I'm working on a Spring-boot project where I receive different format of Json String. My goal is to convert these Json string into an Unified Java class.
I can receive many variations of this Json:
{ "id" : "someId", "type" : "temperature", "value" : 21.0 }
For example, one variation might look like :
{ "id" : "someId", "data" : { "type": "temp", "val" : 21.0 }, "location": "here" }
So these 2 Json must be mapped into the same Java class.
I already have 2 solutions in mind :
First solution
1) Create a Specific Java Class for each Json that I may receive
2) Create a function that takes this specific object and return the Unified Java Class
Second solution
1) Create a JsonNode with the Json String
2) For each key try to match it with a field of the Unified Java Class.
But we have to take into consideration every key possible of a node like "value" or "val".
What is the best approach to solve this problem ?
I'm looking for a solution that could be easy to maintain.
Edit : I'm already using Jackson, but my problem is to map this Json object into an universal Java Class independently of the Json
Edit 2 : The Unified Java Class is a class model that already exist and it's used to store information in our database. So to push information inside our database, I have to convert each json I receive into this unified format
I can see following solutions. E.g. you use Jackson for parse JSON you could declare you custom ObjectMapper:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES);
This mapper contains additional options to ignore unknow properties.
Do you Map<String, Object> as destination class. This is magic key and it works always. Contra: you do not have json validation and have to add many constant keys to read this.
public static <T> Map<String, T> readMap(String json) throws NGPException {
if (json == null) {
return null;
ObjectReader reader = JSON_MAPPER.readerFor(Map.class);
MappingIterator<Map<String, T>> it = reader.readValues(json);
if (it.hasNextValue()) {
Map<String, T> res = it.next();
return res.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyMap() : res;
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Object> map = readMap("json string");
String id = (String)map.getOrDefault("id", null);
Second way is to build one general class that contain all posiible variables. Additionnaly you have to set option to Jackson ignore unknown fields. In this case, existed fields will be used by Jackson.
public static <T> T read(String json, Class<T> clazz) throws NGPException {
return mapper.readerFor(clazz).readValue(json);
class Response {
private String id;
private String type;
private Double value;
private String location;
private Data data;
public class Data {
private String type;
private String temp;
private Double value;
Response response = read("json string", Response.class);
I usually use GSon from Google. It is really usefull. Check gson.fromJson(yourJsonString) in your case.
You can easy use
Gson gson = new Gson();
Data data = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Data.class);
This is what my class looks like -
public class A {
private Map<String, Object> objects = null;
My json would be like -
"f1" : {
"name" : "some name",
"val" : 3
"f2" : {
"arg": {
some field/value pairs
What I want is to specify in the JSON itself the type to which it can be deserialized to. So the value for f1 would be converted to an object of class B and f2 would get converted to object of C.
My code will look like this -
Object o = objects.get("f1");
if (o instanceof B) {
} else if (o instanceof C) {
Is there a way to do this? I want the json to control the deserialization.
Yes, Jackson can use a type identifier if JSON document has it. This is usually done by using annotation #JsonTypeInfo.
There are multiple ways to add/use type identifier, both regarding how it is included in JSON document, and as to what kind of id is being used (type name or Java class name?).
The easiest way to see how things match is to actually start with a POJO, add #JsonTypeInfo annotation, and serialize it to see kind of JSON produced. And once you understood how inclusion works you can modify, if necessary, structure of JSON and/or Java class definition.
I am trying to parse the JSON from this link: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/items/56 , everything fine until i met the line: "infix_upgrade":{"attributes":[{"attribute":"Power","modifier":4},{"attribute":"Precision","modifier":3}]} ...
If i dont get this wrong: infix_upgradehas 1 element attributes inside him. attributes has 2 elements with 2 other inside them. Is this a 2 dimension array?
I have tried (code too long to post):
JsonObject _detailsObject = _rootObject.get("details").getAsJsonObject();
JsonObject infix_upgradeObject = _detailsObject.get("infix_upgrade").getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement _infix_upgrade_attributesElement = infix_upgradeObject.get("attributes");
JsonArray _infix_upgrade_attributesJsonArray = _infix_upgrade_attributesElement.getAsJsonArray();
The problem is that I dont know what to do next, also tried to continue transforming JsonArray into string array like this:
Type _listType = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}.getType();
List<String> _details_infusion_slotsStringArray = new Gson().fromJson(_infix_upgrade_attributesJsonArray, _listType);
but im getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected STRING but was BEGIN_OBJECT which i guess comes from the attributes...
With a proper formatting (JSONLint, for example, checks if the JSON data is valid and does the formatting, which makes the structure more clear than what the GW link gives), attributes looks actually like this:
"attributes": [
"attribute": "Power",
"modifier": 4
"attribute": "Precision",
"modifier": 3
So it's an array of JsonObject and each object as two key-value pairs. This is why the parser throws an error because you require that this array contains only String which is not the case.
So the actual type is:
Type _listType = new TypeToken<List<JsonObject>>(){}.getType();
The problem is that I dont know what to do next
Hold on. You are using Gson and Java is an OO language so I suggest you to create classes.
This would be easier for you to fetch the datas afterward and for the parsing since you just need to provide the class of the actual class the JSON data represents to the parser (some edge-cases could be handled by writing a custom serializer/deserializer).
The data is also better typed than this bunch of JsonObject/JsonArray/etc.
This will give you a good starting point:
class Equipment {
private String name;
private String description;
private List<String> gameTypes;
private Details details;
class Details {
private InfixUpgrade infixUpgrade;
class InfixUpgrade {
private List<Attribute> attributes;
class Attribute {
private String attribute;
private int modifier;
and then just give the type to the parser:
Equipment equipment = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, Equipment.class);
Hope it helps! :)
Given the following JSON object
"id": 5,
"data: { ... }
Is it possible to map this to the following POJO?
class MyEntity {
int id;
Map<String, Object> data;
Because I would like to leave the data object open ended. Is this even possible or what is a better approach to go about this? I am doing this on Android.
I don't have any idea about Android application but you can achieve it using Gson library easily.
The JSON that is used in your post is not valid. It might be a typo. Please validate it here on JSONLint - The JSON Validator
Simply use Gson#fromJson(String, Class) method to convert a JSON string into the object of passed class type.
Remember the name of instance member must be exactly same (case-sensitive) as defined in JSON string as well. Read more about JSON Field Naming
Use GsonBuilder#setPrettyPrinting() that configures Gson to output Json that fits in a page for pretty printing.
Sample code:
String json = "{\"id\": 5,\"data\": {}}";
MyEntity myEntity = new Gson().fromJson(json, MyEntity.class);
String prettyJsonString = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(myEntity);
"id": 5,
"data": {}
I am hitting a RESTful 3rd party API that always sends JSON in the following format:
"response": {
Where ... is the response object that needs to be mapped back to a Java POJO. For instance, sometimes the JSON will contain data that should be mapped back to a Fruit POJO:
"response": {
"type": "orange",
"shape": "round"
...and sometimes the JSON will contain data that should be mapped back to an Employee POJO:
"response": {
"name": "John Smith",
"employee_ID": "12345",
"isSupervisor": "true",
"jobTitle": "Chief Burninator"
So depending on the RESTful API call, we need these two JSON results mapped back to one of the two:
public class Fruit {
private String type;
private String shape;
// Getters & setters for all properties
public class Employee {
private String name;
private Integer employeeId;
private Boolean isSupervisor;
private String jobTitle;
// Getters & setters for all properties
Unfortunately, I cannot change the fact that this 3rd party REST service always sends back a { "response": { ... } } JSON result. But I still need a way to configure a mapper to dynamically map such a response back to either a Fruit or an Employee.
First, I tried Jackson with limited success, but it wasn't as configurable as I wanted it to be. So now I am trying to use XStream with its JettisonMappedXmlDriver for mapping JSON back to POJOs. Here's the prototype code I have:
public static void main(String[] args) {
XStream xs = new XStream(new JettisonMappedXmlDriver());
xs.alias("response", Fruit.class);
xs.alias("response", Employee.class);
// When XStream sees "employee_ID" in the JSON, replace it with
// "employeeID" to match the field on the POJO.
xs.aliasField("employeeID", Employee.class, "employee_ID");
// Hits 3rd party RESTful API and returns the "*fruit version*" of the JSON.
String json = externalService.getFruit();
Fruit fruit = (Fruit)xs.fromXML(json);
Unfortunately when I run this I get an exception, because I have xs.alias("response", ...) mapping response to 2 different Java objects:
Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter$UnknownFieldException: No such field me.myorg.myapp.domain.Employee.type
---- Debugging information ----
field : type
class : me.myorg.myapp.domain.Employee
required-type : me.myorg.myapp.domain.Employee
converter-type : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
path : /response/type
line number : -1
version : null
So I ask: what can I do to circumvent the fact that the API will always send back the same "wrapper" response JSON object? The only thing I can think of is first doing a String-replace like so:
String json = externalService.getFruit();
json = json.replaceAll("response", "fruit");
But this seems like an ugly hack. Does XStream (or another mapping framework) provide anything that would help me out in this particular case? Thansk in advance.
There are two ways with Jackson:
test manually that the wanted keys are there (JsonNode has the necessary methods);
use JSON Schema; there is one API in Java: json-schema-validator (yes, that is mine), which uses Jackson.
Write a schema matching your first object type:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"shape": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"additionalProperties": false
Load this as a schema, validate your input against it: if it validates, you know you need to deserialize against your fruit class. Otherwise, make the schema for the second item type, validate against it as a security measure, and deserialize using the other class.
There are code examples for the API, too (version 1.4.x)
If you do know the actual type, it should be relatively straight-forward with Jackson.
You need to use a generic wrapper type like:
public class Wrapper<T> {
public T response;
and then the only trick is to construct type object to let Jackson know what T there is.
If it is statically available, you just do:
Wrapper<Fruit> wrapped = mapper.readValue(input, new TypeReference<Wrapper<Fruit>>() { });
Fruit fruit = wrapped.response;
but if it is more dynamically generated, something like:
Class<?> rawType = ... ; // determined using whatever logic is needed
JavaType actualType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructGenericType(Wrapper.class, rawType);
Wrapper<?> wrapper = mapper.readValue(input, actualType);
Object value = wrapper.response;
but either way it "should just work". Note that in latter case you may be able to use base types ("? extends MyBaseType"), but in general dynamic type can't be specified.
I'm using Jackson 1.9.5 in an Android project to parse JSON files.
So far I haven't had any problems, and can parse files fine using the following code:
AssetManager mgr = getAssets();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
InputStream ifp = mgr.open("detail_schema.json");
schema = mapper.readValue(ifp, DetailSchema.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
Where the DetailSchema class consists of a mix of primitive types and classes. I'm now running into a problem where I want to parse some JSON like the following:
"fields": {
"Suburb": "Paddington",
"State": "NSW",
"Post Code": "2074",
"Lollipop": "Foo Bar Haz"
Where I can't possibly know the map keys before hand (they can be user-defined). As such, I'm not sure what the associated Java class should look like.
Ie, for this example, it could look like:
public class MyClass {
public String Suburb;
public String State;
public String PostCode;
public String Lollipop;
But this may not be correct for another instance of the JSON file. Ideally I need some way for Jackson to map values to something like a NameValuePair. I suspect that the automatic object mapping may not be an option in this case - can someone confirm or deny this?
You have two options. Either you can use readTree in ObjectMapper, which returns a JsonNode. Working with a JsonNode is much like working with a tree, so you can get children nodes, read values, et cetera:
InputStream ifp = mgr.open("detail_schema.json");
JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(ifp);
JsonNode fields = root.get("fields");
for (JsonNode children : fields) {
// ...
Then you'd need to build your DetailSchema object manually.
Or, you can let Jackson deserialize it as a Map, in which case you'd use your code but where MyClass would be like this:
public class MyClass {
public Map<String, Object> fields;
// getter/setters
You can probably type the map values as String as well if you are sure the inputs are text in json. (Actually, I'm not sure what type enforcement Jackson does, maybe it will allow anything anyway...)