I am unable select checkbox in dropdown using selenium webdriver - java

It looks like this
id("ctl05_cbMulti_DropDown")/div[#class="rcbScroll rcbWidth"]/ul[#class="rcbList"]/li[#class="rcbHovered"]/label[1]/input[#class="rcbCheckBox"]
None of these are working
driver. findElement(By.xpath("(//input[#type='checkbox'])[2]")).click();
driver.findElement(By.id("ctl05_ctl03_cblUser_Input")).sendKeys("Smith, John");

Based on your follow up comment, the problem is that the child selector should be 1 as XPath child selectors are zero based, and the additional parenthesis aren't needed. Just change the number to reference the correct Checkbox, for example:
If you want to select the first Checkbox use this:
Using XPath:
Another way to do get the checkbox is using CSS Selectors:
And if you wanted to select the second Checkbox:
Using XPath:
Using CSS:
I'm more familiar with CSS so my XPath syntax my not be completely correct. But the idea remains the same.

I see some mistakes in your first line of code. You should not pass "(" inside xpath.
Correct code should be:
new WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable (By.xpath("//input[#type='checkbox'][2]")));
driver. findElement(By.xpath("//input[#type='checkbox'][2]").click();

check this example in http://simplejavautomation.blogspot.com/p/dropdown-checkbox.html
WebElement mutliSelect = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='mutliSelect']"));
mutliSelect.findElements(By.xpath(".//li")).forEach(li -> {


How to click a button where the class is the same for another options?

I am trying to click a button from a list but this button has the same class than others in the list because they have the same name (btn ban-red) so how can I click it if in the inspect I have this information:
<a class=“btn ban-red” data-track-event=“navigate” data-track=name=“Jobylon” - Quality Engineer” href=“https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/16654-f/” target=“_blank”>View job/a>
The inspect is copying this xpath:
But it is not working
I also created my own xpath this way:
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//a[#data-track-name=‘Jobylon - Quality Engineer’]"))).click();
But is not working either
I am using Selenium with java and I am in a Macbook, thank you for your help.
Absolute xpath not recommended. You can try using relative xpath.
Locate based on element text
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(.,'View job')]")).click()
Locate using combination of element attribute if classes are not unique
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class='btn ban-red'][#data-track-event='navigate']")).click()
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class="btn ban-red"][#href='https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/16654-f/']")).click()
Better to use CSS selector as its faster then xpath. So you try like
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[class='btn ban-red'][data-track-event='navigate']")).click()
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[class="btn ban-red"][href='https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/16654-f/']")).click()
Still facing some issue like element not visible or no such element then try with explicit wait conditions until your element gets visible or clickable.

Why am I not able to click the web element using the following code, even though I can see that the controller is tracking the xpath?

click here to check the page I am working on
The following is the java code:
The element is actually in the left navigation pane.
Here when this particular statement is getting executed, I can see that browser is moving down, but it does not click that element.
You have not properly written the xpath:
it should be : "//[#id='ref_2665398031']/li[4]/a/span[1]"
and if using WebDriver then
After correcting above if still error exists:
You are using a relative path which is relative to the element having id='ref_2665398031.
This id seems to be generated dynamically.
Please confirm two things:
Your code is not giving element not found error.
Page refresh is not changing this id. (If it is being generated dynamically than it will change on page refresh.)
Otherwise try using different approach:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), '50% Off or more')]"));
Use this xpath:
Try Below xpath it is working for me
Try JavaScriptExecutor instead of using normal Selenium click method.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//span[contains(text(),'50% Off or more')]"));
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return arguments[0].click();", element);

How to find element having dynamic ID / Name changing on every page load using Selenium WebDriver

I found a few answers about this but they did not answer my question an so I am writing a new question.
I have HTML code having below kind of checkbox elements (in browser's inspect element)
<input role="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354_grid_-1274" class="cbox" name="jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354_grid_-1274" value="true">
In my test case I want to click on checkbox using its ID using Selenium Webdriver.
here Id= "jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354grid-1274" is dynamic.
in above id, Bold & Italic marked letters (dynamic) will change with different check boxes in same page as well as page refresh.
Bold marked letters (dynamic) will change on page refresh only (remain same through all the check boxes in same page.)
How shoud I format/write XPATH so that I can click on desired check boxes using below statement.
WebElement checkbox = webDriver.findElement(By.id("idOfTheElement"));
if (!checkbox.isSelected()) {
Thanks for your help in advance.. !
Here are a few examples of xpaths which you can use to find your checkbox
OR, if you want more checks, try something like
//*[starts-with(#id,'jqg_TransactionFormModel') and contains(#id,'EditCollection2_')]
Additionally, you can try regex as well using matches
//*[matches(#id,'<regex matching your id>')]
You can use partial ID using cssSelector or xpath
webDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(#id, 'TransactionFormModel')]"));
You can replace TransactionFormModel with any other fixed part of the ID.
As a side note, no need to locate the element twice. You can do
WebElement checkbox = webDriver.findElement(By.id("idOfTheElement"));
if (!checkbox.isSelected()) {
You can write xpath like this :
I recommend not using ID's or xpath and adding a data attribute to your elements. This way, you can avoid the annoyance of xpath and have a strong selector that you feel confident will always be selectable.
For example, you could call the attribute: data-selector. You can assign a value of "transactionFormModelCheckbox". Then, when creating a new element, you create by css selector with the value referenced above.
No matter what type of formatting, you'll always be able to select that checkbox - as long as the element exists in the DOM. If you need to investigate other attributes, you can use the selector to do things like hasClass() or anything else you need.
Hope that helps !

How can I get text from element with Selenium webdriver and Java?

My code:
WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();
WebElement matchs = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("span.Head to Head"));
How can I crawl Manchester Utd and Celta Vigo?
WebElement matchs = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#title='Head to Head']"));
Use firebug and firepath addons in firefox and inspect that element and get the xpath and put it here inside double quotes in this code :
If you don't know how to use firebug and firepath refer this link
You can locate the element either by css selector or xpath selector
By using xpath
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#title='Head to Head']"));
By using css Selector
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("span > a[title='Head to Head']"));
OR Try somethings like this if not getting the match
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("td.cteams.ttgR2>span>a[title='Head to Head']"));
Note : in your code you are trying like span.Head to Head in CSS selector . dot represents the class and according to your path you are locating span tag which have class name "Head to Head" which doesn't exist in your dom as this is the title of anchor tag.
Went through the Firebug and Firepath plugins of Firefox initially to get the Xpath or css path
Explore some blogs to get clear understanding, you will be able to create by yourself
Refer This link for the same
I assume all the above answers doesn't work for you and am providing another answer.
I can see both the texts are under "a" tag. So the idea is to navigate to the element and use getText() - which returns the visible text.
String word = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span/a")).getText();
Hope this works for you.
In all of my tests I'm using the getAttribute like this to get text and it is working fine for me on all drivers :
assertEquals(strCity, txtCity.getAttribute("value"));

How to select options provided in a textbox using Selenium

Link: http://www.bbc.com/weather/
Scenario: Type "reading" on the find a forecast text box. This shows 2 options. How do I select one option using Selenium WebDriver?
I am using the following command to type "reading"
I added explict wait as you suggested and this worked with a small change in the css path. This is what I did:
WebElement suggestedList = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15)
.cssSelector("div[class='locator-suggestions locator-suggestions-default'] >ul >li:nth-of-type(1)")));
By.cssSelector("div[class='locator-suggestions locator-suggestions-default'] >ul >li:nth-of-type(1)"))
Use the following locator to click on the first element (first suggestion displayed after typing):
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div[class='locator-suggestions locator-suggestions-default'] li:nth-child(1)")).click();
Similarly you can click on the other element by changing the locator. For example to select the second element:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div[class='locator-suggestions locator-suggestions-default'] li:nth-child(2)")).click();
Just to add here, you may need to wait for the elements/suggestions (which you're trying to select) to be visible, before trying to click on those. Use/search for a appropriate wait method for your testing.
first you need to type "reading" in the field as you are doing by using driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#locator-form-search")).sendKeys("Reading");
then wait for element to be visible
Then try the above mentioned code to select the desired element.
Hope this helps.

