I see this comment, but don't understand it.
Get its last set bit
diff &= -diff;
I tried
int a = 3 & -3; it returns 1.
int a = 2 & -2; it returns 2.
int a = 4 & -4; it returns 4.
int a = 5 & -5; it returns 1.
The comment would be better expressed as 'Get the least significant bit set'. To understand what is going on, you need to examine how negative numbers are represented in binary. The technique is called twos complement and works by starting with the positive representation of the number; you complement each bit (i.e. 1 -> 0 and 0 -> 1). You then add 1 to this number. In the example of 12:
00001100 12
11110011 complement
00000001 binary 1
11110100 add to complement to form twos complement negative
If you now AND the original value with the negative, you get
where the only bit set corresponds to the least significant bit set in the original pattern.
As the comment said, diff & -diff returns the value of the last bit that was set on diff. For example:
diff = 14
.... = 1110 (binary)
.... ^ last set bit
.... 10 is the last set bit
.... 10 in decimal is 2
Another example
diff = 24
.... = 11000 (binary)
.... ^ last set bit
.... 1000 is the last set bit
.... 1000 in decimal is 8
I would recommend reading the guidelines for how to ask a well formulated question. One recommendation I can personally give is to have one sentence at the end of your question that sums up exactly what it is you want to know.
There was a question asked:
"Presented with the integer n, find the 0-based position of the second
rightmost zero bit in its binary representation (it is guaranteed that
such a bit exists), counting from right to left.
Return the value of 2position_of_the_found_bit."
I had written below solution which works fine.
int secondRightmostZeroBit(int n) {
return (int)Math.pow(2,Integer.toBinaryString(n).length()-1-Integer.toBinaryString(n).lastIndexOf('0',Integer.toBinaryString(n).lastIndexOf('0')-1)) ;
But below was the best voted solution which I also liked as it has just few characters of codding and serving the purpose, but I could not understand it. Can someone explain how bit manipulation is helping to achieve it .
int secondRightmostZeroBit(int n) {
return ~(n|(n+1)) & ((n|(n+1))+1) ;
Consider some number having at least two 0 bits. Here is an example of such a number with the 2 rightmost 0 bits marked (x...x are bits we don't care about which can be either 0 or 1, and 1...1 are the sequences of zero or more 1 bits to the right and to the left of the rightmost 0 bit) :
x...x01...101...1 - that's n
If you add 1 to that number you get :
x...x01...110...0 - that's (n+1)
which means the right most 0 bit flipped to 1
therefore n|(n+1) would give you:
x...x01...111...1 - that's n|(n+1)
If you add 1 to n|(n+1) you get:
x...x100........0 - that's (n|(n+1))+1
which means the second right most 0 bit also flips to 1
Now, ~(n|(n+1)) is
y...y10.........0 - that's ~(n|(n+1))
where each y bit is the inverse of the corresponding x bit
therefore ~(n|(n+1)) & ((n|(n+1))+1) gives
where the only 1 bit is at the location of the second rightmost 0 bit of the input number.
I am trying to perform a bitwise not on a 128 bit BigInteger in Java. I have a 128 bit number which has the first 64 bits set to 1 and the last 64 bits set to 0 (I am playing with IPv6 masks).
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(2).pow(64).subtract(BigInteger.ONE).shiftLeft(64);
This results in the following, if I output it using base 2:
I am trying to flip/reverse all the bits using a bitwise not.
From my understanding of a bitwise not, I was expecting all the 1's to change to 0's and all the 0's to change to 1's, but I get the following instead:
This also seems to match the documentation of the not() function:
This method returns a negative value if and only if this BigInteger is non-negative
Is it a case of looping through all 128 bits and performing a bitwise not on each separate bit instead?
It probably helps if I try and explain what I was trying to achieve to give some context. I am manipulating IPv6 addresses and was trying to determine if a given IPv6 address was within a subnet or not based on an IPv6 mask.
Based on the responses, I think the following should work:
Is 2001:db8:0:0:8:800:200c:417b within 2001:db8::/64?
BigInteger n = new BigInteger(1, InetAddress.getByName("2001:db8::").getAddress());
BigInteger b = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(64).subtract(BigInteger.ONE).shiftLeft(64);
// First Address in Subnet
BigInteger first = n.and(b);
// Last Address in Subnet (this is where I was having a problem as it was returning a negative number)
BigInteger MASK_128 = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(128).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
BigInteger last = first.add(b.xor(MASK_128));
// Convert our test IP into BigInteger
BigInteger ip = new BigInteger(1, InetAddress.getByName("2001:db8:0:0:8:800:200c:417b").getAddress());
// Check if IP is >= first and <= last
if ((first.compareTo(ip) <= 0) && (last.compareTo(ip) >= 0)) {
// in subnet
As others have pointed out, it's the sign bit that is giving you the result that you don't want.
There are a couple of ways that you can get the inverted bits. For both of them you will need a 128 bit mask value:
private static final BigInteger MASK_128 =
Then you can either mask the sign bit:
BigInteger b = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(64).subtract(BigInteger.ONE).shiftLeft(64);
Or invert directly using xor:
I expect the mask value will be useful elsewhere once you start fleshing things out also.
signed byte 64 = 01000000
Invert it
and we get signed byte -65 = 10111111
Sign "minus" is the "not" operator itself:
-1000000 = 0111111
Type this and you see that the values are equal (+1) in absolute
Your answer is perfectly correct ,In java everything is in two's compliment:
Convert Decimal to Two's Complement
Convert the number to binary (ignore the sign for now) e.g. 5 is 0101 and -5 is 0101
If the number is a positive number then you are done. e.g. 5 is 0101 in binary using twos complement notation.
Here goes your solution.
If the number is negative then
3.1 find the complement (invert 0's and 1's) e.g. -5 is 0101 so finding the complement is 1010
3.2 Add 1 to the complement 1010 + 1 = 1011. Therefore, -5 in two's complement is 1011.
So, what if you wanted to do 2 + (-3) in binary? 2 + (-3) is -1. What would you have to do if you were using sign magnitude to add these numbers? 0010 + 1101 = ?
Using two's complement consider how easy it would be.
2 = 0010
-3 = 1101
-1 = 1111
Converting Two's Complement to Decimal
Converting 1111 to decimal:
The number starts with 1, so it's negative, so we find the complement of 1111, which is 0000.
Add 1 to 0000, and we obtain 0001.
Convert 0001 to decimal, which is 1.
Apply the sign = -1.
In your case
when you do b.not().toString(2) , you will get the response :
with 1 at the last bit.
Now do the two's compliment and you will get the right answer.
e.g; Flip all the 1's by 0's and vice-versa. after doing that add one to the solution and you will get the solution that you are seeking.
Final solution
VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000 - this is patern for bit 1...10...0
VALUE = 0x0000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - this is patern for bit 0...01...1
Just type by hand 16 x "F" and "0" and remember to add "0x"before each pattern.
Define this values as final.
If You want to generate such values you must do
value += 0x1;
value << 1;
For n times. In your case n is 64.
The number 254 is 11111110 in binary. My problem is I want to grab the last 2 bits (10). I was told to use the % operator to do this but I don't know how. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Supposing you want to get the numeric value of the last 2 binary digits, we can use a mask.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 0b1110;
int mask = 0b11;
System.out.println(n & mask);
What the code is doing is taking the number, in this case 0b1110 and doing an and with the mask defined 0b11.
0b is how you tell java that you are expressing the number as binary.
In case you wanted to obtain the binary number as binary, you can use this:
Integer.toBinaryString(n & mask)
You can use % to convert to binary but I believe its easier to use Integer.toBinaryString() and then charAt() to get the last 2 characters like they do in here
How do you get the last character of a string?
The last two bits can be obtained by doing x % 4, or by doing x & 3.
x % 4 is remainder after division by 4, which is a number 0-3, as represented by the last two bits.
x & 3 is a bit-wise AND operation with the binary number 11, i.e. zero'ing all other bits.
The second is generally the fastest at runtime, and the preferred method for doing bit manipulation. (Use a bit-wise operator for bit manipulation, right?)
I have a variable that represents the XOR of 2 numbers. For example: int xor = 7 ^ 2;
I am looking into a code that according to comments finds the rightmost bit that is set in XOR:
int rightBitSet = xor & ~(xor - 1);
I can't follow how exactly does this piece of code work. I mean in the case of 7^2 it will indeed set rightBitSet to 0001 (in binary) i.e. 1. (indeed the rightmost bit set)
But if the xor is 7^3 then the rightBitSet is being set to 0100 i.e 4 which is also the same value as xor (and is not the rightmost bit set).
The logic of the code is to find a number that represents a different bit between the numbers that make up xor and although the comments indicate that it finds
the right most bit set, it seems to me that the code finds a bit pattern with 1 differing bit in any place.
Am I correct? I am not sure also how the code works. It seems that there is some relationship between a number X and the number X-1 in its binary representation?
What is this relationship?
The effect of subtracting 1 from a binary number is to replace the least significant 1 in it with a 0, and set all the less significant bits to 1. For example:
5 - 1 = 101 - 1 = 100 = 4
4 - 1 = 100 - 1 = 011 = 3
6 - 1 = 110 - 1 = 101 = 5
So in evaluating x & ~(x - 1): above x's least significant 1, ~(x - 1) has the same set bits as ~x, so above x's least significant 1, x & ~(x-1) has no 1 bits. By definition, x has a 1 bit at its least significant 1, and as we saw above ~(x - 1) will, too, but ~(x - 1) will have 0s below that point. Therefore, x & ~(x - 1) will have only one 1 bit, at the least significant bit of x.
Line 294 of java.util.Random source says
if ((n & -n) == n) // i.e., n is a power of 2
// rest of the code
Why is this?
Because in 2's complement, -n is ~n+1.
If n is a power of 2, then it only has one bit set. So ~n has all the bits set except that one. Add 1, and you set the special bit again, ensuring that n & (that thing) is equal to n.
The converse is also true because 0 and negative numbers were ruled out by the previous line in that Java source. If n has more than one bit set, then one of those is the highest such bit. This bit will not be set by the +1 because there's a lower clear bit to "absorb" it:
n: 00001001000
~n: 11110110111
-n: 11110111000 // the first 0 bit "absorbed" the +1
(n & -n) fails to equal n at this bit.
The description is not entirely accurate because (0 & -0) == 0 but 0 is not a power of two. A better way to say it is
((n & -n) == n) when n is a power of two, or the negative of a power of two, or zero.
If n is a power of two, then n in binary is a single 1 followed by zeros.
-n in two's complement is the inverse + 1 so the bits lines up thus
n 0000100...000
-n 1111100...000
n & -n 0000100...000
To see why this work, consider two's complement as inverse + 1, -n == ~n + 1
n 0000100...000
inverse n 1111011...111
+ 1
two's comp 1111100...000
since you carry the one all the way through when adding one to get the two's complement.
If n were anything other than a power of two† then the result would be missing a bit because the two's complement would not have the highest bit set due to that carry.
† - or zero or a negative of a power of two ... as explained at the top.
You need to look at the values as bitmaps to see why this is true:
1 & 1 = 1
1 & 0 = 0
0 & 1 = 0
0 & 0 = 0
So only if both fields are 1 will a 1 come out.
Now -n does a 2's complement. It changes all the 0 to 1 and it adds 1.
7 = 00000111
-1 = NEG(7) + 1 = 11111000 + 1 = 11111001
8 = 00001000
-8 = 11110111 + 1 = 11111000
00001000 (8)
11111000 (-8)
--------- &
00001000 = 8.
Only for powers of 2 will (n & -n) be n.
This is because a power of 2 is represented as a single set bit in a long sea of zero's.
The negation will yield the exact opposite, a single zero (in the spot where the 1 used to be) in a sea of 1's. Adding 1 will shift the lower ones into the space where the zero is.
And The bitwise and (&) will filter out the 1 again.
In two's complement representation, the unique thing about powers of two, is that they consist of all 0 bits, except for the kth bit, where n = 2^k:
base 2 base 10
000001 = 1
000010 = 2
000100 = 4
To get a negative value in two's complement, you flip all the bits and add one. For powers of two, that means you get a bunch of 1s on the left up to and including the 1 bit that was in the positive value, and then a bunch of 0s on the right:
n base 2 ~n ~n+1 (-n) n&-n
1 000001 111110 111111 000001
2 000010 111101 111110 000010
4 000100 111011 111100 000100
8 001000 110111 111000 001000
You can easily see that the result of column 2 & 4 is going to be the same as column 2.
If you look at the other values missing from this chart, you can see why this doesn't hold for anything but the powers of two:
n base 2 ~n ~n+1 (-n) n&-n
1 000001 111110 111111 000001
2 000010 111101 111110 000010
3 000011 111100 111101 000001
4 000100 111011 111100 000100
5 000101 111010 111011 000001
6 000110 111001 111010 000010
7 000111 111000 111001 000001
8 001000 110111 111000 001000
n&-n will (for n > 0) only ever have 1 bit set, and that bit will be the least significant set bit in n. For all numbers that are powers of two, the least significant set bit is the only set bit. For all other numbers, there is more than one bit set, of which only the least significant will be set in the result.
It's property of powers of 2 and their two's complement.
For example, take 8:
8 = 0b00001000
-8 = 0b11111000
Calculating the two's complement:
Starting: 0b00001000
Flip bits: 0b11110111 (one's complement)
Add one: 0b11111000
AND 8 : 0b00001000
For powers of 2, only one bit will be set so adding will cause the nth bit of 2n to be set (the one keeps carrying to the nth bit). Then when you AND the two numbers, you get the original back.
For numbers that aren't powers of 2, other bits will not get flipped so the AND doesn't yield the original number.
Simply, if n is a power of 2 that means only one bit is set to 1 and the others are 0's:
00000...00001 = 2 ^ 0
00000...00010 = 2 ^ 1
00000...00100 = 2 ^ 2
00000...01000 = 2 ^ 3
00000...10000 = 2 ^ 4
and so on ...
and because -n is a 2's complement of n (that means the only bit which is 1 remains as it is and the bits on left side of that bit are sit to 1 which is actually doesn't matter since the result of AND operator & will be 0 if one of the two bits is zero):
000000...000010000...00000 <<< n
111111...111110000...00000 <<< -n
000000...000010000...00000 <<< n
Shown through example:
8 in hex = 0x000008
-8 in hex = 0xFFFFF8
8 & -8 = 0x000008