Password encryption using google/tink - java

Good day, I have used google/tink to encrypt a password for storing in a DB using these steps :
// 1. Generate the key material.
KeysetHandle keysetHandle =
// 2. Get the primitive.
Aead aead = AeadFactory.getPrimitive(keysetHandle);
// 3. Use the primitive to encrypt a plaintext,
byte[] ciphertext = aead.encrypt(plaintext, aad);
It basically converts password into the bytes, but when i convert it into string to store into the DB, It stores the encrypted password in this format : -�#~�k�D߶{׼�.
But i want to store the password in the format like 11As7737Cs9ue9oo09 using tink encryption.
Is there any way to do it?

Manish, you might not want to encrypt the passwords. You want to hash them. Tink doesn't support password hashing yet, but we can add support if there's enough interest.
Could you please file for a feature request at

I agree with everyone here that you SHOULD NOT store passwords in the clear.
However, to answer your question because I think it's a common problem when you get some cipher text and the string is unreadable. Say you wanted to store non password data encrypted, and readable. You would need to Base64 encode your cipher text.
When you retrieve your Base64 encoded data back from the database, you would then need to Base64 decode the String and then run it through your decryption process. Building on your example,
String readable = new String(java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encode(cipherText));
byte[] bytesToDecrypt = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(readable.getBytes());


Convert a key string to a SecretKeys object in tozny/java-aes-crypto

I'm using java-aes-crypto for encrypting strings in android. After generating key using this code
AesCbcWithIntegrity.SecretKeys keys = AesCbcWithIntegrity.generateKey();
and I'm saving it as String(.toString()) in a file and after that I'm trying to retrieve it from that file and convert it to the same object. How can I do that?
Use the following static method in the AesCbcWithIntegrity class (link):
* An aes key derived from a base64 encoded key. This does not generate the
* key. It's not random or a PBE key.
* #param keysStr a base64 encoded AES key / hmac key as base64(aesKey) : base64(hmacKey).
* #return an AES and HMAC key set suitable for other functions.
public static SecretKeys keys(String keysStr) throws InvalidKeyException {...}
It properly parses the previously serialized keys into the encryption key and the integrity key.
On going through the link,one can see that you need to use the following code to convert the encrypted String into the desired one.
//Use the constructor to re-create the CipherTextIvMac class from the string:
CipherTextIvMac cipherTextIvMac = new CipherTextIvMac (cipherTextString);
String plainText = AesCbcWithIntegrity.decryptString(cipherTextIvMac, **keys**);
The keys is the same key that was used while encryption.
As you can see, you need to store the key to decrypt it. The link also provides the precaution to store the key
Once you've generated a random key, you naturally might want to store
it. This may work for some use cases, but please be aware that if you
store the key in the same place that you store the encrypted data,
your solution is not cryptographically sound since the attacker can
just get both the key and the encrypted text. Instead, you should use
either the Keystore infrastructure or consider generating the key from
a passphrase and using that to encrypt the user data.
If despite the above you still want to store the key, you can convert
the keys to a string using the included functions and store them in
preferences or SQLite.

How to decrypt a JWT, in java, which is encrypted with JWE when the encrypted token is present in form of String?

I have a token in String format such as:
Now I want to decrypt this String through some java library and ultimately want to access the payload. Anyone done this so far ?
The assertion you shared with us is a JWE serialized in its compact representation. It has 5 parts separated by a dot (.) which are:
Part 1: the header (eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkExMjhHQ00ifQ)
Part 2: the encrypted key - depending on the algorithm, it may be an empty string - (K52jFwAQJH-DxMhtaq7sg5tMuot_mT5dm1DR_01wj6ZUQQhJFO02vPI44W5nDjC5C_v4pW1UiJa3cwb5y2Rd9kSvb0ZxAqGX9c4Z4zouRU57729ML3V05UArUhck9ZvssfkDW1VclingL8LfagRUs2z95UkwhiZyaKpmrgqpKX8azQFGNLBvEjXnxxoDFZIYwHOno290HOpig3aUsDxhsioweiXbeLXxLeRsivaLwUWRUZfHRC_HGAo8KSF4gQZmeJtRgai5mz6qgbVkg7jPQyZFtM5_ul0UKHE2y0AtWm8IzDE_rbAV14OCRZJ6n38X5urVFFE5sdphdGsNlA)
Part 3: the initialisation vector - IV depending on the algorithm, it may be an empty string - (gjI_RIFWZXJwaO9R)
Part 4: the cyphertext (oaE5a-z0N1MW9FBkhKeKeFa5e7hxVXOuANZsNmBYYT8G_xlXkMD0nz4fIaGtuWd3t9Xp-kufvvfD-xOnAs2SBX_Y1kYGPto4mibBjIrXQEjDsKyKwndxzrutN9csmFwqWhx1sLHMpJkgsnfLTi9yWBPKH5Krx23IhoDGoSfqOquuhxn0y0WkuqH1R3z-fluUs6sxx9qx6NFVS1NRQ-LVn9sWT5yx8m9AQ_ng8MBWz2BfBTV0tjliV74ogNDikNXTAkD9rsWFV0IX4IpA)
Part 5: the Additional Authentication Data - AAD - (sOLijuVySaKI-FYUaBywpg)
The header indicates at least the
Key Encryption Algorithm (alg) used to encrypt the content encryption key (CEK)
Content Encryption Algorithm (enc) used in conjunction with the CEK to encrypt the content.
In your case, The alg is RSA-OAEP and the enc is A128GCM.
According to these algorithm, you should have a RSA private key to decrypt the CEK and then use it to decrypt the cyphertext. mentioned in the accepted answer will not be useful as it does not support JWE, but JWS. The result shown with a JWE input will not give you the decrypted payload.
However, the resource will help you as it seems that the algorithms used for your token are supported.
You probably don't necessarily need a library:
String token = eyJ....;
String[] splitToken = JWTEncoded.split("\\.");
// splitToken[0] is the header, splitToken[1] is the payload and
// splitToken[2] is the signature
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decode(splitToken[1], Base64.URL_SAFE);
// You don't have to convert it to string but it really depends on what type
// data you expect
String payload = new String(decodedBytes, "UTF-8"); has a nice little decrypter for you to test data
In regards to JWE the only library I could find is this and an example to unencrypted JWE tokens can be found at the bottom of this page.
Note: I haven't tested this library so I won't be of much use beyond this, but it seems fairly straight forward.

Is ENC function necessary before encrypted value in .properties file?

As a general rule, jasypt expects encrypted configuration parameters to appear surrounded by "ENC(...)".
For example, in file I have following properties:
databaseurl = sampleurl
username = username
password = password
If I encrypt my password; if I get 'G6N718UuyPE5bHyWKyuLQSm02auQPUtm' as encrypted value and surrounded this value with ENC("") function in .properties file.
How to decrypt this value?
Should I code such a way that only content of the ENC function is taken and decrypted? or there is any other way.
[1]: I am using this link as reference.
If you use the Jasypt class EncryptableProperties, this is handled for you without any additional work. If you want to use a different method to decrypt the data, you'll need to strip ENC( and ) from the string, decode the Base64 contents to raw bytes, and then use a Cipher which is configured with the same encryption key as derived by Jasypt.

How do i encrypt password in three layers , SHA1, base64 encode and salt

I want to encrypt and decrypt password with high security .
First, the string password with be converted to SHA1 , then i also want to add base64 encode and lastly add SALT to it.
Is this doable in java?
I have sample code to encode in base64 and sha1 but i am not sure how to combine them all.
Here is snippet:
String password = "password";
BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
encryptedPassword = encoder.encode(password.getBytes());
Using SHA1:
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
System.out.println(new String(md.digest()));
Please suggest .
These are the things you have to think of when playing around with salts:
Generate a long random salt using a CSPRNG.
Prepend the salt to the
password and hash it with a standard cryptographic hash function
such as SHA256.
You need to append your generated Salt (generated with a Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator) to the password and then hash it with SHA-1.
Since SHA-1 is a hash Algorithm, you can't decode it. If you need to encrypt the password, you may read something about AES or RSA
I suggest you reading this article, Salted Password Hashing - Doing it Right, especially the part The RIGHT Way: How to Hash Properly, if you still want to hash your password properly.

Create a file protected by a password in java

I would like to create a file protected by a password in JAVA.
What I mean is, once I launch the program, one file created by my program would be directly protected by previously determined password.
Is there an easy way to do it ?
Once again, my aim is not to create a file and then add it a password, but right during the creation protecting the file by a password.
Actually, I want the current runner program not having access in reading/editing the created file EXCEPT if he/she has the password previously set.
So anyway, if some of you know an easy way to protect files when writing them thanks to java, I would be most grateful.
Have a nice day!
You want to encrypt your file('s content) with a password. Here is a pretty well known library to do it:
From their site:
..encrypting and decrypting a text...
BasicTextEncryptor textEncryptor = new BasicTextEncryptor();
String myEncryptedText = textEncryptor.encrypt(myText);
String plainText = textEncryptor.decrypt(myEncryptedText);
You can read/write the encrypted content to your file.
When you want to encrypt files, strings, etc there are 2 main approaches.
You should start by building a class or method to convert ur string/file to an array of bytes. Build another method to convert the array of bytes back to the string/file.
You may encrypt a file using 2 approaches:
1 - Symmetric key - A secret word (usually a huge string of chars or a password set by the user) will encrypt your file and password, and the same password will be used to decrypt.
2 - Asymmetric key - You generate a pair of keys. One is called the public key and the other is called a private key. Public keys are used to encrypt files, private keys to decrypt.
This would be the more 'professional' approach.
If you want a really safe approach, you should download GnuPG. GnuPG is an executable that manages assymmetric encryption, you may build a class to work with GnuPG and let GnuPG manage ur encryption/decryption process.
Theres an unsafe approach that is 'native' to java (symmetric key) that may work out for you:
byte[] key = //... password converted to an array of bytes
byte[] dataToSend = ...
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
SecretKeySpec k =
new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);
byte[] encryptedData = c.doFinal(dataToSend);
byte[] key = //
byte[] encryptedData = //
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
SecretKeySpec k =
new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, k);
byte[] data = c.doFinal(encryptedData);
Hope this helps.
If the file is a plain text file, then not giving the user access to the file without a password in your program does not really password-protect the data, because the user can just open the file with some other program. So IF the file is a text file, then I think you must use encryption.
You can use the comment by #mazaneicha to help you get started in this direction. If you want to dive more into it, you can look at the Java Cryptography architectre and the javax.crypto java docs.
If your file is not human-readable, and only your program understands it, then I would make the first line or first n Bytes of the file a password. If you prefer, you could save another password file in the same directory and use that to authenticate the user before deciding if the user has the right to view the file. A common way to encrypt a password is with an MD5 hash function. The user enters a password, you compute the hash of it, then compare the computed hash with the hash value read from the file:
* Use to encrypt passwords using MD5 algorithm
* #param password should be a plain text password.
* #return a hex String that results from encrypting the given password.
static String encryptPassword(String password) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte byteData[] = md.digest();
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0;i<byteData.length;i++) {
String hex=Integer.toHexString(0xff & byteData[i]);
return hexString.toString();
catch( missing) {
return password;

