Repeated requests when I use struts2 to submit form - java

My project is build on struts2.Recently I found a problem that is when I submit my form,sometimes the request send 2 times.
my code:
document.searchForm.action = "${dynamicURL}/voucher/doAddIniAccountVoucherMake.action";
var para=$('#searchForm').serialize();
In the method of the action,I log the time and param in database.Actually ,the Repeated requests is bare,but it did happen.I want to konw the reason of this problem, because it will cause big problem in procudution enviroment.Someone can give any means?


akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException while running Lagom HelloWorld example

I have a problem while trying my hands on the Hello World example explained here.
Kindly note that I have just modified the file to be able to return something other than "Hello, World!". Most certain my changes are taking time and hence I am getting the below Timeout error.
I am currently trying (doing a PoC) on a single node to understand the Lagom framework and do not have liberty to deploy multiple nodes.
I have also tried modifying the default lagom.circuit-breaker in application.conf "call-timeout = 100s" however, this does not seem to have helped.
Following is the exact error message for your reference:
{"name":"akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://hello-impl-application/system/sharding/HelloEntity#1074448247]] after [5000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type \"com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.CommandEnvelope\".","detail":"akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://hello-impl-application/system/sharding/HelloEntity#1074448247]] after [5000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type \"com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.CommandEnvelope\".\n\tat akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$.$anonfun$defaultOnTimeout$1(AskSupport.scala:595)\n\tat akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$.$anonfun$apply$1(AskSupport.scala:605)\n\tat$$anon$\n\tat scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.unbatchedExecute(Future.scala:866)\n\tat scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor.execute(BatchingExecutor.scala:109)\n\tat scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor.execute$(BatchingExecutor.scala:103)\n\tat scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.execute(Future.scala:864)\n\tat$TaskHolder.executeTask(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:328)\n\tat$$anon$4.executeBucket$1(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:279)\n\tat$$anon$4.nextTick(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:283)\n\tat$$anon$\n\tat\n"}
Question: Is there a way to increase the akka Timeout by modifying the application.conf or any of the java source files in the Hello World project? Can you please help me with the exact details.
Thanks in advance for you time and help.
The call timeout is the timeout for circuit breakers, which is configured using But that's not what is timing out above, the thing that is timing out above is the request to your HelloEntity, that timeout is configured using lagom.persistence.ask-timeout. The reason why there's a timeout on requests to entities is because in a multi-node environment, your entities are sharded across nodes, so an ask on them may go to another node, which is why a timeout is needed in case that node is not responding.
All that said, I don't think changing the ask-timeout will solve your problem. If you have a single node, then your entities should respond instantly if everything is working ok.
Is that the only error you're seeing in the logs?
Are you seeing this in devmode (ie, using the runAll command), or are you running the Lagom service some other way?
Is your database responding?
Thanks James for the help/pointer.
Adding following lines to resources/application.conf did the trick for me:
hello {
call-timeout = 30s
A Call is a Service-to-Service communication. That’s a SeviceClient communicating to a remote server. It uses a circuit breaker. It is a extra-service call.
An ask (in the context of lagom.persistence) is sending a command to a persistent entity. That happens across the nodes insied your Lagom service. It is not using circuit breaking. It is an intra-service call.

How to get loading time of each component of a page from server side in cq5

How to get loading time of each component of a page in CQ5 from server side.
Here as per my implementation we are getting longest time taking to load page from request.log file. But i need to get each component loading time of page from server side.
I found this link but this will work from client side:
You have to include logger for every component tag class call and provide stopwatch for entry and exit of the call.
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classname.class);
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("new");
Once you included this in your tag class you could able to find the time taken for each component in a particular page.
You can use putty for accessing your server log.
Starting from version AEM 6.0, there is OOTB feature to measure rendering time for each component on a page.
It is accessible through TouchUI, Developer mode.
However, it won't work if AEM is installed with run mode 'nosamplecontent'.
You can use the RequestProgressTracker, as explained in the Sling documentation
It's obtainable from SlingHttpServletRequest#getRequestProgressTracker. In order to get the timing stats for your components, you can use a Servlet Filter to execute the code on every request.
Whenever the filter is called:
Get the RequestProgressTracker from the request object
Call getMessages to obtain an iterator over a collection of request progress messages for the current request
Analyze the messages to find the resource types and timing information. Unfortunately, every message is only available as a String so you'll need to parse it to get the data.
Let's have a look at some example messages from the docs:
The last message is the kind we're looking for:
The number 103 is the number of milliseconds the script took to execute. The value after the comma is the script. You can tailor a regular expression to extract both values from every such message.
One of the projects I recently worked on used this approach to report on component performance. We had a neat dashboard in NewRelic with live stats on every component we built.

HTML 5 Websocket and Java_Websocket by TooAllNate

I got a big problem with using the HTML5 websocket in combination with "java_websocket" by TooAllNate.
I use the standard functions of HTML5 websocket, but especially the onmessage() function makes me cry. My current problem is, that i only get message from the server directly after load the page, that means, if the page is running, for example for 2 min, and isnt reloaded, i cant receive any new messages.
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8887");
ws.onmessage = function(evt)
Is anyone there, who got the same Problem or can help me?
Best Regards

Measuring Task Queue Costs in Google App Engine

I am measuring the cost of requests to GAE by inspecting the x-appengine-estimated-cpm-us-dollars header. This works great and in combination with x-appengine-resource-usage and
x-traceurl I can even get more detailed information.
However, a large part of my application run in the context of task queues. Thus, a huge part of the instance hour costs are consumed by queues. Each time code is executed outside of a request its costs are not included in the x-appengine-estimated-cpm-us-dollars header.
I am looking for a way to measure the full costs consumed by each request. I.e. costs generated by the request itself and the cost of the tasks that have been added by this request.
It is an overkill. There is a tool you can download google app engine log and convert them to sqlite.
With this tool, cpm usd for both task request and normal request would be all downloaded together. You can store daily log into separate sqlite file and do as much analysis as you want.
In terms of relate the cost of task back to original request. The log data downloaded with this tool includes the full output of logging module.
So you can simply logging an generate id in the original request
pass the id to task.
logging the received id again in the task request.
find normal and task request pair via id.
for example:
# in org request
a_id = genereate_a_random_id() # the id will be included
taskqueue.add(url='/path_to_task', params={'id': a_id})
# in task request
a_id = self.request.get('id')
I think there is another possible way to estimate the cost of normal request + task request.
The trick is change the async task to sync (assume the cost would be the same).
I didn't try it but it is much easier to try.
# in org request, add a variable to identify debug
debug = self.request.get('DEBUG')
if debug:
Thus, while testing the normal request with DEBUG parameter. It will firstly process the normal request then return x-appengine-estimated-cpm-us-dollars for normal request. Later it will redirect your test client to the relative task request (task request could also be access and trigger via url client as normal request) and return x-appengine-estimated-cpm-us-dollars for task request. You can simply add them together to get the total cost.

How to submit request to server without needing response

Objective: generate excel report.
i call a controller(JAVA) after clicking submit button from UI. After that, i populate data using procedure and do manipulation in service layer.which takes a long time, due to which i get gateway timeout error on UI (there is some amount of load on server).
So, now i was planning to call controller from UI and tell the user that excel report will be emailed to you, such that user wont wait on that screen for report.
You can do asynchronous task using spring with #Async annotation. for more detail you can have a look section 25.5.2 in spring.
Once user submits request from UI, just make an entry in database from your controller and give message to user saying "We have received your request and excel will be emailed to you".
Now in background there is job which is running, you can write this job at server side using Thread or better use Spring Batch. This job will do following
1) This will be continuously running thread, which will check is there any new entry from UI in this table, by some flag or so you can find this.
2) This job will generate excel file and email to customer
3) Once file is emailed, update flag = false in database, so that next time this job will take only flag = false records for next time processing.
Create a java program that would populate your excel sheet and rest of the things. Then in your servlet use
Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(/*run your java program */);
this would create a parallel process and your servlet will end

