I am currently implementing Contact Application using Google Contact API in Java. I have completed steps of authorization and obtained an access token and a refresh token.
Now I have the CLIENT_ID , CLIENT_SECRET AND REFRESH_TOKEN with me . But the access token is getting expired within an hour.
Can someone tell how to automatically generate an access token using a refresh token in Java?
You can use Google OAuth2 client library for getting a new access token using a refresh token.
Here is my code for getting a new access token:
public TokenResponse refreshAccessToken(String refreshToken) throws IOException {
TokenResponse response = new GoogleRefreshTokenRequest(
new NetHttpTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(),
"your clientId",
"your clientSecret")
System.out.println("Access token: " + response.getAccessToken());
return response;
For more information read the official Google API guide:
OAuth 2.0 and the Google OAuth Client Library for Java
I have implemented this scenario in two ways. Not sure they are the best or not but works well for me.
In both cases you have to store the refresh token along with the email id of the user. Then you have to make a HTTP request in the below format.
POST /oauth2/v4/token HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
It will return the access_token and expires_in
Now the question is how and when to do the http request. So for that I have two ways.
1st one
Store the emailid,refresh token, access token and the current time+3600 seconds. In your database you can schedule to check the expire time in every 5 min and if current time of any user is going to reach(before 5 or 10 min) the expire time, get the refresh token and update the value for that particular user. And during api call just fetch the access token of the user.
2nd one
When user do login in your site, get the access token and current time+ 3600secs and store it in browser cookies. Now before doing any api call just check whether the current time(time when api call is done) is less than the expire time(stored in cookie). If its true then you can use the previous access token else get a new one and again update the cookie. Also you have to put another condition that if the cookie is not present at all then also you have to get new refresh token.
Trying to read data of specific envelopes from DocuSign using completely backend java process ... and after some trial and error I've obtained AccessToken with JWT grant but still getting authorization error when asking for actual data :(
Defined new integration key 9xxx7e
User Application: Authorization Code Grant
No secrets added
Service Integration - uploaded public RSA key
Added one Redirect URI (regardless I don't need any)
Manual confirmation of corresponding link : https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/auth?response_type=code&scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=9xxx7e&state=123&redirect_uri=https://my.redirect.net/DocuSign ... assuming it is just one-time action
Successfully requested Access Token using java code (using com.docusign:docusign-esign-java:3.10.1)
ApiClient = new ApiClient(ApiClient.DEMO_REST_BASEPATH);
OAuthToken token = apiClient.requestJWTApplicationToken(integrationKeyJwt, scopes, privateKeyFileContent, 3600);
Trying to get envelope data using simple HttpGet
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2.1/accounts/6xxx1e/envelopes");
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.getAccessToken());
but still got 401 response with content:
{"errorCode":"AUTHORIZATION_INVALID_TOKEN","message":"The access token provided is expired, revoked or malformed. Authentication for System Application failed."}
Please any idea what is wrong? How to obtain correct Access Token?
P.S.: I also tried to get Authorization Code Grant without JWT or implicit grant but no luck without browser tough :(
I would recommend that you print the accessToken you're creating in a file and use in Postman. This will at least help you narrow it down to either the Token generation step or sending the request portion.
Let us know what you find.
Problem was/is with use of apiClient.requestJWTApplicationToken but apiClient.requestJWTUserToken is the way to go
Is this use-case supported for Spring Security 5, or something else, where we don't have to reinvent the wheel? Thoughts on how to (re)implement this better?
Details are as follows. 3rd party vendor supplied endpoints. We pull info from upstream source then forward to the downstream vendor. Only 2 APIs are required:
Request Access Token
Save Info
Both are actually being called via a gateway. We've been given specifics:
The token request requires Basic Auth (standard header - usual base64 encoded). Gateway User and Gateway Password are provided.
Credentials for request token are provided to us:
Grant Type = password
Consumer Id
Consumer Secret
Account User
Account Password
It responds with an access token and few other details we don't really care about and of zero value to our use-case.
There is no expires_in info in the response. But I've tested it multiple times to know it does expire. Not sure how long right now, I could do more tests to determine that.
The save request requires a different custom header for the same Gateway User / Password, then a Bearer Authorization header in the call to the Save Info API.
Right now, all implementations for above are using RestTemplate. Working fine already. But a token is requested for each save which is costly. Before writing any caching, or some other logic to wait XY minutes before another token request is made, I would appreciate any other options which may already be possibly handled via Spring-specific libraries or further advise on how to handle this scenario.
Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this, or it has already been asked before. Been searching for a similar use-case but can't seem to find one.
Try any one of the option
You can use OAuth2ClientContext which stores your access token.
final OAuth2RestTemplate restTemplate=new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails, clientContext);
You can create session & store your token & user details inside it.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null,null);
from option 1 Or option 2 you can then fetch existing token for each request at your Filter e.g. PRE_AUTH_FILTER
Then check if token expired - if yes request new token Or call refresh token
Check Oauth2 expires_in in below :-
I am using FusionAuth for authentication. I have created one application in the FusionAuth. It has oAuth configured.
This is my authorization url to one the FusionAuth login page.
Once I hit the link and enter the user name and password, I get the call back on configured call back url in my java jersey api.
I get the following details in the call back request.
code - dZgq5Xd0YmAQXZ2JIzkih832iojimgLUPwT7yoH9-TY
locale - en_US
userState - AuthenticatedNotRegistered
Here I am using Scribe Java library for OAuth authentication
I make call to get the access token call usnig the Scribe java libary with the given authorization code and grant_type is authorization_code.
Here this call get success and I get the below detail in the response.
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImRRZTA1Uk1vN19oVjZUUnpLVUQ1aXpRU2NSOCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI5ZWNjNTRiNy02Zjc5LTQxMDUtYTIwOC1jYTYxZTYxNTdiNTgiLCJleHAiOjE1Nzc3MTg0NjgsImlhdCI6MTU3NzcxODM0OCwiaXNzIjoiYWNtZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiI3ZWE3OWRhZi1hZjExLTQ1MTUtODljYS1iOGFjYTFjN2I5YTEiLCJhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvblR5cGUiOiJQQVNTV09SRCIsImVtYWlsIjoiZGhhdmFsYmhvb3Q5M0BnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6dHJ1ZSwicHJlZmVycmVkX3VzZXJuYW1lIjoiZGhhdmFsYmhvb3QifQ.eA0Xi6nEZhWaTMd-P26ESdE3NsyXNRNVBKBdBvHxvzfHgXYJiN2pf-16mY8JK-4-1g3vZF7Cwv-SkP4iZAIJCYYc3uBW8Qlcjjn9cyi7_RggBBBsErcs2acRIt-D5NpnVJfkxHwGAs9fO6a2Win98GGYyv1nzBG9OhWkyZJTy4QxzlgXNrkQIzTuzRwLkRFzKCT95pqfsOYb_MXPuAksg5q1SHIj8qtbO7EO-vMbpmiok1C-Wflbiq2X_tq17QBKbO4JAMLm9_pCZse1tqLyNP4fIh3VHTz7OdbbXvug2Tpk_yTWLVL_29XC87-91R5iXeezLjADkdi1yXMUdHioOw",
"expires_in": 119,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"userId": "7ea79daf-af11-4515-89ca-b8aca1c7b9a1"
Here, I do not get the refresh_token, in any case, user first time login or in any case.
This is JWT token and I had reduced the expiry time to 120 seconds.
In application OAuth setup I enable Generate refresh tokens option.
The only problem here I have is, I do not receive the refresh token.
Help me with this.
Thank you.
To obtain a Refresh Token as a result of the Authorization Code Grant, you'll need to request the offline_access scope.
You can modify your request as follows (line breaks added for readability)
As a side note, adding prompt=consent is fine, but it will not affect the request as this is not yet available in FusionAuth. Please upvote the feature request if this is something you'd like to see in an upcoming release. https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-issues/issues/411
I get a valid code on the client side login of my application using angularJS Oauth Module GAuth.checkAuth(). and then GAuth.getToken().
The code is valid only for 1 hour and any API like GoogleDocs,Gmail accessed after 1 hour fails and needs relogin.
To overcome this I am trying to send the code to the server for getting AccessCode at Server so that I can send same with requests to GoogleDocs, Gmail etc
GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest req =
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(
new NetHttpTransport(),
// "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token",
//req.put("refresh_token", authCode);
//req.put("access_type", "offline");
GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse =
Where authCode is the code I received in GAuth Token
But the call is failing and in response I get
400 Bad Request
"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Incorrect token type."
Any help is highly appreciated!
When the user first authenticates your application you are given an authorization code. You then need to take this authorization code and exchange it for an access token and a refresh token. Once the authorization code has been used it can not be used again.
Denotes that you are asking Google to verifiy that your authorization code and give you a new access token and refresh token.
It sound to me like you are taking either the access token returned from that request and sending it to grant_type=authorization_code end point which is not going to work its the wrong type of code. hens the error you are getting of
400 Bad Request { "error" : "invalid_grant", "error_description" : "Incorrect token type." }
You will need to take the refresh token you are given. If there is one I am not sure that you can even get a refresh token from AngularJs. You can get one using java though.
A refresh of an access token in pure rest will look like this
Note the &grant_type=refresh_token. If you are using the Google api java client library it should handle all of that for you. However your tagging is a little confusing its unclear if you are trying to do this in java or angularjs which I do not believe will allow you to use refresh tokens. Again I am not an angular dev I could be wrong on that point.
You the code you are sending is not an authorization code. Only an authorization code can be sent to grant_type=authorization_code. Solution: Send an authorization_code
Types of Google codes and tokens:
There are three types of codes or tokens you should be aware of with Oauth2.
Authorization code.
Refresh token
Access token
When you request access of a user and they grant your application access you are given an Authorization code. The Authorization code is short lived it probably less then 10 minutes and it can only be used once.
The Authorization code is used to get the initial access token and the refresh token from googles authentication server. by using the grant_type=authorization_code
Access token are good for about an hour. They are used to make calls to google APIs
https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me?access_token={your access token}
You can use the access token as often as you want during that hour assuming you don't blow out some quota.
Refresh tokens are used to request a new access token from the Google authentication server when the access token you have current has expired or you just want a new one. here the grant_type=refresh_token is used to request a new access token you are essentially telling google I am sending you a refresh token you know what to do.
additional reading
I have a coupe of tutorials that might help you out Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow and Google Developer Console Oauth2 credentials
Also helpful when learning Oauth: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
We are using restFB 1.6.12. I am getting the facebook access token in two ways,
SCOPE = "email,read_stream";
Redirect to facebook as the example. As a result I'll get an
authorization code
asking for an access_token using,
this returns the access token like this,
2. AccessToken accessToken = new
String token=accessToken.getAccessToken();
It reurns the access token like this,
If I use the first(1) one, it works fine for first access after then every access throws an error
Auth Token= {"error":{"message":"This authorization code has been used.","type":"OAuthException","code":100}}
If I use the second(2) one, it works fine only for publicSearchMessages but when I access publicEvents or other searches it throws an error
com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#200) Must have a valid access_token to access this endpoint
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient$DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper.exceptionForTypeAndMessage(DefaultFacebookClient.java:766)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.throwFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(DefaultFacebookClient.java:688)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequestAndProcessResponse(DefaultFacebookClient.java:630)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(DefaultFacebookClient.java:592)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(DefaultFacebookClient.java:556)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.fetchConnection(DefaultFacebookClient.java:219)
My question is, what is the difference between these two access token and how can I programmatically generate access code for first one to works publicSearchMessages, getPublicEvents and other searches?
Which one access token is used to works as expected?
Access_tokens allow users to interact with your apps in secure and social ways. While we are removing the use of the offline_access permission, through a migration setting in the App Dashboard, we are now allowing the option to use access_tokens with a long-lived expiration time that can be renewed each time the user revisits your app
When a user visits your site with an existing, valid, short-lived user access_token, you have the option to extend the expiration time of that access token.
extend the expiration time once per day, so even if a user revisits your site multiple times a day, the token will be extended the first time requested. You must make sure to call the new endpoint below before the short-lived access_token expires.
Using the new endpoint below, you will be able to extend the expiration time of an existing, non-expired, short-lived user access_token.
To get the long-lived user access_token simply pass your own client_id (your app_id), your app_secret, and the non-expired, short-lived access_token to the endpoint. You will be returned a new long-lived user access_token; this access_token will exist in addition to the short-lived access_token that was passed into the endpoint
In short Get a page access token – those don’t expire per default; and make sure to do so with a long-time user access token
You can access facebook doc here for more info
To get an extended Page Access Token, exchange the User Access Token for a long-lived one and then request the Page token. This "extended" token for Pages will actually not have any expiry time.
resolve this by executing a curl request, and saving "Page access token" in your code manually