Issue Connecting to Redis in NetBeans 8.2 - java

I am having trouble connecting the redis on Netbeans. I imported the jar file and added the driver, but I do not know if I have a bad port number to connect to, but it wont let me connect. I keep getting this error message:
Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:redis:Server=;Port=1521;Password=myPassword; using cdata.jdbc.redis.RedisDriver (System error: Connection refused: connect)
I do not know where I am going wrong. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance


Unable to connect to a Oracle db from Linux machine in java

I have registered a Linux machine as runner in my gitlab and tried to execute my scripts there.
While executing I got an error for database connection
Issue : java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
When I connect from my local machine (Windows 7 & 10) it is working fine.
Tried to connect using jtds but I'm getting some other unknown issue.
Checked few other answers and they have provided that it could be because of firewall enabled but since we did not have full access to that db server , I could not disable and check.(Could this be the issue?)
My Connection code :
ConURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#" + ConstructSQLConnectionURL(host,sid,port);
con = DriverManager.getConnection(ConURL, dbUserName, dbPassword);
I am stuck with this issue and blocked from executing pipeline.
Can anyone let me know what could be the possible reason for this and help me with this?
Thanks in advance
It appears to be a network connectivity issue. I'd start with local firewalls on each system. Can you ping the database from the client? If not, look for network routing or firewall blockers. Also look at host-based firewalls, or confirm with the DBA whether there is something like valid node checking in place to limit database clients.

JPA tools will not connect to SQL Server

I am trying to connect to a database on my localhost machine from Eclipse using the JPA tools. I have been unable to achieve this so far. I want to create a JPA project and create the model from the tables that I have already created on the database. I do not seem to be able to get the connection string correct.
firstly I seem completely unable to create a SQL Server connection profile. Once I get to the second screen no options available that allow me to progress past it to completion. Found a thread on here that claimed this is a bug and I should use the generic driver instead. So this is what I tried.
I thought that the port number was 1433 and I have tried that but no change. I have also taken off the (localdb) part as the error message referenced it. Message remains the same.
Error Message The connection to the host (localdb), named instance mssqllocaldb failed. Error: " (localdb)". Verify the server and instance names and check that no firewall is blocking UDP traffic to port 1434. For SQL Server 2005 or later, verify that the SQL Server Browser Service is running on the host.
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.jdbc.JDBCConnection.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.internalCreateConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.jdbc.JDBCConnectionFactory.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionFactoryProvider.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionProfile.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.createTestConnection(
I got the connection string from Visual studio as that is how I created the tables.
Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=IdpValidate;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False
I have checked the firewall on my machine but Eclipse is in there and I can connect no problems from Visual Studio so it can't be that (can it).
SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser are both on (again I can connect from elsewhere; mssms, vs, linqpad etc) Please help this is driving me mad!
I have also created a login and user (LetMeIn) but at the moment this is not making a diffrence as using my computer account can't connect through Eclsipe either.
It turns out I have two sql servers installed on my machine and I was trying to connect to the wrong one. :(

Can't get IntelliJ IDEA to connect to MS SQL Server

I'm trying to connect to MS SQL Server through IntelliJ IDEA.
After creating a new login in SSMS, confirming that it works fine and enabling all IPs in TCP/IP settings. (I added the 1433 port as well), I am getting an error when I try to connect to localhost:1433.
I'll attach a screenshot here, hoping that someone has an idea of what can I do.
Image with error message
Problem solved. The Microsoft drivers seem not to work, so I used JTDS instead. Thank you!

Proxy setting for Connecting to Xeround Database

I am trying to connect to Xeround Database fro inside my office but i cant connection it says connection link error but when i try to connect to it from home it works fine.I am not able to debug this error can anyone help
Here is my connection string:
Connection con = DriverManager
+ "user=app4XXXXXXXX&password=XXXXXXX");
What proxy settings do i have to use if any ?
Please help
It might be a firewall or something that block you from accessing the specific port number while working from office. Try to telnet the port and see. You may also contact for further help.

java.sql.SQLException encountered when connecting to Oracle database

I get the following error when I try to run my project:
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=169870080)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))
Any ideas?
You're getting an ORA-12505 error ("TNS: listener could not resolve SID given in connection description."). This happens when the SID (System ID) of the database you wish to connect to isn't registered with Oracle's listener. If you can find the JDBC connection information, you may find something that matches this pattern:
In this case, Oracle is telling you that [sid] does not exist on the server [host]. You may be connecting to the wrong server.
Connection refused means that the server is not allowing your client to connect. Double check the server settings and make sure your host is allowed to connect, at the very least.

