I'm making a game with libGDX in Java. I'm trying to make a collision detection. As you can see in the image, I have a line which is a wall and a player with specified radius. The desired position is the next location which the player is trying to be in. But because there is a wall, he's placed in the Actual Position which is on the Velocity vector, but more closer to the prev location. I'm trying to figure out how can I detect that closer position?
My attempt:
private void move(float deltaTime) {
float step;
if (playerComponent.isWalking())
step = handleAcceleration(playerComponent.getSpeed() + playerComponent.getAcceleration());
else step = handleDeacceleration(playerComponent.getSpeed(), playerComponent.getAcceleration());
if (step == 0) return;
takeStep(deltaTime, step, 0);
private void takeStep(float deltaTime, float step, int rotate) {
Vector3 position = playerComponent.getCamera().position;
float x = position.x;
float y = position.y;
int radius = playerComponent.getRadius();
auxEnvelope.init(x, x + radius, y, y + radius);
List<Line> nearbyLines = lines.query(auxEnvelope);
float theta;
int numberOfIntersections = 0;
float angleToMove = 0;
Gdx.app.log(step + "", "");
for (Line line : nearbyLines) {
VertexElement src = line.getSrc();
VertexElement dst = line.getDst();
auxVector3.rotate(Vector3.Z, rotate);
float nextX = x + (step * deltaTime) * (auxVector3.x);
float nextY = y + (step * deltaTime) * playerComponent.getCamera().direction.y;
float dis = Intersector.distanceLinePoint(src.getX(), src.getY(), dst.getX(), dst.getY(), nextX, nextY);
boolean bodyIntersection = dis <= 0.5f;
auxVector21.set(src.getX(), src.getY());
auxVector22.set(dst.getX(), dst.getY());
auxVector23.set(nextX, nextY);
if (bodyIntersection) {
if (numberOfIntersections > 1) {
theta = auxVector22.sub(auxVector21).nor().angle();
float angle = (float) (180.0 / MathUtils.PI * MathUtils.atan2(auxVector23.y - position.y, auxVector23.x - position.x));
if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
float diff = (theta > angle) ? theta - angle : angle - theta;
if (step < 0) step *=-1;
angleToMove = (diff > 90) ? theta + 180 : theta;
if (numberOfIntersections == 0) {
moveCameraByWalking(deltaTime, step, rotate);
} else {
moveCameraInDirection(deltaTime, step, angleToMove);
The idea is to find intersection of path of object center and the line moved by radius of the circle, see that picture.
At first, you need to find a normal to the line. How to do it, depends on how the line is defined, if it's defined by two points, the formula is
nx = ay - by
ny = bx - ax
If the line is defined by canonical equation, then coefficients at x and y define normal, if I remembered correctly.
When normal is found, we need to normalize it - set length to 1 by dividing coordinates by vector length. Let it be n.
Then, we will project starting point, desired point and randomly chosen point on line to n, treating them as radius vectors.
Projection of vector a to vector b is
project (a, b) = scalar_product (a, b) / length (b)**2 * b
but since b is n which length equals 1, we will not apply division, and also we want to only find length of the result, we do not multiply by b. So we only compute scalar product with n for each of three aforementioned points, getting three numbers, let s be the result for starting point, d for desired point, l for chosen point on the line.
Then we should modify l by radius of the circle:
if (s < d) l -= r;
else if (s > d) l += r;
If s = d, your object moves in parallel along the line, so line can't obstruct its movement. It's highly improbable case but should be dealt with.
Also, that's important, if l was initially between s and d but after modifying is no longer between then, it's a special case you may want to handle (restrict object movement for example)
Ather that, you should compute (d - s) / (l - s).
If the result is greater or equals 1, the object will not reach the line.
If the result is between 0 and 1, the line obstructs movement and the result indicates part of the path the object will complete. 0.5 means that object will stop halfway.
If the result is negative, it means the line is behind the object and will not obstruct movement.
Note that when using floating point numbers the result will not be perfectly precise, that's why we handle that special case. If you want to prevent this from happening at all, organize loop and try approximations until needed precision is reached.
I am currently trying to put together an algorithm where I can know if there is an obstruction between two defined points in a plane.
Here is an example image.
We can see with the image that point 1, 2, 3, & 6 are all accessible from the origin point. Points 4 and 5 are not. You pass through the polygon.
The code I am using is the following. pStartPoint and pEndPoint is the line from the origin to the point in question. The function checks all edges to see if the line passes through the edge.
public double GetSlopeOfLine(Point a, Point b){
double x = b.y - a.y;
double y = b.x - a.x;
return (x / y);
public double GetOffsetOfLine(double x, double y, double slope){
return (y - (slope * x));
public boolean IsPointAccessable(Point pStartPoint, Point pEndPoint){
//Define the equation of the line for these points. Once we have slope and offset the equation is
//y = slope * x + offset;
double slopeOfLine = GetSlopeOfLine(pStartPoint, pEndPoint);
double offSet = GetOffsetOfLine(pStartPoint.x, pStartPoint.y, slopeOfLine);
//Collision detection for each side of each obstacle. Once we get the point of collision, does it lie on the
//line in between the two points? If so, collision, and I can't reach that point yet.
for (Iterator<Obstacles> ObstacleIt = AdjustedObstaclesList.iterator(); ObstacleIt.hasNext();) {
Obstacles pObstacle = ObstacleIt.next();
int NumberOfEdges = pObstacle.getPoints().size();
for(int i=0; i<NumberOfEdges; i++){
//Get Edge[i];
int index = i;
Point pFirstPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
if(i >= NumberOfEdges - 1)
index = 0;
index = i+1;
Point pNextPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
double slopeOfEdge = GetSlopeOfLine(pFirstPoint, pNextPoint);
double offsetEdge = GetOffsetOfLine(pNextPoint.x, pNextPoint.y, slopeOfEdge);
int x = Math.round((float) ((-offSet + offsetEdge) / (slopeOfLine - slopeOfEdge)));
int y = Math.round((float) ((slopeOfLine * x) + offSet));
//If it lies on either point I could be looking at two adjacent points. I can still reach that point.
if(x > pStartPoint.x && x < pEndPoint.x && y > pStartPoint.y && y < pEndPoint.y &&
x > pFirstPoint.x && x < pNextPoint.x && y > pFirstPoint.y && y < pNextPoint.y){
return false;
return true;
If the line passes through and the point where the lines cross is found between pStartPoint and pEndPoint I am assuming that pEndPoint cannot be reached.
This function is not working and I am wondering if it has something to do with the fact that the origin is not at the bottom left but at the top left and that (width, height) of my window is located in the bottom right. Therefore the coordinate plane is messed up.
My mind must be mush because I cannot think how to adjust for this and if that is truly my mistake as I cannot seem to fix the error. I thought adjusting the slope and offset by multiplying each by -1 might have been the solution but that doesn't seem to work.
Is my solution the right one? Does my code seem correct in checking for an intersect point? Is there a better solution to see if a point is accessible.
There is also going to be the next step after this where once I determine what points are accessible if I am now on one of the points of the polygon. For example, from point 1 what points are accessible without crossing into the polygon?
First, I would like to say that using slopes for this kind of task is do-able, but also difficult due to the fact that they are very volatile in the sense that they can go from negative infinity to infinity with a very small change in the point. Here's a slightly different algorithm, which relies on angles rather than slopes. Another advantage of using this is that the coordinate systems don't really matter here. It goes like this (I reused as much of your existing code as I could):
public boolean IsPointAccessable(Point pStartPoint, Point pEndPoint) {
//Collision detection for each side of each obstacle. Once we get the point of collision, does it lie on the
//line in between the two points? If so, collision, and I can't reach that point yet.
for (Iterator<Obstacles> ObstacleIt = AdjustedObstaclesList.iterator(); ObstacleIt.hasNext();) {
Obstacles pObstacle = ObstacleIt.next();
int NumberOfEdges = pObstacle.getPoints().size();
for(int i=0; i<NumberOfEdges; i++){
//Get Edge[i];
int index = i;
Point pFirstPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
if(i >= NumberOfEdges - 1)
index = 0;
index = i+1;
Point pNextPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
// Here is where we get a bunch of angles that encode in them important info on
// the problem we are trying to solve.
double angleWithStart = getAngle(pNextPoint, pFirstPoint, pStartPoint);
double angleWithEnd = getAngle(pNextPoint, pFirstPoint, pEndPoint);
double angleWithFirst = getAngle(pStartPoint, pEndPoint, pFirstPoint);
double angleWithNext = getAngle(pStartPoint, pEndPoint, pNextPoint);
// We have accumulated all the necessary angles, now we must decide what they mean.
// If the 'start' and 'end' angles are different signs, then the first and next points
// between them. However, for a point to be inaccessible, it also must be the case that
// the 'first' and 'next' angles are opposite sides, as then the start and end points
// Are between them so a blocking occurs. We check for that here using a creative approach
// This is a creative way of checking if two numbers are different signs.
if (angleWithStart * angleWithEnd <= 0 && angleWithFirst * angleWithNext <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
Now, all that is left to do is find a method that calculates the signed angle formed by three points. A quick google search yielded this method (from this SO question):
private double getAngle(Point previous, Point center, Point next) {
return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(center.x - next.x, center.y - next.y)-
Math.atan2(previous.x- center.x,previous.y- center.y));
Now, this method should work in theory (I am testing to be sure and will edit my answer if I find any issues with signs of angles or something like that). I hope you get the idea and that my comments explain the code well enough, but please leave a comment/question if you want me to elaborate further. If you don't understand the algorithm itself, I recommend getting a piece of paper out and following the algorithm to see what exactly is going on. Hope this helps!
EDIT: To hopefully aid in better understanding the solution using angles, I drew a picture with the four base cases of how the start, end, first, and next could be oriented, and have attached it to this question. Sorry for the sloppiness, I drew it rather quickly, but this should in theory make the idea clearer.
If you have a low segment count (for instance, your example only shows 12 segments for three shapes, two shapes of which we know we can ignore (because of bounding box checks), then I would recommend simply performing line/line intersection checking.
Point s = your selected point;
ArrayList<Point> points = polygon.getPoints();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = polygon.getEdges();
for(Point p: points) {
Line l = new Line(s, p);
for(Edge e: edges) {
Point i = e.intersects(l);
if (i != null) {
System.out.println("collision", i.toString());
With an intersects method that is pretty straight forward:
Point intersects(Line l) {
// boring variable aliassing:
double x1 = this.p1.x,
y1 = this.p1.y,
x2 = this.p2.x,
y2 = this.p2.y,
x3 = l.p1.x,
y2 = l.p1.y,
x3 = l.p2.x,
y2 = l.p2.y,
// actual line intersection algebra:
nx = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) -
(x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
ny = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) -
(y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
d = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);
if (d == 0) return null;
return new Point(nx/d, ny/d);
This question is a bit hard to formulate so I'll start by showing this image:
I want to test if points (such as p1 and p2 on the image) are within the dotted lines that are perpendicular to the line at its limits. I know the coordinates of the points to test and the line's limits.
So for p1 it would be false, and for p2 it would be true.
What would be the most computationaly efficient way to calculate this?
I'm working with floats in Java.
This can be very efficiently done with the dot product:
This is positive if A has a component parallel to B, and negative if anti-parallel.
Therefore if you have a line segment defined by points A and B, and a test point P, you only need two dot product operations to test:
dot(A - B, P - B) >= 0 && dot(B - A, P - A) >= 0
EDIT: a graphical explanation:
The dot product can be shown to be:
Thus if θ > 90 then dot(A, B) < 0, and vice versa. Now for your problem:
In case 1, when dot(A - B, P - B) > 0 we say that P is on the correct side of the dotted line at B, and vice versa in case 2. By symmetry we can then do the same operation at A, by swapping A and B.
If the point to test (tp), together with start point (sp) and end point (ep) of the range, form an obtuse triangle and you can conclude that it is out of range.
A special case would be tp is same slope as sp and ep, then you calculate the 2 distances:
distSpAndTp - distance between sp and tp
distEpAndTp - distance between ep and tp
If the sum of these 2 distances = distance between sp and ep, then tp is in range, otherwise it is out of range.
The best approach would be to first create a rectangle Rect (of android.graphics package), with x and width being the beginning and end of line, and y and height being the beginning and end of screen height.
Then use the Rect method Rect.contains(int x, int y) to check if the point coordinates lie within.
For floats, use RectF class instead.
This approach involves using 2D vectors (which you should have been using anyway, makes working in any coordinate system a lot easier) and the dot (scalar) product. It does not require any relatively expensive operations like the square root or trignometic functions, and therefore is very performant.
Let A and B be the start and end points (by point I mean a vector representing a position in 2D space) of the line segment, in any order. If P is the point to test, then:
If dot(PA, AB) and dot(PB, AB) have the same sign, the point lies outside the region (like p1 in your example).
If the dot products above have opposite signs, the point lies inside the region (like p2).
Where PA = A - P, PB = B - P and AB = B - A.
This condition can be surmised as follows:
if dot(PA, AB) * dot(PB, AB) <= 0 {
// Opposite signs, inside region
// If the product is equal to zero, the point is on one of the dotted lines
else {
// Same signs, outside region
Let's say, x1 is the beginning of the line and x2 is the end. Then ax is the dot in an horizontal plan and; y1, y2 and ay in vertical plan.
if((ax >= x1 && ax <= x2) && (ay >= y1 && ay <= y2)){ // do your work
There are a few answers already but there is another solution that will give you the unit distance on the line segment that the points is perpendicular to.
Where then line is x1,y1 to x2,y2 and the point is px,py
Find the vector from line start to end
vx = x2 - x1;
vy = y2 - y1;
And the vector from the line start (or end) to the point
vpx = px - x1;
vpy = py - y1;
And then divide the dot product of the two vectors by the length squared of the line.
unitDist = (vx * vpx + vy * vpy) / (vx * vx + vy * vy);
If the perpendicular intercept is on the line segment then unitDist will be 0 <= unitDist <= 1
In shortened form
x2 -= x1;
y2 -= y1;
unitDist = (x2 * (px - x1) + y2 * (py - y1)) / (x2^2 + y2^2);
if (unitDist >= 0 && unitDist <= 1) {
// point px,py perpendicular to line segment x1,y1,x2,y2
You also get the benefit of being able to get the point on the line where the intercept is.
p2x = vx * unitDist + x1;
p2y = vy * unitDist + y1;
And thus the distance that the point is from the line (note not line segment but line)
dist = hypot(p2x - px, p2y - py);
Which is handy if you are using a point to select from many lines by using the minimum distance to determine the selected line.
This can be solved nicely using complex numbers.
Let a and b the endpoints of the segment. We use the transformation that maps the origin 0 to a and the point 1 to b. This transformation is a similarity and its expresion is simply
p = (b - a) q + a
as you can verify by substituting q=0 or q=1. It maps the whole stripe perpendicular to the given segment to the stripe perpendicular to the segment 0-1.
Now the inverse transform is obviously
q = (p - a) / (b - a),
and the desired condition is
0 <= Re((p - a) / (b - a)) <= 1.
To avoid the division, you can rewrite
0 <= Re((p - a) (b - a)*) <= |b-a|²
0 <= (px - ax)(bx - ax) + (py - ay)(by - ay) <= (bx - ax)² + (by - ay)².
I'm writing a program that will rotate a rectangular prism around a point. It handles the rotations via 3 rotation methods that each manage a rotation around a single axis (X, Y, and Z). Here's the code
public void spinZ(Spin spin) {
if (x == 0 && y == 0) {
double mag = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double pxr = Math.atan(y / x);
x = Math.cos(spin.zr + pxr) * mag;
y = Math.sin(spin.zr + pxr) * mag;
public void spinY(Spin spin) {
if (z == 0 && x == 0) {
double mag = Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
double pxr = Math.atan(z / x);
x = Math.cos(spin.yr + pxr) * mag;
z = Math.sin(spin.yr + pxr) * mag;
public void spinX(Spin spin) {
if (z == 0 && y == 0) {
double mag = Math.sqrt(y * y + z * z);
double pxr = Math.atan(z / y);
y = Math.cos(spin.xr + pxr) * mag;
z = Math.sin(spin.xr + pxr) * mag;
public void addSpin(Spin spin) {
Spin is a useless class that stores three doubles (which are rotations). These methods basically convert the rotations into 2D vectors (how I store the points) and rotate them as such. The first if statement makes sure the 2D vectors don't a magnitude of 0. They are allowed to, but in that case it's not necessary to carry out the rotation calculations. The other part just handles the trig. The bottom method just ties everything together and allows me to quickly change the order of the rotations (because order should and does affect the final rotation).
The problem isn't with the individual rotations but when they all come together. I can easily get a single rotation around a single axis to work without distorting the rectangular prism. When I put them all together, like if you were to call addSpin().
When spinY is called first, the prism is distorted when the rotations include a Y rotation (if the y component of the rotation is zero, and no rotation around the y-axis should occur, then no distortion occurs). In fact, if spinY() is called anytime but last a distortion of the cube will occur.
The same is the case with spinZ(). If spinZ() is called last, the cube won't get warped. However spinX() can go anywhere and not cause a distortion.
So the question is: Is there a problem with how I'm going about the rotations? The other question is while all rotations cannot be encompassed by rotations along just the X and Y axes or any other pair of distinct axes (like X and Z, or Y and Z), can those three sets collectively make all rotations? To clarify, can the rotations, which cannot be reached by a set of rotations around the X and Y axes, be reached by a set of rotations around the X and Z axes or the Y and Z axes?
I trust the medium I'm using to display the prisms. It's a ray-tracer I made that works well with rectangular prisms. This is a more math-based question, but it has a fairly comprehensive programming component.
These are some parallel calculations that still yield in distortions.
public void spinZ(Spin spin) {
double c = Math.cos(spin.yr);
double s = Math.sin(spin.yr);
double xp = x*c - y*s;
double yp = y*s + x*c;
x = xp;
y = yp;
public void spinY(Spin spin) {
double c = Math.cos(spin.yr);
double s = Math.sin(spin.yr);
double zp = z*c - x*s;
double xp = z*s + x*c;
x = xp;
z = zp;
public void spinX(Spin spin) {
double c = Math.cos(spin.yr);
double s = Math.sin(spin.yr);
double yp = y*c - z*s;
double zp = z*c + y*s;
y = yp;
z = zp;
Your checks for things like
x == 0
are unnecessary and dangerous as a double almost never will have the precise value 0. The atan when you have a division can lead to catastrophic loss of precision as well.
Why are they unnecessary? Because the following performs your rotation in a cleaner (numerically stable) fashion:
double c = Math.cos(spin.yr);
double s = Math.cos(spin.yr);
double zp = z*c - x*s;
double xp = z*s + x*c;
x = xp;
z = zp;
Of course, my example assumes you treat the y rotation with a right handed orientation, but from your sample code you seem to be treating it as left handed. Anyways, the wikipedia article on the Rotation matrix explains the math.
I'm programming a software renderer in Java, and am trying to use Z-buffering for the depth calculation of each pixel. However, it appears to work inconsistently. For example, with the Utah teapot example model, the handle will draw perhaps half depending on how I rotate it.
My z-buffer algorithm:
for(int i = 0; i < m_triangles.size(); i++)
if(triangleIsBackfacing(m_triangles.get(i))) continue; //Backface culling
for(int y = minY(m_triangles.get(i)); y < maxY(m_triangles.get(i)); y++)
if((y + getHeight()/2 < 0) || (y + getHeight()/2 >= getHeight())) continue; //getHeight/2 and getWidth/2 is for moving the model to the centre of the screen
for(int x = minX(m_triangles.get(i)); x < maxX(m_triangles.get(i)); x++)
if((x + getWidth()/2 < 0) || (x + getWidth()/2 >= getWidth())) continue;
rayOrigin = new Point2D(x, y);
if(pointWithinTriangle(m_triangles.get(i), rayOrigin))
zDepth = zValueOfPoint(m_triangles.get(i), rayOrigin);
if(zDepth > zbuffer[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2])
zbuffer[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2] = zDepth;
colour[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2] = m_triangles.get(i).getColour();
drawDot(g2, rayOrigin);
Method for calculating the z value of a point, given a triangle and the ray origin:
private double zValueOfPoint(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector3D surfaceNormal = getNormal(triangle);
double A = surfaceNormal.x;
double B = surfaceNormal.y;
double C = surfaceNormal.z;
double d = -(A * triangle.getV1().x + B * triangle.getV1().y + C * triangle.getV1().z);
double rayZ = -(A * rayOrigin.x + B * rayOrigin.y + d) / C;
return rayZ;
Method for calculating if the ray origin is within a projected triangle:
private boolean pointWithinTriangle(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector2D v0 = new Vector2D(triangle.getV3().projectPoint(modelViewer), triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
Vector2D v1 = new Vector2D(triangle.getV2().projectPoint(modelViewer), triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
Vector2D v2 = new Vector2D(rayOrigin, triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
double d00 = v0.dotProduct(v0);
double d01 = v0.dotProduct(v1);
double d02 = v0.dotProduct(v2);
double d11 = v1.dotProduct(v1);
double d12 = v1.dotProduct(v2);
double invDenom = 1.0 / (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01);
double u = (d11 * d02 - d01 * d12) * invDenom;
double v = (d00 * d12 - d01 * d02) * invDenom;
// Check if point is in triangle
if((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && ((u + v) <= 1))
return true;
return false;
Method for calculating surface normal of a triangle:
private Vector3D getNormal(Triangle triangle)
Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(triangle.getV1(), triangle.getV2());
Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D(triangle.getV3(), triangle.getV2());
return v1.crossProduct(v2);
Example of the incorrectly drawn teapot:
What am I doing wrong? I feel like it must be some small thing. Given that the triangles draw at all, I doubt it's the pointWithinTriangle method. Backface culling also appears to work correctly, so I doubt it's that. The most likely culprit to me is the zValueOfPoint method, but I don't know enough to know what's wrong with it.
My zValueOfPoint method was not working correctly. I'm unsure why :( however, I changed to a slightly different method of calculating the value of a point in a plane, found here: http://forum.devmaster.net/t/interpolation-on-a-3d-triangle-using-normals/20610/5
To make the answer here complete, we have the equation of a plane:
A * x + B * y + C * z + D = 0
Where A, B, and C are the surface normal x/y/z values, and D is -(Ax0 + By0 + Cz0).
x0, y0, and z0 are taken from one of the vertices of the triangle. x, y, and z are the coordinates of the point where the ray intersects the plane. x and y are known values (rayOrigin.x, rayOrigin.y) but z is the depth which we need to calculate. From the above equation we derive:
z = -A / C * x - B / C * y - D
Then, copied from the above link, we do:
"Note that for every step in the x-direction, z increments by -A / C, and likewise it increments by -B / C for every step in the y-direction.
So these are the gradients we're looking for to perform linear interpolation. In the plane equation (A, B, C) is the normal vector of the plane.
It can easily be computed with a cross product.
Now that we have the gradients, let's call them dz/dx (which is -A / C) and dz/dy (which is -B / C), we can easily compute z everywhere on the triangle.
We know the z value in all three vertex positions.
Let's call the one of the first vertex z0, and it's position coordinates (x0, y0). Then a generic z value of a point (x, y) can be computed as:"
z = z0 + dz/dx * (x - x0) + dz/dy * (y - y0)
This found the Z value correctly and fixed my code. The new zValueOfPoint method is:
private double zValueOfPoint(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector3D surfaceNormal = getNormal(triangle);
double A = surfaceNormal.x;
double B = surfaceNormal.y;
double C = surfaceNormal.z;
double dzdx = -A / C;
double dzdy = -B / C;
double rayZ = triangle.getV1().z * modelViewer.getModelScale() + dzdx * (rayOrigin.x - triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer).x) + dzdy * (rayOrigin.y - triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer).y);
return rayZ;
We can optimize this by only calculating most of it once, and then adding dz/dx to get the z value for the next pixel, or dz/dy for the pixel below (with the y-axis going down). This means that we cut down on calculations per polygon significantly.
this must be really slow
so much redundant computations per iteration/pixel just to iterate its coordinates. You should compute the 3 projected vertexes and iterate between them instead look here:
triangle/convex polygon rasterization
I dislike your zValueOfPoint function
can not find any use of x,y coordinates from the main loops in it so how it can compute the Z value correctly ?
Or it just computes the average Z value per whole triangle ? or am I missing something? (not a JAVA coder myself) in anyway it seems that this is your main problem.
if you Z-value is wrongly computed then Z-Buffer can not work properly. To test that look at the depth buffer as image after rendering if it is not shaded teapot but some incoherent or constant mess instead then it is clear ...
Z buffer implementation
That looks OK
You have too much times terms like x + getWidth()/2 why not compute them just once to some variable? I know modern compilers should do it anyway but the code would be also more readable and shorter... at least for me
For school, I have recently started creating my own raytracer. However, I've hit a snag with either computing the viewing rays, or checking for an intersection between a triangle and a ray. As far as I can tell, the computations seem to be executed correctly, as I place my camera in the origin and have it face the -z axis towards an object right in front of it, allowing for simple vector maths by hand. Everything seems to check out, but nothing gets painted on the screen.
I will post the code I am using the calculate the viewing rays.
public Ray generateRay(float nX, float nY , Point2f coordinates)
// Compute l, r, b and t.
Vector3f temp = VectorHelper.multiply(u, nX/2.0f);
float r = temp.x + Position.x;
temp = VectorHelper.multiply(u, -nX/2.0f);
float l = temp.x + Position.x;
temp = VectorHelper.multiply(v, nY/2.0f);
float t = temp.y + Position.y;
temp = VectorHelper.multiply(v, -nY/2.0f);
float b = temp.y + Position.y;
// Compute the u and v coordinates.
float uCo = (l + (r - l) * (coordinates.x + 0.5f)/nX);
float vCo = (b + (t - b) * (coordinates.y + 0.5f)/nY);
// Compute the ray's direction.
Vector3f rayDirection = VectorHelper.multiply(w, -FocalLength);
temp = VectorHelper.add(VectorHelper.multiply(u, uCo), VectorHelper.multiply(v, vCo));
rayDirection = VectorHelper.add(rayDirection, temp);
rayDirection = VectorHelper.add(rayDirection, Position);
rayDirection = VectorHelper.normalize(VectorHelper.add(rayDirection, temp));
// Create and return the ray.
return new Ray(Position, rayDirection);
The following code is what I use to calculate an intersection. It uses Cramer's Rule to solve the matrix equation.
public static Point3f rayTriangleIntersection(
Ray ray, Point3f vertexA, Point3f vertexB, Point3f vertexC)
// Solve the linear system formed by the ray and the parametric surface
// formed by the points of the triangle.
// | a d g | | B | | j |
// | b e h | * | Y | = | k |
// | c f i | * | t | = | l |
// The following uses Cramer's rule to that effect.
float a = vertexA.x - vertexB.x; float d = vertexA.x - vertexC.x; float g = ray.getDirection().x;
float b = vertexA.y - vertexB.y; float e = vertexA.y - vertexC.y; float h = ray.getDirection().y;
float c = vertexA.z - vertexB.z; float f = vertexA.z - vertexC.z; float i = ray.getDirection().z;
float j = vertexA.x - ray.getOrigin().x;
float k = vertexA.y - ray.getOrigin().y;
float l = vertexA.z - ray.getOrigin().z;
// Compute some subterms in advance.
float eihf = (e * i) - (h * f);
float gfdi = (g * f) - (d * i);
float dheg = (d * h) - (e * g);
float akjb = (a * k) - (j * b);
float jcal = (j * c) - (a * l);
float blkc = (b * l) - (k * c);
// Compute common division number.
float m = (a * eihf) + (b * gfdi) + (c * dheg);
// Compute unknown t and check whether the point is within the given
// depth interval.
float t = -((f * akjb) + (e * jcal) + (d * blkc)) / m;
if (t < 0)
return null;
// Compute unknown gamma and check whether the point intersects the
// triangle.
float gamma = ((i * akjb) + (h * jcal) + (g * blkc)) / m;
if (gamma < 0 || gamma > 1)
return null;
// Compute unknown beta and check whether the point intersects the
// triangle.
float beta = ((j * eihf) + (k * gfdi) + (l * dheg)) / m;
if (beta < 0 || beta > (1 - gamma))
return null;
// Else, compute the intersection point and return it.
Point3f result = new Point3f();
result.x = ray.getOrigin().x + t * ray.getDirection().x;
result.y = ray.getOrigin().y + t * ray.getDirection().y;
result.z = ray.getOrigin().z + t * ray.getDirection().z;
return result;
My question is rather simple. What am I doing wrong? I've looked and debugged this code to death and cannot single out the errors, google offers little more than the theory I already have in the book I am using. Also, the code is still rather rough as I'm just focusing on getting it to work before cleaning it up.
Thanks in advance,
Hard to say precisely what is going wrong. Especially since you aren't using descriptive variable names (what are nX, nY etc.??)
Here are some tips:
First make sure it's not a bug in your display code. Fake an intersection to prove that you get visible output when you hit something, e.g. make all rays in the bottom right of the screen hit an axis-aligned plane or something similar so that you can easily verify the co-ordinates
Try a ray/sphere intersection first. It's easier than a ray/triangle intersection.
Consider using vector/matrix operations rather than computing all the components by hand. It's too easy to make a mistake in many lines of jumbled letters.
If you have a scale problem (e.g. the object is too small) then double-check your conversions between world and screen co-ordinates. World co-ordinates will be in the range of small double numbers (0.2 ....5.0 for example) while screen co-ordinates should be pixel locations according to your view size (0 .. 1024 for example). You should be doing most of your maths in world co-ordinates, only converting from/to screen co-ordinates at the beginning and the end of your rendering code.
Step through the top level raytracing code in a debugger and make sure that you are producing rays in sensible directions for each screen co-ordinate(especially the corners of the screen)
Check that your camera direction is pointing towards the target object. It is quite an easy mistake to have it looking in exactly the opposite direction!
Example set-up that should work:
Camera position [0 0 4]
Object position [0 0 0]
Camera DIRECTION [0 0 -1] (note the minus if you want it to look towards the origin!)
UP vector [0 0.75 0]
RIGHT vector [+/-1 0 0]
Then your ray direction should be something like (for a pixel [screenX, screenY]):
ray = DIRECTION + (2*(screenX / screenWidth)-1)*RIGHT + (1-2*(screenY/screenHeight))*UP
ray = normalize(ray)