use of it. I feel like it doesn't sit right with something similar to Interface-segregation principle but not quite that.
And if the solution is indeed a code smell - how do I go about cleaning it?

The SOLID principle I think is in violation is DIP.
Your client classes, by having to depend on the static factory directly, have a compile-time dependency on actual implementations, DatabaseDataPersister and FileDataPersister, rather than just the abstraction DataPersister.
To solve, supply to the client the DataPersister you want them to use. The constructor is usually a good place for this:
public class ExampleClient {
private final DataPersister dataPersister;
public ExampleClient(DataPersister dataPersister) {
this.dataPersister = dataPersister;
public void methodThatUsesSave(){;
This code compiles without the concrete implementations, i.e. it has no dependency on them. The client also doesn't need to know the filename or session so it solves that code smell too.
We can decide which concrete implementation to give it at construction time, here I use your existing method:
DataPersister dataPersister = DataPersisterSimpleFactory.createDataPersister(this.savetoDb, this.session, this.filename);
ExampleClient example = new ExampleClient(dataPersister);

This is a perfect opportunity to use the factory pattern
interface DataPersister {
void persist(String s);
private class DatabasePersister implements DataPersister {
final Session session;
public DatabasePersister(Session session) {
this.session = session;
public void persist(String s) {
System.out.println("Persist to database: " + s);
private class FilePersister implements DataPersister {
final String filename;
public FilePersister(String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
public void persist(String s) {
System.out.println("Persist to file: " + s);
class PersisterFactory {
public DataPersister createDatabasePersister(Session session) {
return new DatabasePersister(session);
public DataPersister createFilePersister(String filename) {
return new FilePersister(filename);
public void test(String[] args) {
DataPersister databasePersister = new PersisterFactory().createDatabasePersister(new Session());
DataPersister filePersister = new PersisterFactory().createFilePersister("Hello");

You already pass a bunch of stuff irrelevant to various persisters.
As it stands you need a method that takes a Session and one that takes a String and you're done. No need for a boolean, no need for useless params. That handles your decision making with no cruft.
Whether or not that's a good idea... I'm ambivalent. You're not saving much; might as well just have a static factory in each type so it's explicit in the code what type you're creating.
Consider what happens when you add a new persister, like a REST endpoint, that would take a URL (could be a string, could be an actual URL). You now need even more useless parameters etc. Or you could pass in a URI from the beginning, e.g., file:// or http:// and get around that problem.
There are any number of ways this could be done–I'm not convinced there's a "clearly correct" answer, and it may boil down to opinion.

Well the right solution here is combining the dependency injection from weston and the factory pattern from OldCurmudgeon.
public class ExampleClient {
private final DataPersister dataPersister;
public ExampleClient(DataPersister dataPersister) {
this.dataPersister = dataPersister;
public void methodThatUsesSave(){;
class PersisterFactory {
public DataPersister createDatabasePersister(Session session) {
return new DatabasePersister(session);
public DataPersister createFilePersister(String filename) {
return new FilePersister(filename);
The upper level code:
PersisterFactory = new PersisterFactory();
DataPersister dataPersister;
if (saveToDb)
dataPersister = PersisterFactory.createDatabasePersister(new Session());
dataPersister = PersisterFactory.createFilePersister("Hello");
ExampleClient example = new ExampleClient(dataPersister);
Usually the dataPersister comes from the DI container and the saveToDb comes from the config, but of course testing can be an exception.


Design - Global Settings from Consumer Module

I am attempting to make a library. Had some constants in my code which were some kind of different time delays and certain String values across the code. I could extract them to a separate constant class to get something like
Delays.LENGTH_SHORT (seems cleaner)
They are linked to many different classes inside the library code.
Now, the problem in hand is to make it configurable, from the calling consumer (i.e., if the consumer provides the values, then use those, otherwise use the preset values). From the consumer end, I decided to use Builder pattern for creating the config and passing it in the init of the library module (this only happens once in the lifecycle of it).
Is there a way to keep the above syntax and yet accept the config from consumer (the settings are only configured once during init, for all other times, it completely behaves as constant)?
Reading from a file, appeared to be costly.
For constants that can take a value from only a fixed set of values then it is always better to use Java enums instead of integers or strings or other raw data types. They are much better to understand and maintain over the period of time. Default values should ideally be read from a property file to initialize them. But as you have mentioned in your case, you want to avoid the cost of reading from a file for performance reasons. The design question is always open ended and can have multiple approaches. One approach that I recommend can be as below:
public interface Configuration {
public Continent getContinent(); //For fixed set of values use enum
public Integer getPoolSize(); //If the config can take any value then use the corresponding data type directly
public String getDefaultLabel();
public enum Continent {
public class ConfigurationBuilder {
private DefaultConfiguration configurationInstance;
private class DefaultConfiguration implements Configuration {
//Ideally the below values should be read from a property file, instead of hard coding it here.
private Integer poolSize = Integer.valueOf(50);
private String defaultLabel = "DEFAULT";
private Continent continent = Continent.ASIA;
public Continent getContinent() {
return continent;
public Integer getPoolSize() {
return poolSize;
public String getDefaultLabel() {
return defaultLabel;
public ConfigurationBuilder withContinent(Continent continent) {
this.configurationInstance.continent = continent;
return this;
public ConfigurationBuilder withPoolSize(Integer poolSize) {
this.configurationInstance.poolSize = poolSize;
return this;
public ConfigurationBuilder withDefaultLabel(String defaultLabel) {
this.configurationInstance.defaultLabel = defaultLabel;
return this;
public Configuration build() {
return this.configurationInstance;
public ConfigurationBuilder() {
this.configurationInstance = new DefaultConfiguration();
public static Configuration buildDefaultConfiguration() {
return new ConfigurationBuilder().build();
public class Library {
private Configuration configuration;
public void init(Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
public void init() {
this.configuration = ConfigurationBuilder.buildDefaultConfiguration();
private Library(Configuration config) {
private Library() {
* Library is not singleton here.
public static Library getInstance(Configuration configuration) {
return new Library(configuration);
public static Library getInstance() {
return new Library();
public class Client {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
Library lib = Library.getInstance();
Please check the Library and Client classes for usage.
- It uses the Builder pattern.
- It has init() and init(Configuration) methods to allow completely relying on Library defaults.
- ConfigurationBuilder supports supplying some or all configuration values to override
- Currently all three config options are overridable - continent, poolSize and defaultLabel. However if some configuration is private to Library then just remove the withXXX method for that property from the Builder.
Hope this fits your need. Good question!

Clean code for removing switch condition(using polymorphism)

As SOLID principles say, it's better to remove switch conditions by converting them to classes and interfaces.
I want to do it with this code:
Note: This code is not real code and I just put my idea into it.
MessageModel message = getMessageFromAnAPI();
void manageMessage(MessageModel message){
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: justSave(message); break;
case 2: notifyAll(message); break;
case 3: notify(message); break;
Now I want to remove switch statement. So I create some classes for it and I try to implement a polymorphism here:
interface Message{
void manageMessage(MessageModel message);
class StorableMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
class PublicMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
class PrivateMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
and then I call my API to get my MessageModel:
MessageModel message = getMessageFromAnAPI();
Now my problem is here. I have my model and I want manage it using my classes. As SOLID examples, I should do something like this:
PublicMessage message = new Message();
But how can I know which type is related to this message to make an instance from it(PublicMessage or StorableMessage or PrivateMessage)?! Should I put switch block here again to do it or what?
You can do this:
static final Map<Integer,Consumer<MessageModel>> handlers = new HashMap<>();
static {
handlers.put(1, m -> justSave(m));
handlers.put(2, m -> notifyAll(m));
handlers.put(3, m -> notify(m));
This will remove your switch to
Consumer<Message> consumer = handlers.get(message.typeId);
if (consumer != null) { consumer.accept(message); }
Integration Operation Segregation Principle
You should of course encapsulate this:
class MessageHandlingService implements Consumer<MessageModel> {
static final Map<Integer,Consumer<MessageModel>> handlers = new HashMap<>();
static {
handlers.put(1, m -> justSave(m));
handlers.put(2, m -> notifyAll(m));
handlers.put(3, m -> notify(m));
public void accept(MessageModel message) {
Consumer<Message> consumer = handlers.getOrDefault(message.typeId,
m -> throw new MessageNotSupportedException());
with your client code
message = getMessageFromApi();
This service is the "integration" part (as opposed to the "implementation": cfg Integration Operation Segregation Principle).
With a CDI framework
For a production environment with a CDI framework, this would look something like this:
interface MessageHandler extends Consumer<MessageModel> {}
class MessageHandlingService implements MessageHandler {
Map<Integer,MessageHandler> handlers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private SavingService saveService;
private NotificationService notificationService;
public void init() {
handlers.put(1, saveService::save);
handlers.put(2, notificationService::notifyAll);
handlers.put(3, notificationService::notify);
public void accept(MessageModel m) { // as above }
Behavior can be changed at Runtime
One of the advantages of this vs the switch in #user7's answer is that the behavior can be adjusted at runtime. You can imagine methods like
public MessageHandler setMessageHandler(Integer id, MessageHandler newHandler);
which would install the given MessageHandler and return the old one; this would allow you to add Decorators, for example.
An example for this being useful is if you have an unreliable web service supplying the handling; if it is accessible, it can be installed as a handlelr; otherwise, a default handler is used.
You can use a factory in this case to get the instance of Message. The factory would have all instances of Message and returns the appropriate one based on the MessageModel's typeId.
class MessageFactory {
private StorableMessage storableMessage;
private PrivateMessage privateMessage;
private PublicMessage publicMessage;
//You can either create the above using new operator or inject it using some Dependency injection framework.
public getMessage(MessageModel message) {
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: return storableMessage;
case 2: return publicMessage;
case 3: return privateMessage
default: //Handle appropriately
The calling code would look like
MessageFactory messageFactory; //Injected
MessageModel messageModel = getMessageFromAnAPI();
Message message = messageFactory.getMessage(messageModel);
As you can see, this did not get rid of the switch entirely (and you need not as using switch is not bad in itself). What SOLID tries to say is to keep your code clean by following SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) and OCP (Open-Closed Principle) here. What it means here is that you code shouldn't have the actual processing logic to handle for each typeId in one place.
With the factory, you have moved the creation logic to a separate place and you have already moved the actual processing logic to respective classes.
Just to reiterate - My answer focuses on the SOLID aspect of the OP. By having separate handler classes (an instance of Message from the OP) you achieve the SRP. If one of the handler classes changes, or when you add a new message typeId (message.typeId) (i.e, add a new Message implementation) you need not modify the original and hence you achieve OCP. (On assumption that each of these does not contain trivial code). These are already done in the OP.
The real point of my answer here is to use a Factory to get a Message. The idea is to keep the main application code clean and limit the usages of switches, if/else and new operators to instantiation code. (Similar to #Configuration classes/ the classes that instantiate Beans when using Spring or Abstract modules in Guice). The OO principles do not say using switches are bad. It depends on where you use it. Using it in the application code does violate the SOLID principles and that is what I wanted to bring out.
I also like the idea from daniu# to use a functional way and the same can even be used in the above factory code (or can even use a simple Map to get rid of the switch).
The main point here is that you separate instantiation and configuration from execution.
Even with OOP we cannot avoid to distinguish between different cases using if/else cascades or switch statements. After all we have to create instances of specialized concrete classes.
But this should be in initialization code or some kind of factory.
Within the business logic we want to avoid if/else cascades or switch statements by calling generic methods on interfaces where the implementer know better themselves how to behave.
The usual clean code approach is for the MessageModel to contain its behavior.
interface Message {
void manage();
abstract class MessageModel implements Message {
public class StoringMessage extends MessageModel {
public void manage() {
public class NotifyingMessage extends MessageModel {
public void manage() {
Your getMessageFromApi then returns the proper type, and your switch is
MessageModel model = getMessageFromApi();
This way, you essentially have the switch in the getMessageFromApi() method because it has to decide which message to generate.
However, that is fine because it does fill the message type id anyway; and the client code (where your switch currently resides) is resistent to changes to the messages; ie adding another message type will be be handled correctly.
The real problem you have is that MessageModel isn't polymorphic. You need to convert the MessageModels to a polymorphic Message class, but you shouldn't put any of the logic of what to do with the messages in this class. Instead, it should contain the actual contents of the message, and use the visitor pattern, as shown in Eric's Answer, so that other classes can operate on a Message. You don't need to use an anonymous Visitor; you can create implementing classes like a MessageActionVisitor.
To convert MessageModels to various Messages, you can use a factory, as shown in user7's answer. In addition to selecting which type of Message to return, the factory should fill in the fields of each type of Message using the MessageModel.
You can use the Factory Pattern. I would add an enum which has the values:
public enum MessageFacotry{
STORING(StoringMessage.TYPE, StoringMessage.class),
PUBLIC_MESSAGE(PublicMessage.TYPE, PublicMessage.class),
PRIVATE_MESSAGE(PrivateMessage.TYPE, PrivateMessage.class);
Class<? extends Message> clazz;
int type;
private MessageFactory(int type, Class<? extends Message> clazz){
this.clazz = clazz;
this.type = type;
public static Message getMessageByType(int type){
for(MessageFactory mf : values()){
if(mf.type == type){
return mf.clazz.newInstance();
throw new ..
Then you can call the static method of that enum and create an instance of the Message you want to manage.
You can use the Factory pattern and Visitor pattern together.
you can create a factory like this:
class MessageFactory {
public Message getMessage(MessageModel message) {
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: return new StorableMessage((MessageModelType1) message);
case 2: return new PrivateMessage((MessageModelType2) message);
case 3: return new PublicMessage((MessageModelType3) message);
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled message type");
and declare your messages like this:
interface Message {
void accept(Visitor visitor);
class StorableMessage implements Message {
private final MessageType1 message;
public StorableMessage(MessageModelType1 message) {
this.message = message;
public <Result> Result accept(Visitor<Result> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public MessageModelType1 getMessage() {
return message;
class PublicMessage implements Message {
class PrivateMessage implements Message {
and declare a Visitor like this:
interface Visitor {
void visit(StorableMessage message);
void visit(PublicMessage message);
void visit(PrivateMessage message);
and replace your switch statements with this:
Message message = ....;
message.accept(new Visitor() {
public void visit(StorableMessage message) {
public void visit(PublicMessage message) {
public void visit(PrivateMessage message) {
If you want, instead of writing an anonymous class, you can create a class MessageModelFactory that has a private Visitor, and use that instead. in that case, it might be better to make the Visitor interface like this:
interface Visitor<Result> {
Result visit(StorableMessage message);
Result visit(PublicMessage message);
Result visit(PrivateMessage message);

Java best design for an object that can be different, but do the same

Basically I need to have a flexible design to process. Im thinking of something like this:
Have an Interface DataProcessor and then have concrete classes of different types like CSVDataProcessor,FTPDataProcessor,CloudDataProcessor.
All DataProcessor classes will implement a method process() defined on DataProcessor Interface
My question is:
What should be the best design to do it, if each concrete class needs different parameters to execute the process() method. For example, FTPDataProcessor will need parameters like the file, the host, the port - CSVDataProcessor will need the file location, and schema - CloudDataProcessor will need the endpoint service, user, password??
My first thoughts are, to use the constructor to pass the specific requirements to each concrete class, but what if there are a lot of parameters that are needed?
In the future, more DataProcessor concrete implementations will be added, and that is why I would like to have a very flexible design to implement it since the beginning.
Factory Design Pattern
is the answer of your question.
DataProcessor p = ProcessorsFactory.getProcessor(yourParametersHere);
You should overload your factory getProcessor() with the heavy work. In the end your object will know only about the DataProcessor Interface and the Factory, not about the implementations. That is how one of the leader technologies work:
Spring Bean Factory Example
So you can create something like this. In the ProcessorsFactory you can load some configuration file from your app and depending on the properties writen to instantiate the appropriate processor implementation. At the end you will be workin only with your interface.process + the configuration file.
One possible solution is:
interface DataProcessorParameters {}
class FtpParams implements DataProcessorParameters {/* connection params come here*/}
interface DataProcessor<T extends DataProcessorParameters> {
void process(T params);
class FtpProcessor implements DataProcessor<FtpParams> {
void process(FtpParams params) {
// stuff
While this works, you've got to ask why you wanted an interface in the first place, as the caller must know the actual type to pass the correct parameters.
FtpProcessor proc = new FtpProcessor();
proc.process(new FtpParams()); // this works
DataProcessor proc = ... //let's say this came from somewhere else, and all we know about it is that it's a data processor
proc.process(???); //this doesn't
You're also mentioning passing the parameters in your constructor, which you can do, but that is semantically different: in that case a processor instance will have to use the same parameters for its whole lifecycle, essentially they'll be "one shot". If you pass the parameters in the process() method, your processors will be "reusable".
One isn't necessarily better than the other, so make your choice depending on what fits your design more, just be aware of the differences.
First, I would like to thank all the people who has taken time to answer me so far. I came up with a possible option that I would like to share and ask for comments to see if can be a good option or not.
What if I have the main interface like this:
public interface DataProcessor {
public void process();
Then what if I have another interface for the specific types of DataProcessors, like this:
public interface FTPDataProcessor extends DataProcessor {
//add all parameters getter and setters but also 'with' methods
public String getHost();
public void setHost(String host);
public FTPDataProcessor withHost(String host);
public String getUsername();
public void setUsername(String username);
public FTPDataProcessor withUsername(String username);
Then I can initialize all get'ters, set'ters and with'ters methods in an Abstract class, like this:
public abstract class AbstractFTPDataProcessor implements FTPDataProcessor {
private String host;
private String username;
public String getHost() {
public void setHost(String host) { = host;
public FTPDataProcessor withHost(String host) {
return this;
public String getUsername() {
return this.username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public FTPDataProcessor withUsername(String username) {
return this;
Then my concrete class can implement just the method process(), like this:
public class SimpleFTPDataProcessor extends AbstractFTPDataProcessor {
public void process() {
//do some stuff
Finally I can use it in my app, like this:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataProcessor processor = new SimpleFTPDataProcessor()
What others think about this possible option? Is this a good practice?, what can be the prons and/or cons?
Thanks all for your feedback.

factory object creation using per-subclass method

I have a simple Factory (GenericFudge) that creates objects of different types depending on external circumstances. Currently, my code looks something like this:
abstract class Fudge {
Fudge() {
void make() {
class VanillaFudge extends Fudge {
void make() {
System.out.print("Vanilla ");
class ChocolateFudge extends Fudge {
void make() {
System.out.print("Chocolate ");
class InvalidFlavorException extends Exception {};
// factory / proxy
public class GenericFudge {
Fudge mFudge = null;
GenericFudge(String flavor) throws InvalidFlavorException {
if (flavor.equals("Chocolate")) {
mFudge = new ChocolateFudge();
} else if (flavor.equals("Vanilla")) {
mFudge = new VanillaFudge();
void make() {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for (String flavor : new String[] {"Chocolate", "Vanilla"}) {
GenericFudge fudge;
try {
fudge = new GenericFudge(flavor);
} catch (InvalidFlavorException e) {
System.out.println("Sorry, we don't make that flavor");
My goal is to get the details of chocolate and vanilla out of GenericFudge, so that when CaramelFudge is implemented, no changes to GenericFudge are required. For example, GenericFudge would iteratively call a "createIfItsMyFlavor()" method for every xxxFudge class. (In my actual application, I have to try them iteratively, but I'd be interested in other possibilities.)
My instinct was to use a static initializer per subclass (per xxxFudge) that adds "itself" to a list by calling a registerFudge method of GenericFudge, but this hits the chicken-and-egg problem (the class is never used, so its static initializer never gets invoked).
No doubt there's a better way I haven't envisioned. Thanks!
If you are using any kind of dependency injection system like Spring, this is easy to implement using #PostConstruct. If this works, then you can call a register method in GenericFudge from the method you annotate with PostConstruct. In GenericFudge, you have a map, and whenever addType is called you add it to the map. That way your GenericFudge remains unchanged, and new callers will register using PostConstruct. To simplify things further, you can define this in your base class Fudge, and pass the fudge name using the constructor, that way you don't have to declare the register method in each sub-class.
private String fudge;
public Fudge(final String fudge) {
this.fudge = fudge;
private GenericFudge fudge;
private void register() {
fudge.addType(fudge, this);
In GenericFudge
private Map<String, Fudge> fudgeTypes = Maps.newHashMap();
public void register(final String fudgeType, final Fudge fudgeInstance) {
fudgeTypes.put(fudgeType, fudgeInstance);
If you do not use any dependency injection system:
Another approach could be to have a static method in the base class Fudge, where you declare all the types of fudge and then return an instance based on the request. That way you don't modify the GenericFudge class, but only the base class of Fudge. This is not ideal, but it gets you away from having to modify the GenericFudge class, and instead of "registering" with something like PostConstruct, you put an entry into the Map.
Example (ImmutableMap from Guava, you can declare the map however you like , this is only for the example):
public abstract class Fudge {
private static final Map<String, Fudge> FUDGE_TYPES = ImmutableMap.of(
"Type1", new Type1Fudge(),
"Type2", new Type2Fudge()
// Add new entry when implemented
public static Fudge getFudge(final String fudge) {
if (FUDGE_TYPES.containsKey(fudge)) {
return FUDGE_TYPES.get(fudge);
} else {
// handle missing fudge depending on your preference

Refactoring predecessor code

I'd like to ask for help and some suggestion how to refactor source code which I receive.
Here is pseudocode of my method:
public void generalMethod(String type) {
InputParameters params = new InputParameters();
if (type.equals("someKey1"){
} else if (type.equals("someKey2"){
} else if (type.equals("someKey3"){
} else if (type.equals("someKey4"){
All methods have the same input parameters. In first step I created new interface and created for each method separate class which implements created interface.
interface ISomeInterfaceDecoder {
void decode(InputParameters params);
class DecodeSomeKey1 implements ISomeInterfaceDecoder {
public void decode(InputParameters params) {
// some implementation
class DecodeSomeKey2 implements ISomeInterfaceDecoder {
public void decode(InputParameters params) {
// some implementation
Then I created factory class as follows:
class Factory {
ISomeInterfaceDecoder getDecoder(String type) {
if (type.equals("someKey1"){
return new DecodeSomeKey1();
} else if (type.equals("someKey2"){
return new DecodeSomeKey2();
} else if (type.equals("someKey3"){
return new DecodeSomeKey3());
} else if (type.equals("someKey3"){
After these changes the code looks like this:
class SomeClass {
Factory factory = new Factory();
public void generalMethod(String type) {
InputParameters params = new InputParameters();
ISomeInterfaceDecoder decoder = factory.getDecoder(type);
Code of this method looks better but...
This method is called very very often. Each time a new instance of the given class is created. This can cause performance problems. So, I think it's not good approach to this problem.
Can you give me some suggestion how I should to refactor this code?
Thanks in advance for help.
Instead of having a key as a String, make it an enum. Then in the enum you can implement the decode() method like this:
public enum MyKeyEnum {
public void decode(InputParameters ip) {
// do specific decoding for VALUE1
public void decode(InputParameters ip) {
// do specific decoding for VALUE2
public abstract void decode(InputParameters ip);
Now in the calling code you can do something like this:
public void generalMethod(MyKeyEnum type) {
InputParameters params = new InputParameters();
The advantage is that all the decode methods are in 1 enum, you dont need a specific class for each of the decoders. Also when a new value is added to the enum, you cannot forget to implement the decode method (or it will not compile).
Can you give me some suggestion how I should to refactor this code?
I see no mention of automated regression testing, and that would be my first step, to put in a test suite (via, say, JUnit or TestNG) before going further.
After that, I'd perhaps introduce a Map of String keys to Decoder objects.
But put the test framework in first. Otherwise you'll never really know if you've introduced bugs or different modes of operation.
Introduce caching/singletons in your factory, that you only return an algorithm once. Also, make your factory a singleton.
Create a static Map<String, ISomeInterfaceDecoder> where you map the identifier to algorithms executing the call which means no factory class and no algorithm instantiation. Works only, if you have stateless algorithms.

