JPA (Hibernate) OneToOne Impedance Mismatch - java

I am studying JPA and Hibernate to build a Spring Boot webapp, and there's something that bugs me.
It is related to impedance mismatch in One To One relationships.
Let's say I have two domain entities, A and B, that have a one to one relationship.
This is what I would like to have:
in the Java Classes, I would like to have A hold a reference to B;
in the Database, I would like to have the table for "b" objects have a column with the foreign key to "a" keys.
Is there a way to do this with JPA and Hibernate in Spring Boot?
I report here the problem with real-world classes and code.
In my domain I have basically people and signatures.
Therefore, in my Java Code, I have Person #Entity and a Signature #Entity.
In Java, it makes sense to have the Person object own a Signature object.
So, here is the Person class:
#Table(name = "people")
public class Person {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "id")
private long id;
#Size(min = 3, max = 100)
private String firstName;
#Size(min = 3, max = 100)
private String lastName;
// ??? which annotations?
private Signature signature;
// I omit constructors, getters and setters for brevity
And this is the Signature class:
#Table(name = "signatures")
public class Signature {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "id")
private long id;
private String name;
private String type;
private byte[] image;
// I omit constructors, getters and setters for brevity
As you can see, Ids should be generated automatically, and I would like my Person class to have a reference to its Signature, and not vice-versa.
On the contrary, this is the DB schema I'd like to use:
CREATE SCHEMA signatures;
CREATE TABLE signatures.people (
first_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE signatures.signatures (
CONSTRAINT fk_signature_people FOREIGN KEY (person) REFERENCES signatures.people (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
As you can see here, I would like the Signatures table to have a foreign key to the People table, and not vice-versa.
Is this possible?

The #OneToOne mapping is a bit of an odd-ball. When the relationship is bi-directional, you can decide the owning side, but in a unidirectional relationship the declaring entity will always be the one with the foreign key.
One option is to make the relationship bi-directional, but hide the other direction in code.
The other way is to use a #OneToMany mapping, which will create the foreign key in the "many" table. This is also consistent with the database schema, as multiple child table rows could then link to the same parent row at least theoretically, especially if there's not a constraint to make sure they're unique.


in Spring jpa using the #ManyToMany relationship, why create a new class with #Embeddable?

According to the Spring JPA documentation, in the Many-To-Many relationship (student - course) we must create a new table (student_course)
class student ---> class student_course <--- class course
According to the documentation, if we want to add a new property to the table (student_course) we must create a new class that will contain the compound keys of the student class and the course class
class CourseStudentKey implements Serializable {
Long studentId;
#Column(name = "course_id")
Long courseId;
_ Then to the Student_Course class we assign the id of type CourseStudentKey that contains the compound keys:
class StudentCourse {
CourseRatingKey id;
#JoinColumn(name = "student_id")
Student student;
#JoinColumn(name = "course_id")
Course course;
My question is: What is the difference in creating only the StudentCourse class and doing the #ManyToOne mapping to the Student class and the Course class??... in this way we can also add attributes to the StudentCourse class
_Clase Student
class Student {
private idStudent;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "student")
List<StudentCourse> studentCourses = new ArrayList<>();
_Clase Course
class Course{
private idCourse;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "course")
List<StudentCourse> studentCourses = new ArrayList<>();
_Clase StudentCourse
class StudentCourse {
private idStudentCourse;
#JoinColumn(name = "student_id")
Student student;
#JoinColumn(name = "course_id")
Course course;
The only difference in the examples posted by you, is, in case of Embeddable, the student_id course_id would be a composite key, so there would only be one row allowed per student_id course_id combination. Whereas, in the second example, you have used generated primary key, ensuring multiple rows for each student_id course_id combination. This would be particularly useful if the student fails the course for the first time and attempts it again. You can then add parameters like attemped_on, is_completed, etc. to the student_course entity
Your examples show differences in the key, and as Chetan's answer states, this affects the key used in the table. The choices here isn't necessarily in using a separate class/embbeded class, but in using a single generated Identifier vs using a composite primary key for the entity.
In the embedded example you've posted, you have a composite primary key based on foreign key mappings. There are many other ways to map this same setup though, but the common parts will be:
composite PKs need an ID class. It doesn't have to be embedded in your class (see JPA derived IDs) but does need to exist. This is part of the JPA spec and allows em.find operations to deal with a single object.
ID values are immutable. They cannot change without remove/persist operations as per the JPA specification. Many providers don't like you even attempting to modify them in an Entity instance. In your embeddable example, you cannot change the references, while in the generated id example, you can.
It also affects what JPA requires you to use in foreign keys. If you use a composite ID, any references to that entity (*ToOne) that require foreign keys to that table are required to use its defined IDs - all columns that make up that ID. Some providers don't enforce this, but it will affect entity caching; since entities are cached on their IDs, using something else as the target of FKs might mean database hits for entities already in the cache.

How to trigger foreign key relation without adding a reference #Entity in hibernate?

The following relationship creates a foreign key mapping
public class Department {
private String name;
//some more fields
public class Employee {
private long id;
private String name;
private String designation;
#JoinColumn(name = "fk_department_id", foreignKey = #ForeignKey(name="fk_department"))
private Department department;
...CONSTRAINT fk_department FOREIGN KEY (fk_department_id) REFERENCES department (name)
Question: how can I trigger this constraint creation in hibernate without having to create the Department entity?
Eg just adding the foreign key #Id field without an explicit entity reference. But still trigger the fk on initial creation. The following is of course invalid:
#JoinColumn(name = "fk_department_id", foreignKey = #ForeignKey(name="fk_department"))
private String department;
You get the intention. Is that possible?
(sidenote: I'm not interested in creating that foreign key link by startup ddl/sql statements).
You'll have to drop #ManyToOne at least, since that's for entities.
The following should work by overriding the column definition to include the foreign key while creating it
#Column(name = "department_id", columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(255), foreign key (department_id) REFERENCES department(name)")
private String department;
Now there's only a column and a constraint defined, but no relation (as far as Hibernate knows) defined between entities.
Essentially copied from Hibernate and JPA: how to make a foreign key constraint on a String but that was darn hard to find, so I'm not just going to close this as a duplicate! ;)

JPA: How can an #Embeddable object get a reference back to its owner, but the #Embeddable is in a lazy collection?

I know that if you want to reference back from #Embeddable to its parent you can set the parent "manually" in the setter and use #Access(AccessType.PROPERTY) for this embedded field as stated in this answer, but what if this embedded element is mapped in a collection, which is lazy loaded?
Actually not sure whether this is an issue, if not "manually" reference back from #embeddable to its parent, everything is fine.
#CollectionTable.JoinColumns() is used to set the foreign key columns of the collection table which reference the primary table of the entity, which means that once set this optional property, there is no necessary to "manually" reference back from #embeddable to its parent.
Use your case as example:
public class Image {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
#ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#CollectionTable(name = "COMPUTERS", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "ID_IMAGE"))
private List<Computer> computers;
public class Computer {
private String ipAddress;
*****//This idImage field is not necessary
#Column(name = "ID_IMAGE", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Long idImage;*****
Once comment out the field idImage and its #Column annotation, the generated SQL is:
create table IMAGES (
id bigint not null,
Name_Image varchar(255),
primary key (id)
create table COMPUTERS (
ID_IMAGE bigint not null,
ipAddress varchar(255)
alter table COMPUTERS
add constraint FKl1ucm93ttye8p8i9s5cgrurh
foreign key (ID_IMAGE)
references IMAGES
If "manually" declare the join column in the embeddable class, although the DDL are the same, the embeddable object will contain one extra field "imageId", which will cause the JDBC call parameter out of index when executing the INSERT operation.

JPA - Mapping OneToMany association between the same table using an intermediate table

I'm creating an application where one large aspect is the ability for users to share content with friends. I'm trying to represent this in the object model and I'm having trouble getting the association to work properly. I'm using a mapping table that records the friender and the friendee, both of which are represented by the primary key (id) of the user. A user can have many friends, and also be referenced by other users. This is what the schema looks like:
int user_id (PK)
varchar(32) email
varchar(64) password
int users_map_id (PK)
int friendee_id (FK references users(user_id))
int friender_id (FK references users(user_id))
And this is how I have the User entity set up:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User extends AbstractPersistable<Long> {
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long id;
private String email;
private String password;
#JoinTable(name = "users_map",
joinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "friender_id") },
inverseJoinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "friendee_id") })
private List<User> friends;
I run into the following error when deploying the application:
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: A Foreign key refering from has the wrong number of
column. should be 2
I've tried quite a few other configurations, including adding a "referencedColumnName" attribute to each #JoinColumn, but they have also yielded errors. I'm also not entirely sure whether the schema I currently have is the best way to go about mapping users together.
I appreciate any help!
Removing the extension of AbstractPersistable fixed the problem - that contained an #Id reference and clashed with the #Id reference I put inside of User.

HIbernate one-to-one annotation isn't generating foreign key GerericGenerator in dependent table

I am trying to create OneToOne relation between a Person and Auth table. The problem is when the DB table "Auth" is generated, I'm not seeing the foreign key in the AUTH table that should reference Person. The object is to have the Auth table use the same Primary Key of the Person Table.
public abstract class DomainBase {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private Long id;
private Integer version;
#Table(name = "person")
public class Person extends DomainBase {
private Auth auth;
public class Auth {
#GenericGenerator(name="foreign", strategy = "foreign", parameters={
#Parameter(name="property", value="person")
private int personId;
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Person person;
My Database scripts after hibernate DB generation.
person_id integer NOT NULL,
activate boolean,
activationid character varying(255),
last_login_attempt_date timestamp without time zone,
last_login_attempt_timezone character varying(255),
last_login_date timestamp without time zone,
last_login_timezone character varying(255),
nonlocked boolean,
num_login_attempts integer,
CONSTRAINT auth_pkey PRIMARY KEY (person_id),
CONSTRAINT uk_d68auh3xsosyrjw3vmwseawvt UNIQUE (activationid)
OWNER TO postgres;
It seems that the problem is you declare twice the #OneToOne annotation between "person" table and "auth" table, without specify the relation between them. Take a look at the hibernate documentation, at the point, there is some examples about using one-to-one association.
For me, the best way is to set up the association in one table, the one that declare the foreing key column, and to use the mappedBy parameter in the other object. In your code, this will be :
#Table(name = "person")
public class Person extends DomainBase {
private Auth auth;
public class Auth {
#GenericGenerator(name="foreign", strategy = "foreign", parameters={
#Parameter(name="property", value="person")
private int personId;
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "auth")
private Person person;
This is the second example in the hibernate documentation, introduce just after the sentence "In the following example, the associated entities are linked through an explicit foreign key column". I tested this code, and the "auth_id" column appeared.

