I'd like to add JLabels dynamically in a JPanel vertically like the image that I've attached. After loading all images, I need to select an image, then selected the image should appear in another JPanel. I am reading Images from an ArrayList which contains the paths.
I used Jpanel with GridLayout in a JScrollPane, but the result is not the same that I want.
This is the code that I've used to add Jlabels:
for(String file: files) {
JLabel JLabelPicture = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(file));
I used Jpanel with GridLayout in a JScrollPane, but the result is not the same that I want.
A GridLayout will allow you to display the components vertically. When you create your panel you just use:
JPanel imagePanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout(0, 1) );
This will resize all the images to the same size.
Another option is to use a vertical BoxLayout. In this case you can use:
Box imagePanel = Box.createVerticalBox();
In this case the images will retain their preferred size.
In both case you add to the panel to a scroll pane which is added to your frame:
frame.add( new JScrollPane( imagePanel ) );
Read the Swing tutorial on Layout Managers for more information and working examples of each layout.
after listing the images I need to select one of them,
Well where was that requirement in your original question. The complete requirement should be defined in the question so all the information is in one place for everybody to see.
So I would suggest you should be using a JList to display an Icon. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Lists for more information.
I am using JFrame which contains three sections. 1st section is Pane, which contains the 6 menu button (left side). 2nd section is also Pane, which displays the logo of the company on the top. The third section is DesktopPane in which I am using (calling) JInterenalFrame in the DesktopPane.
How to always show the JInterenalFrame content (form data) into the middle of DesktopPane?
Third section is DesktopPane in which I am using(calling) JInterenalFrame in the DesktopPane.
A JDesktopPane is used to display multiple JInternalFrames. A JInternalFrame can be dragged around the desktop pane.
From your picture it looks like you just have a single JPanel in that area. Therefore you should not be using JDesktopPanel and JInternalFrame.
Instead you just use a regular JPanel with a CardLayout. This you can replace each panel based on the selection from your menu on the left.
See How to Use CardLayout for more information.
Show the data into middle of the form
The easiest way to do this is to use a JPanel with a GridBagLayout.
So you need to wrap your current panel in a panel with the GridBagLayout.
So the basic code is:
JPanel welcomePanel. = new JPanel( new GridBagLayout() );
welcomePanel.add(currentPanel, new GridBagConstraints());
Now your "currentPanel" will be centered in the "welcomePanel", which has been added to your panel using the CardLayout.
Im new in Java Swing, and want to make my layout, but can't do this
Look Now :
Look I want :
Code Now :
JPanel MainPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
JLabel MoneyLabel = new JLabel(MoneyIcon);
MoneyLabel.setText("Money:" + CarMain.Money);
JLabel MoneyClicksLabel = new JLabel();
MoneyClicksLabel.setText("Money Clicks: " + CarMain.MoneyClicks);
JLabel BoxesLabel = new JLabel(BoxLv9_10Icon);
BoxesLabel.setText("Boxes: " + CarMain.Boxes);
JLabel BoxesClicksLabel = new JLabel();
BoxesClicksLabel.setText("Boxes Clicks: " + CarMain.BoxesClicks);
This is simple example of, what i want, becouse i'm building ingame shop, with 13 labels like these, in each tabbedpane window. How can i make it look, like in second picture, what I want?
Im new in Java Swing, and want to make my layout, but can't do this
Probably no single layout can suit everyone's needs. But combining several layouts can usually handle most scenarios.
From the image you showed in the question. There is no need to write your own layout. You can always use sub panels to hold your components and set a specific layout for each sub panel to handle what you need for those individual areas.
The reason for the alignment in your first attached image is because:
JPanel uses FlowLayout as its default layout. Hence all the components added will appear in a linear fashion and tries to fill up the row as much as possible the panel's width can hold. Once exceeded the panel's width, the components will be pushed to the next row.
If you want to achieve the alignment in the second attached image:
You may create a main panel to contain several sub-panels (see image below).
The red box is your main panel and you may continue to use the default FlowLayout.
Then add your components into sub-panels (orange boxes) before adding it to the main. You may then use BoxLayout, FlowLayout or even GridBagLayout for the sub panels (orange boxes).
Artis Uljanovs, at night after work i will give a look at this to help you.
I recommend you already to read the following: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/visual.html
You need some foundations on Java Layouts.
I recently have a requirement to display a word file within a JFrame. With this link I was able to achieve what I want (Open MS documents into JFrame). What i need is to display a word file and a pdf file side by side within a JFrame.
In the link mentioned above, the word file was displayed in a JFrame via a Canvas from SWT.
I would like to know:
Whether it is possible to add two canvases to a single JFrame.
If not, is it possible to display a word document or a PDF file in a JPanel (since I know that adding two panels to a frame is possible)?
In the example you linked the canvas is added directly to the content pane of the JFrame. What you need to do is to insert a JPanel with a Layout to the JFrame first, and after that add one or many Canvas objects to the layout. A trivial example with the default layout FlowLayout is below, feel free to modify it to use a different layout manager or add a JScrollPane or JSplitPane depending on the layout you want.
JPanel panel = new JPanel(); //Default layout manager is FlowLayout
//You could change the layout here with panel.setLayout(new ..Layout);
Here is a useful link to layout managers. Look for example into BorderLayout if you wish to add menus etc. to your frame.
It just involves a JFrame and a JComboBox object.
I want to have a JComboBox aligned onto the center of a frame and it must not stretch to fill the entire width.
If I directly add it onto the frame, it will expand and stretch. I think I need to add it to a panel and add that panel to the frame. But how should I add it to that panel?
If I use flow layout for the panel and add the JComboBox, it will appear to the top of the frame and not center. :(
You can use a GridBagLayout:
JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(...);
frame.setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
frame.add(comboBox, new GridBagConstraints());
For my Java program I am actually using the simple library TableLayout as layout for my main JPanel body so that I can add any widget just by specifying its row and column index, for example"
body.add(new JLabel(
"Search by date"),
Now I would need to add two JScrollPane (one horizontal and one vertical) but they should include all the body and not just a single cell of the layout. Shall I add another JPanel? How can I do it?
Now I would need to add two JScrollPane (one horizontal and one
vertical) but they should include all the body and not just a single
cell of the layout. Shall I add another JPanel?
IMO, yes you should. Nesting Layouts is a common approach that could be applied in this way:
Create a new JScrollPane and set your panel as its viewport view.
Give the scroll pane a reasonable preferred size to enable the scroll bars if your panel's size exceeds this preferred size.
Have a wrapper panel with BorderLayout and add the scroll pane to its CENTER location.
In a nutshell:
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(yourPanel);
scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
JPanel wrapperPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
See also:
How to Use Scroll Panes