How to use Azure storage blob services [duplicate] - java

This question already has answers here:
Compiler error "archive for required library could not be read" - Spring Tool Suite
(24 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need your help as I am new to this field. I want to use Azure storage blob service to upload images, list and download, but I am facing some problems.
I have imported a project from this repository, and as soon as I import I am getting errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Archive for required library: 'C:/Users/NUTRIP-DEVLP1/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.4/commons-lang3-3.4.jar' in project 'blobAzureApp' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file blobAzureApp Build path Build Path Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved blobAzureApp Unknown Java Problem
Should I run this as a normal Java application or a Maven project? If Maven, how do I run it?

I suggest you using official java sdk in your maven project.
sample upload code:
static void uploadFile(BlockBlobURL blob, File sourceFile) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel =;
// Uploading a file to the blobURL using the high-level methods available in TransferManager class
// Alternatively call the Upload/StageBlock low-level methods from BlockBlobURL type
TransferManager.uploadFileToBlockBlob(fileChannel, blob, 8*1024*1024, null)
.subscribe(response-> {
System.out.println("Completed upload request.");
sample list code:
static void listBlobs(ContainerURL containerURL) {
// Each ContainerURL.listBlobsFlatSegment call return up to maxResults (maxResults=10 passed into ListBlobOptions below).
// To list all Blobs, we are creating a helper static method called listAllBlobs,
// and calling it after the initial listBlobsFlatSegment call
ListBlobsOptions options = new ListBlobsOptions(null, null, 10);
containerURL.listBlobsFlatSegment(null, options)
.flatMap(containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse ->
listAllBlobs(containerURL, containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse))
.subscribe(response-> {
System.out.println("Completed list blobs request.");
private static Single <ContainersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse> listAllBlobs(ContainerURL url, ContainersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse response) {
// Process the blobs returned in this result segment (if the segment is empty, blobs() will be null.
if (response.body().blobs() != null) {
for (Blob b : response.body().blobs().blob()) {
String output = "Blob name: " +;
if (b.snapshot() != null) {
output += ", Snapshot: " + b.snapshot();
else {
System.out.println("There are no more blobs to list off.");
// If there is not another segment, return this response as the final response.
if (response.body().nextMarker() == null) {
return Single.just(response);
} else {
IMPORTANT: ListBlobsFlatSegment returns the start of the next segment; you MUST use this to get the next
segment (after processing the current result segment
String nextMarker = response.body().nextMarker();
The presence of the marker indicates that there are more blobs to list, so we make another call to
listBlobsFlatSegment and pass the result through this helper function.
return url.listBlobsFlatSegment(nextMarker, new ListBlobsOptions(null, null,1))
.flatMap(containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse ->
listAllBlobs(url, containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse));
sample download code:
static void getBlob(BlockBlobURL blobURL, File sourceFile) {
try {
// Get the blob using the low-level download method in BlockBlobURL type
// is a static class that contains helpers to work with Flowable BlobRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE), null, false)
.flatMapCompletable(response -> {
AsynchronousFileChannel channel =
.get(sourceFile.getPath()), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
return FlowableUtil.writeFile(response.body(), channel);
}).doOnComplete(()-> System.out.println("The blob was downloaded to " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()))
// To call it synchronously add .blockingAwait()
} catch (Exception ex){
More details, please refer to this doc.Hope it helps you.


How to upload multipart to Amazon S3 asynchronously using the java SDK

In my java application I need to write data to S3, which I don't know the size in advance and sizes are usually big so as recommend in the AWS S3 documentation I am using the Using the Java AWS SDKs (low-level-level API) to write data to the s3 bucket.
In my application I provide S3BufferedOutputStream which is an implementation OutputStream where other classes in the app can use this stream to write to the s3 bucket.
I store the data in a buffer and loop and once the data is bigger than bucket size I upload data in the buffer as a a single UploadPartRequest
Here is the implementation of the write method of S3BufferedOutputStream
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int o = off, l = len;
int size;
while (l > (size = this.buf.length - position)) {
System.arraycopy(b, o, this.buf, this.position, size);
this.position += size;
o += size;
l -= size;
System.arraycopy(b, o, this.buf, this.position, l);
this.position += l;
The whole implementation is similar to this: code repo
My problem here is that each UploadPartRequest is done synchronously, so we have to wait for one part to be uploaded to be able to upload the next part. And because I am using the AWS S3 low level API I can not benefit from the parallel uploading provided by the TransferManager
Is there a way to achieve the parallel upload using low level SDK?
Or some code changes that can be done to operate Asynchronously without corrupting the uploaded data and maintain order of the data?
Here's some example code from a class that I have. It submits the parts to an ExecutorService and holds onto the returned Future. This is written for the v1 Java SDK; if you're using the v2 SDK you could use an async client rather than the explicit threadpool:
// WARNING: data must not be updated by caller; make a defensive copy if needed
public synchronized void uploadPart(byte[] data, boolean isLastPart)
logger.debug("submitting part {} for s3://{}/{}", partNumber, bucket, key);
final UploadPartRequest request = new UploadPartRequest()
.withInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))
executor.submit(new Callable<PartETag>()
public PartETag call() throws Exception
int localPartNumber = request.getPartNumber();
logger.debug("uploading part {} for s3://{}/{}", localPartNumber, bucket, key);
UploadPartResult response = client.uploadPart(request);
String etag = response.getETag();
logger.debug("uploaded part {} for s3://{}/{}; etag is {}", localPartNumber, bucket, key, etag);
return new PartETag(localPartNumber, etag);
Note: this method is synchronized to ensure that parts are not submitted out of order.
Once you've submitted all of the parts, you use this method to wait for them to finish and then complete the upload:
public void complete()
logger.debug("waiting for upload tasks of s3://{}/{}", bucket, key);
List<PartETag> partTags = new ArrayList<>();
for (Future<PartETag> future : futures)
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("failed to complete upload task for s3://%s/%s"), e);
logger.debug("completing multi-part upload for s3://{}/{}", bucket, key);
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest request = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest()
logger.debug("completed multi-part upload for s3://{}/{}", bucket, key);
You'll also need an abort() method that cancels outstanding parts and aborts the upload. This, and the rest of the class, are left as an exercise for the reader.
You should look at using the AWS SDK for Java V2. You are referencing V1, not the newest Amazon S3 Java API. If you are not familiar with V2, start here:
Get started with the AWS SDK for Java 2.x
To perform Async operations via the Amazon S3 Java API, you use S3AsyncClient.
Now to learn how to upload an object using this client, see this code example:
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
// snippet-end:[s3.java2.async_ops.import]
// snippet-start:[s3.java2.async_ops.main]
* To run this AWS code example, ensure that you have setup your development environment, including your AWS credentials.
* For information, see this documentation topic:
public class S3AsyncOps {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String USAGE = "\n" +
"Usage:\n" +
" S3AsyncOps <bucketName> <key> <path>\n\n" +
"Where:\n" +
" bucketName - the name of the Amazon S3 bucket (for example, bucket1). \n\n" +
" key - the name of the object (for example, book.pdf). \n" +
" path - the local path to the file (for example, C:/AWS/book.pdf). \n" ;
if (args.length != 3) {
String bucketName = args[0];
String key = args[1];
String path = args[2];
Region region = Region.US_WEST_2;
S3AsyncClient client = S3AsyncClient.builder()
PutObjectRequest objectRequest = PutObjectRequest.builder()
// Put the object into the bucket
CompletableFuture<PutObjectResponse> future = client.putObject(objectRequest,
future.whenComplete((resp, err) -> {
try {
if (resp != null) {
System.out.println("Object uploaded. Details: " + resp);
} else {
// Handle error
} finally {
// Only close the client when you are completely done with it
That is uploading an object using the S3AsyncClient client. To perform a multi-part upload, you need to use this method:
TO see an example of Multipart upload using the S3 Sync client, see:
That is your solution - use S3AsyncClient object's createMultipartUpload method.

Save a variable when the server is off

In fact I am making a Minecraft plugin and I was wondering how some plugins (without using DB) manage to keep information even when the server is off.
For example if we make a grade plugin and we create a different list or we stack the players who constitute each. When the server will shut down and restart afterwards, the lists will become empty again (as I initialized them).
So I wanted to know if anyone had any idea how to keep this information.
If a plugin want to save informations only for itself, and it don't need to make it accessible from another way (a PHP website for example), you can use YAML format.
Create the config file :
File usersFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "user-data.yml");
if(!usersFile.exists()) { // don't exist
// OR you can copy file, but the plugin should contains a default file
/*try (InputStream in = plugin.getResource("user-data.yml");
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(usersFile)) {
ByteStreams.copy(in, out);
} catch (Exception e) {
Load the file as Yaml content :
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(usersFile);
Edit content :
config.set(playerUUID, myVar);
Save content :;
Also, I suggest you to make I/O async (read & write) with scheduler.
If you want to make ONE config file per user, and with default config, do like that :
File oneUsersFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), playerUUID + ".yml");
if(!oneUsersFile.exists()) { // don't exist
try (InputStream in = plugin.getResource("my-def-file.yml");
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(oneUsersFile)) {
ByteStreams.copy(in, out); // copy default to current
} catch (Exception e) {
YamlConfiguration userConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(oneUsersFile);
PS: the variable plugin is the instance of your plugin, i.e. the class which extends "JavaPlugin".
You can use PersistentDataContainers:
To read data from a player, use
PersistentDataContainer p = player.getPersistentDataContainer();
int blocksBroken = p.get(new NamespacedKey(plugin, "blocks_broken"), PersistentDataType.INTEGER); // You can also use DOUBLE, STRING, etc.
The Namespaced key refers to the name or pointer to the data being stored. The PersistentDataType refers to the type of data that is being stored, which can be any Java primitive type or String. To write data to a player, use
p.set(new NamespacedKey(plugin, "blocks_broken"), PersistentDataType.INTEGER, blocksBroken + 1);

MS Graph API: Getting 404 when saving to _layouts folder

I'm using the MS Graph Java SDK to save a file to user's OneDrive and under a given path:
public void createDriveItem() {
String fileName = "moon.pdf";
String fullPath = "a/_layouts/b" + fileName;
byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fileName));
private String encodePath(String path) {
String encoding =;
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(path, encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return path;
I'm using MS Graph Java SDK v2.5.0, Java 11.
However, this request fails with 404 : Not Found. It also fails if I don't encode the path. It looks like the /_layouts/ which is making troubles because, once I add something to it, the request works.
Also, I reproduced this error with a number of accounts.
My question is: Is this actually expected? If yes, why does creating the same folder structure work when done through the web UI?
I believe you should not be able to add items into /_layouts/ on SharePoint Online.

Is there any direct way to copy one s3 directory to another in java or scala?

I want to archive all the files and sub directories in a s3 directory to some other s3 location using java. Is there any direct way to copy one s3 directory to another in java or scala?
There is no API call to operate on whole directories in Amazon S3.
In fact, directories/folders do not exist in Amazon S3. Rather, each object stores the full path in its filename (Key).
If you wish to copy multiple objects that have the same prefix in their Key, your code will need to loop through the objects, copying one object at a time.
A bit wordy, but does the job: reasonable logging, multithreading via TransferManager, handling continuation token for "folders" with more than 1000 keys:
* Copies all content from s3://sourceBucketName/sourceFolder to s3://destinationBucketName/destinationFolder.
public void copyAll(String sourceBucketName, String sourceFolder, String destinationBucketName, String destinationFolder) {"Copying data from s3://{}/{} to s3://{}/{}", sourceBucketName, sourceFolder, destinationBucketName, destinationFolder);
TransferManager transferManager = TransferManagerBuilder.standard()
try {
ListObjectsV2Request request = new ListObjectsV2Request()
ListObjectsV2Result objects;
do {
objects = client.listObjectsV2(request);
List<Copy> transfers = new ArrayList<>();
for (S3ObjectSummary object : objects.getObjectSummaries()) {
String sourceKey = object.getKey();
String sourceRelativeKey = sourceKey.substring(sourceFolder.length());
String destinationKey = destinationFolder + sourceRelativeKey;
transfers.add(transferManager.copy(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey));
for (Copy transfer : transfers) {
}"Copied batch of {} objects. Last object: {}", transfers.size(), transfers.isEmpty() ? "None" : transfers.get(transfers.size() - 1).getDescription());
} while (objects.isTruncated());"Copy operation completed successfully from s3://{}/{} to s3://{}/{}", sourceBucketName, sourceFolder, destinationBucketName, destinationFolder);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Resetting interrupt flag and returning control to the caller.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {

Getting error "Can't read input file" on production server but not locally

I make a POST to a request with a File included in the request body.
In my method I retrieve this File
if(request.body.file("imageFile").getOrElse(null) != null) {
request.body.file("imageFile").map{ case FilePart(key, name, contentType, content) =>
val in:InputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content))
image =
} catch {
case e => Logger.debug(e.printStackTrace.toString); throw new Exception(e.getMessage)
If a File is included in the request body it tries to get it, else it just tries to get a file from S3.
else {
val in:InputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(S3Storage.retrieveS3File("facebook.jpg").content))
image =
} catch {
case e:IOException => Logger.debug("Failed to retrieve facebook image"); throw new IOException(e.getMessage)
All this works fine when I run it on my computer, but when I check in this and test it on the amazon server the image = gives me an error; Can't read input file!.
For me this makes no sense since the file is either in the request body or it's grabbed from a S3 bucket.
I've debugged this code and in the production environment there is a file available there when the "read" is done.
Why cannot the file be read from the production environment?
One suggestion would be not to swallow the original exception and stack trace.
Use constructor new Exception(message, catchedException) in your catch blocks.

