Selenium WebDriver "java", I can not click on button on footer - java

The scenario is:
Try to add experience in linkedin.
Then click on save button to save the added experience.
The below is html code for this button:
<button class="pe-form-footer__action--submit form-submit-action Sans-15px-white-100%" type="submit">
I am trying to find it by xpath using:
#FindBy (xpath = "//*[contains(text(), 'Save')]")
WebElement saveExperienceButton;
Following screenshot may help:
I will appreciate your help.

if you do not mind css/xpath selectors that do not look very elegant, you can always open up Chrome developer tools on the website you wanna test with Selenium, mark the DOM elements you wanna access and in the context menu choose 'Copy xpath' or 'copy selector':

Try this xpath:
On my profile there are 2 Save buttons - the second one is the skill save. Also, you might want to check this question for the contains syntax.

Creating an XPath using text is a less preferable way. instead of that use other attribute value which is unique.
for ex: in your case
//footer//*[contains(#class, 'form-submit')]


How to find xpath of this button

enter image description here
<button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root MuiButton-contained MuiButton-containedPrimary MuiButton-sizeMedium MuiButton-containedSizeMedium MuiButton-root MuiButton-contained MuiButton-containedPrimary MuiButton-sizeMedium MuiButton-containedSizeMedium css-7l669b" tabindex="0" type="button">Add New Profile<span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-w0pj6f""style=""></span></button>
According to the picture seems that this element has unique id attribute, so I'd suggest to try this XPath:
Selenium command could be like this:
Select the element from the inspect tools by right click. Click on copy and then click on copy Xpath as highlighted in picture below.
It would have been more helpful if the entire HTML document was available. But I suggest you look to see if the class value of the button element is stable and do either //button[#class='<CLASS VALUE>'] or //button[contains(#class,'<ADD PART OF THE CLASS VALUE HERE>')]

How to click a button where the class is the same for another options?

I am trying to click a button from a list but this button has the same class than others in the list because they have the same name (btn ban-red) so how can I click it if in the inspect I have this information:
<a class=“btn ban-red” data-track-event=“navigate” data-track=name=“Jobylon” - Quality Engineer” href=“” target=“_blank”>View job/a>
The inspect is copying this xpath:
But it is not working
I also created my own xpath this way:
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//a[#data-track-name=‘Jobylon - Quality Engineer’]"))).click();
But is not working either
I am using Selenium with java and I am in a Macbook, thank you for your help.
Absolute xpath not recommended. You can try using relative xpath.
Locate based on element text
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(.,'View job')]")).click()
Locate using combination of element attribute if classes are not unique
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class='btn ban-red'][#data-track-event='navigate']")).click()
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class="btn ban-red"][#href='']")).click()
Better to use CSS selector as its faster then xpath. So you try like
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[class='btn ban-red'][data-track-event='navigate']")).click()
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[class="btn ban-red"][href='']")).click()
Still facing some issue like element not visible or no such element then try with explicit wait conditions until your element gets visible or clickable.

How to find element having dynamic ID / Name changing on every page load using Selenium WebDriver

I found a few answers about this but they did not answer my question an so I am writing a new question.
I have HTML code having below kind of checkbox elements (in browser's inspect element)
<input role="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354_grid_-1274" class="cbox" name="jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354_grid_-1274" value="true">
In my test case I want to click on checkbox using its ID using Selenium Webdriver.
here Id= "jqg_TransactionFormModel501EditCollection2_147354grid-1274" is dynamic.
in above id, Bold & Italic marked letters (dynamic) will change with different check boxes in same page as well as page refresh.
Bold marked letters (dynamic) will change on page refresh only (remain same through all the check boxes in same page.)
How shoud I format/write XPATH so that I can click on desired check boxes using below statement.
WebElement checkbox = webDriver.findElement("idOfTheElement"));
if (!checkbox.isSelected()) {;
Thanks for your help in advance.. !
Here are a few examples of xpaths which you can use to find your checkbox
OR, if you want more checks, try something like
//*[starts-with(#id,'jqg_TransactionFormModel') and contains(#id,'EditCollection2_')]
Additionally, you can try regex as well using matches
//*[matches(#id,'<regex matching your id>')]
You can use partial ID using cssSelector or xpath
webDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(#id, 'TransactionFormModel')]"));
You can replace TransactionFormModel with any other fixed part of the ID.
As a side note, no need to locate the element twice. You can do
WebElement checkbox = webDriver.findElement("idOfTheElement"));
if (!checkbox.isSelected()) {;
You can write xpath like this :
I recommend not using ID's or xpath and adding a data attribute to your elements. This way, you can avoid the annoyance of xpath and have a strong selector that you feel confident will always be selectable.
For example, you could call the attribute: data-selector. You can assign a value of "transactionFormModelCheckbox". Then, when creating a new element, you create by css selector with the value referenced above.
No matter what type of formatting, you'll always be able to select that checkbox - as long as the element exists in the DOM. If you need to investigate other attributes, you can use the selector to do things like hasClass() or anything else you need.
Hope that helps !

how to find xpath in selenium webdriver

Following is the HTML of the page, How do i get the Xpath or is there anyother way to automate using java?In fact, we shud click on this "continue" button.
<button ng-disabled="activityIndicator" ng-click="validate()" type="button">
<div template="api-loader" ng-http-loader="">
<div class="http-loader__wrapper ng-hide" ng-show="showLoader" ng-include="template">
<span class="api-loader"></span>
If you are using Google Chrome, right click on the button, and select Inspect in the popup. The html will open in a developer tools frame. Right click on the element in the developer tools frame, hover over copy, select copy xpath.
Here is the XPath to the form on the URL.
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
//fill in fields
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id=\"main-frame\"]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/form/regform-steps/ng-transclude/regform-step[1]/ng-form/ng-transclude/regform-button/button"));;
Try opening the console for Google Chrome and typing the following:
document.evaluate("//regform-button/button", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)
It works...that's if you've specified the required fields. Also be sure to wait for a while (2 secs to be sure) after specifying the required fields as there might be an additional load after setting the required fields.
Edit: The code is javascript..I just took the xpath given by the previous answers and used that to locate the element through js. I'm saying that "//regform-button/button" should work..
Once you have selected the required values from the drop-downs appearing before Continue button, you can click on Continue button using the following statement:
The following xpath worked for me.But I dont know, why is it different for each different browser.
For Firefox :
For chrome: driver.findElement(By.xpath("//regform-button/button")).click();

How to select a radio button that changes its id' in selenium?

I need some help trying to select a radio button on Selenium IDE.
This radio button value changes randomly, due this I cannot get the radio button selected.
There are multiple ways selenium can locate an element other than referencing the id of an element. Have you also tried using a xpath or css selector? Take a look at the selenium docs for locating an element for examples of using xpath or css selectors.
Post an example of your html and I can help you write the selector.
Use the following commands:
storeAttribute| path of area where radiobutton placed # id| variableName
Now you have dynamic id of that element . Use that value to click on it.
click| ${variableName}
Use a CSS or Xpath selector instead of the default used when you recorded your script.
For example, try this page with radio button examples, scroll down to the Milk/Butter/Cheese example:
The selector for the first radio button ("Milk") could be one of the following:
css = .table5 > input
css = .table5 > input[value='Milk']
A couple of ways you could select the second button would be:
css = .table5 > input ~ input
css = .table5 > input[value='Butter']
You may need to read up on CSS selectors and/or Xpath. You can do a web search for cheat sheets and primers. They are both essential for optimum Selenium scripting, be it with IDE, RC, or Webdriver.
You will find that Firepath is also a great tool to help you build your selectors.

