Converting a regular Maven project to a Spring Boot project - java

My supervisor asked me to convert an old Maven project we have lying around into a Spring Boot project such that we are able to access the project's backend via RESTful interaction (before that the project's backend was only accessible via a console interface).
So, first I added a simple Spring Boot application in a separate package of project. After that I began to extend the pom.xml of the project by the dependencies needed for Spring Boot and adjusted the overall project setup. Now, I tried to run the backend of the old project, which turned out to be working. However, the simple Spring Boot application did not.
I narrowed down the problem to a conflicting dependency in the "old" part of the pom.xml:
When I leave this dependency in the pom.xml the old backend works, but the Spring Boot application fails with the following error:
WARN: Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates or check your Thymeleaf configuration)
If I comment this dependency out the Spring Application works completely fine, but the old backend fails. I use the version 2.0.4.RELEASE of spring-boot-admin-starter-server. I think that the old backend's version of the logging package is different from the one included in spring-boot-admin-starter-server. However, I somehow need both versions in my project.
What's not possible:
Updating the old sources, since some of them have a coyright of an
external company
What I already tried, but I wasn't successful with:
Exclude the logging from then Spring Boot depedencies. This results in the following error:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
I also to tried to work with the shade plugin as some suggested from my web research. Unfortunately, I was not able to solve the problem with this approach.
Does anyone have suggestions how to solve this problem? I would be very grateful. I am not used to solve dependency problems of this kind. Please excuse me, if I am missing something obvious.
EDIT pom.xml (unfortunately I had to leave out bigger parts of it) :
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Necessary dependency for running Spring Boot without starter parent -->
<!-- TODO The version of this dependency lets Spring Boot fail, but is
necessary tu run the old backend -->
<!-- Prevent huge shaded artifacts from being deployed to Artifactory -->
EDIT: I just found out that if you remove the version element inside of the conflicting dependency the Spring Boot Application works, but unfortunately the backend then fails.

So I found a solution, but that's probably not the best way to do it:
I just replaced the <spring-boot-dependencies.version>2.0.4</spring-boot-dependencies.version> with an older version that is compatible with the conflicting logging dependency, namely version 1.4.7.RELEASE.
This is the latest version at which both the Spring Boot application and the backend are working simultaneously (found that out by try-and-error).
Anyway, thank you very much for your help.


Making an executable jar out of spring boot MVC project serving content using JSP and a custom parent set in POM

I had a Spring MVC project that I'm converting to spring boot. This project of mine cannot be given spring-boot-starter-parent as parent because I need to keep a custom parent.
I solved this first issue by injecting spring-boot-dependencies in dependencyManagement.
I also need my project to embed a tomcat, so I've used spring-boot-starter-web. I need to use JSP so i've added the dependencies to jstl and jasper.
<!-- -->
<!-- ... -->
Compiling the jar and launching the server using
mvn spring-boot:run
correctly works. Now I'd like to make it work as executable jar, too.
I have read some documentation, posts, web pages, stack overflow questions, but I still cannot make it properly work.
In this question, reading the edited version of the accepted answer and the github project it looks very easy to make an executable jar out of a project having as parent spring-boot-starter-parent. Is it possible to make it work with a custom parent too?
I have already tried to follow these guidelines but it doesn't work with my project.
I tried adding the plugin
both with and without the execution node
and the plugin
<!-- <archive>-->
<!-- <manifest>-->
<!-- <mainClass>my-boot-application</mainClass>-->
<!-- <springBootClasses>WEB-INF/classes/</springBootClasses>-->
<!-- <springBootLib>WEB-INF/lib/</springBootLib>-->
<!-- </manifest>-->
<!-- </archive>-->
both with and without the manifest customized information.
Eventually I have incurred in this stackoverflow post listing all that is necessary to make a spring boot application using jsp, embedded tomcat and custom parent project work.
So, my pom.xml is now much readable and compact and looks much like the examples in the link.

Handling 3rd party dependencies in OSGI

I'm trying to learn OSGI and figured I would build a simple rest application using Spark Servlet.
Within my maven build plugin, I embed Spark-Core. However, after I build and run the bundle, it tells me there is a wiring package problem. So I add the package import, rinse and repeat. I'll get a different wiring package problem, so then I add the dependency, etc.
This seems like a long tedious process to add one package after another. What's the correct way to do this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""
The spark core jar is already a bundle.
So there is no need to embed it. Simply install it as well as its dependendencies (which is mainly jetty) in OSGi.
For your own bundle. Simply remove all inside . The defaults of the maven bundle plugin will produce what you need.
It will detect the packages you need and write Import-Package statements for them. When you then have spark-core installed as a bundle it should work fine.

PMD rule set is not getting downloaded/updated through MAVEN

I tried to integrate PMD in one of my project (I am using MAVEN Build tool)
When I try to integrate, I can see XML configuration files are mandatory.
I have tried to download PMD plugin - I expected global ruleset files might be available in PMD plug in, but they are not.
I used below link:
After googling, I have seen one link to get ruleset
I cant download all XML files.
Is there any way to download/update through build or can we get all XML files in one location anywhere? I tried my level best to search in google and couldn't figure it out.
I attached pom.xml here. Can you please let me know how to add my ruleset automatically whenever PMD updated automatically?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>SCM Product for learning purpose</description>
<findbugs.plugin.version>3.0.3</findbugs.plugin.version> <!-- Reports on common code mistakes and pitfalls -->
<checkstyle.plugin.version>5.0</checkstyle.plugin.version> <!-- Checks Code Style for Developers -->
<pmd.plugin.version>3.6</pmd.plugin.version> <!-- Source Code Analyzer -->
<javadoc.plugin>2.8.1</javadoc.plugin> <!-- Generates JavaDoc -->
<jxr.plugin>2.3</jxr.plugin> <!-- Cross reference report of project source code -->
<>2.4</> <!-- A plethora of miscellaneous report: info, ci, dependencies, scm, plugins, etc. -->
<sonar.plugin>3.2-RC3</sonar.plugin> <!-- Analysis and metrics on code over time -->
<surefire.plugin>2.12</surefire.plugin> <!-- Reports Test Results -->
<taglist.plugin>2.4</taglist.plugin> <!-- Reports on Tags such as #todo and //TODO -->
<cobertura.plugin>2.5.1</cobertura.plugin> <!-- Reports Test Coverage -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
If you don't need to use your custom pmd rulesets you can omit the rulesets tag altogether.
If you want to use only some of pmd rulesets you can use predefined ones:
You are using version 3.6 of the maven-pmd-plugin. There is a default value for the rulesets - it's java-basic, java-imports and java-unusedcode. See the maven-pmd-plugin documentation.
If you want to start with these rulesets, you can omit the rulesets tag altogether, as krzyk mentioned.
Maven Plugin 3.6 uses PMD 5.3.5 - so downloading rulesets for PMD 4.3 will not work.
But, you don't need to download the rulesets. You can create your own custom ruleset, which references the rules you want to have checked in your code. And this would be your file pmd-rulesets.xml.
Is there any way to download/update through build or can we get all XML
files in one location anywhere?
There is no such a ruleset. Enabling all rules PMD provides, doesn't make sense, as some rules contradict each other. Please read "Best Practices": Choose the rules that are right for you.
Can you please let me know how to add my ruleset automatically whenever PMD
updated automatically?
You don't need to add your ruleset - you are using it already. However, if a new PMD version has new rules, you won't necessarily have these new rules activated. So, you might want to read the release notes of PMD and checkout if there are new interesting rules. Then you can reference the new rules in your ruleset file.
For the java language, you can see the available rules in the Rulesets index.

Maven EAR multimodule project not packaging persistence.xml

I`m working in a EAR project with Maven which has 2 modules. Images speaks louder than words, so let me show you the structure:
Parent pom project and modules
sigea-model contains model, repository and service layers (The "M" in MVC). sigea-web contains web pages and controller beans (VC) and sigea-ear is just a wrapper to package the other 2 modules in a EAR package.
Configuration files in modules
As you can see, sigea-ear has an empty META-INF folder. Both beans.xml files in sigea-model and sigea-web are just empty marker files because AFAIK, CDI by default search in all annotated classes (but this is not the problem right now). persistence.xml is a simple file which uses JTA transactions with a connection pool (which is working because I ping from the Glassfish's admin console and is successful).
Finally, when I package the application I get the following:
As you can see, there's no persistence.xml. All this came out because I deployed the application successfully but in the first click I got the Exception
javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to retrieve EntityManagerFactory for unitName null
Here are my pom files:
pom.xml[sigea-app] (parent project)
<project ...>
<!-- I suppress some lines for brevity -->
<project ...>
<project ...>
<!-- Some dependencies including sigea-model -->
pom.xml[sigea-model] is not important as it just defines some dependencies for test and is configured to generate a package with the test classes, which are used in sigea-web for test purposes also.
Finally the question: What's failing in my configuration that doesn't package the persistence.xml file? If that's not the problem for the IllegalStateException with the message shown above: What are posible causes for that exception?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
I solved the problem by changing a dependency. In sigea-model I had
Which I used to manage the persistence context for my test methods. I didnt inquire very much in the Glassfish JPA provided implementation but maybe it's Eclipse Link instead of Hibernate. Apparently there are some incompatibility issue between those libraries. I movedhibernate-entitymanager` to compile scope, like this:
And now the projects compile with no problem. It was also useful the comment made by khmarbaise, it simplified the project configuration, thank you very much.

Running a multi-module Maven web app with Jetty, HTTP ERROR: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I have a multi-module Maven web app, and I want to run it in Eclipse with Jetty. I read several tutorials (here is one I tried to follow).
I thought that everything that is need to be done is adding plugins and dependencies in the pom.xml of my Spring web module of the project and then with a help of mvn jetty:run (again, in the web Spring Maven module) run the app and be able to see the results in the browser. So, the first question is: do I have to do something else (e.g. in the web.xml file)?
I also had to add <pluginGroup>org.mortbay.jetty</pluginGroup> in Maven's settings.xml to start server without errors.
And I get HTTP ERROR: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. What are the probable reasons? Do I need some more dependencies or to add something else? Thanks in advance.
First you need to add the plugin also to the usual build part and not only to the pluginManagement block.
<project ...>
Furthermore i recommend you to update the maven-site-plugin, cause you are using a extremely old one.
According to what was written when Jetty tried to start, I had to add MySql dependency. With it HTTP ERROR: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE disappeared.
Here is the part of the pom.xml of the Spring web module of my project I added to use Jetty (Just in case someone needs it. Maybe, I could delete something from this pom.xml's part, I haven't check that yet.):
<!-- Lock down plugin version for build reproducibility -->
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
<!-- In my case Jetty needs this one to run -->
<!-- Jetty dependencies -->
<!--The 2 following are the jsp support for jetty -->

