I have gotten the coding example from here to work.
I can run a .wav file through and get the transcript, however in the example the program never ends until I hit a key:
System.out.println("Press any key to stop");
new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
That seems to artificially pause everything while the service is being queried.
If I remove those that line, the program jumps through to fast and concludes without waiting for the service to respond.
Question: How do I resume/continue the program with the full transcription without needing to hit a key?
I would like to run this for multiple .wav files transcribing each one after the other. But so far it runs the first one then waits.
I have been scouring the documentation and I have tried multiple things including using recognizer.close(); which I would expect to end the SpeechRecognizer but which seems to do nothing.
Or using result = recognizer.recognizeOnceAsync().get(); which does not transcribe the full file.
Does anyone know of an example of this running multiple files or how to implement that?
You can create a function that will read and return the list of files in your directory:
private static String[] GetFiles(String directory)
String[] files = (new File(directory)).list(File::isFile);
return files;
Then loop through them to process them, and then transcribe them.
String[] files = GetFiles(args[0]);
for (String file : files)
//Your code goes here.
System.out.printf("File %1$s processed" + "\r\n",file);//print out which file has been successfully processed.
You could also try using the Batch Transcription feature!
Batch transcription is ideal if you have large amounts of audio in
I have to process thousands of files but my program is failing after 20 files with the exception "No Space Left".
This is my pseudo code.
for (Task t: tasks) {
File f = t.createTempFile()
I checked the /tmp folder. The files are not getting deleted. My hairs are falling out. Can someone give some suggestions?
PS: it should have permissions to create the files so it should have permissions to delete as well.
It is probably because you still have some input or output stream on the file and you forgot to close it.
If the JVM itself (in any thread) is still holding an input or output stream to the file, it won't be deleted.
As was said in the comment above, you can check the return status of the method as well.
The code I'm writing in Java is is close a file left open by the user. So, here is what typically happens: a user is editing an Excel file, they save it, leave it open, and then close the lid on their laptop. The file is still kept open and locked so no one else can edit it. Is there a way to kick them off and unlock the file? When they are using the file, it is "checked out." Here is what shows up:
What checked out looks like: (image)
The following code, interfacing through WinDAV with SharePoint, tells me if a file is locked or not (I know it's not great code, but it works and I've tried several other solutions including Filelock, Apache IO, FileStream, etc.):
String fileName = String.valueOf(node);
File file = new File(fileName);
boolean replaced;
File sameFileName = new File(fileName);
if(file.renameTo(new File(sameFileName + "_UNLOCK"))){
replaced = true; //file is currently not in use
(new File(sameFileName + "_UNLOCK")).renameTo(sameFileName);
replaced = false; //file is currently in use
So, how would I unlock a file now? The only other solution is PowerShell using SharePoint libraries, but that has a whole lot of other problems...
As per the post, you can use the tool Handle, which is a CLI tool to find out which process is locking the file. Once you have the process ID, you can kill that process. I'm not aware of any Java API that would identify the culprit process. For killing the process you can use taskkill, and you can call it using Runtime like this. Both the operation require you app to run at Administrator or above privilege.
I have 80,000 words for a crossword (among others) puzzle word pattern matcher. (User inputs "ba??" and gets, among other things, "ball, baby, bank, ..." or enters "ba*" and gets the aforementioned as well as "bat, basket, babboon...".)
I stuck the words in a Netbeans "empty file" and named it "dictionary". The file's contents are just (80,000) words, one per line. This code works like a charm to read the dictionary (code that filters is omitted):
static void showMatches(String pattern, String legal, String w) throws IOException
Path p = Paths.get("C:\\Users\\Dov\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Masterwords\\src\\masterwords\\dictionary");
String word;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(p).useDelimiter("\r");
word = sc.next().substring(1);
Is there a way to make the file (named "dictionary") become part of the compiled jar file so that I only need to "ship" one file to new, (largely helpless) users?
In another matter of curiosity...
Is it possible to make the argument to Paths.get(...) something like "masterwords/src/dictionary" to make the connection for the Scanner object to be able read it? I'm wondering if this might relate to an answer my first question. (If there's a way, I can't stumble onto it. Whatever similar string I use, I get no error, no output, no "build successful"--gotta click Run > Stop build/run.)
I'm not certain, based on your description, that my solution addresses your issue, but let me restate the problem as I understand it: You have a .jar file that relies on a dictionary resource. That resource is subject to change, and you'd like to be able to update it without having to ship out a whole new .jar containing a new dictionary.
If I'm reading you correctly, you want something like:
private File getInstallPath()
return new File(MyClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath());
This will return the install directory of your .jar file, which is where you can put your dictionary resource so that the .jar knows where to find it. Of course, now you have a bit of a training issue, because users can move, delete or misplace your dictionary file.
Part II:
Now that you've clarified your question, let me again restate: You want to be able to read an arbitrary file included in your .jar file. Fine. You're probably trying to open the file as a file, but once the file is in your .jar, you need to treat it as a resource.
Try using:
Class myClass = Class.forName("MyClass");
ClassLoader myLoader = myclass.getClassLoader();
InputStream myStream = myLoader.getResourceAsStream(myFile);
Do you really need me to explain what "myClass," "myLoader," etc. refer to? Hint: "myClass" is whatever your class is that needs to read the file.
After leaving this thread in frustration for a couple of weeks, yesterday I found a similar question at this forum, which led me to Google "java resource files" and visit ((this URL)).
Between the two I figured out how to read a file named 'dictionary' that was created as a Netbeans "empty Java file", which was located in Source Packages ... [default package] (as shown in Netbeans Projects window) and stored as C:\Users\Dov\!Docs\Documents\NetBeansProjects\WordPatternHelp\src\dictionary:
File file = new File("src/dictionary");
p = file.toPath();
sc = new Scanner(p).useDelimiter("\r");
Success. Hooray.
But after compiling and executing the .jar file from a DOS command line, 'dictionary' couldn't be found. So the above only works from within Netbeans IDE.
After mostly erroneous attempts caused by the above 'success', I finally got success using #Mars' second suggestion like so:
package masterwords;
public class Masterwords
InputStream myStream = Class.forName("masterwords.Masterwords").
sc = new Scanner(myStream).useDelimiter("\r"); // NULL PTR EXCEPTION HERE
So, for whatever it might be worth, a very belated thanks (and another apology) to #Mars. It was as straightforward as he indicated. Wish I'd tried it 2 weeks ago, but I'd never seen any of the methods and didn't want to take the time to learn how they work back then with other more pressing issues at hand. So I had no idea Mars had actually written the exact code I needed (except for the string arguments). Boy, do I know how the methods work now.
I am in the process of making a program, which allows you to view your file system.
I was testing it, and ran into a problem: It was saying a directory called "Documents and Settings" was on my C:\ drive, while it wasn't there.
This is how I get my file array:
File f = new File(path); //path being a path sent by the client, for example C:\
//TODO start downloading it.
out.println("ERR: no dir!");
Server.log.log("System path requested: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
File[] files = f.listFiles();
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
File found = files[i];
out.println("dir:" + found.getName());
System.out.println("Printed " + found.getName());
out.println("ENDOFLIST"); //Notify the client it has to stop receiving data
For some reason, this outputs quite a lot of directories that I can't seem to find, even with the "Show hidden folders" option on.
When trying to access these directories, it tries to read the contents of the directory, but since the directory doesn't exist it throws an exception, causing no data to get sent over sockets and my client freezing.
My question is: Is there a way to either check if the file/directory REALLY exists? Note, if you look at my code block, if the file/dir doesn't exist it already continues instead of writing it to the socket.
I've given it a google, but no matches were found. Also, I've given the search function a go, but it didn't come up with anything similar.
These are hidden system folders.
They do exist. Really.
You get exceptions because a lot of them don't have read access.
I suggest to use the new Fil I/O API introduced by Java 7, it features greatly improved support of the features a specific file system offers. It also offers the possibility to use walk the file tree.
Have a look at the FileVisitor http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/FileVisitor.html that will greatly help you.
My small utility application asks the user for an output directory via a GUI file selector.
Then it creates a lot of files in this output directory after some processing.
I need to check if the application has write access so that it informs the user and does
not continue with the processing (which might take a long time)
My first attempt was the canWrite() method of java.io.File. But this does not work
since it deals with the directory entry itself and not its contents. I have seen at least
one instance of a Windows XP folder that can be renamed or deleted but no files may be created
in it (because of permissions). This is actually my testcase.
I finally settled with the following solution
//User places the input file in a directory and selects it from the GUI
//All output files will be created in the directory that contains the input file
File fileBrowse = chooser.getSelectedFile(); //chooser is a JFileChooser
File sample = new File(fileBrowse.getParent(),"empty.txt");
* Create and delete a dummy file in order to check file permissions. Maybe
* there is a safer way for this check.
catch(IOException e)
//Error message shown to user. Operation is aborted
However this does not feel elegant to me since it just tries to actually create a file and checks if the operation succeeds.
I suspect that there must be a better way for this but all solutions I have found so far
with Security Managers and stuff deal with Java Applets and not standalone applications.
Am I missing something?
What is the recommended way of checking for file access inside a directory before
actually writing the files?
I am using Java 5.
You could check the file permissions, make sure the directory exists, and do a lot of checking or find a library that does all that checking for you BUT (!) isn't the best way of checking to try ? If you check for permissions and the filesystem changes... you will have to change your code. But trying to write a file will ALWAYS tell you if you can write a file.
Your solution doesn't have to be the most elegant one. It's not a cheap hard coded patch or something ugly. It's just normal code. And it will always work. But if you don't like to see that check in the code just separate it by putting it in class which only goal is to check for the possibly of writing. In fact, you should put it in a utility class wheter you like the elegance or not.
The other solution would be to place your whole writing-to-the-hard-drive code, in the try. And if you can't write, the whole part will be skipped and you give feedback to the user with a message in the catch part.
it doesn't works even if you invoke canWrite on the final path?
File sample = new File(fileBrowse.getParent(),"empty.txt");
if (sample.canWrite()) {
} else {
you can use FilePermission to get the details .
I find one way where you need to implement SecurityManager the code is here and here
Using Java 1.8 I was able to use the following.
Set<PosixFilePermission> permissions = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(Paths.get(destDir), LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);
Assert.assertTrue("User did not have read permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ));
Assert.assertTrue("User did not have execute permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE));
Assert.assertTrue("User did not have write permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE));
Assert.assertFalse("Group did have read permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ));
Assert.assertFalse("Group did have execute permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE));
Assert.assertFalse("Group did have write permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_WRITE));
Assert.assertFalse("Others did have read permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ));
Assert.assertFalse("Others did have execute permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE));
Assert.assertFalse("Others did have write permission.", permissions.contains(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE));