i have a query which will return single record with 2 columns from Table
i want to get the result to a List each element hold a column value , but i keep getting ClassCastExceptoion
this is the code :
public List<String> getStatus(Long requestId) {
List result = new ArrayList();
if (requestId != null)
StringBuilder querySBuilder = new StringBuilder();
querySBuilder.append(" select R.request_status_id , L.request_status_desc ");
querySBuilder.append(" from Table1 R join Table2 L ");
querySBuilder.append(" on R.request_status_id = L.REQUEST_STATUS_Id ");
querySBuilder.append(" where R.REQUEST_ID = " + requestId);
List resultList =
Vector resultVec = (Vector)resultList.get(0);
int id = ((BigDecimal)resultVec.elementAt(0)).intValue();
String statusName = ((String)resultVec.elementAt(0));
System.out.println("id" + id);
System.out.println("name " + statusName);
if (resultVec == null || resultVec.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<String>();
return result;
return null;
The pattern I would use would be to phrase the incoming native result set as a List<Object[]>, where each object array represents a single record:
Query q = em.createNativeQuery(querySBuilder.toString());
List<Object[]> result = q.getResultList();
for (Object[] row : result) {
int id = (Integer)row[0];
String statusName = (String)row[1];
// do something with the id and statusName from above
I think it is a typo.
String statusName = ((String)resultVec.elementAt(0));
The elementAt(1) should be used instead of elementAt(0).
I have some Java code that runs an SQL query like this:
SELECT DISTINCT ven.enterprise_network_id, st.*
FROM studies st
inner join v_enterprise_network_members ven on st.ib_id = my_ib_id
WHERE ven.ib_id=:IB_ID
AND (st.myvrn_expiration_date IS NULL OR st.myvrn_expiration_Date >= sysdate)
ORDER BY st.study_date DESC
I understand everything except I don't understand what st.ib_id=my_ib_id. What does it mean? This is the whole method just in case if it helps:
public List<Study> searchRepository(StudySearchCriteria criteria, boolean isEnterpriseNetwork,
boolean isExactNameMatch) {
String selectForNone = null;
String studyStatus = null;
studyStatus = verifyStudyStatus(criteria, studyStatus, isEnterpriseNetwork);
if (criteria.contains(SearchField.STUDY_STATUS) && StringUtils.isBlank(studyStatus)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(studyStatus) && studyStatus.contains(StudyPacsState.State.NONE.toString())) {
selectForNone = "DISTINCT {st.*}, st.study_date as stdate FROM studies st";
StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer(512);
StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(512);
StringBuffer orderBy = new StringBuffer(selectForNone != null ? "" : " ORDER BY st.study_date DESC ");
select.append("SELECT ");
if (criteria.containsWildcard()) {
if (!isEnterpriseNetwork) {
select.append(selectForNone != null ? selectForNone : "DISTINCT {st.*} FROM studies st");
where.append(" WHERE st.ib_id=:IB_ID AND ").append(myVrnSql);
else {
///////////////////////////////////// HERE IS WHERE my_ib_id is
select.append("DISTINCT ven.enterprise_network_id, {st.*} FROM studies st")
.append(" inner join v_enterprise_network_members ven on st.ib_id=my_ib_id ");
where.append(" WHERE ven.ib_id=:IB_ID AND ").append(myVrnSql);
StringBuilder queryForNone = selectForNone != null ? new StringBuilder(" UNION ") : new StringBuilder(" ");
createStudyStatusQuery(criteria, isExactNameMatch, studyStatus, where, queryForNone, false);
buildStudyQuery(criteria, select, where, orderBy, isEnterpriseNetwork, isExactNameMatch, true, false);
if (criteria.contains(SearchField.STUDY_STATUS)) {
select.append(" , smr_study_pacs_state sps ");
SQLQuery sq = null;
Query hq = null;
if (isEnterpriseNetwork) {
sq = getSession().createSQLQuery(select.toString() + where.toString());
sq.addEntity("st", Study.class).addScalar("enterprise_network_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
else {
sq = getSession().createSQLQuery(select.toString() + where.toString() + queryForNone.toString());
sq.addEntity("st", Study.class).setCacheable(false).setCacheRegion("vrnstudysearch");
if (selectForNone != null) {
sq.addScalar("stdate", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
hq = sq;
hq.setLong(SearchField.IB_ID.toString(), (Long) criteria.get(SearchField.IB_ID));
supplyParameters(criteria, hq, isExactNameMatch);
logger.info("Query searchRepository {}", hq.getQueryString());
List<Study> result = null;
if (!isEnterpriseNetwork) {
if (selectForNone != null) {
List<?> returned = hq.list();
if (returned != null) {
result = new ArrayList<Study>();
for (Object n : returned) {
Object[] tuple = (Object[]) n;
Study st = (Study) tuple[0];
else {
result = hq.list();
else {
List<?> returned = hq.list();
if (returned != null) {
result = new ArrayList<Study>();
for (Object n : returned) {
Object[] tuple = (Object[]) n;
Study st = (Study) tuple[0];
st.setEnterpriseNetworkId((Long) tuple[1]);
logger.debug(" returned " + (result == null ? 0 : result.size()));
return result;
st.ib_id=my_ib_id is the join condition - it defines the relationship between the two tables you are joining in the query. Presumably, my_ib_id is a column in one of those tables.
In my code i have used List < Tuple > to capture the query results by joining various
tables and mapping to DTO object. This code works fine in the main. But
when i try to create a test case, i'm unable to cover the List < Tuple > code.
Please provide your inputs.
For Ex :
private List<FeedbackDTO> getList(String sortingProperty, String direction, UUID workflowId, UUID categoryId,
String type) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(
"select feedback.id, feedback.workflowId, user.userName, user.firstName, "
+ "user.lastName, feedback.submittedDate, country.countryName, "
+ "region.regionName, feedback.comments, feedback.ratings, feedback.acknowledged "
+ "from Feedback feedback, User user, Country country, Region region "
+ "where feedback.userId = user.id and user.countryId = country.id and user.regionId = region.id "
+ "and feedback.workflowId = " + "'" + workflowId + "'" + " and feedback.categoryId = " + "'"
+ categoryId + "'" + " and feedback.type = " + "'" + type + "'" + " order by ");
if (sortingProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("firstName")) {
query.append("user.firstName ");
Query queryList = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query.toString(), Tuple.class);
List<Tuple> tupleList = queryList.getResultList();
List<FeedbackDTO> feedbackList = new ArrayList<FeedbackDTO>();
for (Tuple tuple : tupleList) {
FeedbackDTO feedbackDTO = new FeedbackDTO();
feedbackDTO.setId(UUID.fromString((String) tuple.get("id")));
feedbackDTO.setUserName((String) tuple.get("userName"));
feedbackDTO.setFirstName((String) tuple.get("firstName"));
feedbackDTO.setLastName((String) tuple.get("lastName"));
feedbackDTO.setCountryName((String) tuple.get("countryName"));
feedbackDTO.setAcknowledged((Boolean) tuple.get("acknowledged"));
feedbackDTO.setRegionName((String) tuple.get("regionName"));
feedbackDTO.setComments((String) tuple.get("comments"));
feedbackDTO.setSubmittedDate((Date) tuple.get("submittedDate"));
feedbackDTO.setRatings((Double) tuple.get("ratings"));
return feedbackList;
In My Test Case:
public void testGetFeedbackListNoFeedback() {
try {
Query queryList = mock(Query.class);
FeedbackTestDTO feedback = new FeedbackTestDTO();
feedback.setComments("Please swich-on the power");
feedback.setType("Alternate Solution");
List<Object> tupleList = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(
"select * from feedback order by user.firstName ASC");
Sort sort = new Sort("firstName:ASC");
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 20, sort);
when(entityManager.createNativeQuery(query.toString(), javax.persistence.Tuple.class)).thenReturn(queryList);
this.mockFeedbackListDTO = feedbackServiceImpl.getFeedbackList(workflowId, categoryId, "", "",
"2019-08-29T01:00:00Z", "2019-08-29T13:00:00Z", "5", pageable, true);
assertEquals(201, this.mockFeedbackListDTO.getCode());
} catch (BusinessException | ParseException be) {
assertEquals("No feedback from users", accessor.getMessage(be.getLocalizedMessage()));
List<Tuple> tupleList = new ArrayList<>();
NativeQueryTupleTransformer nativeQueryTupleTransformer = new NativeQueryTupleTransformer();
tupleList.add((Tuple)nativeQueryTupleTransformer.transformTuple(new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123)},new String[]{"0","1","2"} ));
tupleList.add((Tuple)nativeQueryTupleTransformer.transformTuple(new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123)},new String[]{"0","1","2"} ));
tupleList.add((Tuple)nativeQueryTupleTransformer.transformTuple(new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123),new BigDecimal(123)},new String[]{"0","1","2"} ));
It looks like your list is empty, therefore your for-loop is never examined.
Add an assertion that the expected size of the list should be of size 3:
List<Tuple> tupleResults = queryResults.getResultList();
// Check that the list is of size 3
Assert.assertTrue(tupleResults.size() == 3);
for(Tuple t : tupleResults) {
myDtoObject.setName(t.get("name")); //0
myDtoObject.setAge(t.get("age")); //1
myDtoObject.setSalary(t.get("salary"); //2
public void test() {
Query query = mock(Query.class);
List<Tuple> tupleList = new ArrayList<>();
when(query.getResultList().size() > 0).thenReturn(tupleList );
First of all, apologize for my grammatical errors. My English level is not good.
I'm trying to read multiple fields that will be columns in a table. But I don't know how do it. Because, I've tried using a loop from getResultList() from query.
I'm using spring boot (jpa + hibernate) with postgsql.
The idea is instead of next code:
public List<Object> readTable(String nameTable) {
String SQL_COLUMN_TABLE_ID = "SELECT table_id FROM " + nameTable + " ORDER BY table_id asc;";
String SQL_COLUMN_GEOM = "SELECT GeometryType(geom) FROM " + nameTable + " ORDER BY table_id asc;";
String SQL_COLUMN_PROPERTIES = "SELECT CAST(properties AS text) FROM " + nameTable + " ORDER BY table_id asc;";
List<String> table_id = executeSQLReadTable(SQL_COLUMN_TABLE_ID);
List<String> geom_type = executeSQLReadTable(SQL_COLUMN_GEOM);
List<String> properties = executeSQLReadTable(SQL_COLUMN_PROPERTIES);
List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<table_id.size(); i++) {
List<Object> item = new ArrayList<>();
return results;
To use this:
public List<String> readPerfectTable(String nameTable) {
String SQL = "SELECT table_id, CAST(properties AS text), GeometryType(geom) FROM " + nameTable + " ORDER BY table_id asc;";
return executeSQLReadTable(SQL);
In this part, I do not know how to use the results of multiple fields from select:
private List<String> executeSQLReadTable(String SQL) {
List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(SQL);
List<?> list = query.getResultList();
for (Object item : list) {
// Here WTF!
} catch(Throwable e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return results;
I solved :D
Thanks a lot :D
private List<Object> executeSQLReadTable(String SQL) {
List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(SQL);
List<?> result = query.getResultList();
Iterator<?> itr = result.iterator();
Object[] obj = (Object[]) itr.next();
List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>();
} catch(Throwable e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return results;
I'm using a spring framework and the code I'm using won't work or check if the query is null, though I used a .isEmpty() method it doesn't mean that the query is empty. I wanted to make sure that my query is empty because a part of my code does invoke an id in which case I didn't even though its null so please help me T.T
public List<Object> searchEmployee(EmployeeSearchDto data) {
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID = "emp.employeeID =:id";
final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID2 = "emp.employeeID LIKE:id";
final String CRITERIA_POSITION= "emp.positionID =:posID";
final String CRITERIA_DEPARTMENT="emp.departmentID =:deptID";
final String CRITERIA_WORKPLACE = "emp.workplaceID =:workID";
Boolean selected_dept = false;
Boolean selected_pos = false;
Boolean selected_work = false;
Boolean input_empID = false;
Boolean input_empName = false;
firstName = "";
middleName = "";
lastName = "";
completeName = "";
firstLastName = "";
List<String> criteria = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> employees = null;
// checking the fields if all the fields is empty
//one by one check the select field
String query = "Select"
+ " emp.employeeID,"
+"from Employee emp "
+ "INNER JOIN Department dept "
+ "ON emp.departmentID = dept.deptID "
+ "INNER JOIN Position pos "
+ "ON emp.positionID = pos.positionID "
+ "INNER JOIN Workplace work "
+ "ON emp.workplaceID = work.workplaceID ";
if(!data.isEmpty()) {
query = query.concat("WHERE ");
if(data.getEmployeeID()!="" && data.getEmployeeID()!=null) {
System.out.println("Employee IDs");
input_empID = true;
if(data.getEmployeeName()!="" && data.getEmployeeName()!=null){
System.out.println("Employee Name AKOOO");
input_empName = true;
if(data.getDepartmentID()!=0) {
System.out.println("Dept ID ");
selected_dept = true;
if(data.getPositionID()!=0) {
System.out.println("POS ID ");
selected_pos = true;
if(data.getWorkplaceID()!=0) {
selected_work = true;
query = query.concat(String.join(" OR ", criteria));
query = query.concat(" ORDER BY emp.joinDate DESC");
System.out.println("QUERY: " + query);
Query q = session.createQuery(query);
if(input_empID) {
q.setParameter("id", "%" + data.getEmployeeID() + "%");
if(input_empName) {
q.setParameter("inputName", "%" + data.getEmployeeName() + "%");
q.setParameter("firstLastName", "%" +firstLastName+ "%");
q.setParameter("completeName", "%" +completeName+ "%");
if(selected_dept) {
q.setParameter("deptID", data.getDepartmentID());
if(selected_pos) {
q.setParameter("posID", data.getPositionID());
if(selected_work) {
q.setParameter("workID", data.getWorkplaceID());
employees = (List<Object>) q.list();
}catch(Exception e){
return employees;
public String nameCriteriaHelper(String name) {
searchbyOne = false;
searchbyFandL = false;
searchbyCompName = false;
final String noOfTokens_1 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :inputName";
final String noOfTokens_2 = "(CONCAT(emp.lastName, ' ', emp.firstName) LIKE :firstLastName "
+ "OR CONCAT(emp.firstName, ' ', emp.lastName) LIKE :firstLastName)";
final String noOfTokens_3 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :completeName";
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name);
int no_of_tokens = stringTokenizer.countTokens();
switch(no_of_tokens) {
case 1: searchbyOne = true;
return noOfTokens_1;
case 2: firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
firstLastName = lastName + " " + firstName;
searchbyFandL = true;
return noOfTokens_2;
default: int counter = 0;
while( counter < (no_of_tokens - 2)) {
firstName = firstName.concat(stringTokenizer.nextToken() + " ");
firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
middleName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
completeName = lastName + " " + firstName + " " + middleName;
searchbyCompName = true;
return noOfTokens_3;
You're using wrong order and wrong function to compare string:
data.getEmployeeID()!="" && data.getEmployeeID()!=null
data.getEmployeeID() != null && !data.getEmployeeID().equals("")
Comparing string must use equals(). And check for null should be done first, before accessing the equals method
You should correct other conditions as above too.
Actually, the logic that Mr. Nguyễn provided here is faulty. An object or variable cannot both be null and initialized to a default value (such as foo == "") at the same time.
At the time of the logic check, if the String is in fact null, the second half of the logic statement will engage, checking to see if the String is equal to "", which will throw a null pointer exception. Instead of checking for both at the same time, check for one and then check for the other like so:
//since two logic checks are being performed,
//it is advantageous to put the data from the query
//into memory so you don't have to get the
//same result twice
String foo = data.getEmployeeID();
if (foo != null)
if (!(foo.equals("")))
//the result is neither null or empty
//the result is not null but it is empty
//the result is null
I have a table with < frozen < set < text > > > , column. I can't understand how I may read a column value from a row.Trying below but not able to get pass through.
else if (key.getType() == DataType.frozenSet(text))
str = row.getSet( , )
I tried the below , but i see nothing is printing out from that frozen set column.
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("test.csv"));
String keyspace = "xxxxx";
String table = "xxxxxx";
String username = "xxxx";
String password = "xxxx";
String host = "xxxxxxx";
double count = 0;
Cluster.Builder clusterBuilder = Cluster.builder()
.withCredentials(username, password);
Cluster cluster = clusterBuilder.build();
Session session = cluster.connect(keyspace);
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM " + table);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(stmt);
Iterator<Row> iter = rs.iterator();
while ( !rs.isFullyFetched()) {
if (rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 120 )
Row row = iter.next();
if ( rs != null )
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
for (Definition key : row.getColumnDefinitions().asList())
String val = myGetValue(key, row);
System.out.println(count + "\t rows copied into csv");
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Took "+(endTime - startTime) + " ms");
public static String myGetValue(Definition key, Row row)
String str = "";
if (key != null)
String col = key.getName();
if (key.getType() == DataType.cdouble())
str = new Double(row.getDouble(col)).toString();
else if (key.getType() == DataType.cint())
str = new Integer(row.getInt(col)).toString();
else if (key.getType() == DataType.uuid())
str = row.getUUID(col).toString();
else if (key.getType() == DataType.cfloat())
str = new Float(row.getFloat(col)).toString();
else if (key.getType() == DataType.timestamp())
str = row.getDate(col).toString();
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ");
str = fmt.format(row.getDate(col));
else if (key.getType().equals(DataType.set(DataType.text()) ))
Set<String> st1 = row.getSet(i, String.class);
str = st1.toString();
str = row.getString(col);
} catch (Exception e)
str = "";
return str;
create table view_page_details(
clickid uuid,
view text,
clickin int,
names frozen <set<text>>,
msg_view text,
number_of_times int,
primary key ((clickid, view, clickin), names);
cqlsh output for that specific 'names' column in that table:
| {').'{'2', 'STOP', 'williams', 'The', 'appts:', 'at', 'family''s', 'first', 'of', 'one', 'reminder', 'starts', 'to', 'your'}
| {'2'{'2', 'STOP', 'shane', 'The', 'appts:', 'at', 'family''s', 'first', 'of'}
| {'1', '2/1/15.'{'2', 'STOP', 'brete', 'The', 'appts:', 'at', 'family''s', 'first', 'of', 'one', 'reminder', 'starts', 'to', 'your'}
My program output for that specific 'names'column in that table:
From what i observed by debugging line by line , String val = myGetValue(key, row); gets the entire row value correctly from cluster, when returns value from that function its not giving out the specified column value. Not sure if something wrong inside the function logic for that specific column.
The first argument is index of the column in the ResultSet.
By accessing this way you need to get get columns by their index not by name or key.
Set<String> mySet = row.getSet(index, String.class);
If you don't have the index, then you will need keep a counter as you iterate the keys.
You can find out more from the javadoc
longer answer:
I'm really guessing what most of your code does, but with the given schema I can output the set using this code:
Row row = rs.one();
String str = "";
int i = 0;
Iterator<ColumnDefinitions.Definition> it = rs.getColumnDefinitions().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ColumnDefinitions.Definition key = it.next();
if (key.getType().equals(DataType.set(DataType.varchar()))) {
Set<String> st1 = row.getSet(i, String.class);
str = st1.toString();