Spring boot application start without proper application name - java

When running
./mvnw spring-boot:run
current spring boot application can open in the browser with current URL
but not
So even in Swagger the APIs has to retrieve like this
instead of this
So how to add the AppName in the context? Easy in the old days where web.xml is xml based, in java based config I have add
but still don't resolve the issue.

So how to add the AppName in the context?
Spring Boot, by default, serves content on the root context path (“/”), But we can change it in different ways.
1) Using application.properties / yml
For Boot 1.x, the property is server.context-path=/AppName
For Boot 2.x, the property is server.servlet.context-path=/AppName
2) Using Java system property
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("server.servlet.context-path", "/AppName");
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
3) Using OS Environment Variable
On Linux:- $ export SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH=/AppName
4) Using Command Line Arguments
$ java -jar app.jar --server.servlet.context-path=/AppName
5) Using Java Config
With Spring Boot 2, we can use WebServerFactoryCustomizer:
public WebServerFactoryCustomizer<ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory>
webServerFactoryCustomizer() {
return factory -> factory.setContextPath("/AppName");
With Spring Boot 1, we can create an instance of EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer:
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer
embeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
return container -> container.setContextPath("/AppName");
Note:- Priority order in descending order, which Spring Boot uses to select the effective configuration:
Java Config
Command Line Arguments
Java System Properties
OS Environment Variables
application.properties in Current Directory
application.properties in the classpath (src/main/resources or the packaged jar file)

Set the context path
Spring Boot 1.x: server.contextPath=/AppName
Spring Boot 2.x: server.servlet.contextPath=/AppName

You should use
server.servlet.context-path for Spring Boot 2.x
server.context-path for Spring 1.x
in your application.properties file.

Add the following line in your application.properties (works with Spring Boot 1.x):
if your version is 2.x, the use the following:


Select spring boot xml configuration at runtime

I have to run a legacy spring boot (2.1.8) app
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
with XML beans config which must be selected at runtime from the src/main/resources dir:
based on an env variable with the respective value a or b. Is there a way to load XML config like this?
Have you looked into Spring Profiles; this might get you where you want to be.

Automatization Spring Cloud Profile

Actually have a little problem.
I want switch the url of my bootstrap.yml
It looks as follows:
name: <project-name>
active: dev
uri: http://<git-repository>:8080
fail-fast: false
This works, but i want have an propertie or anything what can switch if are in local or another enviroment.
I try to see this documentation but dont see any work for me.
I don't think Spring Cloud is any different from any Spring application, so you could use the Spring profiles.
Something similar is suggested on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22759706/6908551.
You could define a separate .yml file just for your cloud config uri, like cloud-config-dev.yml, cloud-config-prod.yml. Then, for a Java config, you could have something like:
public class MyApplicationConfiguration {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
String activeProfile = System.getProperty("spring.profiles.active", "production");
String ymlFilename = "cloud-config-" + activeProfile + ".yml";
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer configurer = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
configurer.setLocation(new ClassPathResource(ymlFilename));
return configurer;
I would define a bootstrap.yml file by environment.
Define a default bootstrap.yml in src/main/resources and define a specific bootstrap.yml file for each environment.
Then there are multiple ways.
Not exhaustive :
1) For each environment where the configuration file differs, run your spring boot jar by specifying the system property spring.cloud.bootstrap.location with the expected value such as :
java -jar ... -Dspring.cloud.bootstrap.location=bootstrap-dev.yml ....
That overrides the current location of that file.
2) Take advantage of Spring Boot profile feature : bootstrap.yml is compatible with. For example if the dev profile is enabled, the bootstrap-dev.properties in the classpath will be used.
I tend to use the first way because that is more explicit for non Spring Boot users.
Source : 1.3 Changing the Location of Bootstrap Properties

SpringBoot 2 with Flyway: spring.flyway.locations is ignored

I am using Spring Boot 2.2.2 with Flyway 5.2.4 and I tried to configure flyway to use a differente location for the scripts, but spring.flyway.locations=filesystem:db_other/migration/{vendor} neither flyway.locations=filesystem:db_other/migration/{vendor} configurations on application.properties worked.
When running the program, the following exception appear in the log:
FlywayMigrationScriptMissingException: Cannot find migration scripts in: [classpath:db/migration]
I already tried using Spring Boot 2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.11 and Flyway 6.1.0 and 6.1.3, but the result is the same.
The default value for that property is classpath:db/migration as shown here (search for flyway).
Since you're using a different folder in the resources directory you should only need to change "filesystem" to "classpath" in your application.properties value.
Actually if was my fault: as I used to work with just spring (not spring boot) I configured my test class with the annotations #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) AND #ContextConfiguration(classes = { MyConfiguration.class }) instead of just use #SpringBootTest. When making this change the test worked.

What is the difference between spring cloud config server exec.jar and .jar suffix

We are currently using spring cloud config server spring-cloud-config-server-1.1.0.M2-exec.jar and would like to upgrade to the latest version. However, i've noticed that beyond 1.1.0.M2 version there's only standard jars and no exec.jar in Maven repo http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-config-server/
Could someone please explain what the difference is? Will I be able to just substitute the exec one with the standard non exec one?
The exec jar contains an executable version of the config server (as a Spring Boot application). The non-exec jar contains only the config server classes. So you can't just replace the exec jar with the other one. What you basically have to do is to create a basic Spring Boot application with the config server dependencies and the appropriate annotations (like in the example):
public class ConfigServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ConfigServerApplication.class, args);

How can I access 'spring.application.name' when defined in bootstrap.properties?

I have the following spring-boot 1.4.2.RELEASE sample app
public class Application {
private String applicationName;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
And I have the following configuration defined in bootstrap.properties:
When run it I get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'spring.application.name' in string value "${spring.application.name}"
Any hint on why it fails to inject 'spring.application.name'?
Need to define it there to support other spring boot cloud.
The first answer is correct. The default properties file is application.properties or application.yml.
The bootstrap file is properly for Spring Cloud.
See http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/spring-cloud.html#_the_bootstrap_application_context
If you are using spring cloud, and the bootstrap file is not working, you need to enable the "cloud" Spring profile.
For example using:
./gradlew -Dspring.profiles.active=cloud bootrun
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=cloud
By default, if you don't specify any properties source, spring boot will lookup for your property in the file application.properties. Therefore, you should rename your property file to that default name or manually specify a properties source for your bootstrap.properties

