Schedule JavaFX Application in Windows - java

I've GUI base JavaFX application. There are two buttons on it to perform specific functionality. One button used to send Inventory using HTTP Client to magento. I want to schedule this application on windows to run every 15mins. How to schedule it in way that when it runs, only 'Upload Inventory' button is clicked so that Inventory would be sent.

Scheduled tasks should run in the background and the most they should do on a UI is show a notification that "hey I'm active again". Certainly not show user windows (which is done typically to hand over control to the user) and then reclaim control from the user by automatically starting to click things on behalf of that user. Refactor your code to facilitate the function to run indepedently of the UI and schedule that.


Android, Java, Listen for KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE from a Service?

I have an app that runs as a service in the background. I am trying to add functionality to it that will look for an event from a BT headset, specifically KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE. If that even is triggered, I would like to run a specific function (just for an example, display a Toast message). I need to be accomplish this with the screen on or off and not interfere with the intended target of pausing/playing music (ie, if Spotify or Pandora are running & playing music, still need it to pause it button is pressed). I have tried multiple ways of accomplishing this (a few are & plus several other methods) but no method I have tried will ever trigger on the button being pressed. Any help here is appreciated.

Notifications in Netbeans

I am currently working on a schedule application in Java (Netbeans) and basically, I want to have notifications pop up whenever something is close to being due. I would like them to pop up even when the application is not running. I don't think I'll need a database because all the times and due dates will be specified by the user. Also if it isn't possible to send notifications, is it possible to just automatically open a JFrame on a scheduled time? Thanks!

Java Web/JSP program with code running in background 24/7

What is the best way to implement a notification system that keeps running in the background?
This system will generate these notifications when certain conditions are met. The server has to monitor the database constantly for these events and update a notification log when they occur. When a notification is generated, an SMS is sent to designated people.
With a traditional JSP system, the code only runs when a user visits the site. How do you program the server to have the code running 24/7? Also, how do you feed back these events asynchronously to the front end so the front end does not need to keep polling the database?
The question is very vague, but i'd say you need a task scheduler, some application servers like wildfly already have a task scheduler, or you can use something like quartz, and set it to run every as many times as you need.

How to interact with gui application using windows service

I have an application in java in which I have start and stop buttons in swing. I want to make a windows service which automatically clicks on start button. Is it possible and if it's possible how to do it?
You must find a way to identify the main window of your swing application from the Windows service (common usage is the title bar)
Then, you search in subwindows how to identify the Start button (generally the id, but you could use text)
All that must be done only once, using the Windows SDK tools and/or you knowing from the GUI application
Now the service :
searches the top-level windows for the right one
searches the relevant button
gets it position
uses SendInput API function to simulate a MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN and MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP event over the button
The last part could be done in Java (with Robot), but the others will need to use Windows API

Trigger an event when a download starts

Is there any way to listen for/capture the beginning of a download (not completing it, as I want the user to make a decision before the download begins)? The download will be user triggered (via browser or app, for example).

