I'm consuming an external API, for which a JSON Object is returned. Contained in that Object response is an array that I need to extract and set to a List of a particular entity type. Java, however, is not a language that I'm very familiar with, so I'm having problems attempting to figure this out.
I've created a type of wrapper class to work with this in the setter.
The best I've come up with that compiles is below, but produces an error that I can't figure out.
public void setFlights(Object responseBody) {
String responseString = responseBody.toString();
JSONObject responseJSONObject = new JSONObject(responseString);
JSONArray responseJSONArray = responseJSONObject.getJSONArray("flights");
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type flightType = new TypeToken<List<Flight>>() {}.getType();
this.flights = gson.fromJson(String.valueOf(responseJSONArray), flightType);
As you can see, I'm kind of throwing it at the wall to see if it will stick. I'm trying to use Gson to get around some of the Type issues I've come across.
The error produced when executing is:
org.json.JSONException: Expected a ':' after a key at 7 [character 8 line 1]
Response String is as follows:
Response String Image
If that's difficult to deal with, here's the response in text:
INFO: {"FlightInfoResult":{"next_offset":-1,"flights":[{"ident":"N1RJ","aircrafttype":"HDJT","filed_ete":"01:25:00","filed_time":1593038253,"filed_departuretime":1593037500,"filed_airspeed_kts":400,"filed_airspeed_mach":"","filed_altitude":360,"route":"WEAZL4 CLAWD","actualdeparturetime":1593038285,"estimatedarrivaltime":1593043320,"actualarrivaltime":1593043320,"diverted":"","origin":"KJQF","destination":"KJXN","originName":"Concord-Padgett Rgnl","originCity":"Concord, NC","destinationName":"Jackson County","destinationCity":"Jackson, MI"},{"ident":"N1RJ","aircrafttype":"HDJT","filed_ete":"01:24:00","filed_time":1593000320,"filed_departuretime":1592998200,"filed_airspeed_kts":400,"filed_airspeed_mach":"","filed_altitude":350,"route":"PEGTE","actualdeparturetime":1593000420,"estimatedarrivaltime":1593005149,"actualarrivaltime":1593005149,"diverted":"","origin":"KJXN","destination":"KJQF","originName":"Jackson County","originCity":"Jackson, MI","destinationName":"Concord-Padgett Rgnl","destinationCity":"Concord, NC"},{"ident":"N1RJ","aircrafttype":"HDJT","filed_ete":"01:29:00","filed_time":1592518049,"filed_departuretime":1592513400,"filed_airspeed_kts":317,"filed_airspeed_mach":"","filed_altitude":360,"route":"WEAZL4 CLAWD","actualdeparturetime":1592517936,"estimatedarrivaltime":1592523120,"actualarrivaltime":1592523120,"diverted":"","origin":"KJQF","destination":"KJXN","originName":"Concord-Padgett Rgnl","originCity":"Concord, NC","destinationName":"Jackson County","destinationCity":"Jackson, MI"},{"ident":"N1RJ","aircrafttype":"HDJT","filed_ete":"01:24:00","filed_time":1592481020,"filed_departuretime":1592479800,"filed_airspeed_kts":319,"filed_airspeed_mach":"","filed_altitude":350,"route":"PEGTE","actualdeparturetime":1592481126,"estimatedarrivaltime":1592486100,"actualarrivaltime":1592486100,"diverted":"","origin":"KJXN","destination":"KJQF","originName":"Jackson County","originCity":"Jackson, MI","destinationName":"Concord-Padgett Rgnl","destinationCity":"Concord, NC"}]}}
There very well may be a much more simple way of accomplishing what I need. Any example help is very much appreciated.
You can use Gson string to object mapper class directly as like below,
package com.sample.programs;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class FlightInfoResultMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "{\"FlightInfoResult\":{\"next_offset\":-1,\"flights\":[{\"ident\":\"N1RJ\",\"aircrafttype\":\"HDJT\",\"filed_ete\":\"01:25:00\",\"filed_time\":1593038253,\"filed_departuretime\":1593037500,\"filed_airspeed_kts\":400,\"filed_airspeed_mach\":\"\",\"filed_altitude\":360,\"route\":\"WEAZL4 CLAWD\",\"actualdeparturetime\":1593038285,\"estimatedarrivaltime\":1593043320,\"actualarrivaltime\":1593043320,\"diverted\":\"\",\"origin\":\"KJQF\",\"destination\":\"KJXN\",\"originName\":\"Concord-Padgett Rgnl\",\"originCity\":\"Concord, NC\",\"destinationName\":\"Jackson County\",\"destinationCity\":\"Jackson, MI\"},{\"ident\":\"N1RJ\",\"aircrafttype\":\"HDJT\",\"filed_ete\":\"01:24:00\",\"filed_time\":1593000320,\"filed_departuretime\":1592998200,\"filed_airspeed_kts\":400,\"filed_airspeed_mach\":\"\",\"filed_altitude\":350,\"route\":\"PEGTE\",\"actualdeparturetime\":1593000420,\"estimatedarrivaltime\":1593005149,\"actualarrivaltime\":1593005149,\"diverted\":\"\",\"origin\":\"KJXN\",\"destination\":\"KJQF\",\"originName\":\"Jackson County\",\"originCity\":\"Jackson, MI\",\"destinationName\":\"Concord-Padgett Rgnl\",\"destinationCity\":\"Concord, NC\"},{\"ident\":\"N1RJ\",\"aircrafttype\":\"HDJT\",\"filed_ete\":\"01:29:00\",\"filed_time\":1592518049,\"filed_departuretime\":1592513400,\"filed_airspeed_kts\":317,\"filed_airspeed_mach\":\"\",\"filed_altitude\":360,\"route\":\"WEAZL4 CLAWD\",\"actualdeparturetime\":1592517936,\"estimatedarrivaltime\":1592523120,\"actualarrivaltime\":1592523120,\"diverted\":\"\",\"origin\":\"KJQF\",\"destination\":\"KJXN\",\"originName\":\"Concord-Padgett Rgnl\",\"originCity\":\"Concord, NC\",\"destinationName\":\"Jackson County\",\"destinationCity\":\"Jackson, MI\"},{\"ident\":\"N1RJ\",\"aircrafttype\":\"HDJT\",\"filed_ete\":\"01:24:00\",\"filed_time\":1592481020,\"filed_departuretime\":1592479800,\"filed_airspeed_kts\":319,\"filed_airspeed_mach\":\"\",\"filed_altitude\":350,\"route\":\"PEGTE\",\"actualdeparturetime\":1592481126,\"estimatedarrivaltime\":1592486100,\"actualarrivaltime\":1592486100,\"diverted\":\"\",\"origin\":\"KJXN\",\"destination\":\"KJQF\",\"originName\":\"Jackson County\",\"originCity\":\"Jackson, MI\",\"destinationName\":\"Concord-Padgett Rgnl\",\"destinationCity\":\"Concord, NC\"}]}}";
System.out.println("input - " + input);
//Create Gson object
Gson gson = new Gson();
FlightInfoResultObject responseObject = gson.fromJson(input, FlightInfoResultObject.class);
// parsing response to java pojo
List<Flights> listOfFlights = responseObject.getFlightInfoResult().getFlights();
for (Flights flight : listOfFlights) {
System.out.println("flight - " + flight.getIdent());
Object Mapping class: Inside Flights.class you can add all the variable which you have in json response.
class FlightInfoResultObject {
FlightInfoResult FlightInfoResult;
class FlightInfoResult {
Integer next_offset;
List<Flights> flights;
class Flights {
String ident;
String aircrafttype;
I think it's impossible to retrieve the inner JSON element directly using gson.
You have to get FlightInfoResult then flights accordingly. This should work:
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonObject jsonObject = com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseString(responseString).getAsJsonObject();
JsonArray flightArray = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("FlightInfoResult").getAsJsonArray("flights");
Type flightType = new TypeToken<List<Flight>>() {}.getType();
List<Flight> flights = gson.fromJson(flightArray, flightType);
Anyway, make sure the name of all properties inside class Flight matches Json elements name, to avoid mapping errors.
Since you didn't post your Flight class definition and gson naming rule, but the Flight class should be like:
public class Flight {
private String ident;
private String aircrafttype;
private String filed_ete;
private float filed_time;
private float filed_departuretime;
private float filed_airspeed_kts;
private String filed_airspeed_mach;
private float filed_altitude;
private String route;
private float actualdeparturetime;
private float estimatedarrivaltime;
private float actualarrivaltime;
private String diverted;
private String origin;
private String destination;
private String originName;
private String originCity;
private String destinationName;
private String destinationCity;
// getters setters
In Java say I have a class that represents http headers:
public class Headers {
String 'x-requested-by' = "foo";
String 'content-type' = "application/json"
because of the field names with non-standard variable names (hyphens), typically a more dynamic map is used like so:
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
but my quesetion is - is there a way to declare which fields will exist in there statically, instead of only at runtime?
You can use an enum map, which will only accept keys of a specified enum type, while the enum itself will statically limit options.
enum Headers {
X_REQUESTED_BY("x-requested-by"), CONTENT_TYPE("content-type");
private String headerName;
private Headers(String n) {
this.headerName = n;
public String getHeaderName() {
return headerName;
And use the enum map to store values:
Map<Headers, String> headerValues = new EnumMap<>(Headers.class);
Your API can then be extended with such methods as addHeader(Headers h), which makes it possible to statically limit options while keeping it type-safe.
No. Only one thing you can do is init a Map with default values after initialization.
public class Header {
public static final String X_REQUESTED_BY = "x-requested-by";
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "content-type";
private final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put(X_REQUESTED_BY, "foo");
map.put(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
I'm trying to use the Java Jackson ObjectMapper to parse a three level JSON object stucture with dynamic keys. I tried the following:
public class AssetsPushManifest {
private Map<String, List<Asset>> manifest = new HashMap<>();
public void addPushManifest(Resource manifestResource) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Map<String, Asset>> manifestData = mapper.readValue(manifestResource.getInputStream(), new TypeReference<Map<String, Map<String, Asset>>>() {});
for (String requestedPathName : manifestData.keySet()) {
if (!this.manifest.containsKey(requestedPathName)) {
this.manifest.put(requestedPathName, new LinkedList());
List<Asset> requestedPath = this.manifest.get(requestedPathName);
for (String servePath : manifestData.get(requestedPathName).keySet()) {
Asset asset = manifestData.get(requestedPathName).get(servePath);
asset.path = servePath;
public class Asset {
public String path;
public String type;
public Integer weight;
To parse this:
"theme/test-theme/index.html": {
"theme/test-theme/somestyling.css": {
"type": "document",
"weight": 1
But it won't work, why oh why? Is it too many levels? (still Java beginner here)
The end goal is to parse the several JSON structures like above into a structure like Map> so any other ways of doing this would also be fine.
I would solve this in a different way: parse the json into a map: if you give Jackson a map as type reference, it will deserialize the JSON into multi-level map:
`Map<String, Object> manifestData = mapper.readValue(manifestResource.getInputStream(), Map.class);`
Now that the json parsing hurdle is behind us, it is easier to construct an instance of an Asset by querying the map. I would do it by adding a constructor to the Asset class:
public Asset(Map<String, Object> manifestData) {
Map<String, Object> assetData = (Map<String, Object>)manifestData.values().iterator().next(); // get the single value of the map
this.path = assetData.keySet().iterator().next();
this.type = assetData.get("type");
this.weight = assetData.get("weight");
I've the following POJOs that I want to serialize using Jackson 2.9.x
static class MyData {
public Map<String, MyInnerData> members;
static class MyInnerData {
public Object parameters;
public boolean isPresent;
Now if I populate the data with the following sample code as shown:
Map<String, Object> nodeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
nodeMap.put("key-one", "val1");
nodeMap.put("key-null", null);
nodeMap.put("key-two", "val2");
Map<String, Object> child1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
child1.put("c1", "v1");child1.put("c2", null);
nodeMap.put("list", child1);
MyInnerData innerData1 = new MyInnerData();
innerData1.parameters = nodeMap;
innerData1.isPresent = true;
MyData myData = new MyData();
myData.members = new LinkedHashMap<>();
myData.members.put("data1", innerData1);
// serialize the data
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);
String actual = mapper.writeValueAsString(myData);
This ends up printing
Desired Output (same code gives correct output with Jackson 2.8.x )
If I remove the setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) on the mapper, I get the required output but the existing configuration for the ObjectMapper cant be changed. I can make changes to the POJO however.
What would be the least change to get the desired output?
You need to configure your object like this: mapper.setDefaultPropertyInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.ALWAYS);
I'm trying to convert following string to an object,
I know, if I create an object containing all rates as Double attribute, I will be able to convert that object into an object. But I want rates to be in an array like below. How can I create convertedJsonObjectArrayList. Thanks in advance.
List<Rate> rates = convertedJsonObjectArrayList;
class Rate{
String name; //EUR
Double value; //0.37679
This assumes that you're guaranteed to have content within the JSON object associated to the name "rates" that will be parseable as a List.
Define a custom deserializer to consume the name-value tokens as pairs
class RatesJsonObjectToArray extends JsonDeserializer<List<Rate>> {
public List<Rate> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
List<Rate> rates = new ArrayList<>();
// consume two tokens at a time, a name and a value
for (;;) {
String name = p.nextFieldName();
if (name == null) {
break; // no more input
JsonToken doubleValueToken = p.nextValue();
if (doubleValueToken != JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT) { // there's also VALUE_NUMBER_INT for more flexibility
throw new JsonParseException("Expected a numeric value.");
double value = p.getDoubleValue();
rates.add(new Rate(name, value));
return rates;
Then annotate your rates field/setter with this JsonDeserializer
#JsonDeserialize(using = RatesJsonObjectToArray.class)
private List<Rate> rates;
You can get fancy and write a custom deserializer.
However, if you don't mind being a bit more quick-and-dirty, you can just deserialize to a Map, and convert to your preferred structure explicitly:
String ratesAsJson = "{ \"EUR\" : 0.2, \"USD\":1.0 }";
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeReference<Map<String, Double>> typeRef = new TypeReference<Map<String, Double>>() {};
Map<String, Double> map = objectMapper.readValue(ratesAsJson, typeRef);
List<Rate> list = map.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> new Rate(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
(I've assumed a 2-arg constructor on the Rate class).
If you write a custom deserializer, it will have very similar code to the above within it.
I've used a stream and map(). You could use a for loop, but hey, it's 2017!
If you want to convert the currency object(json) into an array(java) You can not use serialization(gson/jaxb) you would need to parse (JsonParser) json and make the conversion yourself
Here is my solution;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
CurrencyServiceResponse currencyResp =
mapper.readValue(jsonStr,new TypeReference<CurrencyServiceResponse>(){});
currencyResp.setRates(new ArrayList<>());
for(Map.Entry<String,Double> entry: currencyResp.getRateMap().entrySet()){
new CurrencyServiceResponse.Rate(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue()));
And class for conversion
public class CurrencyServiceResponse {
private String base;
private Date date;
private Map<String,Double> rateMap;
private List<Rate> rates;
public static class Rate{
private String name;
private Double value;
public Rate(String name, Double value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
You can use GSON library. It's the Google JSON library.
JsonParser jp = new JsonParser();
JsonElement root = jp.parse(YOUR_DATA);
JsonObject rootobj = root.getAsJsonObject();
And in your case to access to the EUR rate you can use :
Double rate_eur = rootobj.get("rates").getAsJsonObject().get("EUR").getAsDouble();
Don't forget to import classes :
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
And dependencies :
for maven for example.