Move rectangle by touching the screen - java

I want to move blocks with different x-positions without changing their shape by reducing the x-position.
I have tried to run the following code, but it seems like the blocks move to a tow position way to fast (correct potion and other i can't see where).
downBlocks=new Arraylist<Rectangle>;
for (DownBlocks downBlocks:getBlocks()){
if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) {
Vector3 touchPos = new Vector3();
touchPos.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0);
downBlocks.x = (int) touchPos.x - downBlocks.x;

To do a drag, you need to remember the point where the finger last touched the screen so you can get a finger delta. And as a side note, avoid putting code inside your loop iteration if it only needs to be called once. It's wasteful to unproject the screen's touch point over and over for every one of your DownBlocks.
static final Vector3 VEC = new Vector3(); // reusuable static member to avoid GC churn
private float lastX; //member variable for tracking finger movement
//In your game logic:
if (Gdx.input.isTouching()){
VEC.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0);
if (Gdx.input.justTouched())
lastX = VEC.x; //starting point of drag
else if (Gdx.input.isTouching()){ // dragging
float deltaX = VEC.x - lastX; // how much finger has moved this frame
lastX = VEC.x; // for next frame
// Since you're working with integer units, you can round position
int blockDelta = (int)Math.round(deltaX);
for (DownBlocks downBlock : getBlocks()){
downBlock.x += blockDelta;
I don't recommend using integer units for your coordinates, though. If you are doing pixel art, then I recommend using floats for storing coordinates, and rounding off the coordinates only when drawing. That will reduce jerky-looking movement. If you are not using pixel art, I would just use float coordinates all the way. Here's a good article to help understand units.


Translate transition not working right on keypress

I'm trying to make a ball bounce up and down with the use of translate transition. I'm first trying to make the ball move up before it starts moving down. the code I used for moving it up is like this
public void moveUp(Circle player){
TranslateTransition goUp = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(500),player);
and I'm updating the value of the ball(player) on every keypress as follows(p.s player is of type Circle)
scene.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
public void handle(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
if(keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE){
the only problem is that the amount the ball moves is not the same as the amount I'm updating. Taking a few values as example(Take note that the player's original center was 400,300) I got 280 as the updated value of the player's centerY, yet the centreY of the ball on screen was at around the 260 which is far off. How do I fix this so that the player's centreY gets shifted by the same amount it moves on screen?
This is because the Circle (player) has a translateY property in addition to its centerY property as mentioned by #James_D. translateY is a property common to all nodes. Whenever a TranslateTransition is applied, the coordinates of the Node (player in this case) do not change. Instead its 'local origin' changes.
Circle player = new Circle(10);
TranslateTransition goUp = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(500),player);
When this code is executed the origin for the player moves up by 20 pixels, and the centerY property stays the same. If the coordinates were originally (400,300), they stay the same, but are now referenced with respect to the new local origin.
This procedure of modifying the coordinate axes themselves, is common for all transformations as explained in the javadoc for Node.
A translation transformation is one which shifts the origin of the node's coordinate space along either the x or y axis.
Note that as with all transformations, the x, y, width, and height variables of the rectangle (which remain relative to the local coordinate space) have not changed, but rather the transformation alters the entire coordinate space of the rectangle.
If you want to change the centerY property instead of the translateY property, you can use the Timeline class instead of TranslateTransition. You could refer this SO answer for using the Timeline class for this purpose.

Java little ball runs away from cursor

I'm trying to make a graphic project where a Ball runs away from my cursor, I already did the other way around where the ball seeks my cursor and when she arrives she loses velocity so it's like she's running fast until she comes around a range of 10 pixels and then she loses velocity until she touches the cursor.
The thing is, I can't find a way to make the ball run away from the cursor in a way that when I enter a diameter(from the ball), she runs slow, if I approach more she starts to run faster to get away but when my cursor leaves the diameter, she runs slow until she stops once again.
I hope I made it clear, I thought about a solution but I don't know if there's a library or some built function in Java that I could use guys:
-have like a percentage from 0 to 100 where the distance between my cursor and the ball fits inside, 0% is velocity=0, 100% is velocity=4 for example, do you have any idea if there is such thing that I could implement?
Thank you in advance!
I've made a Vector class where I change it and access the X and Y coordinates to make the ball move, I used basic trigonometry to make the vector ALWAYS the same length.
code of my ball (Chaser) class:
public class Chaser {
private double x;
private double y;
private double vel = 1;
private double hyp;
private Vector vector = new Vector(0, 0);
private double distance;
public Chaser(int width, int height){
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
public void setVel(Point m){
if(m.x != x)
hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(m.x - x), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(m.y - y), 2));
hyp = Math.abs(m.y - y);
public void setDirection(Point m){
if(hyp == 0) return;
vector.change((m.x - x)/hyp, (m.y - y)/hyp);
public void draw(Graphics g){
g.fillOval((int)x - 10, (int)y - 10, 20, 20);
g.drawLine((int)x, (int)y, (int)(vector.getX()*15*vel) + (int)x, (int)(vector.getY()*15*vel) + (int)y);
public void move(Point m){
public void useVector(){
if(vector == null) return;
x -= vector.getX() * vel;
y -= vector.getY() * vel;
public void calculateVelocity(Point m){
if(vector == null) return;
// I don't know what to do yet
If you want to just push the ball around you can do something simple. Let's use vectors to make it easier to understand. Say ball holds the ball's center (x,y) and mouse contains the mouse position (x,y).
You can compute the distance between ball and mouse, that is (mouse - ball).length() to get how far away the mouse is from the ball.
If the distance > ball radius then the mouse is outside.
Otherwise you can do:
tmp = ball - mouse // get the vector from mouse to the ball.
tmp = tmp / tmp.length() * ball_radious // change the vector's length to match the radious of the ball.
ball = mouse + tmp // Move the ball such that the mouse will be on the edge.
As you move the mouse the ball will get pushed by the mouse.
If you want a bit of inertia, so the ball doesn't just stop when you don't push it anymore then you need to keep an additional vector speed and use tmp to get an acceleration.
Something like this:
tmp = ball - mouse // get the vector from mouse to the ball.
force = max(0, ball_radious - tmp.length()) // how strong we push the ball.
acceleration = tmp / tmp.legnth() * f(force) // compute the acceleration vector. f(force) is some function based on force, try k*f or k*f*f and see what looks better for your setup.
speed = speed * kDrag + acceleration // update the speed, kDrag should be between 0 and 1, start with something like 0.8 and try different values.
ball = ball + speed * time_delta // Update the ball's position.
You can play with the constants to get the right feel that you're looking for. time_delta is meant to normalize the speed between frams so you don't need to worry too much if there's some inconsistency between them. You can use a constant as well, but the movement might become jerky at times.
All operations above are vector operations.

Libgdx Box2D pixel to meter conversion?

When trying to program a game using Box2D, I ran into a problem with Box2D. I filled in pixel numbers for the lengths of the the textures and sprites to create a box around it. Everything was at the right place, but for some reason everything went very slowly. By looking on the internet I found out that if you didn't convert pixels to meters box2d might handle shapes as very large objects. this seemed to be a logical cause of everything moving slowly.
I found similar questions on this site, but the answers didn't really seem to help out. in most of the cases the solution was to make methods to convert the pixel numbers to meters using a scaling factor. I tried this out, but everything got misplaced and had wrong sizes. this seemed logical to me since the numbers where changed but had the same meaning.
I was wondering if there is a way to make the pixels mean less meters, so everything whould be at the same place with the same (pixel) size, but mean less meters.
If you have a different way which you think might help, I whould also like to hear it..
Here is the code i use to create the camera
width = / 5;
height = / 5;
camera = new OrthographicCamera(width, height);
camera.setToOrtho(false, 1628, 440);
This is the method I use to create an object:
public void Create(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float density, float friction, float restitution, World world){
//Method to create an item
width = Width;
height = Height;
polygonDef = new BodyDef();
polygonDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody;
polygonDef.position.set(X + (Width / 2f), Y + (Height / 2f));
polygonBody = world.createBody(polygonDef);
polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
polygonShape.setAsBox(Width / 2f, Height / 2f);
polygonFixture = new FixtureDef();
polygonFixture.shape = polygonShape;
polygonFixture.density = density;
polygonFixture.friction = friction;
polygonFixture.restitution = restitution;
To create an item, in this case a table, I use the following:
Table = new Item();
Table.Create(372f, 60f, 152f, 96f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, world);
The Sprites are drawn on the item by using the following method:
public void drawSprite(Sprite sprite){
if(polygonBody.getUserData() instanceof Sprite){
Sprite Sprite = (Sprite) polygonBody.getUserData();
Sprite.setPosition(polygonBody.getPosition().x - Sprite.getWidth() / 2, polygonBody.getPosition().y - Sprite.getHeight() / 2);
Sprite.setRotation(polygonBody.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees);
The sprites also have pixel sizes.
Using this methods it displays the images at the right places, but everything moves slowly.
I was wondering how or if I whould have to change this to make the objects move correctly, and / or mean less. Thanks in advance.
Box2D is an entirely independent of the graphics library that you use. It doesn't have any notion of sprites and textures. What you read online is correct, you'll have to convert pixels to metres, as Box2D works with metres(the standard unit for distance).
For example, if you drew a sprite of size 100x100 pixels, that's the size of the sprite that you want the user to see on the screen. In real world the size of the object should be in metres and not in pixels - so if you say 1px = 1m, then that'll map the sprite to a gigantic 100x100 meter object. In Box2D, large world objects will slow down calculations. So what you need to do is map the 100 pixels to a smaller number of meters, say, 1 meter - thus 100x100px sprite will be represented in Box2D world by a 1x1 meter object.
Box2D doesn't work well with very small numbers and very large numbers. So keep it in between, say between 0.5 and 100, to have good performance.
Ok. Now I get your question.
Don't code to pixels. Its as simple as that. I know it'll take some time to understand this(it took for me). But once you get the hang of it, its straight forward.
Instead of pixels, use a unit, say, you call it meter.
So we decide our viewport should be say 6mx5m.
So initialization is
Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 6;
Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 5;
void init() {
camera = new OrthographicCamera(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT);
camera.position.set(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH/2, Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT/2, 0);
Once you know the actual width and height, you call the following function in order to maintain aspect ratio:
public void resize(int width, int height) {
camera.viewportHeight = (Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH / width) * height;
resize() can be called anytime you change your screen size(eg: when you screen orientation changes). resize() takes the actual width and height (320x480 etc), which is the pixel value.
Now you specify you sprite sizes, their positions etc. in this new world of size 6x5. You can forget pixels. The minimum size of the sprite that'll fill the screen will be 6x5.
You can now use the same unit with Box2D. Since the new dimensions will be smaller, it won't be a problem for Box2D. If I remember correctly Box2D doesn't have any unit. We just call it meter for convenience sake.
Now you might ask where you specify the dimensions of the window. It depends on the platform. Following code shows a 320x480 windowed desktop game:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
cfg.title = "my-game";
cfg.useGL20 = false;
cfg.width = 480;
cfg.height = 320;
new LwjglApplication(new MyGame(), cfg);
Our camera will intelligently map the 6x5 viewport to 480x320.

Achieve parallax effect in libGDX game

I'm working in a game with some friends in which we have a large horizontal world and a OrthographicCamera that shows only 1/3 of it. This camera it's moved when the horizontal position of the player change so the camera only move to the left and to the right.
Some of the objects showed in the game are near the player point-of-view but others are far away (for example, islands). With this in consideration, we cannot set fixed positions for elements and move only the camera. We need to achieve a parallax effect taking in consideration the distance of the elements.
Here is a simple image to explain it better:
The viewport to the left shows 3 objects of the game. The green one is near the player, the red ellipse is far and the yellow one is in the middle. In the viewport to the right the camera has been moved to the right so all the objects disappear to the left. The thing is that the relative movement of the green rectangle is greater than the movement of the yellow. In the same way, movement of yellow object is greater than red object movement.
I created all my assets scaled taking in consideration how far they are but now, how can I simulate this perspective using libGDX? Is there any class to do it? If I have to set elements position in each iteration, how could I calculate the right position?
Note that the example below is not tested as I am just recalling how I did it. The idea is simple - create layers with an extra layer for each with initial positions and velocity and move them. If a layer goes off the edge, put another one (that is why we create an extra layer) at the opposite edge.
Say you have a parallax object that takes initial positions, size, and velocity-
public class Parallax extends DynamicGameObject {
public float width, height; // Use setter/getter if you prefer
public Parallax(float x, float y, float width, float height, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
super(x, y, width, height);
velocity.set(velocityX, velocityY);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
public void update(float deltaTime) {
position.add(velocity.x * deltaTime, velocity.y * deltaTime);
public void setPosition(float x, float y) {
position.set(x, y);
DynamicGameObject is taken from SuperJumper demo-
public class DynamicGameObject extends GameObject {
public final Vector2 velocity;
public final Vector2 accel;
public DynamicGameObject(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
super(x, y, width, height);
velocity = new Vector2();
accel = new Vector2();
GameObject as well-
public class GameObject {
public final Vector2 position;
public final Rectangle bounds;
public GameObject(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
this.position = new Vector2(x,y);
this.bounds = new Rectangle(x - width/2f, y - height/2f, width, height);
Say we have two layers - one in front and the other goes at back. We have one texture for each. Each texture fills the entire screen. We create two instances for each layer so that when one texture starts going off the screen, the other shows up at the edge to fill the gap. If you have smaller textures, you need to determine first how many textures you need to fill the screen and then create layers with one extra to fill the gap in between.
We can create an array of parallax layers during world creation-
Array<Parallax> parallaxList = new Array<Parallax>(4);
We can create the layers like this-
// Back
/* First parallax for back layer is at 0 x-axis. If you want to move the texture from right to left, the value of BACK_VELOCITY_X should be negative. You can experiment with velocity value for desire pace of movement. We do not want our layer to move on y-axis. Hence, it is set to 0. */
/* This one is also for back layer but it is positioned at the right edge of the layer above*/
// Front
We update the layers on an update call in each frame-
// In our example, TOTAL_LAYERS is 4
for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_LAYERS; i++) {
int tmpInt;
Parallax parallax = parallaxList.get(i);
// If one layer is off the edge, put it at the right of the next one
// In this example, layers are moving from right to left
if (parallax.position.x <= -parallax.width) {
// We know that parallaxList's indexes 0 and 1 hold the back layers
// and indexes 2 and 3 have the front layers. You can add additional
// parameters in Parallax class to indicate a group so that you do not
// have to determine the group in dirty way like this
if(i == 0){
tmpInt = 1;
} else if(i == 1) {
tmpInt = 0;
} else if(i == 2) {
tmpInt = 3;
} else {
tmpInt = 2;
parallax.setPosition(parallaxList.get(tmpInt).position.x + parallax.width, parallax.position.y);
You can use an OrthographicCamera and a SpriteBatch to draw the parallax layers. You can actually use the game camera you have but I think using a separate camera is much cleaner. Anyways, parallax textures are usually big enough to be batched in a separate call so using the game camera most probably will not save you a draw call.

LWJGL first person camera using jBullet

I've got a camera set up, and I can move with WASD and rotate the view with the mouse. But now comes the problem: I want to add physics to the camera/player, so that it "interacts" with my other jBullet objects. How do I do that? I thought about creating a RigidBody for the camera and storing the position there, so that jBullet can apply its physics to the camera. Then, when I need to change something (the position), I could simply change it in the RigidBody. But I didn't find any methods for editing the position.
Can you push me in the right direction or maybe give me an example source code?
I was asking the same question myself a few days ago. My solution was as Sierox said. To create a RigidBody of BoxShape and add that to the DynaicsWorld. To move the camera arund, apply force to its rigidbody. I have damping set to .999 for linear and 1 for angular to stop the camera when no force is applied, i.e. the player stops pressing the button.
I also use body.setAngularFactor(0); so the box isn't tumbling all over the place. Also set the mass really low as not to interfere too much with other objects, but still be able to jump on then and run into them, and otherwise be affected by them.
Remember to convert your x,y, and z coordinates to cartesian a plane so you move in the direction of the camera. i.e.
protected void setCartesian(){//set xyz to a standard plane
yrotrad = (float) (yrot / 180 * Math.PI);
xrotrad = (float) (xrot / 180 * Math.PI);
float pd = (float) (Math.PI/180);
x = (float) (-Math.cos(xrot*pd)*Math.sin(yrot*pd));
z = (float) (-Math.cos(xrot*pd)*Math.cos(yrot*pd));
//y = (float) Math.sin(xrot*pd);
public void forward(){// move forward from position in direction of camera
x += (Math.sin(yrotrad))*spd;
z -= (Math.cos(yrotrad))*spd;
//y -= (Math.sin(xrotrad))*spd;
body.applyForce(new Vector3f(x,0,z),getThrow());
public Vector3f getThrow(){// get relative position of the camera
float nx=x,ny=y,nz=z;
float xrotrad, yrotrad;
yrotrad = (float) (yrot / 180 * Math.PI);
xrotrad = (float) (xrot / 180 * Math.PI);
nx += (Math.sin(yrotrad))*2;
nz -= (Math.cos(yrotrad))*2;
ny -= (Math.sin(xrotrad))*2;
return new Vector3f(nx,ny,nz);
to jump just use body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector3f(0,jumpHt,0)); and set jumpHt to whatever velocity you wish.
I use getThrow to return a vector for other objects i may be "throwing" on screen or carrying. I hope I answered your question and didn't throw in too much non-essential information.I'll try and find the source that gave me this idea. I believe it was on the Bullet forums.
------- EDIT ------
Sorry to have left that part out
once you have the rigid body functioning properly you just have to get it's coordinates and apply that to your camera for example:
float mat[] = new float[16];
Transform t = new Transform();
t = body.getWorldTransform(t);
x = mat[0];
y = mat[1];
z = mat[2];
gl.glRotatef(xrot, 1, 0, 0); //rotate our camera on teh x-axis (left and right)
gl.glRotatef(yrot, 0, 1, 0); //rotate our camera on the y-axis (up and down)
gl.glTranslatef(-x, -y, -z); //translate the screen to the position of our camera
In my case I'm using OpenGL for graphics. xrot and yrot represent the pitch and yaw of your camera. the code above gets the world transform in the form of a matrix and for the purposes of the camera you need only to pull the x,y, and z coordinates then apply the transform.
from here, to move the camera, you can set the linear velocity of the rigid body to move the camera or apply force.
Before you read this answer I would like to mention that I have a problem with the solution stated in my answer. You can follow my question about that problem so that you can have the solution too if you use this answer.
So. First, you need to create a new BoxShape:
CollisionShape cameraHolder = new BoxShape(SIZE OF CAMERAHOLDER);
And add it to your world so that it interacts with all the other objects. Now you need to change all the methods about camera movement (not rotation) so that the methods move your cameraHolder but not your camera. Then set the position of your Camera to the position of the cameraHolder.
Again, if you have a problem where you can't move properly, you can check my question and wait for an answer. You also can find a better way of doing this.
If you have problems or did not understand something about the answer, please state it as a comment.

