In a app I bought that is written in Java for Android, I have one line of code that is:
data_trip = (HashMap<String, String>) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("TRIP_DATA");
And data_trip variable is filled with a lot of data that is stored in a database in a server. Now I added a field in that database, and is not automatically get. If I do data_trip.get("new_field") I get and error. So somewhere it must be a explicit sql query for doing this. I tried debugging and follow step by step but I can't get anything. The only clue is that line. So, how can I access to that intent and "TRIP_DATA" thing? Im lost.
You would have to start by finding where the Intent is set for that Activity. After you've found that you can likely find the code that is associated with creating that intent. The SerializableExtra is similar to setting Arguments for a Fragment so I'm willing to bet that if you find where the SerializableExtras are set at you can figure out what to add/remove to fix your issue.
Feel free to let me know if you have any further issues or what I have suggested doesn't work
I hope this makes a bit sense, basically, I have this feature in my app for tracking calories which consists of having this page that only appears the first time you use the feature and it asks you to add personal details (so it can make the right calculations), after that you get faced with a simple page that tracks your nutrition with a button for the user to insert the meals he has eaten, this page has to save the inserted data (via firebase) and then restart from 0 each and every day.
my first problem is I don't know how I make the page that only appears one time to save personal data(to be more precise I don't know how to make only appears the first time). and the second problem is how do I make the app automatically sends the given data at the end of each day?
interface in normal state, interface when adding the meals
hopefully, this 2 images will help you get a better grasp of what am trying to explain
don't worry am not looking for someone to straight up solve it all for me, I just need some orientation about what type of things/functions I need to do to solve these 2 problems
While #Narendra_Nath's answer might work, please note that is not a bulletproof solution. Why? Because a SharedPreferences doesn't persist across app uninstalls. This means that your user can install and uninstall the app and see the page as much as they want. So if you indeed want a user to see a screen only once, then you should consider storing that data in a database. Please note that SQLite isn't also a solution because when a user uninstalls the app, everything that is stored locally is wiped out. So what's the solution?
The best way to solve this would be to store the data in the cloud, either in Cloud Firestore or in the Realtime Database. So you can set a boolean variable and always check against it.
If you however intend to implement Firebase Authentication, then another solution would be to display the screen when your users are authenticated for the first time. So even if they will try to sign in on another device, install and uninstall the app, they won't be able to see the screen again.
Regarding the second problem, you should consider using Cloud Function for Firebase. It's the most elegant solution. If you want to somehow schedule an operation, then you should consider using Cloud Scheduler, as explained in my answer in the following post:
Is it not possible to have a code in the background who will be called every 24h?
Make the page that only appears one-time -> store a value in the shared preferences "isInfoShownToUser -> false" then do a check when the app starts to check if this value is false or true. If it is false show the "take the info" page .. then turn the value to false in the shared preferences.
How do I make the app automatically send data -> Use a Workmanager implementation to send data to the server (Firebase) at a particular time ..
Or use a implementation like the first one which uploads the data to the server just once everyday
I am trying to listen to my document using the Snapshot Listener method in Android.
I have a document called 'Mobile' and a field called 'UUID'. In 'UUID', I keep all the UUID's of the phones the person has logged into.
The problem with this code is that I am not able to get listeners continuously with this code. Can we use Android Services or something to continuously check for changes in the document or a field in the document.
I need to create a code which will be continuously checking the UUID field for any changes and the code should create a Toast accordingly.
I am also worried that this will kind of increase the number of read/writes for our database.
Can someone please help me? Thanks in Advance
The problem with this code is that I am not able to get listeners continuously with this code.
Why would you say that? This is what it does, it gets the data in real-time.
Can we use Android Services or something to continuously check for changes in the document or a field in the document.
If you want to get updates even if the user closes the app, indeed you need a service. For more info, please check my answer from the following post:
How to create firebase background service in Android?
I am also worried that this will kind of increase the number of reads/writes for our database.
Yes, it will increase for sure the number of reads/writes if you continue to keep the listener active. So for not paying extra reads/writes, you should remove the listener according to the life-cycle of your activity as explained in my answer from the following post:
How to set addSnapshotListener and remove in populateViewHolder in RecyclerView Item?
I am an android developer and I knew about GeckoView recently.
I can get source code of a web page by android WebView (java code).
However with my new website, android Webview can't load the webpage but GeckoView can.
Now I want to get source code of a web page by GeckoView.
Is there any body know the solution to resolve this problem ?
Thank in advance
As far as I know, you cannot use GeckoView to get the source code, but the geckoview library does have GeckoWebExecutor. Take a look at the fetch method and the WebResponse it returns.
By converting the WebResponse.body InputStream to a String you can get the source code.
One option for doing this could follow these steps:
detect which page my geckoview loaded;
save the loaded url into a sharedpref;
if user wants to see the source of the page, load the url saved within that sharedpref.
(1-2) as you already know, geckoview doesn't have that handy shouldOverrideUrlLoading() method, so you will have to deal with the NavigationDelegate class, which has the onLocationChange(), where i put this line, which does nothing more than save the current url as a string into a sharedpref string named "geckoViewUrl":
sharedprefs.edit().putString("geckoViewUrl", url).apply();
having all setup before (sharedprefs etc). Detected the loaded page and saved the url into a sharedpref, let's go to the final step 3.
(3) for my use, wishing only to allow the user to see (and copy) the source, for the law of the minimum effort i used another activity with a plain and old webview to display it. This is very easy to implement and rises no confusion to the user. He/She wants to see the code, i show it in another activity. When it's done, he/she closes the new activity and life continues.
So, user wants source? Load another activity with a webview and make it load that saved sharedpref string:
addr2open = pref_out.getString("geckoViewUrl", "");
Doing this (for example), you get the url user wants to see source assigned to a string var. To finish, all you have to do is to make the webview load this string preceded by the precious word view-source:, this way:
webView.loadUrl("view-source:" + addr2open);
That's it. Of course you could implement a solution relying on the same activity, or using geckoView, showing multiple options, menus etc. I only wanted to show you a way to solve your problem in a nice 'n' easy way. You asked for "How to get a web page source code with GeckoView". Here is the answer. Works perfectly. If this is good for you, please, accept this as the correct answer. Thank you. Happy coding.
One example on the use of "view-source", from the creators of GeckoView: (see item "Link to a line number").
I am currently a student taking a Mobile Device Applications development class and am getting stuck on my final project, an Address Book style app. I have used the example from our book (Dietel's Android for Programmers An App-Driver Approach, Volume 1, Second Edition) as the basis and have been editing code from there. The biggest thing I want to change/enable is to allow the user to select different fields within the contact (address, email, etc) and pass an Intent that will open Maps when address is selected, eMail when email is selected and so on. Where I am lost is where to place my listener and declare it. Our book and subsequent searches are not really clearing this up at all. I understand the onItemClick call, but am not sure where to place it, within or the, which is all the code to handle anything that happens when the contact is open and displayed. I feel like I can put it all within the but have a nagging suspicion that I am missing something. I have not had the time to edit and test this yet as I am actually heading out for work in a minute but I thought I could maybe get a better understanding or maybe even better links to read to learn from as my Google search doesnt seem to address what I am looking for. Also, not sure if it matters or not, but I am not using a ListView at all and everything I find tries to force a ListView use. Thank you guys for your help/consideration and time.
I wanted to learn more about the Android Services / Broadcasts, so I started a simple project, to create a battery monitoring app. It turned out pretty good, I'm using it for a few days now, but I want to add a new function: to show since when is the phone charging/discharging.
First I thought that I would create two static fields in my BoradcastReciever extension class, where I get and publish the data about the battery, one for the actual state (charging/discharging), and one for the time, when the change in state happened. This way, I could just subtract from the current time the last change, and know exactly since when is the phone charging/discharging.
But there is a problem with this solution: It won't show the correct data at first, when a user starts the app. I wouldn't make a big deal of it, but I saw that Android tracks this data somewhere, because inside my phone settings I found this information, so why take the hard way.
So my question is: is there an easy way to get from the Android system the date/time (no matter what format) of the last charging state change?
I looked at the BatteryManager reference but there are no constants named after what I seek, and which I could use, to get the information from the Intent of my receiver.
The Android OS tracks the connect/disconnect of a power source, but does not make this data accessible to apps. You have to record this all yourself, using intent filters.
The two intent filters to use are android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED and android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED; with these, you can monitor when the power source is connected and disconnected.
You can find information about this process explained incredibly clearly here. Another blog describing the process can be found here.