I am stuck with a very annoying issue. I want to create an Observable that emits some values after the initialization of some component. The problem is that the other component behaves strange and calls back on the main thread.
its callback can be an error or success:
interface Callback {
fun onError()
fun onSuccess() <-- this is always called on the main thread
Now I want to create an Observable that will only run once the init call was done:
val initSubject = CompletableSubject.create()
<T> fun withInit(call : (ObservableEmitter<T>) -> Unit) =
.doOnSubscribe { startInit() }
.andThen(Observable.create{ emitter ->
fun startInit() {
if (!initSubject.hasComplete()) {
strangeComponent.init(object : Callback {
override fun onSuccess() {
// will be called from the main thread
And I use this like:
withInit {
//---- heavy code ------
.subscribe {
log("received $it")
So it turns out that the heavy code part is always called from the main
thread instead of the computation thread. How do I access the given subscribeOn schedular and how do I wrap a callback so that its thread model does not affect the observable chain?
I tried all kind of constructs including serialized and AsyncSubject etc to
fix this but it is always consistent.
I have this function:
suspend fun functionCall(): Job {
return MainScope().launch {
var i = 0
while(i < 3) {
And I am calling from an external function when a button is clicked:
MainScope().launch {
if(functionCall().isActive) {
Both of these functions are being run in a repository class.
And it is still iterating through the whole while loop even after the above if statement is triggered. What I'm noticing while debugging is "i" is also being reset to 0 which could indicate the job is being triggered more than once but it is definitely being triggered only once so I'm confused about what is happening.
What I want to happen is after that if statement for the entire job to cancel and for the entire function to return and run no more code.
I've also tried while(ensureActive) and the same thing is happening.
How do I do this?
Since this is Android, you should launch your UI-related coroutines from lifecycleScope. If you have a job that needs to survive screen rotations, you should launch it from inside a ViewModel from viewModelScope, and it must not touch any UI elements.
If you want to cancel a specific coroutine when an event happens, you should store that coroutine Job in a property so you can call cancel() on it. So a typical pattern inside an Activity for example might be:
private var fooJob: Job? = null
private fun fooSomething() {
fooJob = lifecycleScope.launch {
repeat(5) {
Log.i("count", it.toString())
private fun cancelCurrentFoo() {
Suppose you have a coroutine job you can start by calling one of the functions of your ViewModel, but you want the Activity/Fragment to be able to cancel it early. Then you expose a function that returns the coroutine Job:
fun foo() = viewModelScope.launch {
repeat(5) {
Log.i("count", it.toString())
The Activity can call this function and it gets a Job instance in return that it can call cancel() on whenever it wants.
Trying to get lastLocation and once it's done call api. But somehow once location is obtained my api calls always running in mainThread, so i'm getting exception:
Here is my location observer:
fun getLocation(): Single<Location> {
return Single.create<Location> { subscriber ->
fusedLocationClient.lastLocation.addOnSuccessListener {
if (it != null) {
} else {
subscriber.onError(Exception("No location"))
Code that does some transformations
val locationObserver = getLocation()
observables.add(locationObserver.flatMap { _ -> sendDataToServer(data)})
Single.zip(observables) { args1 -> args1 }.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe({
}, {
Timber.i("Error %s", observables.size, it.localizedMessage)
I've set subscribeOn so it shouldn't be on mainThread, but looks like something missed.
Found that if i will use something like Single.just("One").flatMap{ ... } that will work fine and will be executed on non-main thread.
Is there something to do with getLocation function?
The order of subscribeOn, observeOn, subscribe, and transformations matters. Apparently, it's needed to do the transformations, in this case, the flatMap after specifying the observer thread with observeOn to make sure the code is executed in the right thread.
Vertx docs suggests to use executeBlocking() method when one needs to call blocking API. On the other hand Vertx also offers a notion of Future which basically do the same thing. But the executeBlocking() method isn't static. It is also not a simple wrapper around Future, and if you look at its implementation you'll see that it's pretty complex. What's the difference between these two?
Assume that I want to execute some long running task in an async way. Is there any difference between these two methods?
method 1:
doTheJob() {
Future<Void> future = Future.future();
return future;
doTheJob().setHandler(asyncResult -> {
// ... handle result
method 2:
vertx.executeBlocking(future -> {
}, res -> {
// ... handle result
Your first example is not a correct usage of Future. The call to executeLongRunningBlockingOperation() will block the main thread until that method has completed — i.e. nothing else can happen until the blocking operation finishes. In your second example the blocking call is spun off into a background thread and other things continue to happen while it executes.
To illustrate this with a more complete example, this code:
public void executeLongRunningBlockingOperation() {
public Future<Void> doTheJob() {
System.out.println("Doing the job...");
Future<Void> future = Future.future();
// this line will not be called until executeLongRunningBlockingOperation returns!
// nor will this method! This means that the method won't return until the long operation is done!
return future;
public static void main(String[] args) {
doTheJob().setHandler(asyncResult -> {
System.out.println("Finished the job");
System.out.println("Doing other stuff in the mean time...");
Will produce the following output:
Doing the job...
Finished the job
Doing other stuff in the mean time...
Whereas this code (using the executeBlocking):
public Future<Void> doTheJob() {
System.out.println("Doing the job...");
Future<Void> future = Future.future();
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx.executeBlocking(call -> {
}, result -> {
// this will only be called once the blocking operation is done
// this method returns immediately since we are not blocking the main thread
return future;
Will produce:
Doing the job...
Doing other stuff in the mean time...
Finished the job
If you'd like to develop a better understanding of Vert.x I'd recommend the following hands-on tutorials:
Can anyone see any reason why this would not be working?
override fun resetAnimations() {
Log.d("MainActivity", "start")
Handler().postDelayed( { reset()}, 1500)
Log.d("MainActivity", "end")
fun reset(){
Log.d("MainActivity", "reset")
I'm calling this in some arbitrary place in my activity but the reset() method is never called. In the logs I'm only getting the following
D/MainActivity: start
It looks like its blocking on postDelay.. even when I set the value to 1 or replace postDelay with pose, doesn't work.
when i implement like this, it works;
private lateinit var handler : Handler
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
handler = Handler()
override fun resetAnimations() {
handler.postDelayed( { reset()}, 1500)
I think the problem has something to do with the fact that I was calling resetAnimations() from a background thread, and creating the handler on the background thread..
I was calling resetAnimations() from a background thread.
That's the problem. Your handler couldn't post a Message onto a MessageQueue, because there isn't any MessageQueue on your background thread.
So, instead of this:
Handler().postDelayed( { reset()}, 1500)
Perform this:
Handler(Looper.getMainThread()).postDelayed( { reset()}, 1500)
I am writing a Play2 application service method in Java that should do the following. Asynchronously call method A, and if that fails, asynchronously call method B.
To illustrate assume this interface for the backend called by the service:
public interface MyBackend {
CompletionStage<Object> tryWrite(Object foo);
CompletionStage<Object> tryCleanup(Object foo);
So in my service method, I want to return a Future that can complete with these:
Success of tryWrite completed
Fail of tryWrite and Success of tryCleanup completed and failing with exception of tryWrite()
(Note: Of course tryWrite() could do any cleanup itself, this is a simplified example to illustrate a problem)
The implementation of a service calling the backend like this seems difficult to me because the CompletionStage.exceptionally() method does not allow Composing.
Version 1:
public class MyServiceImpl {
public CompletionStage<Object> tryWriteWithCleanup(Object foo) {
CompletionStage<Object> writeFuture = myBackend.tryWrite(foo)
.exceptionally((throwable) -> {
CompletionStage<Object> cleanupFuture = myBackend.tryCleanup(foo);
throw new RuntimeException(throwable);
return writeFuture;
So version 1 calls tryCleanup(foo) in a non-blocking way, but the CompletionStage returned by tryWriteWithCleanup() will not wait for cleanupFuture to complete. How to change this code to return a future from the service that would also wait for completion of cleanupFuture?
Version 2:
public class MyServiceImpl {
public CompletionStage<Object> tryWriteWithCleanup(Object foo) {
final AtomicReference<Throwable> saveException = new AtomicReference<>();
CompletionStage<Object> writeFuture = myBackend
.exceptionally(t -> {
// continue with cleanup
return null;
.thenCompose((nil) -> {
// if no cleanup necessary, return
if (saveException.get() == null) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
return CompletionStage<Object> cleanupFuture = myBackend.tryCleanup(foo)
.exceptionally(cleanupError -> {
// log error
return null;
.thenRun(() -> {
throw saveException.get();
return writeFuture;
Version2 uses an external AtomicReference to store the failure, and makes the asynchronous second call in another thenCompose() block, if there was a failure.
All my other attempts to do so ended up so unwieldy that I don't want to paste them here.
Unfortunately CompletionStage/CompletableFuture does not provide exception handling API's with composition.
You can work around this though by relying on a handle() with a BiFunction that returns a CompletionStage. This will give you nested stages (CompletionStage<CompletionStage<Object>>) that you can the "unnest" using compose(identity()):
public CompletionStage<Object> tryWriteWithCleanup(Object foo) {
return myBackend.tryWrite(foo)
.handle((r, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
return myBackend.tryCleanup(foo)
.handle((r2, e2) -> {
// Make sure we always return the original exception
// but keep track of new exception if any,
// as if run in a finally block
if (e2 != null) {
// wrapping in CompletionException behaves as if
// we threw the original exception
throw new CompletionException(e);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(r);
You may simply wait for the completion inside the handler:
public CompletionStage<Object> tryWriteWithCleanup(Object foo) {
return myBackend.tryWrite(foo).exceptionally(throwable -> {
throw new CompletionException(throwable);
This will defer the completion of the result CompletionStage to the completion of the cleanup stage. Using CompletionException as wrapper will make the wrapping transparent to the caller.
However, it has some drawbacks. While the framework might utilize the thread while waiting or spawn a compensation thread, if it is a worker thread, the blocked thread might be the caller thread if the stage returned by tryWrite happens to be already completed when entering exceptionally. Unfortunately, there is no exceptionallyAsync method. You may use handleAsync instead, but it will complicate the code while still feeling like a kludge.
Further, exceptions thrown by the cleanup may shadow the original failure.
A cleaner solution may be a bit more involved:
public CompletionStage<Object> tryWriteWithCleanup(Object foo) {
CompletableFuture<Object> writeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
myBackend.tryWrite(foo).whenComplete((obj,throwable) -> {
myBackend.tryCleanup(foo).whenComplete((x,next) -> {
try {
if(next!=null) throwable.addSuppressed(next);
finally {
return writeFuture;
This simply creates a CompletableFuture manually, allowing to control its completion, which will happen either directly by the action chained to tryWrite’s stage in the successful case, or by the action chained to the cleanup stage in the exceptional case. Note that the latter takes care about chaining a possible subsequent cleanup exception via addSuppressed.