Removing first digit from int, but keeping leading zeros - java

I need to write code for removing the first digit if an int is more than 3 digits. For example if I have 1055 then the output would be 055. My current code removes the first digit but the problem is it also removes the zeros and outputs 55 instead of 055. How would I got about to fix this? The variable that I'm referring to is the checksum
int checksum = 0;
int l = message.length();
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { 3
checksum += message.charAt(i);
if (checksum >= 1000) {
checksum = Integer.parseInt(Integer.toString(checksum).substring(1));
physicalLayer.sendFrame("(" + message + ":" + checksum + ":.)");

You obviously cannot keep leading zeros in int data type.
So, keep the result in a String copy
int checksum=0;
int l= message.length();
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
checksum+= message.charAt(i);
String sChecksum = Integer.toString(checksum);
sChecksum= sChecksum.substring(1);

You mention if the it is more than 4 digits then
int number = 1055;
String text_no = Integer.toString(number);
if(text_no.length() > 4) {
But "1055" has only 4 digit then if condition does not work if you need to check only 4 digit and more that for digits then this will work
int number = 1055;
String text_no = Integer.toString(number);
if(text_no.length() >= 4) {


Return the count how many digits are 7 in the given number n

I'm writing a method for my CS151 class called countSevens(n). It Returns count how many digits are 7 in the given number n. This is what I have so far but I'm doing something wrong that I can't figure out.
public int countSevens(int n){
int count = 0;
String strI = Integer.toString(n);
for (int i = 0; i < strI.length(); i++){
return count;
You can do it with java streams
public int countSevens(int n) {
return (int) String.valueOf(n).chars().filter(ch -> ch == '7').count();
(int) - cast to an int type, in this particular case it safe to cast long to int, because we can't get a conversation error. In other cases it's better to use Math.toIntExact(long)
String.valueOf(n) - convert to string
chars() - return stream of chars
filter(ch -> ch == '7') - filter all chars that equals to 7
count() - returns the count of elements in this stream
Will return the part of string from i-character to the end.
Use strI.charAt(i) instead
From the definition of String.substring(int):
Returns a string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins with the character at the specified index and extends to the end of this string.
So this will only count the last instance of a 7 in your number, and only if it's the last digit in the number.
Instead, try this:
if(strI.substring(i, i+1).equals("7"))
Or, since you're dealing with ints, you can avoid using strings altogether. n % 10 will get you the last digit, and n /= 10 will bump the entire number right by one digit. That should be enough to get you started on doing this without Strings.
To count the number of 7s in an integer:
int counter = 0;
int number = 237123;
String str_number = String.valueOf(number);
for(char c : str_number.toCharArray()){
if(c == '7'){
You can just use simple arithmetics:
public static int countSevens(int i) {
int count = 0;
for (i = i < 0 ? -i : i; i != 0; count += i % 10 == 7 ? 1 : 0, i /= 10);
return count;
But who can read this? Not many, so here is a cleaner solution, applying the same logic:
public static int countSevens(int i) {
int count = 0;
// ignore negative numbers
i = Math.abs(i);
while(i != 0) {
// if last digit is a 7
if(i % 10 == 7) {
// then increase the counter
// remove the last digit
i /= 10;
return count;

How to add all integer from String in sequence?

for Example:
2^15 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26
but i does not get desired results
when i add all char it gives
output as:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProjectEu {
public static void main(String...rDX) {
int degree = new Scanner(;
String store = Integer.toString((int)Math.pow(2,degree));
char [] finals = store.toCharArray();
int temp = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = store.length(); i < n; i++) {
System.out.printf("values[%d] --> %c \n",i, finals[i]);
temp = temp + finals[i];
The reason that you are getting this error is because temp is an integer, but finals[i] is a character, so it converts the characters into ASCII values and adds them. You can fix this problem by doing:
for (int i = 0, n = store.length(); i < n; i++) {
char ch = store.charAt(i);
int digit = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(ch));
temp = temp + digits;
Try this:
int sum = store.chars()
This line:
temp = temp + finals[i];
sums temp and the ASCII code of the char stored in finals[i].
You can get the value of the digit by this:
temp = temp + finals[i] - '0';
This means that by subtracting from the digit's ASCII code the ASCII code of 0 you get the number value of the digit.
When you are adding a character to an integer, you are adding the integer code of the character, not its actual numeric value .
What you need is Character.getNumericValue :
temp = temp + Character.getNumericValue(finals[i]);

Given a number n, list all n-digit numbers such that each number does not have repeating digits

I'm trying to solve the following problem. Given an integer, n, list all n-digits numbers such that each number does not have repeating digits.
For example, if n is 4, then the output is as follows:
Total number of 4-digit numbers is 5040
My present approach is by brute-force. I can generate all n-digit numbers, then, using a Set, list all numbers with no repeating digits. However, I'm pretty sure there is a faster, better and more elegant way of doing this.
I'm programming in Java, but I can read source code in C.
Mathematically, you have 10 options for the first number, 9 for the second, 8 for the 3rd, and 7 for the 4th. So, 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 = 5040.
Programmatically, you can generate these with some combinations logic. Using a functional approach usually keeps code cleaner; meaning build up a new string recursively as opposed to trying to use a StringBuilder or array to keep modifying your existing string.
Example Code
The following code will generate the permutations, without reusing digits, without any extra set or map/etc.
public class LockerNumberNoRepeats {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Total combinations = " + permutations(4));
public static int permutations(int targetLength) {
return permutations("", "0123456789", targetLength);
private static int permutations(String c, String r, int targetLength) {
if (c.length() == targetLength) {
return 1;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < r.length(); ++i) {
sum += permutations(c + r.charAt(i), r.substring(0,i) + r.substring(i + 1), targetLength);
return sum;
Total combinations = 5040
Pulling this from a comment by #Rick as it was very well said and helps to clarify the solution.
So to explain what is happening here - it's recursing a function which takes three parameters: a list of digits we've already used (the string we're building - c), a list of digits we haven't used yet (the string r) and the target depth or length. Then when a digit is used, it is added to c and removed from r for subsequent recursive calls, so you don't need to check if it is already used, because you only pass in those which haven't already been used.
it's easy to find a formula. i.e.
if n=1 there are 10 variants.
if n=2 there are 9*10 variants.
if n=3 there are 8*9*10 variants.
if n=4 there are 7*8*9*10 variants.
Note the symmetry here:
9876 = 9999 - 123
9875 = 9999 - 124
So for starters you can chop the work in half.
It's possible that you might be able to find a regex which covers scenarios such that if a digit occurs twice in the same string then it matches/fails.
Whether the regex will be faster or not, who knows?
Specifically for four digits you could have nested For loops:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (j != i) {
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
if ((k != j) && (k != i)) {
for (int m = 0; m < 10; m++) {
if ((m != k) && (m != j) && (m != i)) {
someStringCollection.add((((("" + i) + j) + k) + m));
Alternatively, for a more generalised solution, this is a good example of the handy-dandy nature of recursion. E.g. you have a function which takes the list of previous digits, and required depth, and if the number of required digits is less than the depth just have a loop of ten iterations (through each value for the digit you're adding), if the digit doesn't exist in the list already then add it to the list and recurse. If you're at the correct depth just concatenate all the digits in the list and add it to the collection of valid strings you have.
Backtracking method is also a brute-force method.
private static int pickAndSet(byte[] used, int last) {
if (last >= 0) used[last] = 0;
int start = (last < 0) ? 0 : last + 1;
for (int i = start; i < used.length; i++) {
if (used[i] == 0) {
used[i] = 1;
return i;
return -1;
public static int get_series(int n) {
if (n < 1 || n > 10) return 0;
byte[] used = new byte[10];
int[] result = new int[n];
char[] output = new char[n];
int idx = 0;
boolean dirForward = true;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
result[idx] = pickAndSet(used, dirForward ? -1 : result[idx]);
if (result[idx] < 0) { //fail, should rewind.
if (idx == 0) break; //the zero index rewind failed, think all over.
dirForward = false;
idx --;
} else {//forward.
dirForward = true;
idx ++;
if (n == idx) {
for (int k = 0; k < result.length; k++) output[k] = (char)('0' + result[k]);
count ++;
dirForward = false;
idx --;
return count;

How to print very big numbers to the screen

In an interview I had, I was asked to write a program that prints to the screen the numbers 1,2,3,4,5....until 99999999999999.....?(the last number to print is the digit 9 million times)
You are not allowed to use Big-Integer or any other similar object.
The hint I got is to use modulo and work with strings, I tried to think about it but haven't figured it out.
Thanks in advance
You need an array to store the number, and perform operations on the array.
Here's an example
public class BigNumberTest2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/*Array with the digits of the number. 0th index stores the most significant digit*/
//int[] num = new int[1000000];
//Can have a million digits, length is 1 + needed to avoid overflow
int[] num = {0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int base = 10;
int step = 1;
String endNum = "100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020";//Can have a million digits
while(true) {
//Increment by step
for(int carry = step, i = num.length - 1; carry != 0 && i >= 0; i--) {
int newDigit = num[i] + carry;
num[i] = newDigit % base;
carry = newDigit / base;
//Find the position of most significant digit
int mostSignificantDigitIndex = 0;
while(num[mostSignificantDigitIndex] == 0) {/*No need to check if firstNonZero < num.length, as start num >=0 */
StringBuilder strNum = new StringBuilder();
//Concatenate to get actual string
for(int i = mostSignificantDigitIndex; i < num.length; i++) {
//Check if number current number is greater or equal to endNum
if(strNum.length() > endNum.length() || (strNum.length() == endNum.length() && strNum.toString().compareTo(endNum) >= 0)) {
Something like this:
This is a PHP, but you could transform it to java easy...
Recursion with increasing number through string.
function nextNum($num="", $step=1, $end="999999999999999999") {
$string = "";
$saving = 0;
for($i=strlen($num)-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
$calc = intval(intval($num[$i]) + $saving);
if ($i==(strlen($num)-1)) $calc = $calc + $step;
if (strlen($calc)==2) {
$calc = $calc."";
$saving = intval($calc[0]);
$calc = intval($calc[1]);
else {
$calc = intval($calc);
$saving = 0;
$string = $calc . $string;
if ($saving!=0) $string = $saving.$string;
echo $string." ";
if ($end == $string || strlen($end)<strlen($string)) { return; }
else return nextNum($string, $step, $end);
nextNum("0", 1, "999999999999999999");
I didn't test it... but it should work..

How to add numbers(integers) that are stored inside a string

I have to create a program that uses Luhn's algorithm to check to see if a credit card is valid.
The algorithm is this:
Form a sum of every other digit, including the right-most digit; so
5490123456789128 sums to 8+1+8+6+4+2+0+4 = 33
Form double each remaining digit, then sum all the digits that creates it; the remaining digits in our example (5 9 1 3 5 7 9 2) double to 10 18 2 6 10 14 18 4, which sums to 1+0+1+8+2+6+1+0+1+4+1+8+4 = 37
Add the two sums above (33+37 = 70)
If the result is a multiple of 10 (i.e., its last digit is 0) then it was a valid credit card number.
I made a Scanner and saved the credit card number into String card number
Then I created a while loop to save every other character starting from the right into a string. So now, I have a string filled with every other digit of the credit card number, starting from the right. However, I need to add up all of the digits within that string, which I can't figure out.
For example, if the user entered 1234 as the card number, the string everyotherdigit = 42. How can I add up 4 and 2 within the string?
There are numerous ways to do that. You can actually find your own solution by doing a bit of googling.
Anyway, this is what you can do:
Get individual characters from your string, and convert them to int.
String cardNumber = "5490123456789128";
int value = cardNumber.charAt(0) - '0';
Using a for loop and changing 0 to x(loop counter) will solve everything.
Get single String and convert to int.
String cardNumber = "5490123456789128";
int value = Integer.parseInt(cardNumber.substring(0,1));
I'd treat the string as an array of chars, and use Character.digit(int, int) to convert each character to the corresponsing int:
public static boolean isValidCreditCard (String s);
char[] arr = s.toCharArray();
int everyOtherSum = 0;
for (int i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
everyOtherSum += Character.digit(arr[i], 10);
int doubleSum = 0;
for (for (int i = arr.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
int currDigit = Character.digit(arr[i], 10);
int doubleDigit = currDigit * 2;
while (doubleDigit > 0) {
doubleSum += (doubleDigit % 10);
doubleDigit /= 10;
int total = everyOtherSum + doubleSum;
return total % 10 == 0;
So something like this would work for you:
public static void main(String[] args)
String cardNum = "5490123456789128";
String others = null;
int evenDigitSum = 0;
int oddDigitTransformSum = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < cardNum.length(); pos++)
if ((pos%2) != 0)
evenDigitSum += (cardNum.charAt(pos) - '0');
others = Integer.toString((cardNum.charAt(pos)-'0')*2);
for (char c : others.toCharArray())
oddDigitTransformSum += (c-'0');
System.out.println("Odds: " + oddDigitTransformSum);
System.out.println("Evens: " + evenDigitSum);
System.out.println("Total: " + (evenDigitSum+oddDigitTransformSum));
System.out.println("Valid Card: " + ((evenDigitSum+oddDigitTransformSum)%10==0));
public int cardCount(String numbers){
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
int count = 0;
for(char c : numbers.toCharArray()){
int size = stack.size();
for(int i=1;i <= size; i++){
if(i%2 != 0){
count = count + stack.pop();
return count;
This just does what you asked, not the entire algorithm

