Spring Cloud (Netflix OSS) Vs WSO2 - java

With the goal of building multiple microservices that are fault tolerant and resilient:
Microservices are currently being built using Spring Boot
What are the key differences between WSO2 API Manager and Spring Cloud ?
Using different components of Spring Cloud can one build a comparable solution akin to WSO2 API manager or general API manger ? If so what would be the components of Spring Cloud one could use ?
Can one mix and match components of Spring Cloud with WSO2 API manager ? How compatible is WSO2 API manager with Spring Cloud ?
For example: Use the load balancer(Ribbon) and Service Discovery(Eureka) of Spring Cloud and then also use Security and the analytic components of WS02


Hi how do I implement OAuth 2.0 for Microsoft exchange in spring boot application

The springboot application uses camel configuration and I want to implement OAuth 2.0 for connecting to mailbox of different application through Microsoft exchang using IMAPS protocol. How do I implement it.
I have the tenant id, client id, token value and token id.
We added a component specific for that: https://camel.apache.org/components/3.20.x/others/mail-microsoft-oauth.html
And for the Spring Boot starter you can look at spring boot starter related to this component.

Difference between Spring on Azure and Azure Spring Cloud

I'm new to Azure and its services and I'm trying to sort out the differences. If one wants to deploy a Spring Boot app on Azure can this be done without using Azure Spring Cloud? Also, can Azure functions be integrated only with Azure Spring Cloud?
Here are the documentation pages for both:
Spring on Azure
Azure Spring Cloud
Spring on Azure provides solution for integration with Azure Services such as Active Directory. It has nothing common with Spring Cloud project and is not targeted to the microservice architecture only.
Azure Spring Cloud is a project that enables easy deployment of Spring Cloud based microservice applications to Azure while keeping the implementation platform agnostic. On top of that it offers solutions of components what is the microservice architecture about such as service discovery and registry, configuration management etc.

Spring Java resource security in Google cloud K8s cluster

I'm creating my service in Google Cloud platform Kubernetes cluster, it is a simple application that has two endpoints one is public another is secured. For authentication, I use Cloud Identity. Cloud identity is using Firebase under the hood and JWT token has some attributes such as name which in my case is "firebase" and audiences which corresponds to my project id.
For AppEngine app I can use cloud endpoints and it verifies JWT, but what I should use when deploying app to Kubernetes ? I saw that one option is Istio are there more options ?
You can use Cloud Endpoint with GKE.
Check this official tutorial : Getting started with Cloud Endpoints on GKE, it may help you.
For your information, you can also consider Cloud Run as a fully serverless alternative. It provides a built-in authentication layer.

Spring Integration microservices visualization tool

I have an application based on microservices which communicate to each other via queues and topics. Each microservice is built using Spring Integration with XML configurations.
Is there a tool/framework that I could use to automatically generate diagram for the whole application, which would ideally show Spring Integration details for each microservice and as well the connection (via queues/topics) between the microservices?
Each application can be visualized using the spring integration runtime graph together with a viewer application.
See the file-split-ftp sample for an example. The viewer mentioned on the README page is in the the angular 1.x branch of the referenced spring-flo project.
If you create your microservices using Spring Cloud Stream and deploy/orchestrate them using Spring Cloud Dataflow, you can visualize them at a higher level; examples are in the reference manual.

Integrate REST Web Services with Spring Integration

I have implemented Restful web services using spring technologies. Now, I need to integrate these services to work together on the same context using spring integration.
How To make web services methods as endpoints ? How can I realize the coreography of web services ? How It is possible to transform messages exchanged between web services ?
The spring-integration tag has links to lots of resources.

