WLPs MicroProfile (FaultTolerance) Timeout Implementation does not interrupt threads? - java

I'm testing the websphere liberty's fault tolerance (microprofile) implementation. Therefore I made a simple REST-Service with a ressource which sleeps for 5 seconds:
public class Client {
public Response getClientTimeout() throws InterruptedException {
return Response.ok().entity("text").build();
I call this client within the same application within another REST-service:
public class MpFaultToleranceController {
public Response getFailingRequest() {
// calls the 5 seconds-ressource; should time out
Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://localhost:9080").path("/resilience/api/client/timeout").request().get();
Now I'd expect that the method getFailingRequest() would time out after 4 ms and throw an exception. The actual behaviour is that the application prints "start", waits 5 seconds until the client returns, prints "hello" and then throws an "org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException".
I turned on further debug information:
<logging traceSpecification="com.ibm.ws.microprofile.*=all" />
in server.xml. I get these information, that the timeout is registered even bevor the client is called! But the thread is not interrupted.
(if someone tells me how to get the stacktrace pretty in here... I can do that.)
Since this a very basic example: Am I doing anything wrong here? What can I do to make this example run properly.
Edit: Running this example on WebSphere Application Server auf Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.8.0_172-b11 (de_DE) with the features webProfile-8.0, mpFaultTolerance-1.0 and localConnector-1.0.
Edit: Solution, thanks to Andy McCright and Azquelt.
Since the call cannot be interrupted I have to make it asynchronous. So you got 2 threads: The first an who invoke the second thread with the call. The first thread will be interrupted, the second remains until the call finishes. But now you can go on with failure handling, open the circuit and stuff like that to prevent making further calls to the broken service.
public class MpFaultToleranceController {
private TestBase test;
public Response getFailingRequest() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
Future<Response> resp = test.createFailingRequestToClientAsynch();
return resp.get();
And the client call:
public class TestBase {
public Future<Response> createFailingRequestToClientAsynch() {
Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://localhost:9080").path("/resilience/api/client/timeout").request().get();
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);

It does interrupt threads using Thread.interrupt(), but unfortunately not all Java operations respond to thread interrupts.
Lots of things do respond to interrupts by throwing an InterruptedException (like Thread.sleep(), Object.wait(), Future.get() and subclasses of InterruptableChannel) but InputStreams and Sockets don't.
I suspect that you (or the library you're using to make the request) is using a Socket which isn't interruptible so you don't see your method return early.
It's particularly unintuitive because Liberty's JAX-RS client doesn't respond to thread interrupts as Andy McCright mentioned. We're aware it's not a great situation and we're working on making it better.

I had the same problem. For some URLs I consume, the Fault Tolerance timeout doesn't work.
In my case I use RestClient. I solved my problem using the readTimeout() of the RestClientBuilder:
MyRestClientClass myRestClientClass = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder().baseUri(uri).readTimeout(3l, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .build(MyRestClientClient.class);
One advantage of using this Timeout control is that you can pass the timeout as a parameter.


How to turn a Mono into a truly asynchronous (not reactive!) method call?

I have a method
public class MyService {
public Mono<Integer> processData() {
... // very long reactive operation
In the normal program flow, I call this method asynchronously via a Kafka event.
For testing purposes I need to expose the method as a web service, but the method should be exposed as asynchronous: returning only HTTP code 200 OK ("request accepted") and continuing the data processing in the background.
Is it OK (= doesn't it have any unwanted side effects) just to call Mono#subscribe() and return from the controller method?
public class MyController {
private final MyService service;
public void processData() {
Or is it better to do it like this (here I am confused by the warning from IntelliJ, maybe the same as https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-276018 ?):
public Mono<Void> processData() {
.subscribe(); // IntelliJ complains "Inappropriate 'subscribe' call" but I think it's a false alarm in my case(?)
return Mono.empty();
Or some other solution?
Is it OK (= doesn't it have any unwanted side effects) just to call Mono#subscribe() and return from the controller method?
There are side effects, but you may be ok living with them:
It truly is fire and forget - which means while you'll never be notified about a success (which most people realise), you'll also never be notified about a failure (which far fewer people realise.)
If the process hangs for some reason, that publisher will never complete, and you'll have no way of knowing. Since you're subscribing on the bounded elastic threadpool, it'll also tie up one of those limited threads indefinitely too.
The first point you might be fine with, or you might want to put some error logging further down that reactive chain as a side-effect somehow so you at least have an internal notification if something goes wrong.
For the second point - I'd recommend putting a (generous) timeout on your method call so it at least gets cancelled if it hasn't completed in a set time, and is no longer hanging around consuming resources. If you're running an asynchronous task, then this isn't a massive issue as it'll just consume a bit of memory. If you're wrapping a blocking call on the elastic scheduler then this is worse however, as you're tying up a thread in that threadpool indefinitely.
I'd also question why you need to use the bounded elastic scheduler at all here - it's used for wrapping blocking calls, which doesn't seem to be the foundation of this use case. (To be clear, if your service is blocking then you should absolutely wrap it on the elastic scheduler - but if not then there's no reason to do so.)
Finally, this example:
public Mono<Void> processData() {
return Mono.empty();
...is a brilliant example of what not to do, as you're creating a kind of "imposter reactive method" - someone may very reasonably subscribe to that returned publisher thinking it will complete when the underlying publisher completes, which obviously isn't what's happening here. Using a void return type and thus not returning anything is the correct thing to do in this scenario.
Your option with the following code is actually ok:
public void processData() {
This is actually what you do in a #Scheduled method which simply returns nothing and you explicitly subscribe to the Mono or Flux so that elements are emitted.

How to create a non-blocking #RestController webservice in spring?

I'm having a #RestController webservice method that might block the response thread with a long running service call. As follows:
public class MyRestController {
//could be another webservice api call, a long running database query, whatever
private SomeSlowService service;
public Response get() {
return service.slow();
public Response get() {
return service.slow();
Problem: what if X users are calling my service here? The executing threads will all block until the response is returned. Thus eating up "max-connections", max threads etc.
I remember some time ago a read an article on how to solve this issue, by parking threads somehow until the slow service response is received. So that those threads won't block eg the tomcat max connection/pool.
But I cannot find it anymore. Maybe somebody knows how to solve this?
there are a few solutions, such as working with asynchronous requests. In those cases, a thread will become free again as soon as the CompletableFuture, DeferredResult, Callable, ... is returned (and not necessarily completed).
For example, let's say we configure Tomcat like this:
server.tomcat.max-threads=5 # Default = 200
And we have the following controller:
public CompletableFuture<String> getSlowBar() {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
return "Bar";
public String getSlowBaz() {
return "Baz";
If we would fire 100 requests at once, you would have to wait at least 200 seconds before all the getSlowBar() calls are handled, since only 5 can be handled at a given time. With the asynchronous request on the other hand, you would have to wait at least 10 seconds, because all requests will likely be handled at once, and then the thread is available for others to use.
Is there a difference between CompletableFuture, Callable and DeferredResult? There isn't any difference result-wise, they all behave the similarly.
The way you have to handle threading is a bit different though:
With Callable, you rely on Spring executing the Callable using a TaskExecutor
With DeferredResult you have to to he thread-handling by yourself. For example by executing the logic within the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
With CompletableFuture, you can either rely on the default thread pool (ForkJoinPool.commonPool()) or you can specify your own thread pool.
Other than that, CompletableFuture and Callable are part of the Java specification, while DeferredResult is a part of the Spring framework.
Be aware though, even though threads are released, connections are still kept open to the client. This means that with both approaches, the maximum amount of requests that can be handled at once is limited by 10000, and can be configured with:
server.tomcat.max-connections=100 # Default = 10000
in my opinion.the async may be better for the sever.for this particular api, async not works well.the clients also hold the connections. finally it will eating up "max-connections".you can send the request to messagequeue(kafka)and return success to clients. then you get the request and pass it to the slow sevice.

Vert.x Unit Test a Verticle that does not implement the start method with future

I'm new to Vert.x and just stumbled about a problem.
I've the following Verticle:
public class HelloVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start() throws Exception {
String greetingName = config().getString("greetingName", "Welt");
String greetingNameEnv = System.getenv("GREETING_NAME");
String greetingNameProp = System.getProperty("greetingName");
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.get("/hska").handler(routingContext -> {
routingContext.response().end(String.format("Hallo %s!", greetingName));
router.get().handler(routingContext -> {
routingContext.response().end("Hallo Welt");
I want to unit test this verticle but i dont know how to wait for the verticle to be deployed.
public void setup(TestContext context) throws InterruptedException {
vertx = Vertx.vertx();
JsonObject config = new JsonObject().put("greetingName", "Unit Test");
vertx.deployVerticle(HelloVerticle.class.getName(), new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(config));
when i setup my test like this i have to add a Thread.sleep after the deploy call, to make the tests be executed after some time of watiting for the verticle.
I heared about Awaitability and that it should be possible to wait for the verticle to be deployed with this library. But I didn't find any examples of how to use Awaitability with vertx-unit and the deployVerticle method.
Could anyone bring some light into this?
Or do i really have to hardcode a sleep timer after calling the deployVerticle-Method in my tests?
Have a look into the comments of the accepted answer
First of all you need to implement start(Future future) instead of just start(). Then you need to add a callback handler (Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>> listenHandler) to the listen(...) call — which then resolves the Future you got via start(Future future).
Vert.x is highly asynchronous — and so is the start of an Vert.x HTTP server. In your case, the Verticle would be fully functional when the HTTP server is successfully started. Therefore, you need implement the stuff I mentioned above.
Second you need to tell the TestContext that the asynchronous deployment of your Verticle is done. This can be done via another callback handler (Handler<AsyncResult<String>> completionHandler). Here is blog post shows how to do that.
The deployment of a Verticle is always asynchronous even if you implemented the plain start() method. So you should always use a completionHandler if you want to be sure that your Verticle was successfully deployed before test.
So, no you don't need to and you definitely shouldn't hardcode a sleep timer in any of your Vert.x applications. Mind The Golden Rule - Don’t Block the Event Loop.
If the initialisation of your Verticle is synchronous you should overwrite the plain start() method — like it's mentioned in the docs:
If your verticle does a simple, synchronous start-up then override this method and put your start-up code in there.
If the initialisation of your Verticle is asynchronous (e.g. deploying a Vert.x HTTP server) you should overwrite start(Future future) and complete the Future when your asynchronous initialisation is finished.

jersey ws 2.0 #suspended AsyncResponse, what does it do?

I am analyzing some jersey 2.0 code and i have a question on how the following method works:
public class MyEjbResource {
#Asynchronous //does this mean the method executes on child thread ?
public void longRunningOperation(#Suspended AsyncResponse ar) {
final String result = executeLongRunningOperation();
private String executeLongRunningOperation() { … }
Lets say im at a web browser and i type in www.mysite/mycoolstuff
this will execute the method but im not understanding what the asyncResponse is used for neither the #Asynchronous annotation. From the browser how would i notice its asychnronous ? what would be the difference in removing the annotation ? Also the suspended annotation after reading the documentation i'm not clear its purpose.
is the #Asynchronous annotation simply telling the program to execute this method on a new thread ? is it a convenience method for doing "new Thread(.....)" ?
Update: this annotation relieves the server of hanging onto the request processing thread. Throughput can be better. Anyway from the official docs:
Request processing on the server works by default in a synchronous processing mode, which means that a client connection of a request is processed in a single I/O container thread. Once the thread processing the request returns to the I/O container, the container can safely assume that the request processing is finished and that the client connection can be safely released including all the resources associated with the connection. This model is typically sufficient for processing of requests for which the processing resource method execution takes a relatively short time. However, in cases where a resource method execution is known to take a long time to compute the result, server-side asynchronous processing model should be used. In this model, the association between a request processing thread and client connection is broken. I/O container that handles incoming request may no longer assume that a client connection can be safely closed when a request processing thread returns. Instead a facility for explicitly suspending, resuming and closing client connections needs to be exposed. Note that the use of server-side asynchronous processing model will not improve the request processing time perceived by the client. It will however increase the throughput of the server, by releasing the initial request processing thread back to the I/O container while the request may still be waiting in a queue for processing or the processing may still be running on another dedicated thread. The released I/O container thread can be used to accept and process new incoming request connections.
#Suspended have more definite if you used it, else it will not make any difference of using it.
Let's talk about benefits of it:
#Suspended will pause/Suspend the current thread until it gets response,by default #NO_TIMEOUT no suspend timeout set. So it doesn't mean your request response (I/O)thread will get free and be available for other request.
Now Assume you want your service to be a response with some specific time, but the method you are calling from resource not guarantee the response time, then how will you manage your service response time? At that time, you can set suspend timeout for your service using #Suspended, and even provide a fall back response when time get exceed.
Below is some sample of code for setting suspend/pause timeout
public void longRunningOperation(#Suspended AsyncResponse ar) {
ar.setTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final String result = executeLongRunningOperation();
for more details refer this
The #Suspended annotation is added before an AsyncResponse parameter on the resource method to tell the underlying web server not to expect this thread to return a response for the remote caller:
public void asyncPost(#Suspended final AsyncResponse ar, ... <args>) {
someAsyncMethodInYourServer(<args>, new AsyncMethodCallback() {
void completed(<results>) {
void failed(Throwable t) {
Rather, the AsyncResponse object is used by the thread that calls completed or failed on the callback object to return an 'ok' or throw an error to the client.
Consider using such asynchronous resources in conjunction with an async jersey client. If you're trying to implement a ReST service that exposes a fundamentally async api, these patterns allow you to project the async api through the ReST interface.
We don't create async interfaces because we have a process that takes a long time (minutes or hours) to run, but rather because we don't want our threads to ever sleep - we send the request and register a callback handler to be called later when the result is ready - from milliseconds to seconds later - in a synchronous interface, the calling thread would be sleeping during that time, rather than doing something useful. One of the fastest web servers ever written is single threaded and completely asynchronous. That thread never sleeps, and because there is only one thread, there's no context switching going on under the covers (at least within that process).
The #suspend annotation makes the caller actually wait until your done work. Lets say you have a lot of work to do on another thread. when you use jersey #suspend the caller just sits there and waits (so on a web browser they just see a spinner) until your AsyncResponse object returns data to it.
Imagine you had a really long operation you had to do and you want to do it on another thread (or multiple threads). Now we can have the user wait until we are done. Don't forget in jersey you'll need to add the " true" right in the jersey servlet definition in web.xml to get it to work.

Spring's DeferredResult setResult interaction with timeouts

I'm experimenting with Spring's DeferredResult on Tomcat, and I'm getting crazy results. Is what I'm doing wrong, or is there some bug in Spring or Tomcat? My code is simple enough.
public class Test {
private DeferredResult<String> deferred;
static class DoSomethingUseful implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
public synchronized DeferredResult<String> start() {
deferred = new DeferredResult<>(4000L, "timeout\n");
deferred.onTimeout(new DoSomethingUseful());
return deferred;
public synchronized String stop() {
return "ok\n";
So. The start request creates a DeferredResult with a 4 second timeout. The stop request will set a result on the DeferredResult. If you send stop before or after the deferred result times out, everything works fine.
However if you send stop at the same time as start times out, things go crazy. I've added an onTimeout action to make this easy to reproduce, but that's not necessary for the problem to occur. With an APR connector, it simply deadlocks. With a NIO connector, it sometimes works, but sometimes it incorrectly sends the "timeout" message to the stop client and never answers the start client.
To test this:
curl http://localhost/test/start & sleep 5; curl http://localhost/test/stop
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. The Spring documentation seems to say it's okay to call setResult at any time, even after the request already expired, and from any thread ("the
application can produce the result from a thread of its choice").
Versions used: Tomcat 7.0.39 on Linux, Spring 3.2.2.
This is an excellent bug find !
Just adding more information about the bug (that got fixed) for a better understanding.
There was a synchronized block inside setResult() that extended up to the part of submitting a dispatch. This can cause a deadlock if a timeout occurs at the same time since the Tomcat timeout thread has its own locking that permits only one thread to do timeout or dispatch processing.
Detailed explanation:
When you call "stop" at the same time as the request "times out", two threads are attempting to lock the DeferredResult object 'deferred'.
The thread that executes the "onTimeout" handler
Here is the excerpt from the Spring doc:
This onTimeout method is called from a container thread when an async request times out before the DeferredResult has been set. It may invoke setResult or setErrorResult to resume processing.
Another thread that executes the "stop" service.
If the dispatch processing called during the stop() service obtains the 'deferred' lock, it will wait for a tomcat lock (say TomcatLock) to finish the dispatch.
And if the other thread doing timeout handling has already acquired the TomcatLock, that thread waits to acquire a lock on 'deferred' to complete the setResult()!
So, we end up in a classic deadlock situation !

